Think you have a great guy friend

>think you have a great guy friend
>reveales he just wanted to fuck your pussy
this is the worst sort of betrayal, should you even bother making friends with men?

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You should be onto these tricks by now you retarded whore.

no you should just kill yourself for making this thread dumb slut

Men give each other brojobs all the time, why do women think they're exempt from the sexual-bonding that men engage in with friendship?

>difficulty making any female friends
>they all think i'm trying to fuck their pussy
>tfw just want a female friend

>think that i have a great potential girlfriend
>reveals that she just wanted to be my """""""""""""friend""""""""""".

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beautiful bait

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>implying women have any other redeeming qualities

>wah couldnt get myself another emptional tampon beta!
lol btfo

Sorry ur a pussy user...

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Literally and incredibly originally pic related.

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I mean
Just this
There's no reason to for us interact with females past being acquaintances if you aren't gonna fuck them

If your first instinct of this guy is to make him the grand example of all men, then yeah, you probably shouldn't. We don't need presumptuous bitches in our lives, and you don't need to be paranoid about every sweet gesture actually being for your cunt.

Now fuck off.

>this is the worst sort of betrayal
No, being friendzoned is the worst betrayal.

>should you even bother making friends with men?

No, you should not. This is just reality. Anybody who befriends the opposite sex is lying to themselves, gay, or simply low test (but also lying to themselves.)

The operative word is the word "just" here

oh no someone likes me enough to want to have sex with me this is awful

friendzoned? really? YOU'RE the ones who pretend to be MY friend, you cowardly weasels. you "friendzone" yourselves

That pic speaks so much truth to me. Women never know anything about anything important. They exist in their own shallow little hugbox of emotions, fleeing from anything that doesn't conform to their naive views. I could get a more rewarding bond from a dog, but I am cursed with the vagina cravings, like most men.

Men and women can't be friends

lmao what do you have to seriously offer to him aside from your pussy?
you probably don't even share the same interests as him.

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>tfw this thread is just making it harder for me to ever have a female friend

I don't know about that
But I have struggled to find any women who gives a fuck about shit I care about so
There's no reason to be friends with a female who you don't share many interests with if you aren't trying to also fuck them

why don't you just be his gf you cold hearted bitch

Having a female friend is impossible man. Women will never want a plantonic friendship with a man. She'll always be considering you a potential romantic partner and judging you as one, keeping you around if you have a potential to gain more value that she can take from you at a future date.

I've had a female friend for 3 years with 0 sexual tension. Its possible but, men are naturally attracted to women and it can be hard for some to overcome that behavior.

That just seems unnatural
Unless she's not your best friend

He doesn't "just" want to fuck you dumbass. He likes you AND wants to fuck you. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, in fact they often overlap and feed back into each other. Being attracted to someone isn't a betrayal and not something a person should have to apologize for unless they're already in a relationship with someone else.

yeah and i should cheat on him too, right? no problem because deceiving others is perfectly okay!

Was it hard telling your parents you're gay? Or are you a low test beta who is living a lie?

Thank you for your projection user.
t. multiple female friends without sexual tension

no the hard part in having platonic female friends was getting past the age of 18. you'll figure it out one day, maybe.

maybe he was just to shy to tell you how he felt

He let you know how he felt, how exactly is that pretending anything? People don't generally starting date people who they only just met and don't know if they enhoy their company. There's a period of gettong to know each other first, you know like you do a friend. You're just trying to place blame becuase if he's somehow at fault you don't have to feel guilty about rejecting a guy who you obviously like in some capacity.

No projection here. Women are repulsed by me cause they see me a poor romantic prospect, so they don't even want to be friends.

pretending to be my friend when you have no interest in being my friend is the very definition of betrayal. stop making excuses for playing with others' emotions. if you love me so much, why would you hurt me like this?

You're being a bit dramatic here. You've learned that guys want to fuck no matter what, now understand that not knowing this made you incredibly naive before. It's not a betrayal, it just the way things are.

thats literally what you're projecting in the previous post user. you said having a female friend is impossible, man. no, you just think it's impossible for you, man.

What level of friendship do you have with her?
More acquaintance or bff?

its even worse when they initiate the friendship and state thats all they really wanted

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Did he explicitly say he wants to fuck you or did he just say he wants to date you? If not then why are you overreacting about it, the guy probably feels just as betrayed as you are, sure he should have from the start explained his intentions, but you both are hurt by not knowing what each other wanted.

I'm not him but are you about to do something like
>does she have a bf
after user responds then call him a beta cuck orbiter?

>get to know someone without the pressure of dating
>find out you work well together, want to take it to the next lvl
Just be honest, if he was chad and your friend youd be all over that dick, even if chad acted in the exzactly same way.

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SeeThere's a reason the word friend is in the phrases girlfriend and boyfreind. They aren't purely sexual realtionships. The fact he ultimately wants more from you than you do from him doesn't mean anyone was pretending anything. You spent time together, got along, and that made him feel like you might be receptive. It's highly unlikely it was some sort of fucking long con where he's silently cursing every moment spent with you becuase he secretly finds you disgusting as a person and is just trying to get his dick wet.

Look maybe it's possible if you two hit it off right away but then why the fuck is she unfuckable?

Okay maybe I was projecting. But I don't "think" it's impossible for me I know it is.

Ah yes. Women. We have dismissed that meme.

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>The worst difficulty women experience is too many guys wanting to fuck them
Shedding a tear for you right now

It truly is the most horrible thing to happen to a human being in all of history.

I'm gay want to be friends?

>Just be honest, if he was chad and your friend youd be all over that dick, even if chad acted in the exzactly same way.
I've never seen a woman actually disagree with this lol

My gf and I have a roommate/best friend that always complains about guys wanting more than friendship. They're usually betas and thirsty soyboys too.

They always come on too strong. Ironically they could eventually bang her/gf her if they just slow the fuck down and be friends with her for like 6 months or whatever. But theyre always hitting on her ASAP which turns her off.

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>Ironically they could eventually bang her/gf her if they just slow the fuck down and be friends with her for like 6 months or whatever.
Fucking bait, no relationships start this way outside of movies

I've only known one female in my life that I had regular interaction with that I cared about her after a month
She was the only female I've met who gave a fuck about sports
It's not that I treat women poorly it's that I don't share anything with them

>how dares this disgusting beta desire my body?!
If he was a chad, you'd already ride his dick. Fuck off.

Mine did but I already knew the girl from years ago and was pretty upfront about being into her when we reconnected. I just didn't press it once it was out there and liked hanging out with her enough to stick around for a bit. Was kind of like tentatively dating without calling it such. She was just slow to warm up to me in the same way. She gave me just enough that I didn't think I was futilely orbiting. A touch here and there, initiating contact when we hadn't talked in a few days, cuddling close when watching a movie, flirty texts, compliments, and that sort if thing.

>meet girl
>develop friendship with her, she's cool
>after getting to know her, start to realize that she's actually really beautiful, don't know how I missed it
>ask her out
>she says no, is polite enough in turning me down
>figure sure, whatever, not that big a deal, go on with life
>I still think she's a cool person, am perfectly fine still just being friends
>she starts to get distant
>she tells me she feels like I was only friends with her because I was trying to get with her
>I tell her no, that's not it
>she tells me she thinks the only reason I'm still friends with her is because she thinks I'm hoping she'll change her mind
>I tell her no, that seems dumb, I wouldn't do that
>she tells she wants to stop being friends
>I say sure, whatever then
>never speak to each other again

Kinda bums me out cause she was a good friend but it also seems kinda arrogant anyway.

>think you have a great guy friend
>guy friend
Out of my board you dumb roast

I know there's about 4% probability you're actually a woman, but if you are... Listen, when it comes to young people, it is very rare for it to be a real friendship between a man and a woman. One will want more than a friendship while the other one just wants to be friends. That's how it is.

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She is a little full of herself. Also good way to deflect it in the future is to say you're not interested in her that way anymore because you're dating other girls. Shuts them right up.

>why the fuck is she unfuckable
she's not, we just don't want to fuck each other. i know this is a difficult concept for many anons but it can happen.

That just seems like a waste tbqph

>Meet girl online
>We have a lot in common but live like 2 hours from one another
>Take turns driving to see each other every week for 4 months.
>Have a lot of sex
>Meet each other's families. (Hell we fucked on the dock of her grandfather's lakehouse under the moon.)
>Have some emotional moments because she has issues with depression.
>All of the sudden she gets distant
>Eventually tells me that she thinks I'm an amazing guy and can see why another girl would be attracted to me but she isnt.
>Try to understand what she's saying but her actions and her words are opposites.
>She insists on ending the relationship despite trying to convince her otherwise.
>Her profile is back up on the dating website, and I watch her facebook every day to see the new guys she adds.
The worst part is not understanding. For around 3 months I was on top of the world, and it all came tumbling down for seemingly no reason, or at least not one she's willing to admit to me. I feel thoroughly defeated.

I can't help but think it was because I'm not really an attractive guy, and she's basically in another league to me. But then again it's not like we weren't physical... I wish I could just set this straight in my mind.

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Give me her address, I want to beat the shit out of her

You were just another dick to her dude. This is why women cant really be lonely, no matter how autist they are. You were me right now, no matter how loving she seemed

for you, my original user.

Well why wouldn't you try to get with her seeing that she would be a viable partner?
I just don't understand

Maybe it's because I've only had like only 3 friends in my entire life and all where male
But I just can't comprehend that
There's so few decent females that share interests with you

I appreciate the sentiment atleast
>You were me right now, no matter how loving she seemed
What did you mean by this? I'm not following, maybe a typo?

Why can't women handle positive sexual attention? Why can't women distinguish between potential rapists and admirers?

the incompatibilities outweigh the compatibility when it comes to that kind of relationship in this case but the compatibility that exists is nice and mutually beneficial and a good reason to remain friends and not ghost each other

You were chasing her too much. Back off and tell her you dont wanna be friends. Dont delete her or block and just wait. After some time she will suddenly realize she lost someone amazing and you will see her approach you randomly. Women are fucking weird. You cant ever over pursue them

It still seems like a waste of time to me

Maybe not to you but it's clear we value friendships differently
I don't like being involved in large social groups
I could probably only have at max 2 people I consider friends at a time
So finding a girl who is compatible with me and not trying to get with her just seems like a waste of time

Doing this to women is the same thing as "the friend zone" for men, except men don't keep any orbiters.

>It still seems like a waste of time to me
That's an opinion you have. You can have that opinion. That's fine user. You do you.

you are barking at the wrong roastie.

>thought to be genuine friends with a girl
>not interested in being in any relationship, i like my solitude and she knows it
>we have mutual respect for each other and hang out a lot like normal friends would
>tells me that i'm a best friend and always lets off steam with me
>she randomly becomes cold and distant towards me and some of her other close friends
>goes on for months without conversing or hanging out
>she talks and hangs out with a new random girl that started working there
>find out she's been secretly seeing a guy during this time as well
>hear it from rumors, rather than from her
>turns out i was an just emotional crutch for her while she came out of a relationship
>always talked mega shit about everyone, including the guy she is seeing and the new girl
>acts incredibly friendly when around those people, like good friend type friendly

i don' get it. she became close with me and another woman for years, but then randomly tosses us both aside for some random teenage girl and a dopey guy that can't make it through the day without getting high. Learning about the two-faced shit was a real eye opener.

I'd like to have a genuine friend of either gender desu. This one was a bust i guess.. only took 2 and a half years for her to reveal her true colors..

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It's not a thought
It's how I've basically been programmed to think

Each "bust" is still experience for the next time. Think of it like a losing match in a game with XP progression. You didn't win, but you got closer to a new skill/talent/insight.

I had this same shit happen to me, I went to some significant lengths to help her with her emotional issues at the expense of my own mental health, under the assumption we had a mutual friendship where each cared for the other. Then as soon as she found some dude to fuck she tossed me aside like trash and I haven't heard from her since

Learned my lesson about friends with that one, the only friends I need now are the bottle and the needle

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>It still seems like a waste of time to me
>to me
>It's not a thought
>It's how I've basically been programmed to think

I never said anything about thoughts user, just an opinion, which you have shared.

I can be pretty impatient so this is likely true. Unsure if she'll actually talk to me again though.

Just disappointed because just when I thought something important was happening in my life it disappears almost as soon as it started and I'm back to masturbating multiple times a day and sitting in my room alone with my hobbies and Jow Forums.

I'm trying to meet other girls in hopes that it might make me feel better, but the relationship was a total fluke anyway and I'm reminded how hopeless I am with quality women.

Life was cruel enough to give me a taste of what it's like to be normal and then take it away again.

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yeah, it gave me some perspective. It was just a shame, i really thought she was cool. She reminded me a lot of sister, at least before all the two-face and deception came spewing out. I just hope she doesn't fuck over the guy she's seeing too badly, he's a dope, but not a bad guy.

I'd skip the needle at the very least, the bottle i understand. Real friends are so hard to find. Maybe i just have a childish view of what a friend means to me. It's all a learning experience i suppose.. a fairly painful one at that.

Why don't you just date him? Or do you think he's ugly and unconfident, if that's the case, you're a shitty friend anyway.

>think you have a great female friend
>she doesn't even want to have sex with you

Some "friend" you are

What if they're ugly

Like burn victim ugly

That was one of my good friends in high school, a literal burn victim, but she was nice

>Thinking you're friends ugly
You're a shitty friend

>lying to your friend to make them feel good

>'d skip the needle at the very least
That ship already sailed years ago but I had been off it for a while until the aforementioned events happened

You should try to get back off it. One thing i try to keep in mind with all that bullshit is that if people are going to treat you like yesterdays trash, fuck em, not worth your time. I'm a turbo loser, i don't do much throughout the day other than go to work and kill time with vidya/netflix, but i won't give her my time or attention anymore. She doesn't get to have that power over me while i'm nothing in her eyes. If all this comes back to bite her in the ass in the end, she'll be stuck dealing with i alone.

If you can avoid seeing her each day, that helps. Unfortunately with mine, i work in the same building as her, so i have to see her being shitty every day. But i'm trying to focus on myself for a while and improve on what i can be/do, instead of wasting my time and mental health stressing over someone who can't even be bothered to make eye contact with me anymore.

>Implying you'd be lying if you were really their friend

Abusive men are not a red flag for her, she sees his violent behavior as him being a competent man to get her resources.

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*you were mr right now.

you shouldnt. men and women cant be friends unless they do it.
stupid roastie

all people have an instinctual, anti-social component to their motivations. many people who lack reasoning and shame would rather undercut the rest of humanity than cooperate and create new areas for growth. thankfully humans developed reason to keep this instinct in check, but sometimes all of us chimp out and fuck up.
I'm not concerned about these half-people, really. They are dregs and drug addicts who will weed themselves out.