What are some movies to watch Jow Forums? Nothing too depressing...

What are some movies to watch Jow Forums? Nothing too depressing. Just recommend anything because I probably haven't watched it.

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Dumb and dumber because it's hilarious. Also Jacob's Ladder if you're looking for a psychological trip.

Dumb and dumber:Only funny if your under 14, on the spectrum, or immature man child.

Jacobs ladder: kiddy pool teir of psychological

Watch :
The one flew over the cuckoos next (masterpiece of drama)
Patch Adams (a popular one, comfy feels, sad feels)
Worlds great dad (robin Williams at his finest hour, dark humor, hard grown man mature feels...)

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Hour of the wolf

Same user, Jacobs ladder is good, mistaked it for something else for some reason.

>on the spectrum, or immature man child.
I am both so I'm probably going to watch it.

thanks for all suggestions

the spongebob movie nigga

Despite all of his suggestions being excellent movies, don't listen to him. Dumb and Dumber is hilarious.

If you havent seen taxi driver you dont deserve to call yourself a robot

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Inglorious basterds Lord of the Flies
Batman darkest hour

>this post
>that filename

Bad Taste.
Peter Jacksons first movie but I thought it was decent.

Also Big Trouble in Little China

S T A R S H I P T R O O P E R S. All three of them.
Dark city, for comfies.
The fifth element, motherfucking Gary Oldman is genious. Great comedy that ages well.
Cloverfield, the first person narrative is fun.

Sicario was cool
White woman lead with black partner and they dont ever hook up! Talk about science fiction!

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind


The gods must be crazy is a pretty funny south african film

Damn I always wanted to watch those.

Anything with these two nigras

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i like the second one more desu

one of Spencer's solo films is one of my favorites.

Die Hard.
I dunno where you're at but if you haven't seen it in a while you'll love it

First time I watched this I was literally on the edge of my seat. Shit is intense

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I fucking love this movie, even the sequel and prequel