When did this board turn into normie central?
Where are all the real robots?
Suddenly everyone has sex on the regular or even a wife, everyone has a job and no one is a NEET
When did this board turn into normie central?
Where are all the real robots?
Suddenly everyone has sex on the regular or even a wife, everyone has a job and no one is a NEET
This board is 10 years old. People's lives change in a decade. Many NEETs and incels have aged out of it or stopped coming here out of increased despair.
Wizard here.
real robots only lurk nowadays.
theres not many threads worth contributing to anymore.
I'm still here but it's sad to see how much the board has changed.
Now robots are outcasts even on their own board.
>When did this board turn into normie central?
Around 2014 when SRS invaded and terms like "normie" became commonly used as they were associated with reddit9k on other boards.
I come here from Jow Forums to marvel at the miserable lives that so many on this board seem live. Its like going to the zoo
>Jow Forums
you're an outcast yourself being gay and all
>When did this board turn into normie central?
Probably end of 2016 / thoguhout 2017. That is when the Reddit autists spread throughout Jow Forums and made everything normie infested.
I assume that most anons went to 8.c.h.a.n., I am not sure how much traffic there is on wizard chan. We someone need a coup to make all of the normies leave this site. Anyone who has had intercourse with another being does not belong on this board. Imo we should reply to then with Gore, probably easiest way to piss of the normies.
>being gay means im an outcast
Im afraid not loser
*normalfags' lives change in a decade.
Place used to be fun when it was mostly autists, wizards and actual virgins but nowadays it's basically /b/ 2.0
I know that feel my brother
earlier than that, maybe 2014/2015.
But honestly it doesn't matter. This is just edgy reddit now and nothing we do will change that.
I've been on this board since the day it launched February 21 2008. I remember coming home from from a school day in my senior year of HS and checking Jow Forums before I booted up TBC WoW. I saw this new board called robot9000 and decided to check it out.
Now I'm still here on Jow Forums, a 28 year old KV, and I still spend 30~40 hours a week playing WoW.
This place was still /b/2.0 when people here did their edgy threads, screeched REEEEE because meme and argued to see who had the smallest dick to brag about.
What has changed over the years? Are we truly entering a meme world where everything IRL is Jow Forums culture? Or do the normies using pepe right now just another example of Jow Forums creating a meme first and the rest of world being years late?
Also how does it feel knowing you will be a wizard in 2 years?
Jow Forums was never incel central, you usurped it.
Jow Forums functions as an old-school /b/, just slower. That is what it's supposed to be. If anything you people ruin the board with your incessant whining.
>Jow Forums functions as an old-school /b/
this has to be bait or obvious newfag
I am on the cut of being an originalfag, but whatever.
Jow Forums was introduced in 08 as an experiment to curb the repost epidemic. It was supposed to take in people from /b/ that produced OC. That's why it's a red board, even to this day.
Just move to the new board and shut up. We clean house like once every 2 years
> b > r9k > s4s > bant
It's just like v4c
Streamable > Synctube > instasync >rabbit
Turns out if you don't keep moving too many people saturate stuff and it turns to shit. It's just idiots sharing interests with other idiots until there's a lowest common denominator of content.
Moot necked the board. He brought it back as 9001 as a containment board for sadboys.
this place has been a shithole for years, did you not notice?
I treaty this place as a shithole myself, desu. if you're still posting here you're not even worth bringing back to where I regularly go. cya.
Thirsty robots orbiting fembots. Also reddit ofc
It's over. For 5 years now.
it's because we're not being racist enough
We can attempt to remove the normies. If someone posts a thread about having gf problems, real robots should shitpost it to full of irrelevant crap. It may or may not work. Same goes with everything related to the non-virgin scum.
Alternatively we could have containment threads for true robots and normies. Our options are few and limited. Or nonexistent, like our chances of ever getting a happy life with a gf.