Please don't delete this, I'm desperate. Would anybody from Wichita, Kansas, be willing to meet up with me (if you know my history, you know what the complications would be). Please, I'm so lonely and I feel like dying.
Contact: [email protected]
Name: Kaya ----
If you want to see me/ know more, email me and I'll try to respond quickly but I go to school.
This is not a trap and what I'm looking for is a teen age student who likes drugs and who I can introduce to my parents nonchalantly. Please help, Wichbots.
Please don't delete this, I'm desperate. Would anybody from Wichita, Kansas...
UPDATE: Email is "[email protected]".
Seek Christ, Go to church.
You need to be 18+ to ORIGINALLY post here
Oh, this kid is back.
Guess I'll watch this trainwreck of a threat until it 404's and OP is underageb&. If one of you orbiter faggots makes a screencap, feel free to throw me into it.
Show us your tits or gtfo roastie
Please just fucking leave you attention seeking whore, I'm sick and tired of girls coming here to build a little community of orbiters around themselves. Just fuck off already, the only reason anyone cares at all about you is because they're so desperate to get some female attention.
Fucking leave already.
>Wichita, KS
Another opportunity I'm gonna let slip by me.
is 34 too old? :3
I feel like this is your fault for living somewhere awful like Kansas
jeeez dude just like make friends at school lmao
>meet up
fuck off to /soc/
I fucking hate you sunny you fucking whore, honestly just fuck off and die you do nothing for society and your only use is to be a whore online cause no one loves you just fuck off.
I'm not looking for attention. I want a boyfriend to care for and cuddle. Is that so much to ask? I don't know where to ask because I spend all my time here.
I can't, they're all awful. One boy told me "Damn girl, I'd put a baby in you" today.
Have you tried watching diary of a wimpy kid it's the best fucking movie ever and if you don't like it then you deserve to die, btw why don't you just kill yourself instead of making someone go to jail for killing a child
>I don't know where to ask
Add me Lost#2786
I'm just shocked to read my city here. Don't really know you.
I cant wait to see how many replies this gets considering it isnt sunny.
who likes drugs and who I can introduce to my parents nonchalantly
that should have clued you in it isnt her, but i look forward to reading the replies regardless.
Begone thot
I live in Kansas too. Just dont feel like emailing.
Imagine already having your nudes leaked at 14 LMAO what a skank.
this is actually an FBI drug sting like 12 levels deep
we'll learn about some LSD dealer in KS arrested tomorrow
>I'm not looking for attention. I want a boyfriend to care for and cuddle. Is that so much to ask? I don't know where to ask because I spend all my time here.
Yes it is. People on the internet will just take advantage of your desperation. If you want a healthy and loving relationship, go and talk to people irl.
>I can't, they're all awful. One boy told me "Damn girl, I'd put a baby in you" today.
You're talking to the wrong people.
I wish, it's just a robot larping though.
yeah ill meet up with you op
but if we do, im bringing a gun and i am going to shoot you, going to be up front about that
im not joking either, i will fucking kill you for attention whoring on r9k
how in the fuck is this thread still up
I live in KC is that good enough?
Add me PhyRaX#5568 bin auch deutscher
>Nice try FBI
Fuck off to Backpage
>ITT anons try to secure Chicken Parmesan
>Originality Is For Normies
>Wichita, Kansas
this is a trap, there's a serial killer in wichita that lures men and brutally kills them, don't fall for this
it's another disgusting beta orbiter and attention whore roast with newfag jannies and pedophile mods episode
My parents are drug addicts themselves.Hey, I thought Tourettes was good.
I can't, they're all black.
Nah, it's me. Pic related.
I think it has to be Wichita for close relationships. I'm so sorry.
Oh, sorry, I messed up the time without my glasses.
hi i got out of sheep like a week ago
if u wanna talk im down
this isnt sunny. michael has her trip code. Jow Forums symbol on tummy or fuck off thot
I emailed you, why won't you respond?
Don't become addicted to benzos, do opiates.
That time is wrong, bitch.
psychs > stims (functionally) > opiates >>>>>> stims (like 4 day binges) > benzos imo
It says Sunny and today's date so it must be real!!
>there's a serial killer in wichita that lures men and brutally kills them
opiates > stims > psychs >>>>> sober >>>>> benzos
you don't think anybody would just go on the internet and post something fake and gay do you
Op's baiting idiot
Hi sunny do you still have lemonheads left?
You can look up the trip in the archive, newfag.
togtfo. You know the rules.
I'll be with you
>Inb4 I'm
6'0" and 180lbs
Got my own car too and daddys money
You're going to be such a whore someday.
Hope the next ban is permanent. Fuck off, OP.
DUDELMAO == opiates > benzos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sober > psych/s
just go fuck mantras
Which email? I don't check very often.
Oh, yeah. You don't have to be weird about it, thanks for the Christmas gift. :>
>Which email? I don't check very often.
What? The one you posted obviously
with prove its sunny you tard. face and tum
>is a tard
No, that's a bannable offense, user.
Don't know if this is a larper or if you really went postal.
But if it's the latter, this thread is a really terrible idea and you should probably get professional help.
Or alternatively, just add people on discord if you really wanna do this, but actually trying to meet up with mentally unstable basement dwellers in real life is just a shitty plan, especially if you're an underage girl.
If you want any more attention just lift up your shirt already, it's not that difficult
Slaves, please.
I don't care if I get raped. It's still a connection,
>be murika
>get locked up for endangering a minor just by trying to meet up knowingly with one
>tum is bannable
holy fuck, its her. no one else is this retarded. i thought you od'ed on etizo a while back.
also just post tum, your nudes are leaked anyway
Why did she even do nudes at 14? That's a very sad thing for some one as young as her.
What do her nudes look like?
Threads like these arent worthy of screencapping
horny and manipluated by michael (mantras) into being his personal sex slave. she sent so many nudes to him
If they're leaked, post them. This is not a legitimate request for child pornography just calling somebody out.
>I don't care if I get raped. It's still a connection,
Use tinder and meet Chad. You're hot as fuck. You can do as many as you want.
You dont think its funny I told you about all this and it happened?
No thanks, if I wanted to listen to a heroin addict complain about life Id visit the local homeless shelter.
>post cp
nice try Mr.FBI
even im not that retarded
Kaya, I love you. Please take care of yourself.
Not sure who Michael is but did he go to jail or anything for having nudes of a minor?
I love you, too. More than you can imagine.
Fuck, I can't believe I used to orbit this whore.
nah, his mom is a laywer (state judge) and sunny wont turn on him, even tho he said he would drive down and rape her
Alright, I'm stopping all Michael conversation in this thread. Bye, friends.
She's still sending them every day.
The Basement loves you kaya, stay safe space man
He said he won't rape her if she tells the police.
>his mom is a laywer (state judge)
that's very important information to know, thanks user.
This is not a connection, it's just being used.
I know you're lonely, but this isn't the answer and it'll just make you feel worse.
bullshit, she needs to get laid, look at how horny she is. she needs to get it out of her system
wish i had a body like that desu. i weigh 90 more pounds than you, but im also 4 inches taller you fucking manlet
YOU stop conversations with him, fucking dumb teenager, can't you understand he will just move to another younger victim
Where did he say this?
>say you're lonely
>people offer to play videogames with you
>wonder why you're still lonely
his full doxx is out there already. ask people in the discord server sheep village for it, its common info
And I wanted to tattoo a flaming skull on my forehead when I was her age, but I'm glad I didn't.
kek, nice try socc
no doomfist for you
back to you're shitty scrapper
there is a server with LITERAL proof of a 26 yo men threatening a teen with rape
who wants to team up and report this retarded roastt to the fbi
cp distribution boiiiis
She wants to fuck, not play your virgin videos
Getting off isn't the same as getting a tattoo
atleast you have real friends like mantras and ciara, fuck slaves for trying to help lul
He says 6 foot but still looks like a midget.