Why do "nice guys" have to be lying dickheads? Why can't they be honest and actually caring like most normal men?
Why do "nice guys" have to be lying dickheads? Why can't they be honest and actually caring like most normal men?
Nice guys are stifled in this area because they have dysfunctional families, single mothers who are strict as hell or way too sheltering who scare their boys into not having sex and to treat girls like princesses. There are other factors but this dysfunction causes serious cognate dissonance: They have been taught to be nice and hardworking to girls to win the affection and get the sex. The goal isn't just sex, it's all of it, it's the relationship and love from the girl they are attracted to.
Unfortunately for the 'nice guy' they are deeply self-unaware. If they're ugly they don't really know it and if they're involved in a qlique of other betas who are ugly then they're totally unaware of their terrible social skills because they think their jokes between them are funny. Normal people have much better social skills and are much better at articulating genuinely funny jokes, these beta 'nice guys' just aren't aware of this yet until they get rejected as hard as that guy did in your cartoon.
redddut gtfo
I'm not reading that lmoa
Who else here /lazy/? If a long post isn't in greentext form there's about a 0.0000001% chance I'll read it.
We have this thread every day, roastie.
Not reading all that shit
Blah blah original
>posting a long ass paragraph that can basically be summed down to "lol riding chads dick is exciting so whatever you offer is irrelevant"
get the fuck out roastie
The real question is, why do women bother speaking to men when the only reason for a man to ever speak to a woman is for sex?
The entire thing is based off the assumption that they never tried. The reality is that they tried at first, but, either due to social ostracism or bullying, were actively discouraged from socially interacting with people. Their parents and adults near them never bothered to care enough about their social life, so further and further they descended till they became the cowards of social interaction, of intimacy, of trust, and of love.
Normals love to forget this part. That people are shaped into being this from a young age rather then being born like this. They love to forget it, because it allows them to dehumanize.
>why do nice guys have to be lying dickheads
Because they are not composed of promiscuity, but their lesser status soon indicates their unsuccessful capabilities, towards obtaining a female. In this, they will tend to lash out in their failure, towards either a friend, or the female themselves. This further stifles the social status of the "nice guy", alienating them from the Victorian tradition of revering the same woman throughout their life. While others, around the "nice guy" cannot seem to understand his motives, one can soon see that their condition is entirely based upon their inferiority.
However, this situation is not so simple, and varies from person to person.
They also leave out how the guys generally get their label from others who genuinely believe they're nice. It's not the case that they're egotistical jackasses who just started calling themselves 'nice guys', sure maybe a few, but I'm certain the majority were only taking others' word for it. Normies, particularly girls, gave them positive feedback for doing what normies/girls wanted them to do or making them happy. But when they try to get what they personally want, it's a bust. And if they get on the normies/girls bad side, they're suddenly not so nice anymore, now they're """""nice""""". It's that easy for the meek sheep to be rewritten as wolves in disguise.
Probably because "nice guy" is usually assumed to be that by definition. It works with most negative stereotype. "Nice guy" is left poorly defined and will be shifted in definition to meet whatever needs to be proven. Seeing how it already has a negative connotation, showing that it has any other negative connotation is trivial.
I'm getting tired of people abusing the shit out of logic. Most of what people say is just an expansion on a poorly defined idea.
>Proof that x = 2
>2(x-2) = 2(y-2)
>oh wait y = 2
>therefore x = 2
The Legendary ending
That's just a bad stereotype. "Nice guys" are pretty much the same as regular guys. At the end of the day, all guys want to get into the woman's pants. But since the woman has no desire to go to bed with the "nice guy," she demonizes him for the same actions that she allows to bypass from the more attractive guys.
>women caring about anything other than what makes their hole moist or what they can spend with other people's money
You're a funny guy
top fucking kek
Reminds me of a quote from some Italian poet I forgot the name that went sort of like
>A woman may try to transform an asshole into a nice man, that might happen. A woman may transform an nice man into an asshole, that will always succeed.
How the fuck do I fix this when I was made like this? How the fuck do I undo decades of fuckery?
But i'm shy.
I can see girls like me but i freeze
this comic XFD
>he was sitting on one of the benches, looking lonely.
followed by
>while these shitheads were getting outside and into the sun, making mistakes and experiencing the wonders of youth,
>the only thing that your introversion says to me is that you are trying to appear timid, shy and misunderstood.
she approached him because he was physically attractive. not because he was "looking lonely"
rationalize all you want, roastie bitch.
Girl in this comic is a huge asshole. Since when was such harsh unprompted chastisement an acceptable thing to do to a "friend"?
I'm the pathetic "I'll be nice to you, just please don't bully me" nice guy.
I find that insecurity either makes people complete asshats or complete pushovers.
robros how the FUCK do we fix this???
>bro it's all in your head, the world isn't that bad
yes that's definitely true but you can't deny that moments like the one OP posted don't happen either.
>dysfunction family
>single mother
>too sheltered
fuck man. I always preach that r9k like to exaggerate and take things out of proportion, but sometimes you cannot deny the harsh reality. Any intellectuals out here that can help??
Blame the cunts who came before you who all wanted the "nice guy", so they molded their sons into them.
>'oh hey, let's check out how dumb this thread i-'
well fuck..