Can't even tell your gf to lose weight without the risk of public shaming

>can't even tell your gf to lose weight without the risk of public shaming

The absolute STATE of amermutt roasties.

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As a woman literally the one thing on the planet you have to do is not be fat. The rest of your life is a fucking breeze. He's totally right, btw. She looks paunchy. If I'm dating someone I have every right to expect them to be physically attractive to be and I have every right to leave them if they stop being attractive. The only one in the wrong here is the one who posted private conversations on the Internet.

Well he is a whiny little baby. I've had 200+ lb gfs before and even I didn't bitch as hard like he did there. Just kept my mouth shut and brought her to the gym with me.

Please spell amerimutt correctly next time so that my filter catches your awful thread

He couldn't just say it like a man?

plenty of men dig fat chicks. just dont date fat chicks or get your fee fees hurt when they post about you dumping them for being fat. theres nothing wrong with it why let that chick get to you? are you some kind of over emotional faggot? be a man.

Girl has more tattoos than just some basic bitch ankle tattoo?
She might be a histrionic slut

>plenty of men dig fat chicks. just dont date fat chicks or get your fee fees hurt when they post about you dumping them for being fat.
The text clearly implies that she got fat after they'd already been together. Nothing he said was unreasonable or out of line and it should be a pretty reasonable expectation that your gf doesn't post intimate conversations on the Internet.

>Asks for honesty
>Is horrified by the truth

fucking dumb bitches man, he was still even nice about it and was pretty clear that he was still attracted now and just expressed concern.

they want honesty, but expect us to not make it sting. fucking dumb cunts man

>they want honesty
No, they don't, retard. They want you to lie to them consistently.

Well if the fat wasn't a dealbreaker, going and posting a private conversation for the whole world to see in an asspained immature manner definitely would be. Buh bye bitch!

>gf gains weight since being with me
>it all goes to her tits and ass and thighs, much my my enjoyment
>she's petrified at the thought of me disliking her now that she's (like 5 or 10 pounds, really) bigger and literally doesn't believe me when I say it's hot

Lmaoing @ these normies' lives

its just a form of revenge porn, he knew what he said could be posted online he should have said this shit to her in person. this is all on him.

>I've always had a pooch
>It's bigger than it has been

God if this isn't manipulative doubletalk that serves only to get a reaction from the guy, I don't know what is. Worse, the fact she herself calls it a pooch, but gets offended when he calls it a beer gut is all you need to know about this woman, let alone the fact she posted a private conversation on the internet. This guy dodged a bullet

Well he said it like a moron. You have to control your girl not just tell her she's a fatass. Women love being controlled, but they hate being insulted. It's partly his fault too they probably just ate dinner out and sat on their ass on the weekends together. If your lady gets out of shape just take her ass outside more and not bitch at her through text messages.

It's honestly getting scary for men. Even if you get lucky and snag a girl you absolutely can't say anything negative or give her any constructive criticism or it could turn into a national witch hunt. Seriously, imagine being the poor fucking dude in this story
>Yeah I'm not turned off by my gf but I am a bit concerned about the weight gain, I want her to be healthy and I want to keep being attracted to her

>date someone who only was interested in you because of your nearly-nudes on instagram
>surprised when you relationship is superficial and shitty

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Lmao I thought white knights didn't approve of that. Anyway it sounds like she's the one who brought it up to begin with

im okay with pointing out whos is at fault

Practically everything about social media is awful and has only brought down our species.

He's not at fault. Name one thing he did wrong. Even if you think talking about this via text is dumb (even though, once again, it sounds like she started the conversation), that doesn't give her the right to do what she did.

Honestly its not that bad. Anyone have her contact info?

i didnt say he did anything wrong. why do you think he did something wrong? he didnt. she owns those texts, she has the right to do what she wants with them.

>lmaoing @ theses normies lives
Something isn't right

She should leave him and become my gf, her body is my ideal gf material.

>I didnt say he did anything wrong
>im okay with pointing out whos is at fault
>she owns those texts, she has the right to do what she wants with them.
She definitely does not own his texts. Whether she can share them depends on if the conversation was solicited or not. Either way, just because you can doesn't mean you should. I was never speaking in legal terms, quit being anal

>she owns those texts, she has the right to do what she wants with them
it's not that simple, if it's a public disclosure of private facts she can be sued for it in some states

That's a body meant for stuffing full of carbs


he did nothing wrong but it is his fault things he texted were put online.
possesion is 5/6ths of the law
is that what happened here? possesion is 5/6ths of the law

He solely blamed her when it's actually pretty normal for both parties to gain weight in a relationship. It makes me think this is his first relationshit or whatever.

Also jesus fuck, never tell your gf she's a fat ass. Especially if she isnt actually overweight. Should be common sense. Might as well tell her to cuck you as well.

>it is his fault things he texted were put online.
And not the fault of the bitch who literally put the texts online. Makes sense.
>actually pretty normal for both parties to gain weight in a relationship
There is no indication that the guy gained weight.

>possesion is 5/6ths of the law
That's not even the expression, dumbshit

unless hes retarded he should know texts can be capped and posted online. if thats not on his mind everytime he shoots a text, thats on him.

baited this exact original response

>120 pounds
bullshit. i fluctuate between 125-130 and im skinny as fuck at 5.6ft

this bitch easily 140-155

Why do guys still date white """"women"""" in this day and age?

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what a fag. I would love a belly gf.

>posting private conversation with your boyfriend on social media
>hurt because he told you to just not be fat
>there are people in this very thread defending the woman

Just when I thought that Jow Forums couldn't fall any lower.

>Women act like this
>I still get called a 'faggot' for wanting a qt trans gf
You know what, I can live with some cuck dropping the f-bomb, just knowing how fucked he'll get by some spoiled, entitled roastie one day.


his mistake was doing this over text and not in person. also any girl that posts your private texts online should be dropped immediatley

Well I mean yeah but it's kind of too little too late at that point.

i thought 120 pounds is somewhat average
how is this considered fat?

If you are 5'6 it's overweight

I meant less than 160, fuck American measurements.

>it should be a pretty reasonable expectation that your gf doesn't post intimate conversations on the Internet.
It is a reasonable expectation, but unfortunately in this day and age everyone is antsy and anxious to "expose" someone on social media to get their likes and such, even for the sake of being "savage". I hate what social media has turned people into in the past several years. You can't say anything to someone in confidence without them using it against you and making a public mockery of you.
Thankfully she had his name redacted though.

>Over 40k people saw this tweet


You do realize that the logical conclusion of your post is to just never discuss anything of importance over a text? That doesn't strike you as completely impractical in the modern day?

I really hope he meant "learning experience to not date psycho bitches from now on."

No. They don't want honesty. They say they do, but they want you to lie. It's called a shit test and horrible girlfriends do it every fucking day.

If she says, "do you miss me?" you better say yes. Because if you say "we just ate breakfast 30 minutes ago," she gets angry because you didn't say some stupid romantic shit from Alladin or Moulin Rouge or something.

this shit seems fabricated as fuck

Gotta love how she basically says she needed thousands of people to see this conversation to decide whether or not to dump him. As if it was one of the most pressing issues of her life. They were together for 2 MONTHS and she wasn't sure about dumping him even though she was clearly bothered by the comments, but still needed to show the conversation to several thousand people on the internet just to be "sure". Fucking hell.

I just found the tweet, just google better.

I'm not going to post it thought because last time the mods banned me for "asking for raids". Too easy to trigger the leftist jannies nowadays.

i don't think she just needed surety, she wanted peer condemnation of him as revenge. she wanted to high-road him; "i'm dumping you because you're a shallow person, you're not dumping me because i'm a fattie."

Sucks for him, my gf's weight gain turns me on lol. I like a belly on a girl.

But yh, this girl is nowhere near fat but the guy's texts weren't too out of line either desu. Would have been better to say that face to face though.

Well that was kinda his point. She probably already had her mind made up, but couldn't resist using the situation to fish for attention online, just because. I don't see how anyone could read that conversation and be confused about how they feel about being called fat. I'm not even sure how things like this end up going viral. You'd think with no tags in the tweet, only her friends would care to comment about it. Twitter has evolved to become the worst cancer.

I know the tweet is real

I'm saying it looks like the bitch made the whole thing up to get easy likes

Should he feed her too? Maybe pat her on the head and say 'good doggie' whenever she plays a trick? If the dude wanted a dog, he would've got a dog.

>look this up on twitter
>she gets praised by literally everyone
>the one girl who criticizes her gets told to mind her own business
>mfw I'm becoming a misogynist because of these thots

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Twitter is a gigantic circlejerking hugbox, don't worry. Most people who use it are just trying to virtue signal. If you can find a girl that isn't on Twitter, I'd say you've hit the jackpot honestly.

>people complaining that he's being witch-hunted and "publicly shamed"
His face and name aren't shown anywhere. She's seeking the advice of friends and followers.
Lots of males on this board post private conversations with women, too. What's the big deal?

Fembots conveniently do not offer their input. They dont want to be outted as shallow, conceited and group-thinking people, after all.

Everybody knows you are secretly siding with the fatass in this situation and you should consequently realize that you do not belong here.


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Fuck of british biyatch

Why does she need to look for advice when it's so plainly obvious what she wants to do? She knew the solution before she captured the conversation, she just wanted to make sure 40K people saw it and make it some public debacle. Why the fuck does something like this have to be on the news anyway??

>Why does she need to look for advice when it's so plainly obvious what she wants to do?
The same reason anyone else would do. Support and confirmation from people you trust that you're not just crazy. Humans are social creatures. I don't see how he was publicly shamed when his identity is completely hidden, either.
>Why the fuck does something like this have to be on the news anyway??
What. When was it on the news?

>200lb gf
Is that really a girl at that point?

It was on the news. There was a news article written about her and everyone is praising her like she's queen bitch.

So, other fat internet girls, you mean? You're making a bigger deal of this than it actually is.

If this is what you consider a fat-to-the-point-of-turn-off, I perfectly understand why you fags complain about loneliness every day.
Keep blasting those mutt memes, though. It's really gonna make your lives better.

>abc news

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>abc ""news""
I mean this uniquely

How about you catch up, bud?

Let's break this down.
She wanted to get fat. Her weight is her own problem to deal with, but she chose to let it happen.
Because its a test. That boy only had two options.

1. To accept it. This shows her he's a beta willing to provide for a landwhale
2. Tell her you're dumping her. This shows her he's an alpha by both having high standards, and being confident in getting someone better. This makes her want to work to appease him.

But instead, he picked something that she wasn't prepared for. Logic and reasoning.
Rather than playing her game, he just admitted exactly what he believed .
In response to this honesty, she looked to random women online to give her emotional support, before deciding that it wasn't worth being in a relationship with a sane man.

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chubby girl
>"all bodies are beautiful, you go girl!"

chubby guy
>"he needs to hit the gym and ease up on the fast food"

Get some standards. I've told every gf that the one thing I find physically repulsive is fatties. I go to great lengths to keep my body attractive and above average, I expect them to make an effort as well. It is both a mental and physical quality.

Every time my friends try and undermine my LDR I think back to things like this and am happy I have an intelligent foreign gf who I can talk to rationally about everything and not have her fly off the handle.

I feel I've found a relatively rare partner and will tolerate limited physical interaction for something like this.

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He started dating a cute girl and ended up being dumped by a fat pig.

He lost nothing, if anything he should be happy that he will never have to deal with her anymore.

Imagine falling in love for a beautiful girl and slowly see her transform into something disgusting, without being able to tell her how you feel because she will expose you to the world saying how stupid you are.

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its posts like this that make me think im not missing out on much in the ways of gfs if even the smallest provocation can end up getting you burned at the stake. Perhaps sitting around playing vidya with my body pillow and shutting out the world is best. Any other anons share this feel?

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He dodged a bullet. Not only will she continue to get fat (or get skinny just to meet the next Chad and then get fat again) she's a fucking psycho who posts private conversations for internet points.

She's not looking for advice. She's looking for compliments and for increased status by becoming a "victim". All at the expense of her boyfriend.

>calvin klein underwear
Thotware. He should've known better

That's the pic

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Is that even how those pantsu are supposed to be wore? I bet she wears them that way to give the impression of female curves while hiding the "love handles" aka lard handles. If she's so proud of her body would she cheat like that in the pic.

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>im 120 lbs
at what? 5'0? lmao she's fat

Would honestly destroy this 3 ways from Tuesday, guys an idiot and probably low test.

I don't get why you betas get so mad at women, would you hate dogs because they bite? No because it's their nature, if you do you're just as overemotional as the girls you claim to hate.
Don't tell your girlfriend she's getting fat. Suggest going to the gym, if she refuses, dump her.

Good on him for breaking up with this disgusting roastie. Hopefully he finds a real woman.

>be western white woman
>can't cook
>can't clean
>can't even stay in shape

What's even the point of getting married if women nowadays can't even stay in shape? And if you say something to her she posts all your private messages all over social media I fucking hate women so much.

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