What would happen if I, a huwhite boi, walked through my local ghetto?

What would happen if I, a huwhite boi, walked through my local ghetto?

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Probably nothing? You'd be walking through an economically depressed shithole where most kids have poor role models and parents with low educational attainment, so you might get robbed and beaten if you did it at night on a weekend.

>Property Values would immediately double.
>MUH Gentrification!

Nothing you fucking pussy faggot
I hate niggers but they won't do shit if you're not a twig carrying expensive stuff

depends on a lot of factors.

time of day, do you look like a cop, they'd probably think you are either a cop, or looking to buy drugs, or lost.

if you look lost and weak and its night time, then you got problems

I want to nightwalk through a ghetto. Anyone else ?

You would be persecuted as a potential trump supporter

>>MUH Gentrification

When white people leave a neighborhood, it's called 'white flight' and it's bad. When white people move into a neighborhood, it's called 'gentrification' and it's bad. Because no matter what white people do, someone has a vested interest in labeling it as racist.

>white people are so scared of poor areas that they have to make threads on Jow Forums about it

Depends on the ghetto. If it's a real ghetto, there is a substantial chance you will be harassed or robbed, or attacked. I live on the South Side of Chicago and it's known by everybody that you don't go into the "real" ghetto. For example, in the few times I've had to go there, cabs and Ubers have refused to take me, or (more often) they agreed to take me but refused to wait for me or pick me back up.

Even in the "safe" areas you still watch your back and try to travel in groups, because Diverse Youths from the real ghetto will wander over and prey on people who look rich and stupid. I've been robbed twice in the safe areas, once at 7:30PM and another time at 8PM, in normal areas with people around, not down some spooky alley. It's luck of the draw.

Go five blocks South though and it's a nightmare. I would NEVER go there at night. People die there semi-frequently. Online reviews for all the restaurants openly say "there are bullet holes in all the walls/windows of the McDonalds" or you'll see news reports of drive-bys at Pizza Hut accidentally killing two six year old girls etc.

You might get out okay if you got lucky, but the thing with the ghetto is it's full of young unemployed blacks hanging out bored as fuck and looking for trouble. They're specifically looking to annoy and harass people. In summer when the heat becomes unbearable, crime in all surrounding areas goes up, because they get tired of sitting around and start going on away missions like in Star Trek, to rob and assault people. Last year they climbed into five or six first-story apartments through windows and beat the fuck out of people.

I did once with a friend when I was in high school. It's actually pretty scary. He grew up in those types of areas so seeing the way that he walked around super cautiously, peeking around corners before walking, knowing which streets to take, etc was a little scary as a middle classed white boi.

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this. most of the time you'd probably be fine, just keep in mind to never relax around blacks.

Sounds thrilling though

Just make sure to travel with your local right-wing death squad.

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i unironically live in a objectively bad part of new york city. it has not gentrified yet. i am white but so poor i can't afford to live anywhere else while i do graduate school

literally nothing bad will happen to you. i am white as hell and i have walked extensively at night, on weekends, through various parts of this place. the only people who even acknowledge your presence are dudes panhandling outside of bodegas, and none of them give a shit if you don't give them money. the best self-defense is just looking like you know where you're going

as far as i can determine most of the violence in my neighborhood comes from people who know each other and have some reason to want to fight the other person. nobody in my area has any money or anything worth robbing on the street, if someone here wanted to mug people they would be wise to pick a part of town where everybody isn't poor as shit.

everybody tries to sell me weed though, that's the main thing. i would never actually do it but i think it's nice that they ask.

Never understood why whites love parroting this meme so much, the cool edgy hip insider information meme about how the ghetto is actually not that dangerous and "all cities are dangerous maaaan you just gotta have your wits about you, I travel in the ghetto all the time heh, all that ever happens to me is some cool bohemian shit!"

Inner city blacks in many places are fucking awful and will swarm you with 5 guys and humiliate you and aim guns they barely know how to use at your face so that they can steal your $140 phone. Spreading misinformation might get some dumbshit autist killed.

White hipsters who want to seem both cool and anti-racist, and not uncool tryhard carebear anti-racist, are the worst culprits for this. They'll give you all the content of apologising for black on white crime but pretend that's not what they're doing.

white guy here who lives in a ghetto. It is rapidly gentrifying but ive never once had a problem. People get shot around me all the time but it is always gang on gang violence.

do what i do.

tell them to move to Evanston, and give them directions to the Gold Coast, and the North Shore

If you see guys panhandling, then it isn't that bad of a ghetto. The bad ones have large packs of ferals out on their stoops looking for prey.

I have nothing to contribute, but thankyou OP for my new wallpaper.

It's comfy but I'm from the hood so it feels normal to me.

if you're white and ever get into a melanin enriched situation just act crazy, or speak with a slavic accent. niggers know not to fuck with slavs.

don't carry yourself like a weakling or talk to any of the local wildlife and you'll be fine

I regularly roll down one of the most dangerous streets in America with the top down on my convertible bimmer.

It's a shortcut to work for me

Nothing bad has happened yet.

I drive the speed limit during the day because most of the locals are inside or at work(?)

At night I tend to do 1.5x to 2x the limit because shit does go down.

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Yeah the biggest skatepark where I'm from they did a drive by on it.

If you carry there's nothing to worry about. They all do anyway.

Where I'm from you don't leave the block! My oldest friend had his face mutilated by a fellow Mexican when he got robbed. Local middle school 2 blocks away some kid stabbed another kid in the head and killed him!

I am strongly considering it. I own several guns but I can't carry at work and since my car is a soft-top it would be easy to steal the gun (assuming I left it in the car) and I don't want to arm some criminal asshole through my negligence.