Why are some of you attracted to asians?

Why are some of you attracted to asians?

I just dont understand why you would ignore a white woman who can give you kids who look like you....but no for some reason you'd rather go with some gook and create a bunch of mini Elliot Rodgers

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id rather take the gook without make over this monster that already has makeup on.

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white children are spoiled little shits who deserve to get slapped

I don't think Asian women are any more virtuous than white or any other type of female

I just don't think white women are pretty
Whitewashed non-whites just seem so much sexier

>b-but white women just want money and status!!!


The average white woman looks like this. The average american white woman weighs 166.2 pounds. They age poorly, they are overweight on average, and the only attractive ones are models or actors. When you walk around in real life, attractive white girls don't really exist. They have manly jaws more than half the time. Their looks depreciate exponentially every year past 25.

Attached: damond2.png (860x484, 510K)

But asian women are 2x worse than white women when it comes to your finances/job.

If you think white women are materialistic...lmao Asians make them look like Monks.


What experience do you have dating asian women? Did she spend all your money? If you don't have any and you're just talking out your ass then you're a massive retard.

The one on the left doesn't even look that bad
I don't like the plastic surgery shit they have over there

Why can't I find a nice wholesome Asian American girl who doesn't want to leave their house?

>pussy tighter than a small boys ass hole
>view white people as movie stars
>short, feminine
>if you are over 160 lbs you are Hercules (fit)
>Asian men are soyboys with tiny cocks
>you are the BBC for Asian girls
>sex on demand
>finally desired

what the fuck are you even saying retard

Asian women, at least westernized ones, are just as bad as, if not worse than, white women.

Of course this stupid retard didn't reply to me lmao

Elliot Rodgers is a mix of Jewish and SEAnigger you fucking idiot

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Their features are nice.
They have smaller chests, longer hair, many dress modestly.

I'm a massive gynophiliac, i am attracted to femininity in physical attribudes.

Just so happens asian women are the most feminine, nothing more.

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White women
>Believe that is empowerment to kill babies
>Believe that they are victims of a patriarchal hegemony
>Undermined the institution of marriage
>Fucks Tyrone
Asian QTS
>Believe the sanctity of marriage
>Not indoctrinated into Feminism
>Traditional values
Fuck off OP you can have whats left of white women. The rest of us will focus on getting civilized Asian QTS

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>Believe the sanctity of marriage
>Not indoctrinated into Feminism
>Traditional values
Got facts to back that shit up?

I don't get it, not him but people claim asian women are materialistic and will run your wallet dry yet are completely silent if you ask them for their personal experience with that, or "evidence" to back it up. He's obviously getting that because feminism is such a prevalent trend. Look on any college campus, look at those slut walks. Look at who is pushing leftism.

le cretura

Yeah, here is tracking women and marriage from the 1970s to the present.(Asian are included too but western Asians are the same as whites) Sources are on bottom left

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You may as well as why someone likes blondes, or girls with big tits, or tall girls. People have different tastes and are unlikely to be able to give a truely satisfactory answer as to exactly why. There's nothing wrong with having a type.

>Traditional values

man no one here never dated an asian women for a while. I can tell you about those coming to the us to study and living there after. They cook ok. Expect them to expect you pay for both, they will spend their money on what they want. You pay for dinner. Most do nothing cleaning wise and leave shit everywhere. No laundry either. You will have to wash the dishes after the cooking, the fun part. You will be expected to drive them around, accompany to appointments. Often shitty sex, as their original traditional values forbidden talking about sex or masturbating. You are expected to save your money, not them. They will stay the whole weekend on their phone in the bed if they can. Their life runs on their phone. Expect weird sounds during sex, can be a turn on, depending.

He's not lying. However, it comes down to a difference in tradition. We see making an income and spending an income to be the responsibility of the breadwinner. It's the man's jurisdiction in a traditional household. That isn't the case for most Asian tradition. They see making income to be the responsibility of the man, but spending income is considered the realm of the household. The woman is the one in charge of spending, saving, and keeping track of income in most of Asia. The man makes the money, but the woman is the one who will determine how it is spent. They considering the spending and saving part to be a household affair.

This can come off extremely weird to a white man seeking a traditional relationship. It can be quite the shocker.

Shut the fuck up retard, your one, two, three experiences don't fucking matter because anyone can follow it up with something completely different. Holy shit people who think all people of a race are the same are mind numbingly stupid.
>They cook ok.
wrong from my experience
> Expect them to expect you pay for both, they will spend their money on what they want. You pay for dinner.
They are down to split the bill
>You pay for dinner. Most do nothing cleaning wise and leave shit everywhere. No laundry either. You will have to wash the dishes after the cooking, the fun part.
Wrong, their dorm rooms are so neat and tidy while white girls are fucking disgusting and lazy as shit when it comes to cleaning
>Often shitty sex
Wrong, so wrong.
> You are expected to save your money, not them.
I've never been controlled by anyone, stop being such a pussy.
>Their life runs on their phone
half truth, it still depends on the girl

>man no one here never dated an asian women for a while.
You must be stupid along with being illiterate. What do you think when a site has hundreds of millions of people, that you won't get people from all walks of life?

I only date asian women specifically because I know a few white women who get all bent out of shape because of it.

White women are such brats honestly.

>>pussy tighter than a small boys ass hole

Attached: 46873132.jpg (1280x850, 763K)

The worst types of Asian women are from hong kong and singapore. Their greedy and materialistic attitudes are insane

Meditterrean women>asians aliens

but elliot rodgers only killed 3 gooks

true i'm from Greece and holy fucking shit

>all people of a race are the same
mad and triggered like every beta. the thread is about generalization. still I don't see where I state All asians are the same. it's ok you disagree. you don't have to be angry at anything, take your meds, relax and you'll be fine bro. you will be able to read and understand again.

I love their flat faces, little noises, chubby cheeks and single eyelids.

I find it ridiculously attractive.

don't forget the broken teethes, missing ass and hips

A bit like this?

Attached: bz34.jpg (960x960, 70K)

>tfw you don't have a mixed Asian girl

I think mixed girls are the most beautiful things on this planet and superior to all other races. Been obsessed with her for a while now, shes sweet, innocent, sensual, she'll never know how much I love her.

Attached: adlove.jpg (750x1332, 207K)

>broken teethes
More like kitty qt fangs

>missing ass
Stick > thick m8. Get ur lard asses outa here.

>and hips
You tend to have smaller hips when you are not fat.

I'm just astounded at your stupidity. Ignorance and faulty logic is a shameful thing, not something to be proud of and disregard. If I used my limited experience to claim to know how girls of a whole race work somewhere online and looked back on it 5 years later I'd feel stupid and embarrassed.
>still I don't see where I state All asians are the same
Are you stupid nigger? That's like me claiming all white women cheat on 2 experiences then saying, "oh but not all." What was the point of that long drawn out post then, it's either 90% of asian women behave this way or they have diverse personalities. You had a point to prove, what's the point you're making if asian women don't fall under your rules. Use logic, stupid.

That would count yes.

Bit ideally the single eyelids are more attractive to em then double.

She is alright but are you even sure that she's asian? It looks more like makeup to me than anything

She looks like she could be from Peru

She's half black and half Vietnamese she has makeup on but you can tell by the shape of her eyes that she's somewhat Asian. I've talked with her on several occasions and I have little reason to believe that she's not what she says she is.

Attached: adlove2.png (360x640, 357K)

i have nothing to add on to this thread but i wanted to post this image. asians can glo up pretty nicely

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I'm one of the few who find the pic on the left preferable to the one on the right

Maybe because the one on the left looks more like a real person

That might be it
On the other hand, the left pic is still cute to me

cosplay girls in general just tend to look fake-y, in or out of costume, imo

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Right is so creepy/weird though. I'm sure plenty prefer the left

Im a fan of the AESTHETIC

>Single eyelids
>Chubby cheeks
>Flat face


> why you would ignore a white woman
> you
> ignore
Low quality bait, you normalfag. Go back to Jow Forums9k.

The appeal in asians isn't that they're attractive. It's that they're more submissive. White women are too far gone thanks to feminism. If you want to reproduce and have a child with values, you need an asian unless you get lucky.

>Asian men are soyboys with tiny cocks
>you are the BBC for Asian girls

He's so deluded and insecure he actually believes this

>The appeal in asians isn't that they're attractive
Maybe for you m8 but Asians much easier to be cute then white woman.

Cutness is #1 at making my dick hard.

Elliot Rodger was a fucking loser because of his personality. Also his dad was a kike, not a white. Nothing will stop me fucking any girl I want. All I need is an Asian to have fucked a girl from every continent

Nah it's because they're more attractive
And I don't even like the super feminine ones
The ones without makeup that grew up here are my preference over anything

To me The left is cuter than any white woman
Idk why
Just is

Pretty sure in many asian countries, not all, the average penis size is about an inch shorter. How much that inch matters is entirely your perception though.

I'm talking to an Asian girl atm who loathes Asian boys for being small and weak. She never brings up little cocks but she avoids talking about lewd except about me but if I mention it she always laughs. She says she refuses to date an Asian and they're unattractive

>She says she refuses to date an Asian and they're unattractive

This might come back to haunt her if she has half asian children who end up looking asian anyways

It's why hapa boys who look Asian grow up to be so fucked up. They are raised by mothers that hate them just because they are alive.

>don't take our women goyi---whitey!
>implying the one on the left isnt more attractive

Attached: this is kinda unhealthy.jpg (208x243, 14K)

they meme'd those women because of anime. They're retards.