21 years old

>21 years old
>can't type without looking at the keys
How do I learn, robots?

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Imagine the keyboard in your head and try not to look. Remember key letters on the keyboard.

I can type without looking at every key, but I will mess up frequently and have to reset my hands. Also I can't really use my pinky fingers or thumbs to type, and can barely use my ring fingers.

Did the same shit up until I was about 20 then I made a conscious decision not to look. Still kinda shit at typing but I don't have to look anymore.

Switch to the superior layout. Since your keys aren't labeled this way it'll force you to touch type as an added bonus.

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>write short stories in a .txt document
>green text stories for user
>learn to type and get good at writing stories
>no exp waste

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stay in the basement so its always dark

you will eventually get used to typing since you cant see

>tfw can type faster than 99% of the population
a-at least i have one skill, even it's a bugman skill

>I imagine the alphabet when writing
No. Your subconscious takes care of it with muscle memory.

I learned in the 9th grade with teaching Ai that used basic typing and built on itself starting with mostly the home keys, until it became instinctive. I still misspell words though, so fug.

>spelled repetition with only one E and three I's.

Repetition is.... key.

You learn the keyboard part by part that way.

asdfjkl; qwerpoiu zxc/v.,m is where you easily hit, then move on from there.

when you speak out loud IRL, start picturing the keystrokes you would use in your head.

possible side effects include enhanced apparent autism

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I accidentally skipped the center, ghtybn, also easy though. Numbers and \] and such is what's hard for me.

Play PC games that use a lot of the keys, I played stuff that had a lot of hotkeys for stuff and it helped me learn where the keys are so I don't take my eyes off while in an intense part of the game.

Everytime you get on the computer, speak the letters. So, for example: "Q W E R T Y U I O P"

Then, once you've memorized a row, memorize the next one. After doing that, just follow user's advice here:

autism out some typing games for like 40 minutes a day
as long as they have progression (start with 1 line and move on to more) it's fine
it's literally how the kids learned it back in the day

The way I solved it was I got a blank set of keycaps when I was 13, and since then I've never had to look down. I suppose another way would be to use the home row to find your bearings and then type from there after getting used to key locations.

>tfw still only use five fingers, my two pointer fingers, my ring finger around WASD, my pinky on the shift key, my thumb on the spacebar, and my other pinky over backspace. I type at 80wpm, but I could type so much faster if I could just use the rest of my fingers.

I can do it quite easily. If you spend enough time looking at the screen instead of the keyboard when typing, then it'll come to you easy.

Shame I can't transmit that memory of useless bullshit trivia, videogame areas and keyboard layouts to revision.

What emotion is this wojak trying to convey?

Play video games. I learned how to type by playing World of Warcraft without using a mic. I had to learn how to type quickly during raids.

just use it more
if you're a vidyafag, you don't have to look at the controller do you?
youll eventually know the layout of the keyboard through muscle memory

23 and I can do it no problem, have been able to type with out looking at the keys and using both hands since I was 8.

Try not being autistic user.
I bet you type with one finger too.

just keep practicing without looking. It's complete muscle memory at this point. I always reset my hands to the f and j indents as well.
I never had any "real" training with a keyboard. just keep typing shit and make a conscious effort not to look and you should be good.

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I already play video games and use literally nothing besides WASD and 1 or 2 other keys depending on the game.

Holy shit, my oneitis looked just like this, where did you get this image?

WASD doesn't require typing messages though.. Typing full-length messages to other players will help a shit ton.
Moving around with WASD wasn't an issue when playing WoW. The issue was having to type messages WHILE moving around.

found it browsing some board or another some months ago. no attachment in particular to the girl, mine's more esoteric and embarrassing

fnordy fnord, whatcha gonna do? lost most of my depictions of Eris in an unfortunate incident in which i ran over my own laptop with my own car in a rush to get the fuck out of work. shame.

sorry about the oneitis m8

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>hs teachers tried their hardest to teach me how to type without looking down
>wasn't working
>became neet after high school
>picked it up within a week

you are like a little baby

watch this, buddy

Attached: typingwpm.png (372x477, 26K)

>been typing on the computer for well over a decade
>can type without looking at keyboard

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Muscle memory. You just have to practice.

Which website, bud.

Double double trips

Ayy double doubles

tfw can only type with 2 fingers
How do I type with all of my fingers? I average 70 WPM and I wanna improve fast.

Grab yourself a frickin' copy of Type to Learn, ya jackass!

but... that's not how dubs and trips work user...

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Download this and play the touch typing exercises, then play the rest of it to practice, it's absurd and hilarious.

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