Why are liberals so evil?

Why are liberals so evil?

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They can get away with it because the media ALWAYS gives them a pass.

Forgive them, righteousness is its own reward and hatred its own punishment

>Makes autistic tweet like this
>thinks other people need to get a grip

Liberals are the good guys in life. Cope harder.

Now lets imagine the same post in 2010
>I got excited when I heard there was a fire at the White House while also hoping there were no injuries. So what. I am human. These #OBummer supporters need to get a grip. I am less excited now, but still glad. Hoping there is major damage.
How fast would that guys career be ruined by the (((media)))

You know damn well that's not true, look beyond the most superficial of surfaces and you will see liberalism for what it is, selfish, hateful, and dangerous. A bunch of communist sympathizers who masquerade as moderates while attacking the building blocks of civilization and the values of the nations they inhabit.

you're the type of nigga to support feudalism

And you also have to imagine that a completely innocent person died in the fire. Someone who doesn't even have anything to do with Obama besides being in the building at that time.

Liberals are educated, worldly and just more fun to be around. Conservacucks frankly are afraid of everything and everyone. According to them everyone is a villain, everyone is trying to destroy their way of life at all times. What a sad way of life.


you're either a pathetic white guy unironically typing that or you're an actual nigger; either way, kys

I don't know I hate being around them. Bunch of jackasses. Remind me of bullies from high school and have boring interests.

>Conservatives think everyone is a villain
>Meanwhile the liberals are literally cheering on the fire and hoping people die in it.
Really gives the noggin a joggin

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100% true, Notice majority of people who Claim to music and serve those on the site have either jumped on a bandwagon or Southern Hicks who claim to hate any girl that isn't a blonde Virgin . You think you're enlightened than reality You are all followers

Definitely not, i don't believe in feudalism or dictators in general.
You cope with the fact that the people around you find you annoying by pretending that you are educated, worldly and fun to be around. In reality the few friends you have are extremely shallow and would probably leave you forever if you said something they found offensive. No sense of loyalty or honor among your folk.

Liberals think one guy, Donald Butthole Trump, is an asshole, which he is. Meanwhile, conservatives hate everyone: blacks, latinos, indians, chinese, gays, trannies, people who are too short, people who are too tall, mexicans, europeans, the wrong christian denomination, jews, muslims. I'm sure you can add to the list.


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>the absolute state of "educated" liberals
try taking an English class and come back.

Everyone is a villain, and the fire is good.

What the hell? Are you hanging around Hitler or something? Jow Forums doesn't count as they are just a collection of retards and autists. Most conservatives do hate mexicans, but thats because they do illegal shit all the time and are a general nuisance.

So are you trying to say that you shitheads AREN'T actively trying to sink this society and all our values? Because you all pretty much explicitly state that in your politics at every opportunity. I'm happy you didn't like the conservatives you've known. I get along with everyone but I really dislike libshits and their attitude/mentality. It's hard to put up with them and pretend to like them. I think they're scum, the lot of them. And uneducated dogmatic idiots.

You DON'don't have any values other than intolerance and hatred.

Nice b8 m8. In all seriousness though, shut the fuck up. I am a far-right conservative, Armalite and all, and I have gay friends, multiple asian friends, and desperately want to fuck a trap. I am atheist, yet a good friend of mine is a jew. I don't like catholics so I will give you that though.

hell no, bro tier
hell no also bro tier
>people who are too short
wut? of course not
>people who are too tall
see above
nope just illegal immigrants
>the wrong christian denomination
only one you were right about, Islamophobic af.

All liberals are secretly marxists that are aiming to destroy all that is good in white society

You don't have values period, its why you can stomach supporting liberal parties.

Hello, I am the poster right above you. Asians are hella bro tier my dude

it's a pure coincidence i'm sure

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OYY VEYYY A FIRE. I hope that goy bought his fire insurance from Schlomo Shekelbergstein. I remeber when my 600 trillion aunts and uncles were burned alive in the fires of Aushwitz, Drumpf better have good lawyers.

Liberals give me gibs, I hate their social views but at least I get my gibs. That's all that matters to me

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Correct. Liberals can pretend any other minority is their own personal pet but when they try to say they have a monopoly on liking Asians i get legitimately mad.

I have values, they involve people, while you hide behind things: flags, trucks, rifles, and crosses. You are weak minded people who are easily led around with symbols.

>intolerance and hatred
Liberals are ironically the most intolerant and hateful assholes around. And complete retards, buffoons who can't communicate properly or think critically. Just brainwashed, dogmatic parrots. Literal rednecks are actually better people than college-educated libtard commufucks. At least rednecks are genuine, they have better character than you lot. I'd rather hang around a drunk bucktoothed hillbilly than one of you prancing cocksmokers any day, any time.

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meanwhile trump literally bragged about his building even though a person died in the fire

Every time what the fuck... every time without fail.

Asians don't really seem to have a set political party. Sorry to stereotype, but most Latinos and blacks are liberal, while asians don't tend to have a set side. A half Chinese friend of mine is fairly centrist, though somewhat right leaning, honestly he is a serious bro. Would have been fucked in hs if not for him; not because he was really smart or anything, but because he was really good at getting other people's answers on shit

>ITT: retards and queers
"Liberal" and "conservative" are non-existent political camps that shit each other up for control. All politicians are dangerous and all politicians are shit. American democracy is a joke.

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I don't see anything remotely evil in that tweet. He hopes the corrupted establishment elites get what's coming to them, but doesn't hope for any serious injury/death on them.

YOU are the evil ones, Jow Forums. You've always been.

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At least you're honest. Like i said liberalism is selfish at best, i wont hate you for looking out in your best interest. I hope one day you or society will become successful enough where you wont need to sacrifice any values in the name of gibs.
You fight for yourself and you know it. You use minorities and disadvantaged groups as an excuse to be selfish. Symbols mean something, i would rather suffer for a symbol than live comfortably for myself.

You guys would be happy if Hillary's house burnt down, stop acting holier than thou.

They're only evil in a Jew's eyes. What a coincidence, he's a Jew.

>a residential building in a crowded city
>an isolated private residence
Not exactly the same thing.

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>he says while posting ancap shit
come on now.
are you secretly implying that an ancap society would be any better?

Maybe during the campaign, why would I care now? She's not any threat.

social media posters are just retarded tbqh

Symbols mean something, i would rather suffer for a symbol than live comfortably for myself.

This is why you drag society down. You see suffering as noble, which is idiotic. People like you don't belong in civilization.

I actually hope she lives for decades more, embarrassing other liberals wherever she goes.

Our government officials are social media posters...

>expecting any moral fiber out of the human garbage that mold their life around hating other people

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Liberals are a part for women.

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suffering is not inherently noble, but to be noble you must suffer. To improve you must suffer, to succeed you must suffer, and to be charitable you must suffer. You view suffering as not worth its fruit, you drag society down. People like you cant comprehend sacrifice.
also learn to greentext newfag i know you off fresh of the boat from reddit but come on.

You've never met a single person in your entire life by the looks of it

Fuck off with your nigger-speak. You are just made you can't bypass the filter which was created on here to prevent nigger-speak.

Yes, because deep down inside all I want are automatic weapons and for freeloaders to fuck off and die.

Sometimes I desu you baka nigga

Jews are racial example of the feminine impulse, it IS the Jews for the same reason it IS women, you fucking retard.

Who are you talking to m8? Think you got the wrong bloke. I hate nigger speak too.

Are you talking about the Jews?

>Muh Juice
That Jow Forums meme needs to die. Funny how ironic Hitler memes created a generation of Jewspiracy faggots.

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i know this is shitty bait but the irony is palpable. Jow Forums pretty much spends all day hoping for rapes and murders to happen in europe by muslims and blacks to promote their agenda, but will turn heel at the drop of a hat and act holier than thou and politically correct when someone left wing makes a slightly offensive post on twitter. thats just a pathetically dishonest way to conduct yourself.

All he is saying is that he wishes the building was damaged. Who cares?

As if boot licking hypocritical conservatives are any worse than boot licking hypocritical liberals.

Yes. Every liberal on the planet met in secret and chanted to Satan for hellfire to rain down on Trump tower and then proceeded to cackle as they flew away on their witch brooms as their dark mystic prayers were answered.

No argument here.

Jow Forums is social media. Case in point.
Jow Forums isn't evil either, try again.

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Jews use feminine subversion which is targeted at females and children and prevents them from growing up and brings out the worst in them.

Im not saying females are perfect, but to say Jews havent had any influence in their behavior and its expression is a lie and only something a shill would push.
Most women don't have agency, and we shouldn't judge them as if they had any.

The Jews are pandering to the women's emotions you retard. It's a symbiotic relationship. Women are the fuel for the parties and policies. It's still the people selling these parties' fault all the same.

>but to say Jews havent had any influence in their behavior and its expression is a lie
It's the "Jews control everything" argument again. It is no different than faggots blaming evil white men for all of the world's problems.

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Better than your complete non-argument.

Let's say you're a vegan and hate the meat industry. It's equally the fault of producers and consumers. You can blame both KFC and the fatasses who buy the product. Similarly you can blame both the Jews in charge and the females and soys who eat up their product.

>Jow Forums isn't evil either, try again.

you're genuinely brain-damaged my friend

Took way too long guys

>Jow Forums pretty much spends all day hoping for rapes and murders to happen in europe by muslims and blacks to promote their agenda
We don't have to hope for that, senpai.

>I'm glad the building got caught on fire even though somebody died in it, because TRUMP owns the building!


butterball turkey

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You do realize there's no "pure" jew left in America? They all intermingled with whites, dumbfuck

Trump is literally Jewish and you voted for him

never forget that

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Every liberal i have met works a service industry job and is gay as fuck to be around. They just talk about stupid shit like fortnite, weed, and twitter.

Every conservative i know has a good job or is in training for a good job and usaully talks alot about sports, hobbies, their long time gf, and money.

Liberals are also pussies and wont help when shit goes down.

The right has its nutjobs too


case in point. now you see why its hypocritical for these same anons to throw a hissyfit because colbert said something mean on his show and petition for him to be censored.

I have a white friend therefore I do not hate whites, and this would remain the case if I had masked anti-white opinons.

Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr

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>Liberals are also pussies and wont help when shit goes down.

lmao you're living in a perpetual hyper vigilant state. That's a symptom of emotional dysregulation. Get treated before you go on some kind of spree.

>blame guns instead of the shooter
>blame business instead of Jewish usury and nepotism
>blame the workers instead of the lack of opportunities
>etc etc
Jew's greatest trick is to turn us against our own shit. They first ruin women and men, and then make them hate each other and the very concept of marriage. Same as they make us hate all of our other institutions.

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When i mean shit goes down i dont mean on a global scale. I mean if iam at the bar and some dude slaps my girls ass and i get in his face my conservative friends will be there backing me incase his friends jump in. While my liberal friends will be trying to find a way out.

The colbert reporting was a troll on the left you fuck tard. No one actaully gave a shit he made a gay joke. They were just showing the liberals how retarded all their reporting and virtue signaling is.

>Women think of this stuff by themselves more than being influenced by anti-Christian things being forced upon everyone

Liberals are just as evil as any other group that takes an extreme political stance. The problem is they're hypocrites about it.

Claiming moral high ground while having less morals than the people the criticize

It's not really evil to hope that terrible human beings are punished.

you can find stupid evil tweets from every self described whatever. liberal, conservative, centrist, it doesn't matter. its meaningless. theres a % of people that are just sociopaths and want other people to suffer instead of other people to prosper. thats how life is.

All I got form this was, liberals push for insurance for all but don't know what it is.

Liberals parade themselves as intellectuals and try to dictate programs and taxes on other people.
They don't contribute to these things or worry about the consequences. It's all about doing it and taking credit for their need to feel influential.

>Liberals are educated
In what? Nothing that matters, that's what.

>Conservacucks frankly are afraid of everything and everyone.
Understanding and calling out what you see without fear of social ridicule is not being afraid.

Not that I'm a liberal nor a conservative. Both have their points; however, the left has gone insane. It's a radical group at this point.

Originalathon this

Well said

>we took on tens of thousands of dollars in debt for our m*rxist indoctrination, therefore we are educated

fucking kys

This is why I didn't care when that fit bitch Heather Hyer died or when those Antifa got stabbed by neo nazi's, this is what happens when you advocate political violence.