Still up? Need a (You) and human interaction. Get your ass in here! I'll respond to everyone as long as you post a picture of some sort. We can talk about anything. How your week's been, what's been going on in your life, some interesting media you enjoyed, what you had to eat today, etc.
Still up? Need a (You) and human interaction...
Kill yourself, i feel like shit and you should too, retard.
Im sad because Im in love with a character from a movie that nobodies seen, and my friends wont watch it with me.
I want my friends to meet him and to know why I love him so much, but Im stuck being the singular fan of this movie.
fuck you you piece of shit
also, lately ive been taking up philosophy and im pretty glad i finally found something to be passionate about and works my brain better than the bullshit videogames i've been messing around with for years. oh yeahhhhhhhh
None of my threads have gotten many replies today, do you want to hear about how to balance the Pokemon type chart with new types?
If it makes you feel better I feel like shit, but it's more half and half/bittersweet. I just started a shitty wagecuck job washing dishes, but I've been unemployed for 5 months, so it'll be nice to have money to buy shit and pay back my mom of a bunch of money I owe her.
Anyway, why do you feel like shit? You could try doing something productive like the dishes or taking a shower or maybe work out for self improvement, endorphins, and being better looking.
F-fuk u 2
Well, it's good you found something that interests and even incites passion in you. Care to share something you've learned that is a distilled gem of what you've learned?
>can't get replies on /vp/ without indulging in stupid arguments
>dead threads take hours to be archived
I hope I never go there agian
What's the movie, fgt?
I haven't taken a shower in months, why the fuck would i? i don't even go outside anymore, each day i feel worse, yesterday i didn't sleep at all.
See, faggot. Now I'm sure your exaggerating your situation because I guess it feels good in some weird way to imagine yourself like that. Post proof that you haven't showered in months you emo bitch. But hey, whether it's true or not, it's ultimately your choice and responsibility to take steps in not just improving your life situation, but just merely doing something positive, however small.
How the fuck would i post proof about not showering in months? want to see all my dick cheese? i'm covered in fucking dirt so it just looks like i'm darker.
Gave up after 83 applications. Waiting to die.
>tfw feeling ok
>helped mum in the kitchen a bit from time to time throughout last week
>need to hit the books/lecture audio and start studying for exams
Only have 2 coming up so that's tolerable.
>tfw listening to vid related
Anyone know any books or anything to get into motorcycles and motorcycle basics? Especially for people who know next to nothing about motorcycles or cars for that matter?
Also, What's up, OP. How ya doing?
Capture The Flag
Doin' aight. Physically sore from my first day at my wagecuckery. Am pretty comfy though relaxing with youtube in the background. Gonna make coffee soon and will wake up to downloaded Family Guy and The Walking Pleb. Also gonna try out the first Warhammer Vermintide game, as well as continue my first playthrough of Bully.
>Family Goy
alright, do you really enjoy it?
watched a few episodes, but it seems so superficial and lame.
what do you work as?
I just want a friend to cuddle with and watch anime with and play vidya together. Not anything sexual, just someone who has similar interests and likes to hang out and forget about the world. I know you cant give me that but it would be nice to get a (You)
It's moderately entertaining enough to watch, but I do agree that it's superficial and lame. Depends on if you're willing to turn your brain off and buy into the retarded bullshit it's going for. Also, I'm a dishwasher.
>not sexual
C'mon, yo. It doesn't work that way, at least not in the long term. What anime and vidya do you like?
>its a Best Girl dump
Yeah my nigga yeah
Come on gimme does (you)s baka ass faggot I hate my life and I'm so sexually frustrated god damn
Not really a dump, just felt like having a posting theme. But yeah, I concur.
How are (you)s suppose to help me?
Here ya go. Why not beat off?
Sure i would like to have a sexual partner, but what I mean is that for now I just want to at least know what its like to have a bf to hold me tight an spend time together.
if the only reasons i live is for different forms of escapism than why dont i actually leave and escape
If you had something more productive or meaningful to say, I could have offered my genuine thoughts and you might have a meaningful social interaction, which might make you better doing so again in the future, and maybe even in real life.
Oh, also I like Love Live and mostly watch cgdct and moe anime, and I like comfy games like minecraft and shit where you can just do whatever for hours
I don't even know how to say something productive or meaningful. I am beyond helping
I'd do it if you were a biological female, but I'm sure I'm below your standards.
Because existence is so utterly beautiful, and deep down it is nice to feel warmth, enjoy food and water, have a nice sleep, and yes, enjoy escapism.
Or maybe you're just a lazy faggot that needs to be pushed into motion.
How's your life going? Any romantic interests? What do you go to school for or do for a living? What are some vidya, anime, TV shows, or movies you've particularly enjoyed lately? What do/did you think of The Shape of Water?
Could be better, could be worse, its just that everything feels so repetitive. I've been wanting to make animu art, issue is that I have shite motivation, therefore I rarely practice.
Things have been like this since high school, I was the "underachieving overachiever" if that makes sense. I never picked up hobbies besides vidya since being academic was the only thing I felt good at
It's going poorly
I work a wagie office job
I haven't enjoyed anything lately
I didn't see it
Im sure youre not below my standards. You must be very kind for making this thread and i bet youre a cutie pie !
Shit, man. Just go for it. If not, it's okay to not like it as much as you think you should; I feel like if you never started you were never really that interested to begin with. Even my lazy, fuckwit, former long term NEET ass has hobbies that I've achieved greatness at.
You miserable, autistic fuck.
I might still surprise you, for better or worse. If you're a biological female, then post your skype.
>If you're a biological female
sorry user, just a sissy white boy
An accurate description of me. Would you say suicide is a good idea? I've researched a few methods that seem pretty solid.
no, because there's still hope that you'll mature into someone who isn't such an unresponsive, closed off shit.
hi op how are u Im drunk
Y-you dirty shit
I'm not closed of or unresponsive. I legitimately have nothing in my life
I already answered that question: I'm doing okay. I wanted to get drunk to celebrate my new wagecuck job, but decided against it since alcohol is bad for my health and looks. Still kinda want to do it though.
im sorry user i didnt mean to make you think i was a girl. I just want a bf is all.
I should be asleep because I have to wake up in a few hours but I feel scared. I keep reflecting on the past few years and the future and how I don't want to deal with any of it. Every time I try for a friend or human interaction it falls through. I can't keep people around for long. I'm afraid of everything outside of my room. I feel content just keeping to myself and enjoying my hobbies but I can't live like that. I want to feel another person.
My school schedule is so fucking easy yet I still always feel like shit because I always know there's something that has to be done at some point. So I haven't felt to great because of that. Ive just been hanging around watching movies and shit. Just watched wake in fright. It was pretty good and been watching old cartoons as usual. I wish I didn't always ALWAYS procrastinate on shit I have to do. I wish so fucking bad I could be one of those hyper motivated people. Thanks for reading my blog.
Congrats on the new job. I never had a wagecuck job besides working for my fathers factory
Sorry, guys, but this'll be my last post. I'm wiped out from being a wagecuck, and I didn't make coffee like I said.
Sorry, bro, but you sound kinda needy and maybe people can sense that. IDK what advice I can give you, aside from bee yurself and improve yourself however ways you can..
I'm high and most people I meet online anonymously just insult me... The only people who treat me with any decently want to get in my pants, so I can never really believe they mean any of their compliments...
Dude it must be nice having people wanting to sleep with you. I don't even get that
hey user. I enjoy this music video. sad and great, its where my pic is from.
It should be a big compliment, but honestly, I just end up feeling so disgusted at myself that I start to think less of people who tell me they like me. How shitty is that? That I'd dislike someone who finding me cute or something. Fuck, I'm ranting. Whatever, I know nobody gives a shit.
aaaaand forgot the picture
That's really strange. How does a man get people finding them cute? So you like it when people insult you?
I'm trans. And no, I don't like it. I'm just fucked in the head like every transgirl is, you know? I just find myself so repulsive that I tell myself every insult is someone telling the truth, and that compliments are all just lies coming from people trying to be nice to me and not hurt my feelings.
Ayee Phil major here
I want to hear everything on your mind
>The only people who treat me with any decently want to get in my pants
Why do you assume people being nice to you just want to fuck you? People can like you without that you know.
I know they can. My depression just uses it as a bullshit excuse to strip legitimacy from their compliments, while also insulting them and pushing them away from me...
>animation: speedosausage
I knew I thought that style looked familiar.
Hey hello! How are you! Did you finish that thing you wanted? I myself had some problems here at home, but things at least seem to be looking up.
>I just find myself so repulsive that I tell myself every insult is someone telling the truth, and that compliments are all just lies coming from people trying to be nice to me and not hurt my feelings.
I mean I think the same thing about compliments and insults and I'm not a transgirl. It sounds more like low self-esteem than any kind of being "fucked in the head"
Ah sorry. Forgot the picture.
Thanks... I guess I consider it just one part of my problems that make up my mind.
yup, it's the cutest thing he's ever made
>Kill yourself, i feel like shit and you should too, retard
What is your discord?
i'm considering just not sleeping at this point. it's 1 and i gotta be up at 5. should i just say fuck it, or get what little sleep i can?
It's tough user. I know it's hard to accept what other say when you're own mind if shouting things so loud and I'm sure you're trying your best even if you don't think you are. Next time someone is kind to you try and shout down your knee-jerk reaction and try and choose to believe what they say instead of what your mind is interpreting it as. It's not easy, but things can get better user.
The last 2 times I did weed I felt like my voice, my movement and my gestures were not really mine and they were forced and unnatural. This got me thinking how could I get so high with so little pot because the sensation felt so exaggerated. After that I got hooked up on an idea and I just could not act normally and could not talk to the people there in like 2 hours. Then I got a mild tachycardia and a feeling of uneasiness because the effect would not wear off. All of that while being hyper aware of my environment and every word and gesture of the rest of the people.
I did not want to talk about what I was going through with anyone because many of them were also high and if I told them they would think I was being dramatic (this is a key word while I was high, I felt everything I could do would come off as dramatic so I did not do absolutely anything for those 2 or 3 hours).
I tried acid once 2 years ago and I had a similar effect, I got caught up on a loop inside my mind and felt detached from my body and was not able to talk for a couple of hours. I just laughed exaggeratedly at things because they were silly, while feeling like everyone around was judging me.
Maybe I am not made for drugs? I think I if I tried similar or the same drugs but in higher doses I would end up killing myself because the kind of anxiety I experienced in this highs is almost unbearable.
Needed to vent somewhere without feeling like I am seeking attention.
I will beat off but you and I both know its not the same
>there's a girl at work and her smell, the odor of her perfume and lotion and natural scent is addictive
>I can't recreate that smell mentally I need to be around it
I've been fluctuating between hope, and sadness all night long. FML.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Hi Pearl.
I watched Ready Player One last week. Normally I'm pretty discerning with what I watch and pretend to be above Marvel movies and Transformers and shit, but I think I'm at this point in my life that I just wanted to be happy for 2 hours. Spielberg really knows how to make me feel young again and I genuinely, unironically liked Ready Player One. I rewatched it again yesterday.
I feel like my life should be going alright on paper, Pearl. I hit the gym every day and I have a real job with benefits. I feel like an unlikeable, awkward asshole who always has to do the work of reaching out to everyone to set up stuff.
My break ended yesterday and I have class in 5 hours, which is 30 mins away
My calc prof was pregnant the whole semester and just left on leave two days before break started
A new teacher took over the next day and she is an old fat cunt with an excruciatingly thick Spanish accent making it incredibly difficult to learn anything she is teaching
She changed all of the rules, one of which was to drop the lowest test grade which in my case was a 0 because I didnt take the only test we have had because I was so unprepared for it
Also homework was optional the entire semester so I didnt do any but the first day the new teacher showed up she demanded every homework for the entire semester be due the day I come back for break, which I did none of
Also a major test is next week and when she gave us a review period for it there was a fuck ton that wasnt taught by our old teacher
She said that we should learn from the homeworks
I need to get a C or above in this class and Im a brainlet when it comes to math, plus all the other bullshit that is now in front of me
My brain literally rejects absorbing the information, it is a sponge when it comes to subjects like literature and world history but is like a fucking brick when it comes to calculus bullshit
Parents are paying over a thousand dollars for me to be suffering through this absolute nightmare of a class and i wont be able to transfer into a college if my grade is shit in this class, which it will be
I want to be a neet a dont want to look this evil bitch in the eye in 5 hours
I want to give up
dumb avatarfag, at least pick someone good like Osaka
I have no (you)'s and I must post.
Take what you can get user. I'm pulling an all nighter and if i can get in at least an hour I'll take it. If I can't seperate the days with sleep, any small amount will do, I'll spend the rest of the day feeling incredibly fucked.
But maybe your different, i dont know, do what you thinks best, and good luck outt there
user if your new teacher radically changed the syllabus, you should be able to put in a complaint. I've had that happen to me, one teacher dropped out due to health issues and a new one came in who was a super big dick- fortunately I passed with an A still, but I was within my rights to challenge my grade because the dude totally changed the syllabus, and he still dude it up until the week before finals. Also I am the same way- I'm good at history and literature but terrible at math. Remember the words of John Cena: Never Give Up.
My problems are that I want to put out a new album, and I'm like 95% done, but I'm just too lazy to do overdubs of percussion on like 2 tracks. Idk why.
Also, I really feel like I want a gf. But I have no clue how to get one or even meet people.
>this conversation
every post that didnt have a (you) now does.
except for this one i guess
Here you go, friend.
(This is an original comment, algorithm-chan)