Just bought rape drugs

>just bought rape drugs

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Overdose on them and kill yourself.

And you're posting this here why? Are you going to rape someone with them? You're a disgusting subhuman piece of shit either way, I agree with

where do you live user
im assuming you bought them to use on women?

if your standards aren't that high im down to have my life ruined

Enjoy prison/death user

t. women
truly pathetic

>use rape drugs on yourself at the bar
>wake up perfectly unharmed because no one wants to fug you
Life is suffering

answer me you motherfucker originallio

I would like it if redditors left

I would like it if edgy teenagers left.

don't forget to record it all, user

Very niiiiice user.

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how new do you have to be to complain about rape on cuckchan i bet you also complain when someone says nigger

pleaseeeee please please i want someone to give me a reason for being fucked up in the head

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what type? i'd probably just do them myself as i find them fun, even if i blackout. usually i try and leave myself little memories for the morning.

Fuck you, roastie. You deserve to be raped and you know it.

i detest the normie influx so fucking much

jesus anyone that gets triggered by the mention of rape on Jow Forums needs to take buckshot to the skull

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Just tell us if it was worth it afterwards
Remember to use a condom

be sure to check your tail-lights each time before you drive; one of those is out and state security forces may just take the opportunity to pull you over and peek through your vehicle. or do ya reckon you can just refuse consent of a search practicably?

anyway i'd prefer the actively violent to swing from trees by default for a mild reform of the gene pool and enhanced tranquility for the rest of us, but it ain't up to any of us in the Underclass either.

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Take them all and kill yourself or get raped yourself faggot.

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The incel redditors are the retards who are paying these threads in the first place.

Get off my fucking board you worthless niggers.

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don't rape. it's not cool.

where and what did you get

for some reason, this links to this and not OP
hiroshimoot what the fuck is going on

i want to kill reddit tbhfam

Wrong, it's very cool. Why do you think women buy 50 shades of grey

take it and have a good nights rest okay
I'm half way joking, use them for what you want
but seriously, you could have a really good sleep with them you know

dont listen to all these people telling you not to op, sure you will mildly inconvenience some one else but at least you wont be a virgin anymore so it cancelles out

>The absolute fucking STATE of nu/r9k/

Honestly, when did this board become /soc/ 2.0? Who is directing these obvious flaming normalfags to come here and why are they staying and not going away? Did we not post enough gore or something?

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