We've been through this before. A cute girl appears. She doesn't act like other grills, she doesn't wear makeup...

We've been through this before. A cute girl appears. She doesn't act like other grills, she doesn't wear makeup, she does a fake kawaii animu voice, she likes animu, she seems pure, she's the perfect waifu.

Don't fucking get worked up over her. It won't work. You know what will happen? You'll find out she has a boyfriend. Skype logs will get leaked. Lewd pics will get leaked. Maybe she'll do a drug. She'll skype with a chad and it'll get leaked, and everyone will hate her and she'll be depressed and everything will be fucked because your expectations of a real girl were too high.

Or, what will happen, you guys will be fucking creeps and you'll doxx her, or she'll see the threads constantly worshipping her and get worried for her reputation IRL, because, you know, being associated with a fanbase on a school shooter forum isn't good for your reputation. She'll delete her videos and social media, and leave, and you'll never hear from her again, like Rose, Ashley, Agatha and Ciara.

But, hey, thank you Sunny. I was waiting, fucking waiting, asking "when will the new camwhore come along"? So people can stop making the same threads over and over and posting the same shit. But this isn't going to be any different.

Sunny isn't different from Ashley, Rose, Erica, Marky, or me. She is doing this for attention or money. Normal cute pure girls don't usually do this shit. She probably has BPD and this is going to worsen it by you believing she's actual perfection.

Everyone involved or that gets emotionally invested in this girl you know online is going to be hurt in the end.

SUNNY. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM Jow Forums. Your videos are mostly harmless. But distance yourself from this, don't even respond to anyone from Jow Forums, because they will realize that you're a real human and it'll all be ruined.

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Anyone else can't STAND her fucking voice. It's so monotone but not in a way that becomes background noise but in a way that grates your fucking mind like a cheese shredder? Jesus every syllable that croaks out of her sounds like a robot that got shrapnel embedded in it's voice modulator. I feel every word skitter up my spine into my grey matter like a bionic spider that has 3 non-functioning limbs that drag across my nerve endings.

What the fuck is up with her recently? She did a ton of benzos, pressured a guy into giving her money for more benzos, had a mental breakdown on video, begged for a druggie bf on here, posted her fetishes, and then posted that she got molested. What the actual fuck?

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Her voice is really something, ins't it?

my favorite part is her changing her name on ig to "4chansunny" like she is proud and wants the fact to be known that she came from this shithole, fucking kek. im tired of this im so different i browse Jow Forums le epic meme thing

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>She doesn't act like other grills
But she does, she always does, robots are just retarded and lonely enough to think things will turn out differently.

Robots please,
They are just kids enjoying their natural abilities.
>I hate them because they excel at garnering attention

So does trump but I would rather look at a camwhores ass than trumps cellulose van gogh

it's not that they gain attention, it's the fact that they do it in the wrong ways.

By giving lonely people the intimacy they so desparately crave? Is it cruel to give any at all if it is not a lifetime commitment? Be real.

This, I've been on Jow Forums for years and I've barely paid attention to this particular r9k chick because I instinctively knew she was yet another BPD whore.

If she was 14, then she only needed time for her mental illness to develop a little more. You fucks are stupid if you thought this girl was any different; she is going to be pounded by men 30+ years older than her regularly.

Marky never did anything for attention or money. She IS a normal cute pure girl who never deserved any of the terrible things people on this website did to her.

Vashta was the real deal. I'm happy she left. She was too good for us.

Vashta also didn't wanted money from us. Sunny still has Paetron even though she said she will delete it

She did post nudes on /b/ and doxxed herself...

you mean except for fucking sam hyde? all females are trash.

yeah all know sunny's just a worthless it's whore too bad orbiters are too stupid to figure it out

Is encyclopediadramatic trustworthy?

>post nudes on /b/
She was young and impressionable

>doxxed herself
Bad people doxxed her

She posted her email with her full name and talked about how her mom would react...

She didn't think people would actually do bad things to her

Sunny is a worthless roastie bitch. She posted about killing herself and NOT EVEN 24 HOURS LATER she uploads a video of her singing shitty songs as if nothing happened. Attention whore that isn't worth anyone's time.

Marky is a sweet girl who redeemed herself. She hasn't done anything wrong since. I did horrible things to her and I now realize she is a normal girl who just tries to help people.

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>she is going to be pounded by men 30+ years older than her regularly.
She's already defending guys like this, it's such a joke.

>be sweet kind-hearted girl on /b/
>post nudes to make user's christmas a little less shitty
>also try to make some online friends
>they dox you and ruin your life forever

>they dox you and ruin your life forever
Most of them would have a normal life if they would stop posting here. We only talk about Sunny, Ciara,.. because they never leave the site and post stuff regularly

It's spring. Mentally ill people tend to get very active in spring. Most mental conditions manifest themselves more seriously at spring. Both Ciara and Sunny have at least BPD, Ciara may even have some more serious shit that's why they became very active in the last month and not in a good way. Basically all of their threads are now about porn, cp, and other shit disturbing shit and the worst part is they think it's amusing.

They are mentally ill and because of that very overexcited and horny.

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I need to meet one like this actually. *sigh*

Before she gets knocked up by chad.

The rest is irrelevant.

I would totally fucking date Erica. She's hot lol

I need camwhores that don't charge and are legal robots


Also you're just pissed you can't be with her.
That's all these threads ever are, a pissed off guy irritated he can't be with a girl.

Why do you hate females that want attention so much?

All I WANT is a cute enough female that wants attention from me! :(

(that isn't jailbait)
There's no such thing as a "mental condition"

Dysthymia depression, bipolar? They disappear on a desert island. They become just moods. There's no one to OBSERVE them.

They're not like cancer or diabetes which are physical.

That shit isn't amusing though, it's just depressing.



I need someone that doesn't mind this actually. I'm middle aged. Kind of my fetish to be with someone that isn't old looking.

I mean, just not so insane they cut themselves regularly or drink too much or think I'm paying attention to every other girl.

I hope one of her more crazy orbiters commits a murder suicide.

Stop wishing hell on us betas and girls.

Stop it.

Or better yet, I hope she cuts her arms open on livestream and we get to watch the life drain from eyes.

>She is doing this for attention
And so here you are, making this thread.

I want attention desu :(
I'm a guy though :(

Someone has to call out attention whores though.

Do that with saged replies.

Someone also needs to warn beta orbiters about their '''''''''''''pure''''''''''''' waifus.

I like attentionwhores if they'll give me back attention though :(

Fuck saging. Stop ruining everything.

Shit. We know you hate everyone and yourselves but fuck man....

dude they've already had more sex than me, I know.
I've only met one very pure woman and she was way too good for me and the time she liked me was long past.

She's now kissed more and has had more sex than I have as a middle aged man at the ripe old age of 22. They all have.

Fembot gf is smy biggest wish... even if they are all fucked up

i just wish more orbiters would understand this concept. their desperation and gullibility gives these bpd whores the idea that this is a place where they can just be showered with attention and money. im tired of seeing this shit again and again

D'aww. I know how you feel.

I wish Ic ould find someone as fucked up as me in a way but still pretty and able to try to be less fucked up with someone els there.

Whores are paid.
I don't care if they have "BPD" personality disorders are made up.
Only ugly sane girls would have me anyway.

I don't want to give anyone money though. Chaturbate and MFC and camgirls who are nerdy already torture guys like us/me just by existing and we're shit because my soggy knees and stuff.

Her kik is cokeandsun lewded often

I want to punch Kaya in the face until her eyes are swollen shut.

Will you list all legal fembots who lewd without charging for attention please?

She sends nudes to anyone?

You might get jailbait lewds.
You don't want jailbait lewds.

That second thing is what happened to a girl i found here.
Saw her pics here and on /b/ some years ago, managed to chat 1 on 1 with her near the start of her popularity on here, then the doxxing and public disappereance happened.
The only big difference is i still have her private contacts and talk to her regularly.


that's so dumb. I wish they'd stop doing that. I know I'm not worhty but I'd still like something like that, you know.

To more than just friends though.

She's like 14. People that start threads about her should get banned.

Ew *sigh*

Are there any legal robot girls that you faggots didn't drive off


yes, the robot girls that are not attentionwhores and LITERAL whores, like these retards.

literal whores are worse though. I'm poor and all they like is money.

All I want is attention to give and recieve and try to distract myself from hopelessly lost forever oneitises.

>To more than just friends though.
That was what made me able to become close to her and keep contacts: not wanting to, or even feel the need to, be more than just friends.

Isn't she 16? She is since a few years here in Jow Forums. No way she is still 14.

I need more than that.
For once in my fucking life

I am tired of every single face being friend or rejection directly proportional to how attractive I literally find them.

She is 14. Her birthday is in August.

this was the las thread, ill post her confirmation later

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