Why do young white men enjoy dressing like young white women?
Why do young white men enjoy dressing like young white women?
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Because I wish I was a woman
Fuck off you stupid niggerfaggot
The world can do better than 4% tranny.
Imagine how many are repressing.
It would be closer to 15%
Because they want to feel like the got the power of a royal even if it is for a few minutes.
>trap shit
>same thread every fucking day
You need to get some proper treatment for your spergy tendencies user, you can't go on like this
because they're trying to attract black dick like their female counterparts
I am at least 15% tranny
>tfw repressor
>tfw the real number is probably close to 10%
Who conducted this user
Low quality b8 m8 this shit aim to g8
I am repressing so hard right now. I WANT TO DIE
Why not do it? Why keep prolonging the suffering?
That Cloud9 v TSM Final was so go... wait. OMEGALUL
because money, parents, and constant self-doubt
>tfw have had crazy swings of tranny sickness for months at a time last year only to repress for a month and go right back
>last time I broke down in the shower and had no idea who the fuck I was anymore and quit it.
>was around Christmas
>life has been pretty kick was since
>be present Day
>starting to come back again and getting worse by the day
>tfw it's going to be worse than last time as it always is
>was so close to transitioning last time I actually might do it this time
This shit will eternally be apart of me no matter how hard I try to shake it.
You are a pathetic, emotional manchild corrupted by years of plastics and estrogens in the water supply. Your ancestors would be disgusted if they could see you now. Fix yourself or die.
>caring about what a bunch of illiterate troglodytes who died to easily preventable diseases think about issues they wouldn't have half the mind to comprehend
Wrong wrong wrong. Your advice is literally"just be yourself" it has no meaning
Please just use one of your tranny buzzwords in your thread so I can effectively filter it and I never have to see this trash
Being a white male is demonized, especially in leftist hellholes known as public schools. Trannies are a protected class though.
There are 11% violent hate crimes in LA against trannies. Protected my ass
>Implying your ancestors never dealt with faggots or suppressing sick urges
They lived much more fulfilling, honourable lives than you could ever comprehend.
My advice is instead of fucking yourself up more with hormones and a weak facade of 'female' life, work on yourself and improve your life outside of your aesthetics.
Just man up bruh
You do realise that this was conducted via phone call right I bet my waifu 60% of these where children and also theirs no Way that they could have verified these individuals you faggot I mean honestly are you retarded or some thing cheery picking shit that suits you rather than actual facts
You're not a female if you don't have the XX chromosome, simple.
>They lived much more fulfilling, honourable lives than you could ever comprehend.
You're romanticizing a past that never was. Get off this board normalfag.
They never knew what hormones were, didn't understand illness whatsoever, didn't understand neuroendocrinology, and didn't know how to read. And if you're white, your ancestors would be fucking boys.
What if I feel like a girl user
>rather than actual facts
>trannies ever posting facts and not just relying on 'muh emotions'
This one knows big words
You are a girl and you're valid as a girl. Don't let other people tell you what you are and aren't. They don't know you and will never know you. For all you know the person you replied to is a 12 year old who hasn't even taken basic high school biology.
>You're romanticizing a past that never was
Human beings feel more fulfilled when living a life full of real struggle and hardship which they work to overcome. LGBT shit is not real struggle and hardship, it's cancerous modern society shit born from living in a world where you no longer have to fight for your own survival.
What does this have to do with cross dressing
>you scared the trannies gonna get ya user
>big words
Are you so stupid that you think I used any complex vocabulary in that post?
Being a transwoman is a struggle in a world where many people in government refuse to recognize your existence and where some people constantly threaten your safety.
tfw hormones just made me look younger/softer rather than a girl
ill take it, i guess...
They are just learning their rightful place in the world desu.
I used to be a tranny. I will never stop trying to guide young impressionable white males away from this mentally destroying path.
It's a self imposed, artificial struggle.
They'll also give you tits that if you're lucky will go away when you stop being retarded and stop taking the pills.
Nigger why do you think I'm fighting the swings. I don't wanna join that group of delusional fucks. If you can't look the part don't take the part because you are gross. I've got a pretty good idea of exactly what I am in for if i really do it. It will be painful and I don't know if it will ever pay off.
>"former" tranny
Now this crusade of fear and hate makes sense
aren't they known for polling mostly hardcore conservatards? this is why they always have trump's approval way higher than everyone else
So it's a different Kind of struggle
It has to be that way if trannies accepted the lvl of treatment they receive now it'll take a down words spiral into a trannie holocaust rememder the Jews and how they just took that shit then got gassed
>If you can't look the part don't take the part because you are gross.
Don't take part either way, even if you do pass. Once the rosy "i'm a girl" feel wears off you realise how fake and souless a life it really is.
> I don't know if it will ever pay off
It won't. Stop paying attention to the happy joy joy tranny 'reality' presented to you in the media, pay attention to the stats.
Self hating coon
And also your granny a trannie
they already gave me boobs
why would i get off hrt? its literally made me more attractive and eased my dysphoria
>"you'll never stop being a tranny goyim, quick, transition before you become a hon!!"
People who spread this nonsense are sick in the head.
Lol, it's like me saying I'm 65 years old when I'm actually 22. It's all BS wishful thinking, you are what you are, if you can't accept that, then you do have problems. Who remembers that think about not changing yourself. Also nice bait.
Go live your life of real struggle in the jungles of African.
>Age = sex
No user one can Ben changed the other can't ok I see you have pic ralated
>Self hating
I used to be, for sure. I'm currently healthier and in the best shape than I've ever been. I haven't contemplated suicide in years. Can you say the same?
>its literally made me more attractive
More attractive to males or females? There are other ways of making yourself attractive rather than taking pills that increase your risk of blood clots and breast cancer, as well as sending your emotions haywire. How long have you been on them? What dosage?
Why the fuck would i do that as a European?
>I used to be a tranny. I will never stop trying to guide young impressionable white males away from this mentally destroying path.
People detransition. Maybe you were enby or something else triggered a sense of dysphoria that hrt couldn't help. Sure.
But why attack transwomen who do become happier and more fulfilled after hrt and srs? It saves many lives. You say you're trying to guide "white" males away from this mentally destroying path but if they had dysphoria, repressing it will make them commit suicide. Maybe not right now so it's fine for you while they post your propaganda on twitter but down the line the suicidal thoughts will become unberable.
This. The BBC will be their downfall, eventually
What a shitty analogy. Also if there was a surgery that could make you look and feel younger healthwise, extending your life, I bet most people on the planet would do it.
There's a surgery right now that allows people to transition so they can be the gender they are.
Well fuck man not everything is a statistic. I hate to say "mmuhhh feeelins" but you have obviously done it for the wrong reasons. Transition is a last resort for those of us who have dealt with this shit for years and years.
My mind hurts, it just fkin hurts. How did people manage to delude themselves into thinking you can change your gender? Even then shouldn't you be on Tumblr crying about how opressed you faggots are? Your born with your gender, if you think your a female, then your ill. We don't tell people with schizophrenia that yes, the turned off radio is speaking to you. No, we treat illnesses, not feed them and go along with them. This is why we are so fucked.
Why are you guys ignoring science? Can't you just accept that you're either female or male. You can pump as much female hormones into yourself, get as much sugery as you want, but you will always have male genes. You fkin idiots better be trolling.
Your not ok user you'll never be ok
you dont feel like a girl, you dont know what that feels like
>But why attack transwomen who do become happier and more fulfilled after hrt and srs?
That isn't the general reality. Most of them are incredibly mentally fucked up. I knew and associated with many trannies during my transition, I can only think of one who was probably about as fucked up as the average girl, the rest were a mess of drugs, sex, self harm, depression and eventual suicide. The happy transgirls you see on television are a rarity.
>but you have obviously done it for the wrong reasons
Oh, the "well you just weren't 'trans'" card. I had 'dysphoria' and depression from a young age. I went to doctors at 20 and they put me on hormones with little effort from me. It's incredibly easy to get access to them.
>lel enjoy retranstioning when you're 40, hon!
Nice try, I've had enough trannies try to drag me back into the mire.
>ignoring science
Well the scientific and medical communities have recognized dysphoria, found that transitioning are the best ways to relieve dysphoria, have found differences in trans brains which make them more like their real gender, and find new ways to aid in transitioning with hrt and surgery.
You're the ones who reject science.
because you get to imagine living life on tutorial mode.
>That isn't the general reality. Most of them are incredibly mentally fucked up. I knew and associated with many trannies during my transition, I can only think of one who was probably about as fucked up as the average girl, the rest were a mess of drugs, sex, self harm, depression and eventual suicide. The happy transgirls you see on television are a rarity.
I guess I'm a rarity then. I guess the transgirls I know are rarities then. Also anecdotes are not data. The research has shown transitioning is the best option for people with gender dysphoria.
You're going along with the illness. like 90% of transitioned people kill themselves, so is that relief? No it isn't! Because you're not suppose to fucking pump female hormones and cut someones dick off while they're already unstable. It's so fucking barbaric and savage, it's a surprise you're even still alive with such a fucked mindset. Therapy is better.
You can't change genetics xx and xy will always remain. It literally defines you. If you can get over that then go ahead but I feel like most trannys delude themselves into believing they are literally a female. I will never be female and I'm okay with that. I just want to live openly and quit shutting this other half of myself out because it has been killing me and a source of distress and secretism for too long.
Accept your male privilage, be proud of being male.
>The research has shown transitioning is the best option for people with gender dysphoria
Feel free to post the supporting data.
It's what the scientific and medical communities recommend. It's what research shows to be the best option. Suicide among people who have transitioned is because of the struggle we face dealing with a transphobic society. We deal with higher levels of violence across the world and are often attacked by our own governments. You're just parroting your talking points.
>your mind hurts
That's because there's something missing in there
> comparing to schizophrenia
Are you fucking mentally retarded or something were the fucking correlation one is a psychological illness the other is simply want nay , feeling to be something else .
> this is why we're so fucked
yh by dumb asses like you wanting to bicker about things that don't affect you and never will ya just butt hurt someone else is doing some thing to make them selves happy
>transphobic society
literally fuck off, there's never been a society more accepting than the one we live in now. You assholes are just looking for problems so you can "blame the system" the same way the nazis blamed the jews. You're blaming a boogyman you fucking retard. Trans people kill themselves because they're still depressed even when they are female. Scientists at one point said smoking was good for you, doesn't mean it is it. Cutting someones cock off and pumping them full of nasty shit isn't right.
Literally fuck off you high ground cunt. You're so deluded, I hope you get scalped alive you piece of shit, you're the reason why society is fucked, the reason why white people are blamed for shit we didn't even do. Why aren't muslims blamed, they did a genocide on black slaves. You fucking retards need a beating honestly, you can't bend reality to your own will fucknuts.
were did you get those stats user
Its basically a form of schitzophrenia. A male literally cannot conceptualize what it feels like to be female, if one says they do they are delusional.
You can't be female but you can be cute and maybe you can be desired like a girl by boys. Do it for that!
Maybe not as widely it in the west. But eunuches existed.
But it was accepted in the east. Asians and Indians always had trannies who had rights.
Maybe stop using violence against trannies and they might stop killing themselves.
Eunuches existed for guards dumb ass. It's because it killed their sex drive so they could focus on their role.
society will be transphobic until every person is supports giving them extra rights and gibs me dats
They were also used as sextoys by rich people.
Who the fuck is using violence against them? I feel like you're trolling. The fact of the matter is, trannies dont get enough attention and then kill themselves. Nobody uses violence agaisnt them, we just say the TRUTH and they don't like it. Trannies are more violent towards others, look online of howmany times a tranny has hit someone at a parade, a tranny grabbed Ben Shapiro by the neck and threatened him on national television.
> hurrr durrr it can't be me iam white
STFU who's blaming you I like how you generalise comments , extremeist and non-extremeist
>hurrr durrr its the MUSlims
They didn't burn niggers alive
They didn't fuck up southern America and the Middle East
>Trans people are particularly susceptible to being targeted in hate crimes
We're getting blamed all the time. LOOK ONLINE FFS. It's always white people are the cause for all of your problems, jsut fuck off. You can be really racist to a white person and it's funny, but the otherway around it's super serious.
wow posting to Jewish research
good job
I like how you base you points on weak grounds
>Ben Shapirofag
> sees something happen one time
Well I guess there all like that
Have you seen his sister brother
I'm sure white people didn't do pic related at all. This was only a few hundred years ago. Muslims might have done these things a thousand years ago but whites did them recently.
White people messed up so bad that there are pictures of them doing it.
theres been a decent amount of cases. but of course trannies are blowing it out of porportion, they so desperately want to win the victim awards.
Stop hitting trannies irl.
The tranny was probably defending themselves
Most of them go crazy because of the hormone treatment. Imagine the hell your body and especially your psyche goes through as you literally force it to change from being biologically male to as close to biologically female as it can get.
But no, obviously there's nothing harmful and dangerous about transitioning. It's clearly all the transphobia.
Also I am convinced that at least 70% of the trans people right now who just "found out" are people who either fell for the meme out of confusion and insecurity or bona fide attention whores with severe mental problems. It baffled me that all it takes to convince people that you are trans is for you to show up and just say "Yo guys, I'm a girl now." and every "progressive" twat will applaud in unison without asking a single fucking question because blind acceptance is what it means to be progressive.
At least it's easy to accept when you're gay. If the guy exclusively fuck men, it's not hard to accept, but any actual nutcase can dress up as a girl and act like a crazy fucking psycho and everyone just goes "fuck yeah girl! Fight the system!" and if you ever criticize the psycho behavior everyone goes "GIVE IT SOME TIME YOU FUCKING BIGOT! XERS GOING THROUGH A LOT RIGHT NOW AND ALSO TRANSPHOBIA SO CHECK UR PRIVLG FUCKING NAZI!"
This is why I hate communicating with you people. You doubt facts and scientific and medical research in favor of your propaganda. Then when people show you this research you say the research is invalid because "the Jews". You're a bunch of delusional idiots.
It's supper serious because it actually have weight to it
And the mainstream media doesn't validate the white haters
It's all in your head
Give me statistics that show that only minorities are hitting trannies in white countries and I'll believe you.
Yeah right, giving extra rights to the x means only two things:
1. some will become x only to for the sake of privileges
2. everyone else will hate x way much more
There are plenty of black traps but they are hideous and disgusting. Trust me, I run into them all the time. They also don't attention whore on the internet and are usually killed off by their own kind.
He did because conservative research always lacks one thing
Actual research user it's worse that the libtards
No one wants extra right s they just want to be treated the same
It's sad how you trannies are. First you take estrogen and then you support everything the Jews say. Then you try to fight against your own race. I'm trying to save you. Look at yourselves.
Maybe your research points to what you're saying about trannies but it doesn't mean it's right to be one. And all of that research has been funded by Jews. A couple decades ago no one thought trannies could be women because we knew about chromosomes but now chromosomes don't matter apparently. Instead your stupid brain scans and surveys do. Except those scans and surveys are faked by people who hate the white race. You're in their trap.
Come out of it. Help us save the West.