What's your personality style, user?
What's your personality style, user?
This test is pretty stupid to be honest.
This took awhile to do.
Not this shit again. MBTI and personality disorders should not be assessed by online tests. Especially not personality disorders, considering there are standardized criteria used to categorize them. There are core criteria such as magical thinking and ideas of reference which this test does not include. It's worse than useless, it's misleading. If you get a 100% schizotypal result you can still be 0% schizotypal because it doesn't test for magical thinking.
Data-mining asshole gtfo
tfw masochistic and don't realise it
>"I know that others talk about me when they see me. They think I'm strange"
>Have worries about this, and think about it occasionally
>I know this will lump me into a whole other category as soon as i say 'Yes'
well you do keep coming back to this site
I took this on two different occasions with at least a week between
71% sadistic
71% masochist
This is supposed to be F U N, not something actually serious
You must be fun at parties
>dumb phoneposter
>recharge your phone
tfw hypomaniac
What does that make me anons?
Most sane poster here reporting in.
Don't get too jelly guize.
Apparently I enjoy others suffering more than I thought?
decided to do it a third time
>0% dependant
how op? well i guess im fucked
It's ok user. You're not the only dependant one here.
what does this mean
originally pek;.efs;
Got shit for hating my self esteem
Do you have any psychological disorders?
This all seems very whacky and doesn't really correlate well. It seems like you tried to get a fucked result. If I were to guess, you'd be something of a borderline person.
Can't say I didn't expect it
I swear to God, this entire test is crap. Not that it isn't true, it's just that it never gives out anything but multiple personality types to actual people
couldnt say i could expect less
These are my originale stats
Really? How much is a normal person supposed to get?
i made this is another website a week ago. doesn't look that bad for me
Your typical lonely loser
I thought I'd get like one thing. This test seems to overblow your results a lot.
>all these dependentniggers
You'd want someone to hold your hand to take a piss if you weren't so disgusting
Dose this mean i am normal?
Yeah, pretty much
Someone post a better test this one sucks
My results seem pretty tame when i look at the others
I cannot form any kind of lasting bond with people who show affection towards me
Everything I'm seeing here is about what I expected it to be. Also, you people scare the fuck out of me.
Rate me I guess? At least I don't have the mean traits. I think beary pink gurl would be proud.
0% Antisocial?
get out of here normal fag!
Pretty accurate, I wonder how normies score on these things.
Fucking hell, maybe I am normal.
Most of the questions are pretty retarded and I feel as though most people would get 'negative' scores.
I dont know what any of this means, but feels bad regardless, my man.
This can't be accurate.
>4 100%
Should i An hero myself boys?
I manage to fuck up anything good that happens to me. I have some wish within me to have be born more retarded, at least to the point where I wasn't self aware about how bad I really am. I'm sorry mum.
Now i feel even worse.
Personality Style Test
Your personality style is:
Multiple Personality Styles
Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on. hmmmmmmm
i do whatever the hell i want
Pretty accurate.
Actually diagnosed with AvPD. Who woulda thought.
schizoid and avoidant
>haha yes
I tried to do a "normie" run. Apparently doing your work before play just makes you obsessive :^)
Did not expect the masochism
im fine (nod really :DDDD)
Here's the "all disagree" run. So remember, any time you click "Agree", you are a broken individual
Highlights include:
>Sometimes people smile at me in the street and I don't really know why.
>I finish my work and chores before tending to hobbies and fun.
>I take care to spend my money wisely, so that I can handle an unforeseen situation.
>I'm pretty good at getting attention from the opposite sex and I like that.
>I put considerable effort into presenting myself in a way that will make people admire me.
lmao this is really fucking funny xD kill me now lmao xD benis in bagen :DDDDDDDD
>I regard myself as sociable and good with people and I often end up taking center stage in a social interaction.
>Most people see me as serious and reserved.
>It's very easy for me to make new friends - I can talk to all manner of people and it's so easy for me to fill up my life with friends.
A few more, just clicking through it now. REMEMBER: you want 0 "Agree"s.
This test seems like total baloney. Yet, I still did it because I have no willpower...or whatever.
Don't know why i got highish sadistic
>secretly a huge masochist
Does google know now?
how fucked am i bros? this is not an origami post
You basically answered agree on all the "life of the party" questions and "plan your work questions" here?
I did the test and got "no negative personality style". My highest was negativistic and antisocial on 29%. Im a psychologist and this test will only get hits if you have pretty severe personality flaws. Im a failed normie and it didnt catch any of my issues with close relationships and women.
im going to die in like 4 years
I'm an anti-social schizoid
This test is so shit with all these questions, i got the result that i have multiple personalities.
I was probably literally too stupid for the test
>Hey now your depressed as hell, fail to take your own life go Cry
Having anything up to 40 on those categories does not mean anything negative.
>over 0% histrionic
If you have any more than no histrionic traits, then youre a subhuman normie who cant think for himself
How does your peer pressure creme soup taste? Uma delicia
Depressed, Borderline, Avoidant QUEEN.
Online Test Determines Young Fembot Cripples Under The Gaze Of Her Peer's . . .
what do you think user...am i crazy?
Koakuma kunny
what's histrionic mean? Half of these questions didn't really apply to me, it might have fudged the answers
>Antisocial 100%
>Borderline 100%
>Negativistic 100%
It's just attention whoring, exaggerating, dramatic etc. Pretty much every thot
Drama queen (The compulsion to get attention and bitching over the smallest bug, from your friends to your own family)
Thot (Infested vagina filled with all kinds of shit screwing with everyone execpt for you)
wake up and be positive
I do the opposite of that, I do everything I can to make sure people don't notice me
Now that's pretty rude desu what about the good things
that's what the Jow Forums is for so you atleast wont feel antisocial
dam dud
The itnernet is serious business, you guys
where is the serious part? the internet is filled with ideas idiocity and racism but they all go together in a basket execpt for radical feminists
No suprise really
>I've been sad most of my life.
>If a good thing comes my way, I don't feel happy about it. I don't feel I deserve to be happy.
>I sometimes feel like I have no inner core, as if I am hollow and empty inside.
>Even when things are going fine for me, I am anxious that it won't last.
>When I start feeling down, it's as if I keep sinking until I've hit rock bottom.
>I'm almost never happy and I can't really think of anything that would make me happy.
Seems somewhat accurate I guess.
well fuck boys
>I always make sure that my work is well planned and well structured.
>I take care to spend my money wisely, so that I can handle an unforeseen situation.
>I finish my work and chores before tending to hobbies and fun.
Are the one three Agreed to in this run.
I really doubt the accuracy but I'm not an expert
It's okay, the numbers don't mean anything up to some arbitrary number, also good things are bad a lot of the time. It's a completely shit test
>100% antisocial
>100% schizoid
>100% paranoid
>86% sadistic
>86% megativistic
>86% avoidant
sounds about right
makes me think
No you dont nigger
If you wouldnt give a single fuck What others think of you, then you would be 0% histrionic (and alpha af)
But by specifically doing all you can just because you want to avoid attention shows how much effect said attention has on your life
Youre a failed normie arent you? I can tell
Am I retarded?
Originally retarded?
This is mine and it's pretty acurate
Masochistic because I stay around people who hurt me but only emotionally.
forgot to upload , woops
Join the club, I've pretty much always craved validation. Not 100% but still.