How is there not a thread on this?
Man wanted for murder makes a Facebook status
Other urls found in this thread:
His face
People are going to say he was suffering from a mental illness and wasn't fully aware of what he did
that which must not, can not be
if I had to guess, I'd guess he's on SSRIs. That's the only way you can do that to your mother and "not feel anything". SSRIs completely disassociate you from those kinds of feelings. They are proven, and carry a warning, that they cause homicidal thoughts. Every single shooter has been taking these fucking things. As long as the SSRI prescriptions continue to rise in the US the number of shootings will also rise.
Looks like Avery didnt do anything, why did he kill him? Just so he wouldnt notice him killing his mother?
>the virgin casey lawhorn
>the chad Chad Lawhorn
He types like a redditor.
He probably fucked his oneitis.
Typical MTG Players.
no fucking way lmfaooo
what an idiot.
>I'm suicidal, therefore I need to commit suicide
>In order to justify my decision I must create a story where it would "makes sense" for someone to commit suicide.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, people who commit suicide aren't cynical enough. Life is meaningless, it doesn't need to be a certain way. His retarded romantic narrative thinking is revealed when he said
>I've been suicidal since late high school. And it's my opinion that I've been heading to this unavoidable tragedy since I started at MTSU.
At least he gave future edgy shooters good advice, definitely don't use a .22 LR
What SSRIs carry warnings that they cause homicidal thoughts?
>gun jams
>unjams it and continues
Usually those guys don't have that kind of follow through.
was interesting to read anyway
At large in South Mississippi.
>Mom begs you not to kill yourself
>Kill mom, and friend while feeling sorry for yourself
What a piece of shit, i hope he gets GOOSHED in prison.
I want him to suffer life for as long as humanely possible. Keeping him alive is the best punishment we could have for such filth.
imagine reading this and actually putting a little emoji reaction to it at the bottom
>Chad brother
The memes meme themselves.
stupid fuckig normies :(
>didnt kill the dog
Lol, you can kill people with .22 LR ?
yeah point blank while they sleep
I don't get why he killed his friend. That part is fucking me up. He doesn't offer any reason
Lmao he didn't commit suicide after all that. Pathetic.
We live in an age where real-time social media homicide and suicide is now normal
He didn't offer any reason for killing his mom either 'other than it will make my suicide more dramatic"
People underestimate the fuck out of a .22lr. It's possible to kill something larger than a human with it. It's not a toy
what a time to be alive
he didn't want his mom to be sad that he killed himself
>he didn't want his mom to be sad that he killed himself
Disgusting, i imagine his betrayal felt much worse than any sadness from the loss of this faggots life "and he hasn't even killed himself yet"
we should turn the tables and blame facebook for giving platform for psychopathic killers
make it the facebooks fault like they have tried to blame 4chins for cultivating a couple of school shooters
>post on facebook about suicide
is this nigga a 15 y/o girl?
but he might kill himself. why take the risk of making your mom sad when you can just kill her
Only high IQ understand Rick and Morty...
Fucked up logic
>my brother chad
There it is.
Must you /poltards politicize everything? Can't a young man go nuts and blow away his mom and a heroin addict, post about it on Facebook, start a manhunt, then get doxed on 4chen, without you faggots making it some kind of fucking gay crusade?
I was on 3 SSRIs. One worked well but the other two had drastically bad effects. I had increased suicidal and homicidal thinking and I developed symptoms of depersonalisation. I ran into the road with a knife after cutting myself asking cops to kill me. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case, but cases like mine are rare.
Why do people quote like that outside of the chans? He might as well have a picture of anonymous as his profile picture
>september 11, 2017
They don't know it's from 4channel
>generic disdain for thoughts and prayers
kek, people's thoughts don't start being profound even after they kill someone and are on the run from the law
>blow away his mom
Join the Casey Club! they'll look out for YOU
Would kill myself too if my hair was JUSTing this hard at 24, to be honest.
casey jackson seems like a huge douche
Of course the faggot fucked up enough to kill his mom and best friend is self righteous against National Socialism.
>anime picture
>post is completely retarded and gay
Every. Single. Time.
This is why i keep saying ugly beta males should be put in fema camps
#IStandWithCasey #BlackLivesMatter
in other words, liberalism and tolerance exists only to uphold liberalism and tolerance... ultimately turning liberalism into an illiberal system of self-sustenance at the cost of all else...
>you know, i just cant stand
*kills best friend*
>all of these right wing nazis
*does heroin*
>there is just so much bigotry
*kills own mother brutally*
>and hatred in the world today
*goes on the run from the law*
>and we need to all love eachother
*kills self*
why would you give this loser the attention he's terrorizing people for?
Because he'll either be dead or in prison soon, so who cares about his feelings?
Now this is just ominous...
You sound just like those shit skin nigger that want to kill and torture all rapists and thieves they can just to satisfy their bloodthirst more than for the security of the community user. Pls seek help
So a leftard ends up going psycho and murders his friend and mother just for the heck of it? Man the rightards are going to have a field day with this
Shez Mackay really doing work here.
The Rick and Morty posting is obviously a bad sign
what a great timeline this is
Leftards always have fun with our crazies, let us have some fun, eh?
>mother gets super drunk and verbally laments on how much she would hate for her son to kill himself
>son gets bright idea
>kills her instead
Jesus Shez that's a little too soon
Except now his brother is going to have to live with that now for the rest of his life. This guy is another kind of special. Reminds me of the case of the guy who killed his daughter because she was suffering from bad headaches and then killed the rest of his family so they didn't have to live with it
>existence validated by force
He cared about black people so much that he decided to shoot some people to make the murder statistics less racist.
Lmao I would never pity you. Turn yourself into prison. You have lost the right to kill yourself. It's time to suffer.
Wow. This kid is just a fucking asshole.
Not really. The implied validation doesn't actually exist. It's also negative validation. Do you really believe we're going to care about Casey whatever in about a weeks time? I get more validation getting (yous) on 4chin
You don't know it's from email
Sure, I ain't judging anyone. But I really hope this gets a lot of media attention, can't wait to watch the fire burn, especially because it contradicts the current narrative
>The show is constantly piling tragedy on top of tragedy in these kids' lives without any reason or development.
>The story is bland and dark with no clear point.
>atheist autist
Nothing of value was lost.
How dare you question his comedic timing you anonymous shitstain
Kind of meta. Why was this guy so obsessed with fucking Rick and Morty?
That's an oddly specific thing to share. I wouldn't be surprised if he made that meme himself.
Rick and Morty confirmed making stupid retard commit murder. Justin Roiland, if you are reading, you should know by now you are influencing millions of dumb kids to fantasize about nihilism and how nothing matters so lets do the worst shit we can and then kill ourselves afterward. Fucking lol.
People that have no meaning or direction in their life tend to latch themselves onto things or people. See grown up men burning manga or comic books if the story doesn't go into the direction they want. It's an unhealthy obsession over something that's meant to be simple entertainment but it fills a spot in their head that it shouldn't fill so they feel angry and betrayed on a fundamental level
Advice from the Casey Club! Chimp out all you want! for civil rights, or something
>374 reactions
>including the nervous and angry emojis
>there were people who read a murder confession and decided to press a fucking emoji button in response
Seems like he changed his mind on gun control at the last minute...
Post more cringiny tv cartoon reviews and shit. Nobody cares about his political idaeology
Was this the real reason for the double murder?
this has made me realise that this guy was fucked up, i mean what an impressive u-turn on an ideology. how he got that fucked up seems to be speculation but i wouldn't be fucking surprised if he found Jow Forums or something as poisonous to the average normie
hahaha what a fucking fag-
>Bud's Sports Bar
>Brainerd Rd
Fuck, I pass that place all the time.
Or he knew how dangerous he could be with a gun at the wrong time.
Here have a Rick
>Is a rabid liberal
>Blames Jow Forums
kek, he was obviously just a mentally ill, hypocrite.
God damn that's cringy. This clown obviously really associated with Rick and Morty and also played Vidya a lot.
This is ironic as fuck
He probably identified with Rick like a true pleb who thought he was so much different from the rest of the sheeple.
Worse yet, MMO player. Eaten by a virtual Skinner box.
>mentally ill
That's the cancer that kills our society. Not everyone who's behaving in a certain way is automatically mental ill. I fucking hate that. Are you mentally ill because you are sad and develop depression because your life is shit? No. Stop people giving pills just because they aren't up to a certain standard, if you feel bad because your life is bad pills ain't gonna fix shit, yo
Casey has such a kind heart! :D
he looks like a soyboy wtf
fucking church
>I didn't kill the dogs or cats
White people are the worst lol
>active on social media
>overly obsessed with rick & morty
>plays MMOs and is invested in vidya
He was a ticking time bomb lets be honest here guys