Have you miserable losers ever considered that the blame for your extremely stunted social and love lives lies squarely at the feet of 1 person?
Im talking about your father. When i was a kid i went everywhere with my dad. I watched him interact with other men, talk to women, people of different social standing like waiters, cops etc.
He gave me words of wisdom about life and women. Pulled me up for being a dickhead. Explained the intricacies of friendships and the expectations of society towards you.
If you are a miserable pleb, you got bullied at school or whatever was the case, what did your dad have to say about this? How can you stand the thought of your dad not being proud of you? You are his progeny.
>ring your fathers and ask them why they allowed themselves to fail you.
Have you miserable losers ever considered that the blame for your extremely stunted social and love lives lies squarely...
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>How can you stand the thought of your dad not being proud of you?
Because I don't respect him.
Is your father a failure? Like, a deadbeat or maybe just a weak person in general? I feel like if you have a meek dad, you are really gunna struggle in life.
>tfw pops was out busy working for the majority of your childhood so you rarely had some actual time with him
feels bad, man.
but niggers don't have fathers and turn out relatively fine socially
>tfw mum treats dad like her bitch and he always does what she asks, never complains.
Probably why im a pussy fag with no social skills. Well, even though my dad is meek i have the shortest temper in my family after witnessing the injustice in my family. My mum used to hit me and scream every day, now it takes a tiny frustration to make me flip out and become violent or start shouting.
i love my dad he did the best he could for us and continues to do so. thats all anyone can ask for.
It is a complicated story that is of no worth to explore via Jow Forums.
>you are really gunna struggle in life.
Generally yes. The positive of having encountered my father's infallibility early in my life was that I got a good chunk of extra time to overcome the resulting nihilism and existential despair and began (or attempting, at least) becoming my own father figure.
It also helps to have lived in the information age and to have had the chance to encounter a number of role models who were intelligent and wise and worth looking up to. One of them ironically being Neal Peart.
tv and the internet unironically raised me. i'm doing the best i can, but nothing is a substitute for a well involved father
In really glad to hear this user
Of course my father is even worse than I and even more stubborn. My mom before leaving him gave him a poster with a ridiculous looking duck whit a caption "I would laugh of my defects, if I had any" I think it perfectly describes him. He's a very sad person that think he's always right and wants everyone around him to do bad so he can feel better about himself.
My dad had an affair with another woman and left our family when I was 6.
I had no real male role models growing up. I had to face the world on my own and become my own man.
>mfw im a NEET
Can you see how the lack of male role models stunted your ability to not just become your own man, but a good man?
Perhaps a lack of male role models affects white men and black men differently?
my dad is very successful and smart but wasn't around much when i was a kid
he seems to compensate for something by acting arrogant all the time, not sure what though
while he is always well-prepared, well-postured, and effective, it feels like he does it out of fear of being vulnerable
really weird dude desu, kind of an asshole but i think he's well-meaning
There was no real world guidence. Its important to have this real world interaction while a child is developing.
Hes an idiot. I'm actually black and most of us are fucked by single parent households. That's the main problem in the hood, everybody is broken and fucked up because no one raised them correctly, and it gets passed down to the children. Being a robot turned out to be a blessing for me because it kept me away from pussy long enough to see the cycle, now I can avoid making the same mistake.
I think this is probably the case. The american negro has a proclivity towards violence and theft. Lack of a male role model would mean that they would default to their base instincts. Whites on the other hand are world builders, no positive role models for them and they seem to default to the internet where they join communities of like minded whites and larp or play videogames
My dad was an A10 pilot and was constantly deployed after 9/11 during my teenage years(2002-08). He was gone more often than he was home. I wish he was around more often during that critical development period.
As a kid, did you pick up on his compensation sort of thing, or was it more so when you were an adult?
I love daddy and he loves me, he isn't to blame, society is.
The a10 warthog is the most amazing piece of war machinery. It sucks that he wasnt around enough in those formative years but he was out attaining personal glory (which means glory for your family by extention). I hope you are proud of him
learn to read, moron
i didn't say it made them fine economically
no it's because the people here are considered weird and therefore don't talk which means their social skills are underdeveloped
No you gtfo you giant bully!
My father was a chad but conditioned me to become as timid as possible because he thought it would better for my future social life.
Yes I'm very proud of him and he's proud of my service(2008-12 as a USMC infantryman) as well. I just wish i had my chad father at home to teach me how to talk to girls when i was going through puberty. Even when he wasn't deployed he was constantly gone for training exercises that lasted weeks at a time
story time?
How the fuck would anyone think that teaching their son to be timid would be good for any aspect of their lives?
>tfw dad was a chad soldier
>genuinely struggled, grew up poor and his mother died when he was a kid
>killed commie terrorists in his country and was a known player
>him and mom moved to USA and commutes 2 hours daily to work
>never had much time with him as a result
>tfw 22 year old KHV beta set to flunk out of college
I'm sorry dad.
Interesting observation, though I somewhat disagree. My dad and I are quite alike except he has little impulse control while in virtually unable to empathise with people.
He taught me the art of using people and getting away with it. Women, peers, authority, whoever. True, genuine friendship and the soft cuddly shit was left out. Only one question - what is the utility of (insert action here)
DESU in every metric, you measure I am successful. Financially - I have a large share in four businesses. Romantically - I got a hot gf (probably due to the financial side as I'm a manlet who is severely skinny). Academically - I have a few publications to my name in Biochem. All still in uni.
One problem is I don't feel happy. ever. Its always discontent at best and self-hatred at worst. My dad taught me how to be successful, but being successful in most things requires the sacrifice of your humanity.
We are very close together, simply because people around us never bothered with the question of utility. They find it strange. I find it necessary for success in any capacity.
Am I miserable? Yes. Am I a loser? No. Is it worth it? I'll probably commit suicide when I will no longer have a way to stave off existential boredom.
Woow no fucking shit sherlock
Why the fuck do you think children of single mothers end up MANY times worse than even the children of single fathers
And I say this as someone who grew up without a dad and a mentally ill mother
Bite a bullet fucking larper
Not even gonna give you a (you) that you desperately want
Glad this piece of shit got no replies
meek father reporting
he's not necessarily a bad man but just a coward in every way imaginable. not just a pushover but so painfully and unimaginably boring and never took personal responsibility for anything.
I don't even know what to say about him beyond this. he's your typical istj wagedrone who has never had an original thought in his life. I wish I could connect with him but he can't handle conversations about anything even mildly deeper than everyday trivialities. just a big scaredey cat afraid of anything out of his little comfort zone.
Did you have that opinion of him when you were a kid?
If you choose not to believe me its fine
My dad walked out on me, so I'm well aware that he's primarily to blame for my years of social retardation and insecurity. He eventually came back into my life when his child with his new wife turned out to be a girl, but as I don't give a shit about him or what he thinks because I have zero respect for him as a human being,
neat logo desu
when i was a kid i witnessed my dad get cucked and divorced by my mom
you can't recover from that
>If you are a miserable pleb, you got bullied at school or whatever was the case, what did your dad have to say about this?
Whatever it was, he would have drunkenly slurred it at me and then hit me.
Yeah, we tried selling our shit to them, but they refused. At least I nicked a pen
refused or declined
I guess I was kind of distracting myself with stuff too much to really give it any thought as a kid. He was always somewhat of a killjoy though. I think kids were way too chaotic for his personality type. he needed everything to be extremely controlled and structured. he was the type of Dad that would get embarrassed etc if we were being too loud in public etc.
It wasn't until I was a teenager that I really processed it and realised how toxic his whole demeanour had been and how my personality and the way I thought was almost polar opposites to his.
Maybe I would be more agreeable instead of obnoxious or arrogant or something.
It was even forbidden to show off cool things I had or did because bragging is bad but all kids brag as much as they can and it's important for being cool.
i wouldn't buy your shit either, thats gross
My dad walked out on us when I was 7. Mum never remarried, raised me alone.
Dad comes back to talk to me few years ago. We kind of speak now, sometimes, rarelu but it's really strained and I just do it cause i need money to support my neet lifestyle.
But point proven here:
-raised without father figure
-neet failure
But user, i dont have a father.
And here you are. Point proven i guess?
It is, and thats why divorces should be so lucrative for women.
i think he did the best he could. he might've been distant, but so am i. we're very alike in that way.
You learn to read, idiot, the post isn't about their fucking finances.
Yep my dad was a total beta but he was tall and handsome. Taught me to never fight and always be flexible, but I didn't turn out tall and handsome so I'm basically just fucked.