Is nihilism a disease towards society or an enlightenment to a new era?
Is nihilism a disease towards society or an enlightenment to a new era?
who fuckin cares?
It's just a bullshit way for pseudointellectuals to tell everyone how smart they are by proclaiming themselves as such. The idea in itself isn't bad, it just that it is an excuse used by some to not be productive with their lifes.
A perfect nihilist answer.
I do in a way. I want to know what people think.
"Nihilism" is too broad a term for your question to hold any meaning, you low IQ brainlet.
I know you are too stupid to educate me. If you were you would do it with your single post but as someone who has rudimentary understandings of what nihilism is I don't blame you. Not many 20 year olds do.
>Nihilism is a super intellectual topic
See, fags like this prove my point.
It isn't intellectual in the least, it's very basic cut and dry reasoning that even the lowest IQ plebeian should be able to grasp, yet they struggle to even define what they mean when they refer to "Nihilism." Probably because they are slack jawed drooling retards that don't know what they mean, because nothing is going on in their brain.
probably more of the former but that doesn't mean you don't have to deal with it. god's implausible and our science is maddeningly consistent, if we're to have a spirituality of any sort it can't be one resting on the delusions of feudal desert warlords or iron age peasants, it has to be something new that accepts the facts of the universe which create nihilism in a person.
the universe is ugly and the reality terrifying, but that doesn't excuse sticking your head back in the sand.
I prefer absurdism tbqh
99% of people who use that word have no idea what it means and haven't read any of the relavent literature. Their knowledge comes from Wikipedia and pop culture.
Absurdism and a mix of optimistic nihilism is the only sound philosophy.
Any body else waiting for rick and morty fags to bring their delightful input?
You arguments against whatever they might present are null/void because you are already using ad hominem attacks. So congratulations,you already lost.
Not discounting their discussion. Just wondering if they will show up and contribute.
B. That's just a boogeyman tactic. Its not gonna happen.
It's bad for society but its inevitable at this point. They are trying to immigrate people who feel more strongly about their religions to counter the white nihilists / 'truth is relative' fags but it won't work. Decadence won't be stopped. If you are NOT nihilistic you're most likely going to adopt a belief system that makes you sacrifice and work for a society of nihilists or at the very least people with complete apathy towards you.
It depends on how we get out of it.
>faggots falling for the productivity meme
Jesus you freaks are absolute fucking BRAINLETS.
Just because life doesn't matter, doesn't mean you should waste it being a slave to some fucking jew/corporation.
You fucks NEVER should've got basic human rights. NEVER!!
It's the only known way to be correct.
The term you're looking for is cynicism, moron fuck.
LoL spotted another buttblasted christ cuck.
Why don't you rape another little boy in the showers. Freak
The problem is that life isn't meaningless. When you are happy, you feel meaning. If meaning can exist, how can it not exist at the same time? Some form of Schrodinger's Meaning?
First of all, nihilism is trendy and sexy to a lot of people, so it's definitely not going away in its entirety any time soon. But that doesn't mean that utopia 10000 years from now will have anything to do with it.
There is an afterlife. For those who doubt that, take a careful, long look into the data on NDEs. Here are two good places to start:
This doesn't necessitate meaning, however, but NDErs are quite adamant that life is meaningful, and that eternity on the other side definitely is meaningful (bathing in infinite love and bliss forever does sound quite meaningful to me, but some may disagree), so the notion that life is meaningless is more or less a passing phase in the defiance age of our civilization.
t. actual philosopher
Nihil is beautiful. It's like watching black mold grow before you eyes.