Has anybody seen this video yet?

Has anybody seen this video yet?

Supposedly all these trap threads are a recent psyop by trannies to infect people like a virus. And you know what? Im starting to believe it.
Every time ive ever talked about being sad in discords or other boards somebody replies about being a tranny. I figured it was just meme-ing but guess maybe not.

Attached: desu shock.jpg (750x838, 185K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, instead of feeling bad about it, why not join them? It's never too late to start taking pink pills, user.

real funny user.

Attached: emilia disdain.png (248x260, 106K)

people are delusional there are like 5-10 shit posters and you retards are making it into a psy op thing

Hey, don't be too mean to me. I genuinely preferred Emilia to Rem in Re:ZERO.
Only a complete dunce wouldn't see why Subaru tried to hard and got so defeated.

You'd make a good Felix

You failed as a man. It's only natural, and the r9k was always a gay and left winger board.

Stop trying to make it into pol.

OP is a newFAG.

> was always a gay
>left winger

How did they dox on discord? Thought it is anonymous.

Discord is as anonymous as Reddit.
Some have even claimed that those sites they send you to before you can join take your IP and help them in their search for your identity.
Straight links to Discord should be safe, though.

>none of them work hence welfare state
>hence socialism
>implying ight wing

>Implying there isn't a type of socialism that's right wing

Attached: lain nazi.jpg (588x882, 212K)

Lain is disgusting.

I believe what the video was talking about was spot on all these gay and tranny threads are just used to persuade lonely faggots to become literal faggots the only question is how can we stop this? I for one will start spamming the threads but I doubt that would help much, I think we are forced to be ridden with homosexuality like a plague on this board and there isn't much we can do about it

>Im starting to believe it.
Do you only give Jow Forums a glance monthly or so?

I mean its Jow Forums so you can't do much other than inform people that trannies deliberately try to make other people trannies any way you can.
That way people are unaffected by their nonsense.

Just hide them, homo.
Don't look at cock and you'll be okay.

>implying he isn't the video creator fishing for views

The only thing that I can think of is to keep people aware of the "psyop" that's being attempted.
If anons are aware that this is a concentrated effort to convince them to become trannies then they would be less susceptible to the gayspam.

Tbh Im usually on other boards but I thought the tranny threads were just faggots being depressed faggots with their suicide rates and all.

Didn't think it was a contrived effort to turn other people into faggots.

It has been going on for over a year now, from what I can remember. I don't have enough long-term memory to remember beyond that.
Just know that you can't trust people who hide their names. It's that simple, faggot.
You must secretly be accepting their homosexual propaganda.
Have you ordered the T-blockers, yet?

Shouldn't the mods start to get involved in this? This is not only shitposting anymore, this is honestly fucked up.


>these are all images of anime traps
No, as shown on the very moment of the video he says this, half the time they can't even manage to pretend that fictional traps are cute, and have to resort to anime girls in order to have something cute to post.

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That's like saying:
>Move all feel threads to Jow Forums, now!
They're a part of Jow Forums culture. Consider it like a personal self-defense against normalfags.

Faggotry has nothing to do with Jow Forums.
The infection is a recent thing.

So you're saying you're new?

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You've just admitted you are, what's your point?

good video. i'm sending this out to a few popular pages on facebook (normie i know, im there for the anime tiddies) and hopefully this video gains some traction.

Do your parents know you're gay?
Asking for fun, of course.

>They're a part of Jow Forums culture.
On artificial life support, fuck off and die already. The natural evolution of r9k culture is "every subject, until a new board is made for that subject, and then everyone into that goes to develop themselves there." /lgbt/ is around now. It's that way, don't stick the doorknob up your ass on the way out.
But no, these trapposters still around can't do that, because it's impossible for them to just develop themselves, because they're an infection. A weak infection that desperately needs to stay exposed to the very weakest of potential hosts. So here they are.

If you're retarded enough to believe some faggot telling you HRT will fix all your problems you probably deserve whatever comes of it.
That said the only way I can see the trap problem getting fixed is for mods to start cracking down on em'. And just to be clear, I'm not advocating for mods to start doing that. That's a precedent I'm not keen on. I hate trapfaggots just as much as the next guy but why not just hide the threads?

You should take meta discussion back to

Normalfags hate it and demand that authority bans what they don't like. It's common for those who are used-to heavily-moderated websites to come here and beg for the banning of things they don't like.

What's your gripe with me shitting your mailbox? I like shitting in there, and it's not hurting anything. I know that you just want your mail, but if you're not interested in the shit, you're free to just pick it up and put it in the trash can every day, so what's the big deal?

That's not a very accurate comparison, normie.
You aren't forced to clean out the shit in order to view and make original threads, yet here you are, shitting up the board, too.

You're blowing this way out of proportion. As it stands now, trap and r9gay threads are a minor inconvenience as you can just hide them and you're free to browse without having to deal with it. It's not really the same as having to clean shit out of your mailbox.

>not using throwaway account with no real info attached to you
>being a degenerate in the first place
Lol bro8

Oops, l meant to reply to this.

4 the love of god dont. Dont bring the norm here

More Reiko retardation.
>Stop using discord
>Stop becomming gay for faggots on discord

>It's always there, lots of it, freshly replaced, in the way of what you want, and you have to interact with it every time if you want to hide it, and then there might be some of it mixed in with what you did want, but after you hide that too, you're totally free to never even see it, until they post more.
But your mailbox is so big anyways!

Good to be in the habit of using that variation. After all, all your friends on reddit and facebook might get the wrong idea and think you're a bigoted weirdo or something, if they caught you saying "normalfag".

Yes they are, there are plenty of case examples of homosexuals taking advantage of outcasts in the real world and dragging them into their muck, so it's makes perfect sense for them to come here of all places

Again, you're blowing this out of proportion. R9k is just an image board on the internet. It's not like I'm getting cucked out of my own property.

>tfw too ugly even for the fags

I also like to shit on the nozzles of the water fountains in the park.

Why are you listening to some autistic loser who doesn't know anything?
Doesn't it make sense that on a board for social rejects that trans women are interested in posting here? Seriously.

>trans women
>social rejects
Pick one

Jow Forums got bamboozled into thinking a guy dressed as woman would love them or that becoming a tranny would improve their lives overnight and all they had to do was take a pill, because pills are magic sent from 2D land. The spam and shit thrown at you for calling them out got so bad most robots stopped coming here. This push is everywhere from /v/ to Jow Forums even Jow Forums is spammed with a discord invite every time anything gay is brought up.
You guys never wondered why pro trap threads have low number of posters but hundreds of replies constantly bumped for hours. You guys thought roasties were the worst thing but it was fagposters.

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It actually is. Unless you take them while very young your chances of passing are very low.

Trap shills are sometimes so transparent, disgusting, and retarded with their "psyops" that you've got to wonder if it's actually someone else that wants to discredit them.
"False fagging", if you will.

Kill Trannies in real life (youre legally allowed to kill trannies if you claim they made you insane) and post tranny deaths online and in those threads to make the subhuman Trannies kill themselves.

Inform, Inform and inform everyone what's going on they might try discouraging/belittling/down play what's going on just call it out when you see them promoting becoming a trap

I just want the board the way it was before all the trap shit came

Koakuma kunny

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you are being memed on by disgusting evil trannies for their sick pleasure, destroying countless lives irreversibly in the process. do not fall for the HRT/trap meme.

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I find it extremely hard to believe that a group of underage shitposters from Discord have convinced anyone to transition simply by making trap threads.
If they have, I honestly don't feel bad for the people who have transitioned. You'd have to be a real retard to let a bunch of /lgbt/ shitposting get to you that much.

Attached: what.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

It's undeniable how much easier life is as a girl though.

you got anymore screen shots?

Except you're not a girl when you transition.
You're a dude who cut his dick off and put a hole in its place mate.

Attached: youserious.png (667x670, 648K)

>It's undeniable how much easier life is as a girl though
By easier you mean taking a dick in the cooch.
Women can't do shit in life without someone else holding their hand.
Really the only thing easy for a woman is being able to act like a child in every circumstance without public disapproval.

Holy shit I see my post at 1:28 and 7:30!
Actually I see a lot of post I'm in. vI'm slightly proud.
>t. just shit posting
Am I famous now?

Attached: 1554.jpg (1280x1840, 263K)

No. Stop working as a rogue poster. Trap posting belongs to traptopia

>implying a unit of 5-10 people can't run a psyop


There are 150 threads on r9k.
Most people don't even know what's going on. 5-10 people can't do anything

Ah come on a little fun never hurt so whats wrong with being rouge?

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Being organised makes it better. You're just posting randomly so you're not really helping that much

Helping, helping what exactly?

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The cause. The entire reason they're doing this.

Cause? I'm just shit posting I have no cause.

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You're pathetic. You're dedicating your life to nothing. A person like you is forgotten because he's nothing but chaos. It makes you weak.
Dedicate yourself to an ideal. When you become the manifestation of an idea, you become immortal because an idea can't be killed or forgotten about if it's powerful enough.

So you want me to do what join a group of dedicated shitposters for some purpose or something?

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Yes I do. Be a lone mere human who does nothing and achieves nothing. Or become something more than just a person. You can become legend.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong
This is the only right answer. Learn some self control for fucks sake. Grow the fuck up

Fucking psychopaths, all of them. But I shouldn't expect less from the shitstain known as Jow Forums.

It's people trying to become internet-famous and cause conflict for their amusement. That's probably mostly all there is to it. If they were really conspiring to change things as they claimed to, they wouldn't have been screencapped and posted all around. They just want infamy and to become a meme, and you oblige.

The Legend Never Dies!
I'm maybe human but come on. Though you peaked my interest, I'd like to hear more about your offer. Might be fun to shit post with a group, I mean the more the merrier right?

Attached: 124351.gif (400x225, 996K)

>Just let a bunch of fags who are taking advantage of people run wild with out warning people of them

So what want me to drop discord or something to talk this """""""purpose""""""" of your over?

Attached: onlyafro.png (533x469, 500K)

>>taking advantage
Slam that chain gang the whites instead button

It's pretty interesting how quickly transitioning (HRT mostly) gained popularity despite how freaky it is. I remember first running into it ~10 years ago on 420chan where a few people posted Before and After -pictures, and timeline -pictures, of them transitioning. It was a total freakshow and most people found it absolutely disgusting and horrendous as a concept.

You just know that (((someone))) is forcing this shit on us because it would never have become acceptable "naturally".

No DON'T drop your discord. I don't need it.

Alright. Being a rogue shitposter is a waste of strength. Because you will never accomplish what a group can.
Alone I could never have accomplished what I have on Jow Forums

So what bring a Jow Forums poster to this shithole ?

Anyone looking for a Discord to join and discuss this shit? I have an r9k server i joined the other day /drn9wmK

Attached: Noire_31.jpg (595x842, 198K)

Why hide in a discord when we can talk about it here.

Wrong. Way more than that. And the attention has made the numbers grow even more. Source: I'm in one of their Discords.

Not who you asked but here's one

Attached: reiko.png (585x531, 77K)

Oops. Here for another REIKOscreenshot. a 'rogue' trap SS'd and outed them. they'd been merrily spamming before this

What happens to traps after like 10 years or so?
They will no longer be feminine, just a regular man. People will no longer fawn over them but ignore them for younger, cuter guys

Do they just kill themselves?

hahahahah just hide them you homos, how is this even a thing kek

Discord explicitly confirms in it's privacy policy that it collects the following information:

IP Address
Device UUID
User's e-mail address
All text messages
All images
All VOIP Data (voice chat)
Open Rates for e-mail sent by the computer
W H E W faggot

>What happens to traps after like 10 years or so

Attached: 167545657943454657643573465327.jpg (480x360, 19K)

So tell me this purpose you want done, and how could I help?

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Called gay death happens around 30s usually either settle down for ""long term relationship""" or try to keep living 45% death rate

The solution:

Desu slide the fuck out of these tranny threads.

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Timestamp related.

Fellas this faggot has a discord profile and as I said in it's all fucking monitored and logged. Literally just fbi.gov him for blackmail, watch them make discord give them those spicy logs where he blackmails someone and voila. Also, discord records you IP so they should know where he is when they send him the envelope of death.

Also if anyone has proof of him doxing someone or blackmailing someone post it, send it the the FBI and he will get raped in prison.

Now we're talking I kept my folder for this occasion.

This and Spiderman Thread.

Attached: 1674747147151.jpg (500x378, 31K)

Won't work unless you get a shit load of people joining in. Look at the spiderman posting on /b/'s loli threads. They just ignore them and go about their business.

Just don't forget to sage them.