What the fuck is going on guys? Are we being raided by lolcow or some shit? Or is it only one autist that posts that kind of bait? And why do you fuckers keep feeding into it.
Recent """fembot"""" threads
Jow Forums is all over the news.
Women have depression at higher rates than men.
Thus, more fembot threads. It's not a conspiracy, it's increased introverted female internet usage and Jow Forums popularity.
I feel like Jow Forums has improved in recent months. There was a time in late 2017 when like every single thread was either a trap / """"femnbot"""" / or normie thread
Well let the cunts go over to lolcow and leave us alone. All they do is attentionwhore I don't mind the femanons that keep it a secret that they're female but the moment they say the magic words "i'm a girl/female"the whole board flocks to them and it's fucking annoying it makes the fucking qualiti of the threads go down exponentially
That doesn't explain anything user, that's not new information, females didn't just become depressed. And Jow Forums has been on the news many many times before. I think it's because roasties realize they can get orbiters because of Ciara and others
Also, yeah i noticed but it's showing signs of coming back
Yet men commit suicide more often hmmmm.
It's trolling.
Exactly, like that romanian bitch that is "queen mini" and """"depressed"""" """"friendless"""". With how she looks it's clear that she wants to get money off of westerners in one way or another and im sure she's had plenty of dicks cuz i know how things go in romania.
t. mad romanian
men succeed at commiting suicide more often than women*
still doesn't explain the sudden boom in """fembot""" threads
There have always been fembot threads, you liar.
>Yet men commit suicide more often hmmmm.
Its because they are weak. Committing suicide is just an act of cowardice. Staying alive no matter how you feel is the brave thing to do.
Women attempt suicide more often though, so therefore women are weaker than men and shittier at killing themselves
>shittier at killing themselves
Nature decided that weak men are disposable since they can't give birth.
What the fuck does that have to do with what I'm saying, """"nature""""" doesn't decide if a suicide attempt succeeds or not, you do
Don't argue with stupid my friend, never argue with stupid.
"oh no chad isnt texting me back in 5 minutes lol i hate myself im just like one of u guize now xD"
The survival instinct is stronger sine woman are less disposable. They unconsciously hold back and thats why they tend to fail.
So they're shittier at killing themselves is what you're saying
Sorry I find it fun
Yes they are because the aren't as disposable.
>Its because they are weak.
I wish.
I'm really weak and dying seems incredibly scary.
Those who actually go through with it either are brave or even more depressed and miserable than I am.
>dying seems incredibly scary
As long as you don't see it as a chance to rest in peace instead of continuing to stay in this hellhole together with all those assholes you are going to be ok. The trial for your will starts as soon as this changes.
Wait then what was the problem with my original statement that they were shittier at suicide
I never had a problem with this statement. I claimed, that
>Nature decided that weak men are disposable since they can't give birth.
Just skip over them, they're not worth looking into unless you want to see people at their lows here. They're every once in a while but you got dozen of other threads to look at, just let the thirsty "bots" dehydrate from their fruitless efforts, they have to learn soon right?
I'm sorry, it seemed like you did
that was painful to read.
female diagnosed with depression here, caused by genetic predisposition, poor social skills from autism and an eating disorder.
the women you're talking about is a frustrating small but vocal minority.
>im a fat cow with autism im so depressed lmao
I bet you have 5 people messaging you right now you absolutely worthless roastie
no, like i said, i have poor social skills and that's lead to me having only two people that would call me a friend. not every woman is as vapid as you imagine.
dont bully pls
If you are this envious you should start to wear dresses and cut you peepee wannabefag.
Sure, two people. You forget about the 10 orbiters that you ghosted because they didn't interest you enough
Fuck off back to your trap discord
>You forget about the 10 orbiters that you ghosted because they didn't interest you enough
Natural selection. If their genes and personality are trash, they don't count.
>Women have
>Fuck off back to your trap discord
I was proposing a way how to get rid of your unhealthy jealousy ungrateful fool.
the """queen""" you oh so love has probably sucked more gypsy dick than you've ever masturbated. with such a will to whore herself out the chances of her being a virgin are as high as me after drinking water.
get off of my thread trap loving piece of shit
>two people that would call me a friend
>im just liek u guys
Don't fucking tell me it's not a bait.
but her body is pure sex, I cant help myself
Man if that body is pure sex you have to see the actually attractive girls around here. The only reason I hate orbiters so much is not because they orbit, nah betas are made for orbiting women and i know where i am but at least orbit the nice looking girls you pieces of shit.
oh baby I'd be her Western provider
I have had more sex than all the board combined, probably. Still find that body mouth-watering.
Funny how the delusional virgins here are implying they wouldn't hit that. I have fucked many girls, maybe had more sex than you, and I would literally pay thousanda just to be able to have sex with her.
Hell yes I'd pay a thousand just to jerkoff in her presence man. That's a fucking nice body.
>implying im a virgin
I've had sex, but i've had sex with girls that i loved in the context of long relationships. I still wouldn't fuck a whore like her. I've been around romanians enough to know that she's no good. It's not about quantity it's about quality.
>all that word vomit.
nigger please.
>lines on the tummy
>big breasts, wide ribcage behind breasts (true hourglass), but small waist
>big hips
This bitch wears corsets. She is still fucking fine, but I know corset wearing when I see it.
Well you can go and think with your dick from now on as well. I choose not to
Fucking beta cucks and roasties, so much envy and impotent rage
more on the corset wearing, all of her selfies have 3 visible lines on the tummy (or at least the top two). these are the edges and the bone that goes around the waist.
this one too has lines that move vertically between the horizontal ones if you look closely. she's very thin and it doesn't look like she uses a full bodice, but she's definitely training her waist to be thinner. i was wondering why it looks like she's sucking her tummy in - this is why. she's bent her ribs into this shape so she can have a thinner waist
dude she's still hot as all hell, i'm a lesbo who's wore (and dressed other women) in corsets before. that's why i recognise it
i'd eat that ass from dusk til dawn
>wears corsets
I do not care in the least.
I want to ravage her, that's the extent of the thinking I am doing.
Anybody who wouldn't ravage her is gay.
i'm gay and i would ravage her
I am reporting every female/virgin/faggot thread.
>every virgin thread
Good luck eradicating r9k, loser