Autism Face Test

Can you spot the facial expression just from a person's eyes? Take this Social Intelligence test

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Whoah I don't have autism I guess

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this is how it gets your autism results

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Honestly surprised, I feel like I have a hard time with this IRL.

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Guess who scored 22

>spot the facial expression

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'kill me'


r u autistic or neurotypical?
genuine question
i suspect i have autism but i get really high on this test too

Holy fucking shit, I thought I would have gotten a few of them. What the hell?

>picture didn't post
I attached it!

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got 27
about what i was expecting

im pretty good with people irl tho

i'm diagnosed and i got a 33. what the fuck
i'm beginning to question my own diagnosis. i should have probably done that much earlier. it's incredibly more likely that i simply had PDD-NOS when i was diagnosed and not full blown autism since many of the symptoms have long since disappeared. never trust the psychiatric jew

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I have never been tested but I think I have autistic tendencies. Like I said I have a really hard time figuring out what people mean with nonverbal cues IRL.

She's Chinese.


maybe its just rly easy?

so far everyone got pretty high
im waiting for some autist to get 10 or something



22 isnt high it means im on the spectrum

To be fair I didn't know what half of those words meant and too lazy to find translations

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Ayy welcome to the spectrum
For real tho take the test again its too close to tell
Take again in like a month from now

that's also a possibility. but i'll never really know. a score distribution for individuals with diagnosed autism spectrum disorders would be very useful for self-assessment.

i'm going to go under the assumption it was always just PDDNOS. i used to literally wail at shirt tags (then cut them off) at the time of my diagnosis and now i barely notice them. autism doesn't disappear with time.

pddnos is 'kinda' autism isnt it if u know what i mean
i think we're all just somewhere on the mild end of the spectrum

I felt like I was guessing the entire time, not at a single moment did I connect any of the emotions to the eyes. How autistic am I?

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ok sorry you're defo pretty autistic

there were some tricky ambiguous ones where the answer seemed like it could between two options, but there were also many obvious ones

How though??? Literally none of them looked like they were conveying any emotion whatsoever

that's weird. my parents told me I was probably autistic.

i can't remember faces/names at all unless I actively try to.

neurotypicals are able to pick it up naturally

its to do with stuff like eyebrows, whether the eyes are squinting or not, facial muscle tension, eyelids, direction of gaze and a combination of all the above

for some of the pics i can even kind of imagine what the mouth looks like for the person, because i subconsciously recognize the emotion the eyes display and my brain fills in the gap where the mouth is supposed to be

autistic people dont have this emotion identifying mechanism so they cant see it

i got 33/36 and felt like i was guessing most of the time. how does this work?

Im on the spectrum and I can do that
Fucking pompous bitch

the trick is they're all arrogant hostile or bored

>tfw 23
am i autism

I could never complete this test because the correct answer was never an option. Half of them are just a normal face with no particular emotion, but you aren't allowed to pick that. It's bullshit.

Or maybe you're facially retarded, buddy

Right theyre all just staring at something how can we tell if we can look at their mouths

Say hey, willy mays

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wwhew i'm not autistic, just a fucking loser

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Well if you were autistic you'd definitely be trying to game the test and figure out the "right" answer for each question, so you got that at least.

28/36. wowie I'm professionally diagnosed with autism

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i can't tell what this face means
27 btw

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>here's a series of images of men with facial expressions
>and piles of makeup which allegedly had women behind them

Distrustful. Note how she's eyeing you from the sides as if she's trying to look at you without fully turning her head, implying that she wants to assess you without your knowledge. That leaves terrified and distrustful, and she doesn't look terrified.

I feel like some of these options mean the same thing.

Accusative and Hostile or
Impatient and Annoyed

i picked distrustful. aghast/terrified are both emotions involving fright, and when someone is frightened their eyes are typically wider. when someone is baffled, they usually look a bit surprised and have raised eyebrows. Distrustful makes sense because the person is looking off to the side, which is usually what people do when they are hyper-vigilant to survey their environment.

I am twice diagnosed autismo.

tfw i got the exact same result, perfect thirty!

Got the same but I'm pretty sauced. Not sure if it's a handicap or cheat.

Got 32/36.
I think I'd do better if I saw someone in person because there's much more information.

Whoa how could you have gone unnoticed

Thy digits pentuple hath been chekt m8

What's this one? Is it uneasy?

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so I don't have aspergers I'm just fucking retarded. great

none of the above, it's horny. men are always horny.


so close


and yet I'm a turbo shutin who's hateful of the outside world and never engages in meaningful social interaction both offline and online

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I've got 25 and I swear I'm not autistic.

I already completed it, I got 34/36.
But I wanna know which ones I got wrong.

hes not looking up the answers you nigger, also i want to look up the answers! how do i do that?
youre the autist, the test makers arent perfect and got things wrong. I actually have the perfect score you nigger


Pretty bad looking at this thread so far.

I am diagnosed with autism.

better than I expected. Felt like I was unsure on 2/3 of them.

oof wrong picture. maybe I am on the spectrum

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I got 15/36
Test is bullshit, many of the people have makeup on or have dark eyes which make it harder to detect emotion

32/36 not bad guess I am not autistic

22/37, i have aspergers oregano

Then how has someone got 35/36 in this thread then faggot?

you just suck

I got the same score, I was expecting autism

I got 30/36, thought I was autistic until now. I also literally can't recognise people's faces, I can't remember what my own face looks like (I've obviously memorised each feature individually, I just can't remember it altogether). Same for my dad, mum, sister. I can remember their smiles the best, but that's it.

I tried to bring it up to my dad once and he got so angry at me saying I couldn't remember even his face that I never brought it up again. i hate myself

autismusis maximus

These are the answers for anyone that's interested after taking the test.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-9 c ncn cpp664 - Mind in the Eyes Scale_0 pdf.png (683x618, 118K)

>plz make browser wider
>plz make browser taller
>le desktop mode same thing
Fuck that gay shit. Not even on a cell either.

Autism autism autism autism

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Ctrl + -

That was not working faggot.

I had to result in this bullshitery instead, then not zoom in.

I have no room for shit new apps (browsers) on my shit tablet.

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Ohhh its a gaypad

i'm retarded i'm pretty sure thanks

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It's a tablet running an android because I'm poor.

Not much room for many apps, so I used that kike chrome to run that kike rabbit room to load it. Ironically their firefox doesn't work on as many things as the tablet's chrome can.

Android is fucking random.

If you would get one more correctly you would be almost like half the population (like me).
One point and 9percent of diference.

>android is fucking retarded
I guess im not too retarded after all

31/36 am I Chad Thundercock now?

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I think i did okay.

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interestingly, asperger's/autism runs in the men of my family, but i don't have it. i do have adhd though. i probably could have got more correct but i tried to do it as quick as possible as tea is brewing.

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oops wrong picture rip me

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>All these autists fcheating an online test score to LARP that they are not autistic

You're on this board you're an autist deal with it. No online test will stop you from being a sperg lord, the spectrum will never let you go

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No i'm a cyborg cunt.


I have diagnosed autism.

Sad times.

Half human half robot. A useless cunt that can't dedicate himself to one cause. Go full robot or full normie don't dip both feet in different pools.


>Go full robot or full normie don't dip both feet in different pools.


Because no one likes half breeds

Is this a bad result?
I feel like it's meh at best.

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1v1 me on the navigation experiment madlads

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No autism yeeehawwwww

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23/36, am I originalkekillay autismo?


Does a high score mean you have autism?

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The good news is that you're not autistic, the bad news is that you're dumb.

If their entire face was shown I would have got them all right, this is a dumb test

>im not dumb, the test is dumb
nice cope

It just makes no sense, emotion is shown in the whole face not just the eyes

So it doesn't make you autistic if you got this test wrong, it's a dishonest test

criticizing things without having any knowledge about it whatsoever is exactly what average (dumb) people do...

there's enough information in just the facial area around the eyes to accurately rate 30+ of the pictures.
the whole face would give more information, yes, but that would make the test easier.
if the test is too easy, autistic and non-autistic people would score close together and the test would be worthless.

Most of the emotions comes from the eyebrows.
It's hard to hide your worry even with a grin.

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most of these are images are literal cutouts of professional models from a magazine. These vapid female models were just posing for a photo shoot making whatever zoolander-esque face came to their mind. There is no legitimate discernible emotion to detect because the expressions are neither candid nor authentic. A lot of them also seem to ascribing certain emotional states when the subject is clearly closer to baseline than anything else. Also, mixing inconsistent samples of old and young people drastically impedes the ability to detect subtle changes. Several answers were synonyms which made it unnecessarily confusing. I even remember PewDie Pie scoring horribly because this test is fucking ass. It was made by some retared "scientists" who literally took those images from a magazine and determined the answers by simply guessing their fake ass emotional state. If they hired professional actors or sampled photos from real life situations where they had full context maybe the test would be more accurate, however it is currently trash.