
greentext your day

Everyone else
rate how /fa/ their life is 1-10

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I fucks with this fit.

OP here I'll start
>wake up
>get dressed
>meet my dad at his hotel for brunch as he's in the city
>his new gf is half his age and has breasts the size of her head
>he gives me 900 quid in an envelope "for my birthday" (in 3 months)
>his gf gets drunk from buck's fizz and starts getting really handsy with dad so I say I have to go
>walk around goodhood store for a little while
>buy a new jumper
>go back to my flat
>watch music videos
>invite my girlfriend over
>she asks if I have ket
>lie and tell her yes
>call my dealer
>he delivers just before gf arrives
>gf arrives and we do some ket
>she says she's not feeling it when i try to kiss her and we do some more
>she gets really hot and starts touching me
>think of dad's new gf to stay hard
>fuck my gf still thinking of dad's new gf but can't come so keep going til she tells me to stop
>we lie together and she says i'm special
>she puts on my new jumper and we smoke out the window
>only smoke when i'm with her but i wouldn't tell her that
>we take photos of each other
>wonder if she's happy
>start sobering up and notice the fresh cuts on her thighs and try to hold her hand
>she pulls away and says she has to leave
>try to read roland barthes for my course but can't focus

realising now she took my jumper with her

>woke up
>has breakfast
>shower + brush teeth
>skip dinner for study
Rn I’m studying
Med school life ya’all

dude weed lmao

Fuck it I'll contrib.
>Wake up
>fuck you it's Sunday
>go back to bed
>Wake up again and get ready.
>take the lady to shop
>I get a sandwich and drink my water
>she buys some female things I tried to help her pick out but I didn't know wtf I was doing
>I buy chocolate milk and get a veggie platter
>we mod her Skyrim and Fallout
>she gets me Subway as a thanks for the steak dinner I cooked the night before for her
>Greek tzatziki wrap with steak is fucking heaven
>some kinda fruit and chocolate cookies I adore
>coke zero just because there was no water option
>go back and fool around a bit while helping her with Skyrim and using the new mods
>watched Rick and Morty Season 3 while she fucked around messing up some punk ass Draugrs.
>get home and lift until my arms are sick of life
>come to /fa/ waiting for my water to cool down so I can nap with my water close by

I see why the Pickle Rick thing blew up. It was such an over the top shit show of an episode and I enjoyed it.

I hope you're all doing well and feeling good.

It's chest and triceps tomorrow but I get anxious if I don't do any physical activity each day. Gonna read some of this book though so goodnight/fa/ and sweet dreams.

Just because there's always curious sorts lurking.
Book is
Faithless by Karin Slaughter
Not sure how I feel about it at the moment. Need to do some book shopping soon.

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I’ll go next.
>girl I’m into posts a joke about sucking cock on her story
>she also talks about smoking weed a lot
>have nothing but disdain for promiscuity and drug use
>instantly lose interest and go back down to 0 romantic prospects
>I hate being alive
Thanks for letting me vent /fa/
>how /fa/ my life is
Probably like 1/10.

>Wake up
>take a shower
>As Im about to enter remember part of my dream
>It was a vivid dream, but I can only rmember the feeling of it
>Take shower
>Inhale deeply to open my throat so I can sing better
>Sing random crap and try to see how high i can go
>Neighbors must be pissed
>Get out put on my black UK style collared shirt and blue jeans with white nikes and walk to church
>It's about a half a mile
>Im also wearing a gray members only jacket and carrying a bible
>It's super hot out here
>Summer in full bloom
>What was I thinking
>carry jacket into cnurch
>Im early, do my vocal warmups as I wait for service to start
>My bro John appears, "fresh cuts" me
>Girl who I told I liked not here today
>I can tell the whole thing is just awkward now
>After church, shake pastors hand tell him my brother is in a mental hospital
>I walk to my apartment and try to cry but i can't
>My body won't let me

1 is generous

>wake up
>make breakfast
>take a shower
>hop down outside, it's a nice day but I'm running late so I grab a minibus to work
>walk into the classroom, bunch of kids running around
>write a question on the board and go to the kitchen
>make a cup of coffee, walk out onto the fire escape and smoke a cigarette
>go back into the classroom, the kids are more or less behaved today
>sit and browse /fa/ while waiting for the next class

I hope it doesn't rain later today.

That was the bare minimum allowed :(

>Against promiscuity and drugs
0/10 senpai

>woken up by coworkers alarm
>she gets up to shower
>stay in bed trynna sleep
>she gets back and we cuddle a bit
>cant get outta bed cause im tired
>she has to leave soon so get up and make her breakfast
>she leaves
>brush my teeth and take a crap
>get a shower
>get back in bed for a good 15 min
>listen to new song I've fallen in love with (pic related)
>get dressed for a mild spring day
>take the bus to uni
>it starts raining
>aint getting shit done
>browse /fa/

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Have fun with your your shitty life. I don’t gamble either if you’d like to roll it back to -1/10.


fuck this website who needs this fucking facebook content on this board


>Wake up
>Here we are now

>Wake up and make breakfast
>Bus arrives on time and go to school
>Joke with friends about last friday
>In class, just opened an energy drink and the suns out
I like my life right now 9/10

>Wake up
>Open Jow Forums
>Post this
Been a pretty comfy day so far

>wake up at 2pm
>clean up around the house
>cook some toasted sandwiches
>play csgo for about 5 hours
>idle on Jow Forums and twitch until now

Living the dream boys

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Piss off you fucking normscum.

> didnt do my best in school for a small time
> trying to fix my grades
> as punishment of those bad grades, cant do anything else than study
> no going out with friends, no free time, no speling time on my hobby
> the fact that i cant hang out with my friends after school till my grades are good again doesnt brother me, the fact that i cant invest time in my hobby makes me hella irritaded,
Cant wait till summervacation and when i pass this year, this shit is killing me

i have worn the same outfit (minus the same pair of pants, but they're the same brand of blue jeans) everyday for over six years
i'm either a 1/10 or 10/10

wow, i totally misread the OP
i'm NEET
so, 10/10

>wake up
>go for a piss
>make some weetabix
>go for a shit
>shitpost for a bit
>clean apartment
>go downtown
>get some groceries
>drop them back up at my apartment
>go back out
>buy some new summer ish clothes as it's getting hotter here
>go back home
>eat a sandwich

heres what I'm planning with the rest of my day

>play some vidya
>eat my tea
>watch some tv
>play vidya
>watch tv whilst lifting weights
>listen to some music whilst shit posting
>go to bed at 11pm

pretty comfy for me tbqh famalam

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fuck you this is original, shitty captchas

>woke up
>ate something
>went to the gym
>returned home
>ate something
>turn on the computer
>made this gt

>wake up
>go on Jow Forums and Discord
>browse /sp/, /x/, Jow Forums
>after awhile I play Chess and play it for hours
>exercise with weights and bodyweight
>on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays I do plyometrics
>run Monday-Saturday
>play basketball too
>eat shitty oven cooked food or Chef Boyardee
>use fake accounts on Facebook and troll dumb normies
>practice typing on typeracer or 10fastfingers
>sleep for 3-6 hours and rinse and repeat
If I had a irl friend like me or just any irl friends, I would be happy.

>wake up at 7pm
>play a dumb game on phone for an hour
>swear off Jow Forums
>Eat potatoes and salami sandwich with mustard
>do late homework on illustrator
>eat granola
>do more late homework
>call ldr bf on discord
>get on wow and check characters
>complain about homework to bf
>get off call and go to do homework
>instead work on a different online game
>eat frozen meal
>watch youtube videos of cartoon moments
>watch adventure time
>watch youtube tutorial about illustrator
>lay in bed and play more games on phone
>work on late homework
>eat a hot pocket
>look at yahoo
>look on youtube again
>get back on Jow Forums
>waste more time

>be me
>woke up
>eat breakfast
>brush teeth and shower
>take backbag
>go outside
>start motorcycle
>drive 10 mins to uni(college to amerifags)
>go inside
>6 hours of education(actually playing cs)
>go home
>do homework
>play vidya
>go to Jow Forums and see this post
>now writing this post

what I will do next:

>play more vidya
>read Jow Forums Jow Forums and /b/
>11 pm go to sleep
(pic unrelated)

how was your day robots?

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>wake up at 11am
>i'm nauseous because I ate too much the night before, so I skip breakfast
>playing vidya
>it's 3pm, post arrives
>one letter that says, that my job application failed
>continue playing vidya
>favorite streamer announces drunk stream
>I'm happy af because this is my only opportunity to drink with other people since I have no friends
>walk to the nearest village to buy beer
>arriving home just in time
>stream is awesome
>after a couple of hours this guy molested a underage girl and gets a strike
>I start crying because without him I feel how my lonlyness comes back

>wake up
>make eggs and bacon
>take a shower
>browse r9k with dreaded anticipation of yet another week of work and having to interact with people

I just want to sit at home and play osrs forever

>reading this thread
>kek how would I know how /fa/ your day was, I dont browse that shitty board
>realize this thread got moved here from /fa/
>that makes us the containment board
>in a cruel twist of fate, we are the shit board
I was not always like this lads.

>woke up at 6
>sat in bed on my phone for an hour
>roommate left
>got computer and sat on computer for an hour
>got dressed
>went to cafe
>decided to skip bio to get my french homework done
>spent what would have been bio class on r9k and watching figure skating videos
>decided to skip french too since i didn't get anything done
>went back to my room
It's currently 10:21 and my day is already shit.

I kind of wanted to add you as a friend and talk to you in a game but finding out that you have a job is going to make it so awkward for me to talk to you

>wake up
>consider going to work
>check calendar - nothing important happening at work
>figure out I can pretend to be ill and take a day off with no consequences
>send msg to boss
>sleep until 3
>wake up, feel awful
>play hearthstone on cell phone while browsing Jow Forums

>wake up
>eat toaster strudel for breakfast
>browse Jow Forums
>play a bit of Fallout 4
>at 4pm leave for work
>work in a hospital records department
>go up to the floor and get charts for discharged patients
>go back to my desk in the basement and start going through them
>at 8pm security brings a guy who needs to sign out a body from the morgue
>I have no record of the body, he gives me wrong information which causes me to be delayed fixing the problem
>finally get the info on the dead patient and track down the death certificate
>guy has already left without the body
>fuck it not my problem
>finish my charts, box them up and go home
>eat leftover Papa John's and play more Fallout
>read a Jack Reacher novel in bed and go to sleep at 2.30am
>wake up at 4am because I had a dream that I died in a nuclear explosion and it freaked me out

bretty /fa/ i rate this 7.5/10
good work user

>disdain for promiscuity and drug use
your effay is now -1/10 at the very most

>wake up
>stare at Wall
>convince my self today is the day
>3pm, need to go to work
>11pm, get out
> 1am try to find someone to talk to on SOC

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one of my off days from work
>wake up at 9:30
>go back to sleep
>get woken by alarm at 10:30
>decide to sleep for another hr
>wake at 11
>tidy my room a bit
>have a bowl of weetbix
>go surfing for a while
>arrive back home and make three chicken schnitzel sandwiches
>feel full after 2 so i stick the last one in the fridge
>mate asks me to run some errands for him
>refill a prescription for xannies and deliver some rts letters
>get back home, microwave last sandwich but forget it has mayo on it so it goes all gross
>eat it anyway
>go for a walk along cliffs
>get back home and browse /mu/
>make dinner while listening to new shoegaze albums
>eat dinner and play league at the same time
which brings us to now, me at 2am realising i said i was going to sleep at 12 tonite

>wake up on my floor matress
>drink black coffe and eat some bacon and egs
>watch last house on dead end street
>go to the computer and listen to some ariel pink while i do some post-digital art on photoshop
>feel miserable and have a headache
>some hours after i go out and buy meat to make and eat
>only meat nothing else on the plate
>look at sunglasses to buy, settle on some with bright yellow lenses because i find it amusing. browse r9k, and play 3 matches of cs go before i scream in my head and turn it off

>Wake up
>Watch some nightcore shit
It has been 7 hours now...

>wake up
>realize I've slept in and I'm late to class
>fuck it and skip school
>lie in bed listening to indie rock as my lab partner calls asking where I am
>Don't pick up
>Get angry emails saying I'll be kicked out of school
>Shitpost on Jow Forums
>eat mcdonalds at 1am so that nobody can see me leave

>wake up
>check phone
>realize i dont have class
>try to fall asleep and epic fail
>go out to living room to watch shitty morning news
>eat lemon and destroy stomach lining
>check discord and Jow Forums

>wake up at 5
>force down oats
>brush teeth
>go to work
>take bus to gym
>too many people
>take bus home

>wake up at 6
>stay on Jow Forums for the rest of the day

>Wake up
>Lie in bed for 30 minutes
>Take morning cigarette
>go to class
>go home, and smoke
>smoke some more
>check r9k

>Wake up at 5am
>Go to work
>Find out boss put me in the difficult part of the warehouse
>Gotta manage 20 electrical elevators with 12 normies
>Do like 40% of the work because fuck overtime and the other normies aren't working even close to what's expected
>Around 4 hours in feel like shit, just don't want to work
>Fake being sick to boss and tell him to send some other ass to take my spot
>Women that I hate and that hates complimented me today(???????????????)
>Go home and play MHW
>Friend texts me asking me where I went
>Tell him I faked sick and went to play games

One of the few that put effort into work so bosses usually give me what I ask for, positions, days off, schedule changes and pretty sure they know I faked being sick.

I'll go back next week

>wake up
>get dressed
>slightly fancy black jeans
>Metallica shirt
>subtle Anime symbol on chain
>new Adidas shoes
>go to school
>nobody notices
>post online
>"omg user you look so cool"
>"where do you always find these things?"

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>Wake up feelin garbage as usual
>Get dressed for work
>Do HVAC from 8-5
>Go home
>Jerk Off
>Go to the gym
>Go home

I want this suffering we call life to end.

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>wake up at 6 am
>make coffee
>dress up for work
>come back at 3 pm
>sleep for 4 hours
>wake up
>watch anime n play vidya till 1 am

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oregegano mimano

>wake up early to shower
>don't shower
>drink coffee in a hurry
>work cleaning nasty toilets
>have my boss tell me i look unmotivated
>get home to dysfunctional family
>no social life or hobbies at this point
>don't like booze
>too antisocial to meet my dealer for weed
>no interest in sex

>spent 15 hours straight in Pubg after coming back home from work
>didn't sleep
>stop playing to take a shower
>look in the mirror and disgust myself
>dress up
>go to the bus stop, it's raining
>forgot umbrella so my straighted hair messes up
>bus is coming late, getting wet
>accidentaly step on ants nest, they start biting my right foot toes
>it hurts, but bus is coming so can't take my shoe out until I get in
>get to work 25 minutes early, no one is here and door is locked
>keep getting wet
>shift starts as shitty as always
>keeps being shitty, so I browse Jow Forums
>still 4 hours more to get out
>wishing to go back home to keep playing pubg

>wake up at 6:30 after about 9 hours of sleep
>take a hot shower
>drink a protein shake and some oats for breakfast
>go to school, see how miserable people are
>go to the gym
>spend rest of the day checking things off of my to-do list
>go to bed at 21:30

sometimes life is good

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>alarm rings
>wake up
>out the door i go
>while waiting for the bus i get a text that my classes are cancelled
>take a stroll in the park
>light up my tobacco pipe with some nice Peterson sunset breeze pipe tobacco
>walk around for an hour until shops open
>buy what im gonna make for dinner ( artichokes and rotisserie chicken)
>also beer and 4 bottles of wine
>go home and play skyrim until i decide to make dinner
>just had dinner, now enjoying beer

>Went to bed at 5 am.
>Got up at 8 am.
>Had some Orange juice and took pills.
>Went to school for 3 hours.
>Spend one hour doing whatever I wanted, other one configuring my computer.
>Got home.
>Kept screwing with the comp for 2 hours.
>Lost an account, had to remake it and re-follow people.
>Took an hour.
>Went to bed at 3 pm.
>Woke up at 7pm.
>Been browsing r9k since.
I've been up for an hour and I'll soon sleep again.

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>wake up
>back to sleep

rise and repeat ad infinitum

A lot of people posting their day and nobody is rating how /fa/ their day is.

>wake up
>get ready for work
>go to work
>work at mental retardation center
>working in a different apartment today
>favorite apartment besides my own
>easy day
>all behaviors are going off
>loud as hell
>client gets up yelling and runs to bathroom
>projectile diarrhea'd all over the walls and sink
>fuck this gay earth

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>3:30 am
>drive to work with bike
>get shouted at 8h while doing the most exhausting work in the whole factory
>come home
>take a bath
>sleep in for 2 hours while bathing
>go grocery shopping
>eat at subway
>see all the young ppl have fun on this wonderful day
>go home
>go to bed

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