okay, were alone now. what did you want to tell me user?

> okay, were alone now. what did you want to tell me user?

Attached: 80F8B8AC-0AC1-414B-8EEF-E57295AE806B.jpg (953x953, 135K)

>i know you temporarily went blind and we just met but... im not white.

that's way too fucking big on you and it makes you look fucking stupid

check'd and kek'd


Oh god, she looks just like my oneitis. I'm gonna cry.

Me: I wanted to tell you that if you wana fuck me I would fuck you omiwa shindeiru.

Her: NANI?

i want my shirt back

>*chimps out and rapes her*

Attached: Chimp.jpg (371x440, 23K)

"you're alright, don't go to school tomorrow"

Holy fucking fuck. This brought back some memories I was trying hard to forget, thanks OP.

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You've got some green stuff in your teeth and I didn't want to embarrass you out there.

Hello.My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

that was not orange

I need to take your temp. Close your eyes and saw "ahhh".

>not using rectal temperature
It's more accurate, let's make absolutely sure.



>I-I ...wanted to tell you to...get me... a tailor
>cos I ripped my pants!
*forces her to suck brap directly from my anus*

>Ok. Let me tell you about the Jews....

>"Are you single?"
>If yes: "Want to go on a date sometime?"
>If no: "I was just going to say I have some other shit to do, so I can't really hang out anymore. Peace."

It's not that hard autists.

>"I think you're trying to be sexy but it's not working out. You should show more skin.."

**Proceeds to un button her shirt and grope her boobs

>do you have your phone on you?
Toss phone out the window into backyard.
>can't chance it, no time to explain
mfw I just had my boi steal her phone and we sell it for pot

>mfw I have no face originally for real

why do you keep staring at me while we are on the train?