>be fembot
>guy ask for my number at a bar
>reject him because I was with my friends and didn't want to leave them out of our night out
>guy calls me a bitch and a whore
>my friends start insulting him calling him a cuck and an asshole
>the guy's friends pull him back before he goes apeshit
>laugh with my friends about it
Why are men so prone to being angry just because they get rejected? Can't men contain their violent tendencies? How can you even defend this guy? Protip: you can't
Be fembot
It's for the best. He'd probably kill you once he found out you have a cock attached to your body.
Not defending the guy but that is a weak reason to reject someone you liar. Sharing numbers doesn't mean you have to leave and ignore your friends, just say you'll wait to hear from him later as you're with your friends right now.
No reason to defend him. You weren't interested, and he's got a weak ego.
Admittedly he could've just given the number and left it at that, as someone pointed out, but if you didn't want it, you don't need it. People don't owe each other shit.
>implying someone needs a reason to reject someone else
>implying people especially guys go out to a bar for a social interaction
How about you fuck him and make it easier for everyone KTHXBAI
Next time don't be a stuck little whore. I would've hit you.
> (OP)
>I would've hit you
he was most likely drunk
I wasn't even interested in hooking up or getting into a relationship. Why accept his number if I'm not going to use it? To make him feel better about himself and for his friends to circlejerk about using me? Better lay him off before he floods my inbox or stalks me.
>be fembot
show bob and vagene plz fembob so qt love fembob
im interested in flooding your inbox as much or more than you arent interested in being flooded
thus it should definitely overpower your interest
that is the correct
>implying that fembots exist
You should be cleansed from this Earth
Pretty sure you can't measure a person's disinterest in people and top that with someone who is more interested than the disinterest. Thats like saying a negative number will eventually top a positive number if it tries hard enough. Nice logic retard but I'll pass.
>everyone should be cleansed from this Earth*
Not as extreme as you, OP.
>recognise guy from my first year linear algebra class
>skinny guy in a hoodie with glasses
>say hello
>he's super curt
>apologise for bothering him and start to leave
>he adds me on FB
>sends a "hug"
>starts talking to me
>starts lowkey bragging about how he has "connections" in comp sci
>i mention i'm sewing something with listening to podcasts
>he says he likes the Drunken Peasants and Stefan Molyneux
>starts asking to go on Discord
>say I don't have it or know what it is really
>he starts pestering me to get it
>he's being pretty rude
>stop replying
>he asks if we can chat on the phone
>I'm legitimately busy
>he asks about tomorrow
>I'm helping my sister in law set up her baby's room tomorrow
Yikes. I thought he was sort of cute but then he had to go and have creepy political views and be rude.
As for you, OP. You could have gotten his number. Surely your friends aren't so self absorbed they ruin your chances of getting a date or be grumpy at you? Still, I guess it worked as a litmus test because this dude sounds loopy.
That's what you get for going for skinny guys
Man, no wonder it was so easy for me to get gf when I finally tried. I literally just had to be a legit kind and confident guy.
Girls probably get bombarded by spergs and shitheads daily.
how are you a fembot if youre going to bars with your friends and getting hit on by people? are you a liar perhaps? you whore?
wait a STEM student is a social retard?
this changes everything...
I've tried that and got rejected cause I'm ugly. So it takes more than just being kind and confident
you shoulda known something was squirrelly about the thing when dude sends you an electronic non-committal thing like that as attempted first move. rookie mistake.
At bar with friends yet claim to be a fembot. In what way are you a fembots?
man, i don't really even come here anymore i'm just drunk and can't sleep. i go to parties when i can, go to the bar sometimes (fukken expensive and im a poorcunt), go to hardcore shows, am generally out and about a lot. i have never once witnessed any sort of overt verbal or physical aggression from a man when his advances are rejected. seen it get mad awkward plenty, and obviously been part of that plenty. seen it get kinda creepy. never any aggression like that- ESPECIALLY not to the degree of someone's friends physically restraining him from attacking a group of (presumably) females. thats fucking outlandish.
maybe in the kingdom of saudia arabia, maybe in brasil but not anywhere in the american southeast that i've lived.
i must confess that i don't believe OP for one second
The modern robot
>say hello to a guy
>Dick thinking activate.exe
>uh hi femanon hng
>run home and go on jewbook
>search for 3 hrs for the girl who said hello to me, looks familiar, just dont know where I've seen her maybe algebra class
>cant find her on jewessbook
>maybe if I fap hard enough I'll remember her name
> f-f-f-f-fap. Done. Lightbulb.
>type in her name
>yeah that's her
>Fap again to her photos. Done. Lightbulb
>send a hugging message
>she replies
>gasp she gave me attention time to fap
>Fap. Done. Lightbulb
>hey uh I have like a ton of connections in computer sci heh maybe I can "hook you up" if you know what I mean
>imagine what I meant and fap again
>ask her if she has discord and explain in complete detail what discord is and why she should use it
>she says she doesn't use it and she stops replying after
I know exactly what you mean. It's very creepy and not cute at all.
go back to instagram normalfaggot
Being a mentally ill faggot with gender dysphoria doesn't make you a fembot
My friends wanted to go out so I went out with them also see Not interested.
Was he black? This is important to the context.
As a man every rejection is a sentencing to genetic death.
but youre still not a fembot you lying person
first of all, you're not a fembot, fembots don't exist, roastie. second of all, this is t a roastie venting/blog forum so fuck off this board
What did they mean by this post? hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>ask for my number
>with my friends
In my experience picking up a gf is a probability-based thing. there are factors that make it less likely for her to react favourably, on the scale from 0 to 1. just some factors like disfigurement push things very close to 0 probability per attempt, requiring a huge number of attempts to have any form of success.
Yes he was black. Black men especially can't take no for an answer. Most likely he was going to hook up with me and give me a baby. Disgusting monkeys.
How does this thread have so many replies before this is mentioned.
>goes to bar with friends
>goes outside
>has friends
>interacts with people
>hay guiizzzze im tleik tottally a fembot lmao
Where are these failed normies coming from? /soc/? Something has to be done about this infestation
Because yall are fucking faggots who believe this shit like its bait to a fish also
Probability could always be zero for some people too (like me)
I agree it's a number's game but the game was rigged from the start. Should've got a loyal high school sweetheart before the real world hit you in the face.
>Getting hit on
Kill yourself
The world was better when women were beaten more often
>people are taking this bait
>asked out
>anime pic
Why are normies here? Just leave. Its not just OP either. This whole thread reeks normie.
Woah, ditto to everything you just wrote. I've never understood the compulsive addiction like attitude western guys have to sex. I've studied it a bit, and I think it comes down to masculine identity. I sub group of my friends feel the same, sex is good but not all consuming and does not define my lifestyle, life choices or something i actively pursue. I've also had women get really frustrated that they cant manipulate me with sex, and it's usually the more attractive or "augmented" women who get agro. I've questioned my own masculinity but in all other areas I behave in a normal hetero masculine way, I rebuild and drive sports cars, I hunt, ride a motorbike and go diving, a lot of adrenaline based stuff. I just think sex is "meh"
Well that explains it. He probably called you a racist too, didn't he?
White guys usually don't do this. Chads take rejections like they take virginities, meaning well and often. Betas usually don't even ask, but if they do, they're probably used to it and are just asking you out expecting to be shot down like always, just because they need to confirm their suspicions that they never had a chance and they were just deluding themselves the whole time. Asians are usually in the same boat as the white betas these days.
I smell a b8
Oh humble wizard who has studied the arts. Must I inquire about how to live the life you chose? How may I be of such benevolence you behold? To such powers you hold over women as you conquered evolution in your state of affairs. To what honor must I bequeath unto thee.
Not OP but as an Asian, I do wholeheartedly agree that we are indeed as beta as every beta there is. We really need to step up our game if we are to win in the race wars.
I hope you guys make it, your race, like whites, is largely beneficial to society as a whole.
If you can even count shitty products made in my homeland as "beneficial", then we're really stretching the standards here aren't we.
Somewhat disagree. Loyal high school gf is a meme. Observed not only by my own example but by the example of every single one of my friends. Doesn't work, people are far too rash and dumb in those years.
Out of high school, you get much wider exposure. You (and I'm assuming that you are not a complete degenerate) get at least a part-time job and some transportation. The world opens up. More attempts.
Disfigurement can be hidden - I'm a skeleton tier manlet - hence I wear a suit and insoled boots to hide that shit. Dramatic success rate increase.
The question is - are you willing to put in the effort?
Probability is only zero if you do not lie. and lying is necessary for success these days. I lie about my wealth by wearing a suit and my genetics by having insoles. You simply need to lie and lie well
Choose one
I can't help it, they're so cute.
It's not even the social awkwardness, it's the rudeness.
It was like, "gee whiz, you wouldn't do that IRL".
Yikes. I don't think he fapped to me since I don't have any pictures of myself, just pictures of my cats, garden, and some memes.
>compulsive addiction
I don't think it was an addiction, he was just a bit eh in my opinion.
I agree with you, however, that a lot of the psychological fixation of "tfw no gf" stems from masculine self concepts.
>I can't help it, they're so cute.
Women are so easily played by their desires. No wonder so many end up being beaten by their bfs
I think what wigged me out was that it's sort of similar to how I interact with another guy.
>guy in class
>he asks for my number
>we talk for awhile
>he ghosts me
Now I'm reflecting on my own behavior and how I might have scared him off the way this guy sort of mucked up his chances with me.
>is it cause I told a racist joke
>skinny guys
>beating anyone up
>implying Jow Forums didn't cream itself over literal murderesses
I meant more along the lines of "you guys actually want to coexist peacefully with whites and don't chimp out over things done several generations ago like a certain race here". But South Korea and Japan do contribute, at least. I hear they have better internet too.
If you meant China, then yeah, I understand.
Skinny tweaker guys are the most likely to beat their gfs
What was the joke? What was this guy like?
Oh they do. (originally)
I hope you die alone you filthy roastie whore.
.....actually I could see that. Alright, conceding that point, user.
I think we were talking about Lovecraft and I said something like, "what would porn even look like in the Lovecraft-verse? Like do you think cuckhold porn is a bunch of guys going, 'I can't believe Yog-Sothoth fucked my daughter' instead of the dudes today getting off to niggers in their wives?"
The guy? He is about my height (5'6), thin (although he mentioned going to the gym), goes to therapy, seems sort of left-wing. He mentioned how this magazine was racist.
We're both white.
Trying this on my posts. Pic related. Huh. I AM tomboyish, and I AM European.
Well you signaled to him that you like to fuck black dudes and cuck men, so I would have dropped you too
Samefag. Trying this again with more words.
I also live in a pretty left-wing area (Vancouver). So that probably doesn't help.
>taking the bait
Wew lad
Except I totally didn't, and I don't. I even told him I was a virgin (which I am). He was the one who brought up kink and I was sort of shocked.
>Samefag. Trying this again with more words.
>I also live in a pretty left-wing area (Vancouver). So that probably doesn't help.
reddit spacing
Yeah, because men definitely don't easily give into their dicks/desires.
this made me kek
one (you) has been deposited
It's not Reddit-spacing to separate two entirely distinct ideas. That's why you're supposed to start new paragraphs.
Oh no, user, only women get horny.
>Jow Forums continually shits itself over women who like the Columbine shooters
>Nasim joins the server
>they cream themselves
aRE YOU being DEVILISH user?
>male being attracted to you
drink bleach
if you do shit without reason then you're no better than an animal
not to be a white knight but she said what her reason was
>>reject him because I was with my friends and didn't want to leave them out of our night out
wait why the fuk am i defending an imaginary women in a bait thread
Why don't girls have hobbies like fishing, boat riding, mountain climbing or playing video games? Dumb vapid cunts.
If she didn't reject him, she'd be in a relationship with him for no reason. So how would that be any different?
TLDR: People don't need explanations to say no to sex.
>implying they don't
Nice sample size, kid. I literally do all those things except vidya and fishing. The former because I don't care to. The former I used to do before I became vegan.
>i do all those things except 2 out of the 4 things listed
fuckin roasties
Sure you do. Boat riding and mountain climbing takes strength and women are weak lmao
>Why don't girls have hobbies like fishing, boat riding, mountain climbing or playing video games? Dumb vapid cunts.
There are girls that have hobbies with above. They're rare but they exist user. If those are your hobbies, then i hate to break it to you lad but you're going to have a hard time finding these gals.
Please, it's rare but there are girls that do better things than men these days because of feminism. Please off yourself brainlet if you disagree.
I said I did 3/4 until recently for ethical reasons.
>he thinks that boat riding is hard
If it's electric it is literally like watching TV in terms of effort. Canoeing or kayaking requires effort, but it is far from difficult to carry your own weight / the weight of the boat, especially if you're with someone.
Not even. My university's Dragonboat and Outdooring clubs both have sizeable female populations. user's going to have a hard time if he constantly condescends to women who share his interests.
>at the bar with friends
>gets asked out
If girls do those things, it's so they can upload it on youtube, tumblr, instagram for likes lmao
1. I have no videos on my Youtube account.
2. I don't have a Tumblr.
3. I don't have an Instagram
I literally went hiking all day Sunday with three women from my lab and there wasn't a camera to be found.
>posting with an anime avatar
Confirmed for a trannyposter who hates women because they're jealous.
you've probably taken miles of cock though, so thats where you get your metaphorical (you)s from, not social media. you get it straight from the source
>grew up in country where you can literally drink at any age
>can drink out in public
>people set up tables by the road to drink and shit
>move to west
>everyone makes big fuss about going to bars and shit
>gets me confused what all the hype is
>"it's so we can drink user"
>ask them why they just don't drink wherever
>"lol, cause that's not allowed"
>with people
fuck off outta here roastie whore.
You can't prove you done those things because I know you don't.
I actually have a fiance (female) and I'm straight. Try again, retard roast LEL
>people with fiances
>people with friends
>people in relations in general
>average smucks who talk about going bars and the regular crap
what are you assholes doing here? leave please. you are boring normies and infecting this place with your boringness.
I'm so no.
>You can't prove you [have and are] those things because I know you don't [and are not].
Oh, yeah, I'm sure anime avatarfag trannies have people who love them, lol.
>you can only ever hike with people or by yourself
>you can never do one or the other
Wait he brought up cuckholding lmao? How did he bring this shit up?
I'm not a tranny though. Quit projecting, dumb cunt.
They just want to rub it in every chance they get. They know they have no business here, but they don't care.
its less about rubbing in, it's more of the fact that normies are boring and talk about the same boring crap. like this thread.
>going to clubs, bars
>dumb hobbies
>people hitting on each other
>at bar
>with friends
>guy at bar asks for number
>reject him
Get out normie trash
This right here, gota say something else cuz originano