>tried to kill myself last month using pills
>everyone around me gives me "life advice" up my ass
>"user, you should be grateful for being alive"
>"see this as a new opportunity in life"
>"think of all the people in this world who are less privileged than you"
>I just wanted to fucking die
Tried to kill myself last month using pills
Hang in there bucko, do you believe in any form of higher power or spirituality?
No, I strongly believe that when we die we return to the state of nothing.
Like you failed to kill yourself and that magically made your mental illness go away? What douches. Go see a psychiatrist and get yourself some actual help.
Failure. That's just bad
that's such shitty "advice" to hear, sorry user
just because some people in the world have different problems than you doesn't mean your struggles are less valid
I tried to kill myself using pills and failed
it's been like 4 years since then and I can honestly say I'm basically cured from whatever mental hell I was in and my life is really good and worth living now
back 4 years ago if you told me this I wouldn't believe you. it seemed like my entire life would just be hell and suffering until I died, but looking back I was just really mentally fucked and couldn't think about the future or past properly. It's like I was viewing everything through a really depressing pesimisstic lens. at the time I couldn't even think in my mind or remember a time in which I had experienced a positive emotion.
I think you are just really mentally ill and you don't actually want to die you just want the suffering to end and you are so desperate you will kill yourself to acheive it
I feel bad for you
are you a roastie or something? use rope or helium jackass
>wanting to die
Either you are actually stupid or you wanted attention or where too scared to actually die.
If you really wanna die use a shotgun or a noose.
You wouldnt feel like that if you had a gf op.
Ofcourse out of all tje people you know none offered to be your gf.
I guess the moral of the story is women are cunts.
>it's been like 4 years since then and I can honestly say I'm basically cured from whatever mental hell I was in and my life is really good and worth living now
How did you change? I feel like I'm looking through those pessimistic lens now, and I want more than anything to fix that.
I've been seeing a psychiatrist for 8 years now. When the fundamental problems don't change, not even SSRIs work. Which is why I came to the conclusion that death is the only answer. Every day alive is so painful that I've come to envy animals without self-consciousness like dogs, cats, birds. They're born without understanding what's going on, live without ever realizing what is happening around them, and blissfully die in an instant without ever noticing it.
I also tried to strangulate my carotids with a power cord. Didn't work either. Probably because I didn't perform the procedure correctly, but at the moment I'm afraid that it will leave a scar and people will give me more bullshit (OMG user what happened to you neck??? Have you tried going to a psychologist? blah blah blah)
yeah they know, that's why they're trying to encourage you to appreciate what you nearly lost. if the advice isn't profound enough for you, fine, but at least consider that they're just regular people thrust into an unusual situation, giving the best answers they have.
wish I could tell you desu
I stopped drinking, stopped being obsessed with philosophy and 'meaning' and suffering etc, got myself more involved in the society, got a job, formed some meaningful relationships with people, got my anxiety under control, started building a future for myself and not living off my parents
just forget about all pills and meds and shit they're worthless
I'd say you could start by eating healthy, join a gym (gives you routine), try to get involved in something like a job or study, or even volunteer, stop spending so much time alone in your room, try to plan out your days and your life
I don't rteally know
tie one end of the rope to a tree and the other one around your neck and hang yourself like pic related. you can't survive it. it's not rocket science
>"think of all the people in this world who are less privileged than you"
Fuck, is it even an argument? What the fuck? How others people failure will make my life better? Goddamn retards.
>use rope or helium jackass
>not a gun
Welp, rope and helium are fine, but I will have to break the law to die the way I want (shitty country with gun ban).
Why don't you do some good and shoot up some dirty no good niggers in a ghettos somewhere.
Why the fuck you white people either only shoot up well behaved people or kill yourself.
Tell those people to either suck your dick or keep their mouths shut.
>just forget about all pills and meds and shit they're worthless
Terrible advice. A lot of the time that's exactly what you need before you can start doing all the shit that you listed. That certainly was true in my case. You need to dig yourself out of that hole first.
Worst advice ever.
> youre privileged compared to others
>think of all the people in this world who are less privileged than you
fuck anyone who say that phrase
>"think of all the people in this world who are less privileged than you"
Got fed this line at the start of my depression and it only made it worse for me. How would that help anyone going through depression? For me, it just made me feel guilty for being depressed and made it worse to a degree since whenever I felt bad it also made me feel guilty for feeling bad.
Fuck sake, sometimes less is more, but there are so many people who don't get that.
If you're gonna die anyway what does it matter if you're breaking the law, if the cops come swing the gun around and its suicide by cop retard
No, that's bad advice. Sometimes you'll actually need the pills since they can help you get your mind in order. Without them you might not be able to have a thought that isn't spoiled by your negative thoughts and emotions. You need to get that shit in order first before you can make any progress towards a better life.
Maybe try a different psych. Or just hope you can hold on until you can spend every day in immersive VR being someone or something completely different.
At least you have god tier taste when it comes to yuri
I just saw a vid of a guy trying to do that but got tased and arrested. Not always effective, plus the cops will likely feel awful. They don't deserve that.
Oh or try psychoactive drugs. You should definitely give those a go before you try to off yourself again because there's evidence that they can help with the treatment of certain mental illnesses.
If it was a stacy you should have told her you would feel much more privileged if she gave you a bj.
If I get a gun first - no problem. But if I get caught - our cops don't shoot, they will just beat shit out of you and throw you into jail. Which is worse than dying in my opinion.
I'm pretty well convinced they only see their side of things. I don't mean that just in a selfish manner, I also mean that from their perspective. Everyone keeps giving me conflicting, contradicting advice for washing dishes at work for instance, and if I try to practice one method to get better I get told to do things a different way. Your situation might not be a conflicting set of advice, but from their perspective they only see themselves giving the advice, not other people. I got fed up and informed them that I was receiving conflicting advice and they stopped nagging me as much, and even gave some new, better advice. I always found that anti-suicide shit too preachy and annoying to be of any actual help, but there's no good way to be up-front about it to them without stepping on their oversensitive toes. You could probably convince them that their advice is backfiring due to reverse psychology making you feel even worse than before your attempt (exaggerated or otherwise).
I'm not saying you should or shouldn't kill yourself, but at least get them off your back. Won't do you any good while you're still living either way.
If you try to kill yourself but survive you actually didnt want to do it
>immersive VR
We're still centuries behind.
/ll/ a best
And to everyone suggesting a violent method, that option is completely off the table. I want my last moments to be peaceful, not filled with adrenaline.
If you're 155 lbs you just need a 2 meter drop, which is more than enough to break your spinal column and will probably still decapitate you.
Knot a hangmans noose and place the knot in the front of your face, so that it will push it directly backwards when you fall and it tightens.
can noose be like in pic related?
There's suspension and then there's drop hanging.
For suspension you tie a simple noose and fasten it to the door knob over a door. Place the knot on the left side of your jaw and tighten it just up below your jawline. Make sure to put in a little piece of cloth directly in front of your neck so that you don't suffocate before you've passed out. This will constrict your carotid artery and you will pass out within 5-15 seconds, and die a painless death. Make sure no one can reach you within 10-20 minutes, ideally half an hour. If you fail and are discovered before complete death, you will be Mr. Vegetabilo.
>Drop hanging
Just tie a hangmans noose, and place the knot in front of your face. Jump 3 meters to break your spinal column and decapitate yourself. This one you can't really fuck up.
Side note on drop hanging:
Jumping with the noose around your neck is extremely difficult. You will almost certainly pussy out.
t. experience
>For suspension you tie a simple noose and fasten it to the door knob over a door. Place the knot on the left side of your jaw and tighten it just up below your jawline. Make sure to put in a little piece of cloth directly in front of your neck so that you don't suffocate before you've passed out
I didn't understand this part
yeah and even if you don't break your neck you'll die of suffocation
Decades, more like.
Suicide by medication is retarded, at least mix some ketamine and psilo, and drown yourself painlessly.
Bruh, that's speciest, even ants can pass the mirror test
Take a rope, tie a loop around your doorknob and sling it over the top of the door. Tie a simple noose on the other side. You then place the noose around your neck at such a height that you can still touch the floor. Place the knot on the left side of your neck. This way, the noose will tighten the most over your carotid. Be sure to put the noose as far up under your neck as possible. Sit down, and you will pass out relatively quickly.
Dude just buy a dirt bike and ride away. These people are probably the reason you want to off yourself.
Simple and effective, I like it.
You can't die user, we need more people in the sorld to post this picture.
This guy's got a point.
>be faggot attentionwhore
>try to kill yourself by probably taking 5 baby aspirins or something
>finally get the attention you wanted
>complain about it
I refuse to believe that a grown adult male isn't capable to kill himself if he really wanted to
>I'd say you could start by eating healthy, join a gym (gives you routine), try to get involved in something like a job or study, or even volunteer, stop spending so much time alone in your room, try to plan out your days and your life
Useless normalshit-tier advice, i did almost all of this and best i got is distraction. I also feel robotic as fuck, like i just do things, because i have to without any reason.
The only right user in this thread. OP, I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you are actually too much of a pussy to do it, not unable.
I think I'm going to hold a knife pointing at my throat and wrap my car around a tree. Can't get a gun, something to jump off, a train track or something to OD on. Doubt I can survive this
Do it with rope:
What a fucking loser. Can't even kill himself.
thats what u get for failing
The point of this is cutting blood flow but not breating, try to experiment only with a thin rope and your hand you will note some
dizzines spreading
I fucking hate this. Tried to kill myself too. Maybe I did it for attention maybe I don't want to live a life of constant physical and emotional pain while being completely alone and disconnected from others. Sure there's others suffering more I get that but it doesn't make my pain any less real. And all the people in my life can do is give some stupid shit advice. Be yourself think positively. Get out more. Fuck you. These people aren't friends real friends would be there for you and help you out of that pit. They wouldn't be giving you some shitty advice like it's so profound it'll solve your problems no. They would take your hand and pull your ass out. When they realize that they aren't getting to you these shitty friends just bail on you like a bag of garbage. Then wonder fucking why people go berserk and start shooting up people. That's not to mention the other social and society bullshit people. Oh let's talk shit to the guy that's not even close to being a man. Cause you know that's productive. People are shit they will always be shit. They just spout dumbstruck advice because they couldn't give a shit whether you died or not. They just don't want to feel responsible in case you do.
too many anons killed themselves now I am left with redditors and boomers to read my funposts.
>tried to kill myself, failed.
Not even God wants you.
Jk dude, get a puppy, you will have a purpose, friend, cuddle buddy.
-> /s4s/?
Are you a woman
sorry man. im currently detoxing off methadone, citalopram, crack, and heroin, and i'm ready to jump out my window. failure to kill yourself would be brutal, can't imagine everyone breathing down your fucking neck more than usual
I did this with mushrooms and I only felt worse
Mileage may vary though i guess
Failiure to kill yourself.
Can't even do that right.
Kys cuck
>know someone that "attempted" suicide
>want to neither show zero reaction, nor spew grating platitudes
>throw in a "take it easy" with a goodbye
>why does everyone say that?
You deserve it for being a gutless faggot in the first place and trying to kill yourself
Nah I kind of like the theatrics of the car anyways. Tried suspension anyways. For some reason it just wasn't compressing my arteries and I sat there like a bitch trying to get it to work for a while
IoI faggot
Ffguiiuuh gf ffh
I remeber when someone I knew tied the knot with death (if you know what I mean). Everyone one was sad for 2 weeks then no one cared anymore and he is now a joke. If you end it now you might bring joy to some people
I had the same when I crashed my car into a deer.
Only thing I could think of was "my fucking god it'll cost me to fix it". Yet my parents and everyone else was like "JESUS CHRIST user BE GRATEFUL YOU SURVIVED"
I was speeding because I wanted to fucking die too. And to be honest I'm starting to feel like I just can't die. Like I'm literally invincible and something will always keep me from ending it only to keep me suffering.
Your suicide attempt was speeding your car, and not hitting anything until you chanced upon a deer, and you now suspect invincibility?
in such case any advice is shit, you have to find the answers by yourself.
Nah. I didn't attempt suicide really. I just keep living on the edge and doing dangerous shit all the time. The deer came out of nowhere but I survived, hence my theory about me being made to suffer but still survive without a scratch. My car is totaled and I loved that car a lot. The same fucking day I got like half my salary from work and me oneitis told me to fuck off. Coincidence?
Though getting back to that deer - it was so dangerous I'd normally be dead. Especially given that the very next day someone else crashed into another deer (fuck knows where they come from) and he was less fortunate...
Get some more close calls before putting too much faith in that theory. But if endangering others on the road isn't your specific intention, stop doing that.