>he still thinks suicide isn't selfish
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Convince me, faggot
Obviously it's selfish if you're a parent you daft cunt
So what if it's selfish?
It is, but everybody else is selfish too.
anyone got the webm of the user who shot himself in the head in front of a blue tarp with sound? kinda wanna hear his mom screaming
>He thinks anyone actually cares when a robot dies.
All the nights I don't die for you
Wouldn't believe how many nights I ain't died for you on GP
Not that I care, I'd be a Iiar if I sat here claiming I'd exit in a minute
But I can't say I wouldn't I have my limits
thanks user c:
this is definitely not marijuana
this is
It was selfish of my parents to bring me into this world and drag me into their horrible fucking lives
I read it as ">he still thinks suicide isn't a fetish" i was very confused haha
Suicide may be selfish, but in the end it's a coping mechanism. These people are aware of the pain their death will inflict on relatives, friends, etc. But for them their own individual pain has become too great to keep on living.
Every human action is selfish
>implying anyone would care if a robot died
Almost half as selfish as having a child.
As if the "don't be selfish" argument has been extremely successful in stopping any selfish human action
"You know user, I was gonna shoot myself in the face in 2 minutes but that would be selfish so I changed my mind"
>faggot with little sisters shoots himself in front of them
Guy's obviously a fucking turd who probably moped about some bitch who cheated on him.
I suspect, hell near guarantee that if the majority of the anons on here had a little brother or sister to take care of, they wouldn't kill themselves because purpose.
This guy was obviously a faggot who's ROTTING in hell.
selling out your culture your boarder your industry your school systems your media your religion isn't selfish. it's mature. it's intelligent. it's manly.
If you don't have a family no one will miss you
If you do have a family a funeral home will make money
heh dumb fucking stacy
Jesus Christ, this So it's selfish of me to want to end my own life, which I am supposedly fully in control of, but it isn't selfish for parents to bring children into the world with no means for their care or development? And then to do nothing for them their whole lives outside of keeping them alive. And after they've condemned the child to a lifetime of being average and locked into servitude in the lower reaches of society, the child is supposed to be what?.... grateful? Not angry, frustrated, depressed, spiteful, or suicidal to the point of action? Then it's selfish....
>that fake shit
>not for young adults
Faggotry winning once again.
the rule is pretty simple you dipshit, if you kill yourself and leave a mess for others to clean up, you're a piece of shit nuisance
>implying I don't want to make people gag and pick up my splattered offal as a last "fuck you" to the world
>Forcing a being into existence to take care of you when you're become old and gay
Totally not selfish. Humanity was a mistake, we should all kill ourselves.
and whats wrong about being selfish?
I don't see the problem, every human is selfish so why can't I be?
>implying you arent just as selfish for trying to take a humans right to suicide
>have a fucked up enough life that you want to kill yourself because of selfish family/coworkers/classmates/friends/lack of friends
>B-but killing yourself would be selfish user!
you fucking retards are as bad as christian cucks
suicide is only selfish if people would care that you're dead
>a couple of months of sadness is more significant than a lifetime of misery
Really gets the brainey painey.
Normalfags are the selfish ones. A person is literally willing to kill themselves and all they can think about is how it will make them feel. Fuck them for trying to guilt people into living. It was especially apparent when that bitch who was whining about the kid who an heroed with a meme gun came here. Normies are selfish scum, don't give them the satisfaction of controlling your life.
It depends on the circumstances really. If you got loved ones who care about you, and you kill yourself, then yeah it's pretty selfish. Especially if you go out in a brutal way, like shotgun to the head. That fucks people up, and only makes things worse. And in most cases (not all) it's a pretty weak thing to do.
>OMG don't kill yourself user
>please suffer all your life just for us! it would make me cry if you don't lead your miserable, pathetic life (that I make fun of you for) till a heart attack at eighty!
>facebook post: user was my brother and also my best friend, it hurts so much knowing we won't be able to spend our lives together again, missing him everyday RIP big bro
>200 likes omg girl, stay strong call me if you need support we're here for you
>couple of months
I'm not even particularly opposed to suicide as a last resort, but come on man. Relatives will never live this down
>life is inevitable suffering
>I was BORN a failure, it's my GENES, I can't do ANYTHING about it!
>WITH A GUN!!!!!
lmao classic materiel
The ones saying suicide is selfish are the true selfish ones.
>oh you want to kill yourself but think about what it does to meeeeeeeeeeee
top laughfest
The ones saying suicide is selfish are the ones who see people suffering and do nothing about it. Or even talk shit about the person suffering for personal gain. Fuck you. It's selfish to force someone to suffer so you don't have to.
who's forcing
>sending an ambulance to pick up a corpse
do americans really do this
>be depressed big-brother user
>have little sisters and a purpose
>try your best to protect and guide them through life
>they end up hating you when as they go through puberty
>they resent you when they become rebellious
>they leave for party colleges and go wild
>they move to different places out of state and find a job
>you become estranged through indifference
>some years go by, they settle down with guys you don't know
>eventually they get married into a new family
>you don't even have the same last name, it's like they were never related to you
>you're the only man left with your family name now
>nobody to care, you kill yourself anyway
Yea, discount prices if you're dead.
Koakuma kunny
Why would someone care about morality and character when they are about to put buckshot through their skull?
do normies actually feel bad about this stuff or are they just pretending?
Why do I owe my loved ones? You realize 8 can take a boat and suicide at sea right? Also are you implying my life belongs to my family? If so, why would any of you normalfags talk about self-actualization?
Many people cant. Try telling that to the treeman
oh sure that's what most whiners here have
Pretending and virtue signalling for status. You need to remember that normalfags (not normies you newshit) are only concerned first and foremost with status and personal gain comes second for them.
Really. If someone's really at that point where they're so broken and hopeless that suicide is a very real thing for them, I wouldn't think that they're carefully thinking "well, I don't want people to think I'm a bad guy or anything.." If someone's decided that they have to die, they'll try to do it.
There are people born into blood feuds with gangs, people in Somalia who will be gunned down today for no reason, and others in utterly fucked up situations. There are ugly guys I've seen on bodybuilding forum who lifted to 3% bodyfat and women still hate them for being short/ugly.
You need to cut it out with your just world fallacy stuff. Judging by your tone you are a child or a woman who wont acknowledge reality. Not everyone gets to boast through life like you. For some people the amount of effort it will take to fix their lives is either impossible, Sisyphean, or so hard that although attainable it will end up being a net negative in cost.
Grow up.
>people born into blood feuds with gangs, people in Somalia who will be gunned down today
very big demographics here
>women still hate them for being short/ugly
maybe they hate them for being bodybuilding forum whiners
>just world fallacy
nice buzzwords you're putting in my mouth there. yummy
can someone report this bot aleady this has been going on for days now
I knew this was b8. Good job
Koakuma kunny
How and when you do it is what determines selfishness beyond what should be granted to you. He should've went into the forest or on a bridge, a place where his family wouldn't find him.
I still don't think this kinda thing is necessarily malicious though, when you truly want to go out you won't have plans or family or anything else on your mind just death.
Stop guilting me into living
I'm already facing so much guilt
Life is fucking hell
Why can't I just end it?
There are a lot of secluded places in the US the people dont go to in the US since it isnt normalfag friendly, millions of them in fact. If I want to kill myself I have tons of options for my body to rot in
You can do whatever you want. You are being riled up by vacuous retards that dont actually care what you do and are only saying things like that to virtue signal. Calm down man.
There are people still mourning relatives who killed themselves in the 60s.
What does your country do? Paramedics here carry body bags and 911 sends people to clean your house.
That is their problem. Sounds like autism. I got over my grandmas death a year after it happened
It's not them
This is a stupid normie excuse
All I want to crawl up and wait to die since nothing is the only thing I'm good at
But no I've got to live because every one want me to
Fuck them
They don't care for me when I'm alive
And they don't want to guilt when I'm dead
whole thread is just a wish fantasy
My parents and sisters would care
Not enough to help me while I'm alive but they would be devastated if I died
It's interesting how there's two types of argumemts both of these posts are good examples of.
One is based on the belief that statements don't have to be any more all-encompassing than what's statistically likely and the other is based on the belief that all-encompassing statements are contradicted by the minority and that every individual data point is worth considering. Cool stuff to see in action, makes me wonder how each way of thinking comes about.
It's selfish to demand someone who suffers to keep on living. Basta.
>mfw people still replying to a bait thread
This video is the worst thing i've ever seen on this site, thought about it for a whole day afterwards
I've lost someone to suicide, a beautiful person. it's always pissed me off thinking about it but if a person wants to go, the person's gonna go and I find peace and balance in letting somebody fly away freely because it's the absolutely last thing I can do for them apart from never forgetting the good times. However what truly pisses me off is the moral high-ground faggots trying to make it about the people AROUND the person who gave up on life. If you're such caring and good-hearted people, respect someone's decision for having had ENOUGH of it and ask yourself how we could change the world to prevent such a thing in the future. It's all virtue-signalling with fake philantropic intent and (non-sarcastic) victim blaming. It reminds me of contemporary christmas, where everybody is so nice to each other it feels like plastic emotions and a day later we go back to our same old ways throughout the rest of the year because we dont actually care.
that's a very nice series of numerical characters
Also not to imply there's only two argument types. Some people don't believe anyone beyond themselves matter as a data point. is an example. I'm also sure that the type of argument an individual uses may change between topics and that's pretty interesting too.
it is but living for other people is retarded
why continue to suffer just so people in your social bubble don't have to feel bad about your death
the wheel is gonna keep on spinning anyway
It's selfish because they love you, and since you want to take the pussy route out of life, you end up causing them pain, and greif from losing someone closest to them. Leaving a mess behind makes it all the more worse.
selfish were my parents when they had me. i never asked for this shit.
i think r9k would like this movie
When I write my damn novel
When I watch all the stuff I want to watch
When the boredom finally sinks in and I go back to that friendly Makarov
Do you think I'll care if it is selfish?
Well no-one's in their right mind when they kill themselves anyway.
Was Robin Williams a cyborg?
>not the recently leaked video of the boy who is forced to watch his father get tortured and killed before he himself is tortured, skinned, and decapiated why crying for his mother with the worst part being that neither of them did anything wrong. His father was just a cop who busted some guys in a cartel.
>not funkytown
>not 3 guys 1 hammer
But a meme suicide
then it's probably the first too. that shotty of his sent him to the other side in a split second. it's heavy shit I mean let's stay human in here, but he got off as quickly and painless as possible. the average village thief in africa doesn't get off that easily
>why do I owe them?
That's for you to answer, it varies by the person. If they were shit to you then they were shit to you. If they tried to help their family failure then they were at least looking out for you.
>durr normalfags not normies
only a contrarian actual newfaggot such as yourself would try to force this, they've been interchangeable for years friend.
This, the worst thing to worry about dying isn't being dead itself but the transition.
jesus FUCKING CHRIST that video was maybe the worst and i think ive seen it all. damn!
Never seen the 3 guys 1 hammer but the other 2 and many other videos are cartel shit. Instead of just building a wall why aren't we taking our soldiers and our marines and taking these guys out? Fuck Mexico up to fix it up and you fix a lot of the problems the US has as well. Illegal immigration is just a symptom, we need to start cutting off the heads of the problem. Why aren't we?
America needs its own suicide forest where Logan paul wannabes poke your corpse with a stick.
No it's not selfish it's your life you can do anything with it
>implying whites aren't fueling the drug trade/problem
No one is going to take your job Cletus, and if you deal with illegals on the regular it's your fault your situation is shit.
I'm not personally affected by it and it's telling that you think something is a problem to someone only if there's a story where it personally affects them.
I simply know the damage these cartels are doing and I'm curious as to why our government, including the one formerly run by a half-black president has done nothing about it. Meanwhile he's invaded people when it made no sense whatsoever and even admits to that being one of his greatest mistakes but didn't do shit to fix one of the biggest problems south of the border that directly affrcts us.
>the pussy route
Into the trash it goes. All you have to do to not anhero is to listen to the overwhelming survival urge programmed into your brain. Every living thing on Earth is capable of doing that, it's piss-easy. Suicide takes true will and determination.
>you end up causing them pain, and greif from losing someone closest to them
So the suffering person should keep living a whole lifetime of misery, so that some others don't feel sad for a very brief period. If retard normalfag logic is true, the family can just choose to not let it affect them and "man up" and get on with life anyway.
>All you have to do to not become a sexually repulsive outcast is to listen to the overwhelming survival urge programmed into your brain. Every living thing on Earth is capable of doing that, it's piss-easy. Neckbearditry takes true will and determination.
Very witty of you, but we essentially agree on that and it's a whole other topic. Sex isn't difficult. Most people here want more than just that.
It's not a pussy thing to do, it is breaking literally the most basic instinct you have as a living being and not looking back, that takes guts.
What the problem is, is that if you have anyone in the slightest, parents, family that cares, friends, whatever, you are essentially making them experience great anguish for your own personal gain. In a sense, this is a kind of betrayal of those close to you, and you are indirectly sacrificing others happiness for your own way out.
To me, that's not what a good person does, if you kill yourself in that circumstance, you are a villain, someone who causes those closest to him to suffer just so he can be free, instead of trying your hardest to protect the smiles of the ones you love.
It's this logic that keeps me going anyway, I get to feel like a hero just for staying alive even though it really isn't enjoyable. That's cowardice, hiding behind a convoluted moral compass to try and make yourself feel better about not doing what you, in truth, would be okay with doing. If I am a coward for this though, so be it, at least I know I'm keeping someone from suffering.
i think its pretty selfish for other people to lay a claim to your life and say they should be the arbiter of whether you can live or die
I mean, why should you care? You are fucking dead by the time of their reaction. You aren't affected by it.
And why should you stay alive and put yourself through this hell just because someone else who only cares about you when it's too late will feel bad?