I wish I was a girl so badly sometimes. The closest I ever get is being fuck in the ass like some pathetic fag boi. How do I stop all this?
I wish I was a girl so badly sometimes. The closest I ever get is being fuck in the ass like some pathetic fag boi...
You can become a girl. Many people do it. It has a large host of flaws, downsides and social stigmas attached to it.
You can also be a "pathetic fag boi", as per your parlance. It is similar to the above, with less physical side effects.
What do you really want? It isn't what I just said, but that's what you said, so I'm unsure as to what your actual desire/problem is.
I wish I was a girl for the sole reason that it is life on easy mode. I would still want my sick though. It's a shame I would not be cute if I trapped at all.
This feeling you have is a direct result from watching anime. Anime has seeped into your mind and made you believe that you can look like a cute two-dimensional girl and all your problems will go away. It is all a lie, as all it will do is destroy your body from the inside out and ruin your life.
Just hope you will roll better stats in the next life.
Why do you want to get pregnant? it seems awful
Or is it the bleeding out the vag thing that sparked your envy?
>I wish I was a girl so badly sometimes. The closest I ever get is being fuck in the ass like some pathetic fag boi. How do I stop all this?
dumb sissy anime poster
so tell us more about the fucking
I don't know I've gotten to a point where I'm just drifting with no desire. I do genuinely wish I was born a girl though.
I don't even care about the easy mod stuff, and I don't care about my dick. I could lose it for all I care.
I wanted it before even knowing about anime.
Yeah I do too.
I mean pregnancy is a nice comfy thought sometimes.
It's really the only time I feel anything from the bland numbing, I kinda get sad at the end.
Idk about OP but for me it's the "play life on easy mode and without ever worring" thing that did it for me.
why is pregnancy appealing to you?
plenty of men live life on easy mode, plenty of women dont live on easy mode. what makes you think if you were female your life by chance would be on easy mode?
To live with no desire is amazing. No desire means no disappointment or regret. You have unlocked true happiness. Savor each moment.
However, I'm guessing you do have desire, but you just aren't sure what it is. Abandon it. Desire is suffering.
same, I've always wanted to be a girl, but I'm too tall, fat, and ugly to every have a chance to transition. If I were to transition I'd look like Chris Chan. Why bother living
I don't know I recognize there are annoying things with pregnancy. But the thought of growing a living being created by two people gives me a slightly warm feeling.
It's sickening without any desire life is a meaningless void, floating about in a dead current.
I'm sorry friend I wish I could help.
Of course life is a meaningless void. We're apes on a rock who live for 80 years on average. The earth has had humans on it for 250,000 years, life on it for 3 billion, and has existed for 4.6 billion. Meaning is not created by existence, it is created by the thoughts of the person experiencing life (i.e. you). Your life is about whatever you want it to be. Pick something you like and do your best to do that thing. That's all life will ever be.
Desires are just expectations you set for your life. Either you know what you want and you don't get what you want, or you get what you want and you don't know what you want next. Desire as little as possible, and be as clear as possible about what you desire and how to get it, and you will be contented.
but why? go deeper, you're only saying surface level, and rather ambiguous, feelings.
you grow living beings in your body every second of every day. you have billions of bacteria in you, tiny insects eat your skincells, and your trash breeds cockroaches and other insects. don't assume that making another human is any better than any other form of life, it's just an endless cycle of dna replication going absolutely nowhere
I can't make sense of it logically it's my shit illogical mind.
I can't ,don't want to. I hate those feelings and myself I don't like comforting them.
You have two options.
1. Live with the feelings you hate without confronting them, hoping they'll magically go away like a ghost who decides to stop haunting you.
2. Confront your feelings, look at why you don't like the life you're currently living, and make better choices to resolve the issues you examined within yourself.
It is clear which option is better. It is harder, but it is the only thing that has any chance of making you happier.
How do you know you want to be female if you don't understand the feelings that make you want to be female? Those feelings could actually make you want something else
>I don't even care about the easy mod stuff
it's kind of amusing how they claim that mtf want the life on easy mode when they actually set their mode on hardest