Post your height and weight

Post your height and weight
>170 lb

Attached: 1522822975445.jpg (821x797, 175K)

u fat pudgy fuk lmao

>123 lb



fucking kill my skelly ass, gaining weight is so hard


Gone down from 330ish from last month tho. Getting there.

Can't gain weight so I'll stay here happily

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Yeah i know...

and god damn with this "unoriginal" comment bullshit. Happens to me everytime.



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Same OP. We're both fat and need to lose weight.

I used to be 250. Now I'm 170. You can do this.

>6'4" 193cm
>155lbs 70kg

Ugly though so it doesn't even matter

>120 lbs
I just want more definition in my arms and shoulders like pic related

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120ibs with no muscle


>six feet

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5'7'' and 120lbs

too bad i'm a male

lanklet-tier and 100% robot material

175 lbs
but also 7% bodyfat

I'm kinda overweight

Weighed myself this morning and it looks i lost half a pound
>5'4 94.5 lbs

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5'7 160
originally this weight rn

185cm (or 6'1" )
72kg or around 160lbs

That wojak looks just like me lmoa. Saved

>290 lb

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depression won't let me progress my efforts into looking like toguro AT 100%

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Maybe you can be my gf(male) and I'll fug that boipussy or gf (female) I swing both ways

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I feel fat desu

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>260 lb, previously 330

Bring me han solo

>120 lb

Skeleton Army Assemble!

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>5 foot 6
>110 lbs

Unless you stuck your peener in another man's hole, I think I'll pass. I can't risk catching HIV.

230 lbs

I need to lose weight man, I miss being 180 lbs

>all these skellybones ITT

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>6ft 1

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6'2" (1.9 m)
180 lbs (81 kg)
>forever /skinnyfat/

5'11" 130 lb.
Good to see so many fellow skellies

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185 lb

feels alright

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>165 lb
you have been muted for 2 seconds


used to be 165 when i was stuffing myself like a pig and lifting consistently but the all day bloat was making me feel too shitty

wow someone already fucking posted that shit


Yes, I am a skelly and I hate myself for it

5'10 and 110
i hate eating!

who else Jow Forums here?

191 lbs

what do bros

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5'4 and from the netherlands (white, male)


I try to fill the void with food but I keep forgetting its bottomless.

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195lbs.... In November I was 185lbs

fucking kill me already

5'5 and 280lbs
eating and sleeping a lot does not actually make you taller, at least for me

5'8 175 lb landwhale

feelsbad but my measurements apparently make my weight somewhat normal. still fat by decent person standards though

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350 lbs

don't know how i'm this big desu. i don't even eat that much

i am 5'4 and my penis doesnt work
my brother is 6'2

forgot to say my weight im 110lbs

100 pounds
I'm a fucking stick and I try to eat as much as I can, but I don't gain weight. Help

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6'2" 185 here

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Fucking fat short losers

>6 foot 160lb

And yes I still cant get pussy

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The sad thing is I haven't found anyone my height or close here anywhere near the same weight. I AM the Scrawnlord.

im 6'0 and about 300lbs, idk why i weigh so much, i eat less than 1500 calories a day(yes i actually count, i dont exercise so that could be why but i know skinny people who eat more than me and dont exercise

Genetics friend
If you started lifting, you'd get strong and loose weight, and girls like big guys, so maybe you'd make it out of here

I may have found your ancestors.

Attached: skelly.gif (383x344, 62K)

Enjoy your death.

If you do absolutely nothing physical 1500 is still excessive.

5'7 350lb neet. Pic related

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Don't eat for a week and just drink water. See if that helps.
Original lanigirO

>220 lb
i was 260 last year im pretty proud

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Keep at it buddy congratulations. 5'8" started 240. Now at 195. It's an incredibly good feeling to start getting compliments. One word of advice (take it with a grain of fucking salt) hit the weights if ur not already, when muscles start getting hypertrophic they'll take up some of that extra skin and you'll look even better.

Start getting to the gym dude. It fucking sucks at first but once you get at it for a while it gets better and definitely helps with confidence if you've got a problem with that

just past 190 lb. On a dirty bulk right now.

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Fatbot here lads..

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>252 lb

5'9 110 lbs 21 yrs old

5'11 110lbs, skeletons assemble

5'11 110lbs oregano con carne

6'2-6'3 range
245 lbs

6'4" 165 here


5' 9"

A robust 250. Id like to get down to 190, and replace much of the fat with muscle. It is possible, if not for this crippling depression and laziness.

I want to do this but I feel like i won't have any energy to do anything except lay in bed.

the gym sucks because i don't know where things are like the areas i can and cant use for deadlifting. Plus I still have no idea which routine to do. I'm scared of putting in effort just to have my time wasted.


>this comment was not original

I cannot begin to tell you how glad I am not to be you

28 inch waist and my ribs are visible

>125 lbs.
This is nice.

140 lb
It's not too bad, really. My weight is low enough to never worry about what I eat, and high enough that I look somewhat like a human being.

>130 lbs

(how can that be not original? where is my skelly bro?)

114 lbs
>tfw still buy clothes from the kids (16-18) section

148 lbs
Just on the cusp of being considered underweight. It's perfect, feels good.

Now give me a girlfriend, you kike.

Who cares about appearance anyways? I already know I'm dying a khhv

And you'll be dying a lot sooner, increasing your chances of not breeding. Your claim that it's a matter of appearance rather than health is a good strategy.

I'm sterile anyhow, so why does it matter? I might as well enjoy life while I can doing things I enjoy doing like eating tasty food and playing vidya.

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I hate my fat disgusting self and I want to die. I can't lose weight no matter what I do. Fuck all of you skellies who think you have it tough being skinny, being fat is infinitely worse.

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If you live 40 years with just "tasty" food and vidya, is that better than living 80 years and getting to eat more food and play more vidya in addition to exercising?

>157 lbs

I used to be pushing 240, in pretty decent shape now

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115 lb, rarley 120

>Tfw perma stick even though I eat more than anyone in the house and work out daily

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Exactly, thank you for seeing my point user

306 lbs
today i weighed myself and i'm down 30 pounds since the beginning of december... i'm gonna make it bros, just you watch me

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Your point makes no sense. If you live twice as long, you could consume at least another quarter of the amount of food and vidya you consume if you only live half as long.

128 lbs
10% body fat

5 foot 9
154 lbs
I'm slowly losing it

>burning all your precious gainz before they've settled

Thats not how you big guy

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>tfw 6ft1 and used to be 330lb
>now 190ish

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