Jow Forums I need help. I have a crush on this guy who frequents Jow Forums, specifically /x/...

Jow Forums I need help. I have a crush on this guy who frequents Jow Forums, specifically /x/. I don't spend a lot of time on this part of the internet, I mostly just look at Jow Forums from afar on the Jow Forums4chan subreddit.
The point is.. I need help wooing this guy. I've got no idea what I'm doing. I'll say something to him and he'll be like:
>implying that's worth doing
Anyone have any advice? Sorry if I'm in the wrong place.

Attached: so-far-away.jpg (740x357, 240K)

sorry, i doubt he's gay OP

Well that's good news, because I am a grill.

You could be straight forward and just ask him if he likes you. "Wooing" is something invented by Hollywood. If you're direct, you're guaranteed to get an answer. Anything else is just stalling or lack of will to resolve the matter.

Be funny and forceful. Tell him you'll use your mind powers to make him love you, but in such a way that it seems like a joke, but not a joke at the same time

It's weird. He knows I like him. He says he doesn't know what it means to feel interested in a person like that. I asked him to reject me then, but he wouldn't do it. I want him to actually like me back, instead of just not not liking me.

Oo I like this advice.

I had to read this twice. I thought you were saying you had a crush on an anonymous poster on /x/. That would be some top level autism

Sorry for the confusion. Real life person who I know posts on /x/.

Yeah, it's very effective. I know, because that stuff works on me. I go home and I think about it so much, and I miss the conversation because of how fun she is, then I start to miss her. She's not even my body type, but wow she's something

sorry, i doubt he's straight OP

If he said anything other than "I like you, too", he is either not mature enough, not interested enough or not heterosexual enough (assuming you are a woman) to like you. You are wasting your time. He is now your friend, nothing more.

While it is not impossible he will grow to like you, it will take a long time for that to happen to the point where you don't need to worry about asking again any time soon.

Move on to greener pastures. There is no sense in liking someone who is ambivalent about you. If he's this indifferent, why would you want to be in a relationship (or whatever you're trying to get out of this) with someone who cares about you so little?

All wrong. Not all males are the same. Maybe the guy is afraid of committing. OP, if you just casually force the relationship with no romanticism or drama, he'll go along with it.

>casually force the relationship with no romanticism or drama

Please explain how to do that.

>If he's this indifferent, why would you want to be in a relationship (or whatever you're trying to get out of this) with someone who cares about you so little?
I don't know, there's just something about him that seems really special. Worth fighting for. If he liked me half as much as I like him it would make me so happy. If he gives me a real rejection, I will move on and give up, no problem.

Attached: XD.png (425x225, 82K)

>Tell him you'll use your mind powers
Can confirm this will work on an /x/-poster

So you're just imagining qualities you'd like him to have that do not actually exist by your own admission. If you think that is sufficient for a relationship (or whatever you desire), go ahead.

The only way to get a "real" rejection (and remember, people are not necessarily 100% literal in their words as to not offend or alienate), just ask him in as direct a manner as possible. There's no other alternative that is as efficient in getting a concrete answer.

I don't really know but this girl has used these on me, and I liked it
>"im gonna force you to marry me"
>(talking in a group with friends about a restaurant) "hey user, let's eat there, it'll be our first date"
I have no social skills whatsoever and am a virgin but I was ready to invite her to the restaurant. Never been on a date, never had a gf, never really liked her, but she wooed me. Long story short, I couldn't go eat last week, so I didn't invite her, but I will this week if I can go. To clarify, I'm a hs senior who has to rely on others for car rides and I have no money

Fuck, yeah, that's hot af. If anyone talked to me that way I would just melt. Anyways, I thought you were another poster, that's why I was asking for more information.


>"Will you please reject me?"
>"I don't really have a reason to"

Meant to reply to here, oops.

Please tell me all the /x/ stereotypes.

Wait, how do you know he visits /x/, exactly?

user, /x/ is full of woo.

I saw him on Jow Forums on his computer and I asked him which board he posts on. He said he posts there a couple of times a week.

It won't help you much knowing that he visits /x/. I visit /x/, but I don't want any girl to use that fact to woo me. She wouldn't have to

>/x/ couple times a week

Sorry user, but unless you know how to summon a succubus, odds are he's a lost cause.

I guess you've gotten as concrete of an answer you're ever going to get, so think about it another way.

This is a man that, by your own admission, has relatively little interest in you and does not have any of the qualities that you want him to have. A man who's opinion of you is so indifferent that he can't even tell you "No" out of apathy. If you still think he's worth pursuing despite his unappealing reality and lack of interest in your advances, continue to advance until he does reject you or you lose interest. Otherwise, move on.

>implying helping you is worth doing

I could roleplay as a succubus for him

found my crush

This is post-relationship acceptance stuff. Don't try anything like that

As great as that would sound to you or I, /x/ is a breed of its own. They don't want roleplay, they wan't the real thing. And they're literally willing to abandon their souls for it.

>t. spent to much time on /x/

wouldn't be caught dead on /x/ to be honest

secretly rooting for you to get the kook to mate with you though

>does not have any of the qualities that you want him to have
>his unappealing reality
I'm really confused about how you inferred the above things. I think he's perfect. It might be the chemicals making me think that, but still.

What's so perfect about him

>/x/ doesn't want roleplay

Then he's mentally ill and probably not capable of having an intimate relationship.

kek got me there. Place is a cesspool now. Not that it wasn't before.

/larp/ board when
reclaim /x/ for the fringe

Well, first of all, chemicals are the only reason you think any romantic thoughts, or any thoughts at all, but I digress.

You said "I don't know, there's just something about him that seems really special. Worth fighting for. If he liked me half as much as I like him it would make me so happy". There is literally nothing in this sentence that describes an actual, concrete part of him that exists here (like "nice to my friends" or "always makes me laugh"). You are attracted to him because you want to be, not because of any special property of his. He is clearly uninterested to the point where any desires you're projecting onto him are very likely to be unfulfilled. As I have said many times, if you are satisfied with those desires being unfulfilled, continue to chase him.

You're very unlikely to get what you want out of any escalation of your relationship with him (even assuming he consents to such an event), which is why it seems like a futile effort from this observer's perspective.

Physical appearance
Attitude towards social norms
Smells really good
Seems pretty woke
Similar ideas about relationship style
Wants to travel

>There is literally nothing in this sentence that describes an actual, concrete part of him that exists here
Trying to be somewhat vague in case he is reading.

What just transpired here?

Didn't you know?Gods, demons, aliens, and time travelers regularly visit /x/

Oh ok, gotcha, hahaha.

What Transpired? Just some good old fasioned banter.

Anywho, I hope the best for you, but keep your expectations low. I've been on both sides of unrequited love, and it ain't great either way. If he ain't interested, best thing is to move on. But I know that won't happen.

You could always embrace /x/ fully and try some weird love magic potion thing. You'd be suprised, thats actually a pretty common thread over there

Why does not knowing what it feels like to have a crush on someone or to be interested in someone sexually/romantically imply mental illness?

One right advice

>You could always embrace /x/ fully and try some weird love magic potion thing. You'd be suprised, thats actually a pretty common thread over there

Hi uh, can you drink this? Don't worry about what's in it >_>

It's good to see actual traits in this post. Still, there are millions of men (or thousands in your city, if you prefer) who have all 6 of the things you listed (and possibly more). The key is not finding a person who likes travel, or has the same social norms as you, but finding someone who likes you as much (or more) as you like them.

If you believe this person will change into someone who likes you as much as you like them, continue your pursuit. If not, you are wasting your time pursuing something that he doesn't fundamentally want. Remember, this man is a human with desires and preferences as well. Either he does like you back, but is too awkward/shy to admit it (hence my advocacy of the "be as direct as possible" stance), doesn't actually like you and won't, or doesn't like you but might theoretically do so at some point in the future. However, the last option has a huge opportunity cost of not pursuing other travelling, woke men who smell good. Unless you are sure he will change (or is lying/shy), don't waste your time.

I think its you who drink it actually. Idk man, I try not to read into the larps too much.

>Unless you are sure he will change (or is lying/shy), don't waste your time.
Thanks for your advice, but it is already a given that I am going to waste time pursuing him until I get a definite rejection. Imagine being desperate enough to make this thread in the first place.

>I'll say something to him and he'll be like:
>>implying that's worth doing
anyone who does this shit is not worth spending time with, especially if they say it for everything you do/suggest

Then be as direct as possible until you get your answer. There's no other way to do it. Confront him in person, and reduce the physical space between the two of you in order to get a more truthful answer out of him.

It's not in response to everything, but he has been responding with that sort of thing rather frequently. Usually in response to a joke I make. So either he's reading the implication wrong or also joking.

Thank you, that means a lot.

Then see him in a fit

>reduce the physical space between the two of you
Definitely never going to do this without his consent.

Exactly. I don't want to antagonize him.

Just don't force a commitment. He'll go along with everything else you say/want him to do.

Thank you so much for all your advice. I really think this has a chance of working.

Just out of curiosity, what qualifies as a commitment besides labeling it as a relationship? Like, if I convince him to come over and spend the night with me, would it be "forcing a commitment" to assume that he'd be interested in doing that again in the future?

ask him in text "how do i summen a sucubis"

"how do i summen a incubis***"

Is that when I find out that he's not particularly interested because he's already got a succubus to tend to his every need?

I almost sent it to him with this screenshot just now, but I got too scared.

Attached: fffff.png (993x415, 156K)

Maybe I'll send it after this thread has long since been deleted.