Are the jews really a menace

Or is it just Jow Forums memes? I can say that my only experience with Jews hasn't been positive, but I'm working with too small a sample size to as a rule decide that most Jews are shit.

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Its all pol. You can't claim racial superiority AND victimization by one of the groups you hate and say is interior to yours. As with almost all groups identified by faith, the more devout and well read the jew, the more chill.

>the more devout and well read the jew, the more chill.

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love that image. use it often

Jews arw kinda interesting, and that's coming from a Catholic. I wish Jow Forums would villainize Muslims more.

Being a robot is a consequence of jewish subversion over society, especially when it comes to nuclear family; can't you fucking see that?

>cuts off baby dicks
yeah Jews rock!

I never understood this fixation with them. I never even knew this conspiracy was a thing before coming here


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The thing is that back when people didn't have such hygiene standards and people died to minor diseases and inflammations, circumcision was a good thing. The worst thing is, that they still follow rules that were written thounsands of years back and are not viable these days. It all comes back to religion and the Americans for being stupid fucking idiots.

We have a containment breach. Someone please do something.

seek truth , and you will not fail
also if pic related , the jews need not do a thing if you're hooked on hash
enjoy it , but know you will need to put it down in the future

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>circumcision was ever a good thing
Hey rabbi!

If they're a menace, with such a small number, they must be the true master-race. Just destroyed Jow Forums.

Cutting it off back then prevented health issues. Didn't you read what I wrote?

They invented that no fun allowed abrahamic shit that infected whites, hell yes they are.

Yup, it sure did Mr. Rabbi! That's why every culture around the world has practiced circumcision since the beginning of time. And of course these (((health benefits)) are extremely well documented. I love Jews!

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Simply conspiracy lies perpetuated by Mormons

It was also done by the Egyptians but hey, I guess google searching is too much for ya.

>was done by two cultures that were nearby and interacted often

So this... is the power.... of ZOG...

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Catholics are the reason people don't believe the Truth. If you care about your soul stop following manmade traditions.

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Shoo shoo jew

Jews are scourge of the earth, too many in high power that influence the west toward degeneracy. Luckily muslims still stand up to the hook nosed bastards but Christians have become their bitches

Ignore Jow Forums. Oldfag here, and Stormfags have been trying to use the internet to recruit and push their bullshit failed ideology since all the way back to bbs days. The difference is that people were smart enough to laugh at them back then. Now people have started to humor them, bringing even more of them to this site. They are pure cancer and the ones who should really be gassed.

Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks.

A lower-IQ, less successful group blaming a higher IQ, more successful group for their failures

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this board is filled with hillary voters. who would have thought