What do you look forward to?
What do you look forward to?
getting to sleep every night for 14~ hours
Joining the army and getting my life on track later this year.
A video game with machine learning A.I characters that all act realistically.
\/\/ \/\/ 3
origami anal roblox desu
Every single day, every single dream.
Experiencing light, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
Being able to comprehend the abstract, to interpret emotion wrought onto canvas or film, to contemplate the simultaneously vast and infinitesimal nature of reality.
There is nothing I don't look forward to, because the past no longer exists. There is only right now, and now is always worth looking at.
Starting a good diet and getting daily exercise for Jow Forums goals
The day of my suicide
The possibility of a brain aneurysm that will hopefully kill me in my sleep.
not being depressed lonely and angry all the time.
Mm, killing myself after my personality deteriorates to nothing.
Not looking forward to things.
I just want to be able to cuddle with a girl. That's what i look forward to.
Having drunk sex with a japanese goblin
Drinking booze and achieving video game goals.
Hot stuff
But I'm looking for this rn
Autismbux, weighted blankie and new Love Live plushie
i do to why do we look forward to thing that will never come true
Not looking forward to things. Not feeling anything, good or bad. Being dead.
Free time.
I always work toward having time where I can bullshit around and not do anything. It's a really self-destructive habit because I have so many personal projects I want to work on but never do.
The absence of inconvenience for a few hours.
That's about as good as it ever gets
pls gib email pls user
t. aspie
doing large amounts of psychedelic drugs until i steadily lose my sanity and can live off disability/welfare
maybe possibly getting a gf
Societal collapse. I can't think of anything else.
the next big happening.
Also, drinking
seeing my enemies falter . . . and living it up , at the very top !
The day I clench my chest and I shuffle off this mortal coil.