Anyone else wish they could do it all over again?
Anyone else wish they could do it all over again?
Personally, no. My situation is shit but I don't see how it could have gone any other way. And I don't want to repeat inevitably crappy times like middle and high school.
that's dangerous thinking. ignorance is bliss for a reason.
I used to
but why go through it again just for it to end up in the same place and feel even worse knowing you screwed it up twice?
The sad thing is, even if I did things over again knowing what I know now, over half of the things I look back on I wouldn't be able to do better.
>Anyone else wish they could do it all over again?
Every single day.
I wish I could go back to when I was 10-12 and start swimming and get on a good diet. That would give me a good frame and high test, and obviously a greek god physique
I wish I could do it all over again and I'd do the exact same thing.
In one year youll probably feel the same about the period starting today tbqh
I wish I could see you do it all over again.
Nah. I'm an ugly guy, so it would end up like this anyway.
although someone just sitting me down at a young age and being really thorough and honest about how life works would also have done the trick for me.
Jeez user, thanks I guess.
That almost sounds romantic, gosh.
I would do it fifteen teen times over again.
>was always the shortest kid in class when I was a kid
>got made fun of pretty often because of this
>told this to mom, we go to hospital
>get offered growth hormone injections
>reject treatment is because 10 y/o thought being short wouldn't impact my life as much + scared from needles and I'd probably grow after puberty (I thought)
Should have accepted the treatment, now I'm stuck as a manlet and there is nothing I can do.
Your life is a chain reaction set off at birth. Even if you were to go back - without the memories and experiences you have right now you would just be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again
Every day I wish I could wake up and be a child again, the reality is I have absolutely no meaningful relationships or anything to be attached to so I wouldn't even think twice about being able to relive my life. And yes, I do think I could make it all much better this time around.
i dont think i have the brainpower or energy to do school again, i'd rather just keep heading towards death and getting this shit done with already
not really, I think I did the best I could have given the circumstances. Based on family history and stuff I feel like this was all inevitable.
went through the same shit dude, you can only hope to gain like an inch or two at best from that shit, so it's hardly worth it.
If I went back with no memories of now I would fuck up again, and I'm past the point of being able to do childhood again if I retained my memories. I'd basically be doing it over again depressed from the start.
Well, normally I would say it would undo who I have become today but is what I've become really a good thing? Hell yes I'd do it again. I'd have a gf and everything.
>all over again
No, why would I want to do that? Id have to experience the pain, loneliness and disappointment all over again. Thats not beneficial to me in any way, whatsoever
I have anxiety caused by years of undiagnosed autism, it wouldn't go well if my anxiety-riddled mind were put into a purer body.