Delivery Boy

Any Pizza Deliverers here?
Worst delivery thread, I'll start.

>Be Pizza Delivery Driver
>Delivering some shit to a rural area
>Come to the house and see the gate is shut
>They have two dogs, they start barking
>Dogs are usually friendly, but I didn't want to risk it
>Usually get the customer's number for shit like this
>Call the customer
"Sorry, this number isn't connected"
>Try calling again, thinking I typed the number wrong
"Sorry, this number isn't connected"
>fuck off
>I try calling out to the customer
>I need all my wits to get out of this one
>Get idea
>Gather all my shit at the gate
>Dogs follow
>I sprint as quick as I can around to the side of the house and hide behind a garden bed
>Dogs think I went to the backyard
>I stealthily walk back around to the gate
>Pick my shit up, unlock the gate, and go to the door
>Mission Passed, +Respect
>Knock on the door, it opens
>14 y.o looking guy standing there
"Hey, I've got a few Pizza's here-"
"Why'd you unlock the gate?"
"You should've rung me, it isn't cool to break onto someone's property"
"The number wasn't connected, I-"
"Just give me my Pizza, dumbass"
>You little shit
>Walk back to my car, dogs follow me, I pet them a bit

I got back to the store and my manager asked me why I had a 1 star review. I told her what happened, she just shook her head and told me that it wasn't my fault.

Any stories, deliverybros?

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I have been delivering for 3 years and norhing interesting has really happened. Once a guy offered my 500 bucks to blow some coke with him and quit my job. Another time i opened the door and two fat girls were playing wow in thongs that one sucked.

When a repeat customer that never tips orders. I usually shake the food boxes really hard and shake the pizza boxes and turn a/c on in the car so food gets cold. They never tip, but we keep delivering to them. Shouldnt be allowed the profit margin isnt high enough

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They dont need to tip you wageslavers. Also isn't it almost time to turn in your taxes wagie?

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Kill yourself you kike bastard

26 and Australian, been a driver for dominos for 5 years

>okay thank you your delivery should arrive within 20 minutes
>14 minutes walk up to the door, its open the customers are fucking in the living room
>oh cunt you tol me itd take 20 mintues to get here thought i could get a quick root done
>leaves 1 star review

>gay guy opens the door
>"hey listen handsome I dont have enough money to pay but maybe I can pay in another way"
>turn around and leave with his order
>faggot goes "wait wait wait" and pays me properly
>1 star review

>big fat black woman opens door, 3 niglets running around
(side point I'm a skinny 5'7 white dude)
>give her the order, all is good
>"damun boy youse is pretty hot, how bout you cum by after work and giv me sum moar suasage"
>honestly thought I misheard her so I just say "what"
>"ya heard me boi ill be waiting 4 u"
>never went back, never delivered there again

>Cutting an order
>notice its a delivery to a guy called Ryan, I know a Ryan he's an asshole that fucked my (ex)girlfriend,
> joke about it to co-workers, couldnt be him
>its fucking him
>Throw the pizza his face
>heard he had to go to the hospital for the burns
(end up fucking his girlfriend a few months later)

is being a delivery boy as comfy as i think it is? what do you do when there aren't any deliveries going out ?

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Why expect your customers to pay your wage instead of your employer. Tipping is such kikery

>Literally being used for your car

like working in a mcdonnalds
You wash dishes, serve customers, clean up ect.

Worst delivery

>tropical storm
>pelting rain and wind
>walk up to guy's patio
>it has no roof
>getting soaked
>ring doorbell
>nigger answers
>ask him if i can come inside, its raining and windy out here
>he says "fuck no nigga gimme dat fuggen pizza im hongry"
>ask for the payment
>he says "hol up lemme go get it"
>wait 15 minutes outside in the pelting rain

Best delivery
>some chad at a gated complex
>i cant find his house entrance because he lives in a mansion
>i call him up and ask him where his front door is at
>"oh dont worry about it bro ill be there right now"
>he pulls up in a golf kart right next to my car 5 min later
>smoking a blunt
>"sorry about that man, how much do i owe you?"
>he hands me a hundred
>"i dont have change for this man"
>"nah its all good keep the change my dude, here hit this blunt before you go"
>as i leave he gives me his business card

the pay isn't worth the abuse you get as a delivery guy. society doesn't pay anyone enough for the abuse it exchanges you for your comfort

Domino's for 5 years, you poor bastard. I managed a maccas for 6, struggled to make 60k a year. Now I work for metro and pull 92k and sit down all day doing nothing.

>as i leave he gives me his business card
what did he do for a living?

Produces soap

shit that never happened

job that doesnt exist

you sure he was real?

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Thats the joke

I keep getting out, but it just keeps pulling me back in
The longer I'm stuck in this company the harder it is to get out

all the delivery lads seem to be older gentlemen in their 30's or 40's.

26 and deliver weekends. i fukn hate dogs fuk u if you let them run to me when im handing you food

casualised retail is like that. get out of it by any means necessary.

There's a reason they're mostly filled with (happily) exploited poos and foreign students.

What a dumb customer.
He asks for an explanation and then immediately cuts you off by calling you a dumbass.

I know that you have to maintain a level of civility, but I would've thrown the pizza on the ground and told him to go fuck himself.

Was a deliveryguy on a scooter for a sushi restaurant. Generally it wasnt too bad aside from cunt customers who have no clue that it takes time to prepare fresh sushi en the worst, drivinf through the snow/rain on a scooter in - 7C. I was sure i got frostbite at some. Point

Have you ever had an encounter with a Skinwalker while delivering?

Bumping for interest for this subject

This is what r9k is about. Threads like these



Please leave.


I was a dominos driver when i was 17, smoke weed and cigarettes listening to metal and qotsa while driving my own car.

only 2 bad deliveries surprisingly as I was stoned most of the time

a guy gave me a coupon which I thought meant free pizza and it was like $50 worth of pizza. When I realized i fucked up i spent the rest of the night outside his apartment just constantly ringing which pissed my managers off because I wasn't taking dels. until i got my money back

Another time some jerk was waiting for his change after I gave him his pizza. I still needed to give him 5 cents which I was looking for in my bum bag. He kept shouting at me and having a go saying "Yeah YEAH YEAH!???" eventually i found his precious 5 cents and gave it to him and was like "have a good night". I think the guy just wanted to fight, was probably stressed out from work or something

My last order of dominoes was fucking disgusting.. cunts forgot my jalapenos and it was the most greasy thing I've ever got from there. I'm never getting that shitty edge crust ever again.

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yeah edge crust is shit, but like we're putting a 1/4 kg cheese on that thing what do you expect?

HEHHEHEH what is everyone getting from your local pizza establament tonight?

Will you tip and be friendly to the delivery guy

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I used to be a Domino's driver. Worked my way up to manager, now I work in an office. I frequently fantasise about being a driver again.

The total lack of responsibility was great. I just got paid to drive my car, listen to the radio, and be totally relaxed.

>tfw you'll never again drive down dark empty roads at night in the rain while listening to AM radio, with piping hot pizza on the passenger seat and not a worry in the world

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I always complain and tip not enough

wagies BTFO

especially in the rain I have a door without a canopy so when it rains ill usually go like oh hold on a moment I need to get some cash and then I stand there behind the door just smirking cause I know the wagie gets wet


Why do people treat wagies like houseniggers? Is it a symptom of western conveniences, or may it be the general cattiness of people?

i used to do stuff like this to people who i knew weren't going to tip too.
>take their order on the phone
>notice it's "that guy"
>yeah it's gonna be about 45 minutes
>nothing going on, not busy, could easily be there in 10 mins
always told him the longest allowed wait time and showed up at the last minute.
he actually did start tipping eventually.

>have a decent job, never been a fast food loser
>make good monies, building my own house

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Wagies are literally a social tier under NEETs
At least NEETs have figured out a way to live without working. Wagies work to live.

Why can't you niggers over at domino's ever slice the fucking pizza correctly? I either gotta cut it myself or pull them off forcibly and make a mess.

i try not to stereotype, but nigs seem to be the worst customers.
>show up to nog's house for delivery
>knock, he opens the door
>"hey how's it going, that'll be $xx.xx
>looks at me like he shouldn't be expected to pay for his order
>angrily walks back inside to get money

why are people like this?

>Girl Delivers Pizza
>Outright grab her ass and ask her if shes DTF
>She tries to pull away
>Drag her into my home
>She whimpers about having a boyfriend and shoving me hard in the chest
>I shove one hand under her clothes and squeeze her, fiddle with her asshole.
>She goes limp
>I close the door and tell her to get on her knees
>She does so quietly, she looks upset
>Take out my cock
>Tell her to suck
>She pulls my balls out and starts sucking them and jerking my cock
>Good 20 minutes of her slurping and popping on my balls until I shoot my load
>Kisses the tip of my cock and gets up
>Tells me to never order from there again
>3 Days Intercom buzzes and it's the police screaming at me
>Break open the lobby door and rush up to my door
>I open the door
>Arrested for assault
>Details come out in court
>7 years for Rape
>Finally got out in 2004
>My time in prison was fine, just reading and learning, never had any problems, didn't join any crews

Don't rape your delivery drivers.

cool story
things that never happened

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It's very comfy if the people you work with are chill.

I used to deliver furniture (fridges, washers dryers, couches etc) for the brick. Was fucking hell, pay was shit I ripped my back once and went on WCB for 3 weeks, then tried to go back to normal work before I should have and they put 3 x 450 pound fridges on my load

For some reason every pajeet I ever met would demand on top of carrying this heavy cheap ass furniture that I, as they say, be fix their furniture for them as they were too stupid to figure it out. And take away all the garbage. Nevertips either.

>Exchanging a king sized mattress for some fat bitch
>Just me and another guy, both skinny white boys
>Nothing wrong with the old one, just didn't like it
>How the fuck did u buy a mattress without trying it
>Have to fold this very heavy mattress like a taco
>4th floor fucking walkup apartment
>It's also minus 30C out as a side note
>Get mattress up to her shitty apartment
>Fuck it, we bag it for her and put the new one in
>Doorbell rings, it's a pizza guy.

Mfw she tipped the pizza guy for carrying a 1 pound box and didn't give us shit. We made 16$ an hour which is very comparable to pizza guy wages before his tips. We never got tips ever.

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God phone posting is fucking wizardry

>guy fucks your woman
>angry at the guy
I never understood this. It's the woman that promised you faithfulness, you should thank the guy for showing you what a whore your gf is.
normies I swear, I'll never understand you. It's as if you unconsciously believe women are your property and when a man fucks them, they couldn't help it, because they are just dumb-ass women, while the man is consciously violating your property. It's such a weird mentality in modern society.