>be me
>lonely autist
>sitting at class on my own during break, browsing phone waiting for the lesson to start
>overhear a conversation occuring between 2 Stacies that are chatting about stupid roastie shit a few desks behind me
>hear my name mentioned
>followed by an immediate "EWWWW, NO, UGH"
>look back at them
>they stare at me
>say nothing to them
>hear immediate giggling from them that occurs for 4 minutes
>pretend to ignore it while deep down I want to cry because one of the Stacies was my crush
Feels thread
Nice going OP noe all the memories are coming back
>12 yo in elementary
>at lunch
>next to 2 grills
>they're talking about something
>overhear: "and how about mr handsome next to you"
>she looks at me
>visible embarrassment and disgust on her face
>"well uhhhhhhhhh I don't know about that"
>they proceed to giggle
Man this moment made me sad. Puberty actually turned me into a fuckable person but it was already too late because I distanced myself from other girls too much. The greentext wasn't the only time a girl indirectly called me ugly like this. When I had to manually reform myself to actually be able to interact with a female was when I was 15. I had some female friends after that but I was too far down to get an actual gf. Still KV at 23. I have lost all hope
What's wrong with all you brainlets who always fall for girls who despite you?
OP here
I was a young, naive 14 year old who played MMOs and didn't know any better
I don't understand this either. They fall for the looks instead of personality because they're dumb manchildren. The last time this happened to me I was literally 6
>having a good personality
audible kek
Their "personality" consists of doing things to make the Chad notice them, that's it.
Whenever a girl has a hobby, you can bet your ass it's going to be just some entry tier shit, whether it be films, video games, music, literature, etc.
And then the same brainlets complain that women only look out for handsome and tall men. Are robots even aware how hypocritical they are?
>having a crush
Kek. Grow up faggot
>8th grade (what age is this? like 13 or 14?)
>cute girl wants to know how soft my hair is, so she pets me for the entire lunch period
>because of this she becomes the first (and so far only) person I've been romantically attracted in
>a month or so later, I give her my number
>"Sorry user, but my mom said no"
>"Uhm... ok"
>Terrified to be near her for three days
>"She probably thinks I'm a pervert whose only interested in sex and probably hates me"
>Anxiety attacks whenever I see her
>She disappeared from school in the middle of November, thank fuck
The funny thing is that people honestly think I have what it takes to get a girl.
At least you have soft hair, mate.
Tell me your amazing traits then you fag. A girl with a good personality to me is one that is genuinely nice, has some mutual interests with me and one that I enjoy being around. Tell me what makes you so good that you don't think this is enough
And then you wonder why a faggot like you gets dumped when your "gf" finds another Chad
>He actually fell for the love-meme
Never fall in love with a women. Use them for fucking or for bearing children. Make them financially and emotionally dependend on you. You need to control them or they will turn against you.
so basically the best thing to do is never try anything with females at all they all want Chad anyway :(((((((( and become a bitter faggot?
I can personally debunk this. My first real crush (in highschool) was a tomboy-ish girl that not many people in class liked. She wore glasses sometimes and was funny enough to get my interest as being "not like the other girls" as in she was actually funny and nice. I personally thought she was super cute, but for some reason no one liked her. I ended up (by some miracle) becoming relatively good friends with her. Whenever I tried to ask her out with something like "you want to get a bite to eat?" she'd turn me down. I wasn't even ugly at that time, besides the acne that everyone gets at that age. She ended up constantly asking out a big football playing guy whose literal name was Chad. He was a nice guy and I don't blame her, but realistically because she wasn't super hot and no one really liked her she was never going to get him on a date with her. I think she settled for some dickhead guy who was rich and bought her a lot of junk but that might have been someone else.
There's literally no reason to get a women this day and age unless you're a fucking cuckold that wants to pay 50% of his salary to kids that you never see and to support your ex while she rides the cock carousel
See this mate There are some other traits that you have to look for, if you are searching for a mother for your children. (how many sexual partner, does she have siblings, how is the relationship to her father,....) There are whole psychology books written about these topics. If you use logic instead of "falling in love", then you can find a good wife.
>Use them for fucking
whores exist for this reason without none of the emotional garbage involved or you spending time with her
>for bearing children
>implying I want fucking children
> Actually try to talk to stacies in class
> Hey do yall know if we take the quizzes online?
> They react in sheer terror as if Im a monster from another dimension
>whores exist for this reason
Whores are women and women are whores. If you have the money to buy an escort, it is definitely a wise decision.
>implying I want fucking children
Of course that's completely up to you.
I respect whores more than women
At least with whores, I know exactly what I'm paying for and both parties understand the agreement. No going out on shitty dates or wasting my free time with her when I'd prefer just doing my own thing with my own hobbies (that women will never understand)
Pay a quick buck, have 30 minutes of fun and leave. Simple.
One way or another you always pay if you are involved with women. The difference is that whores state the price before the fun starts and not after.
>Practice with 7/10 qt for test
>We even call each other and practice over the phone
>Stay at her place many times
>After test compare answers
>Then my dumb socially inept friend interrupts us and asks me some dumb question
>qt goes away
aaaand thats why gay>straight
>having crush on a stacy
You deserve it, shit taste faggot.
What was the dumb question?
When i look back on my high school days I remember all the times I could have ended up having a better life, a stacy had a crush on me but i was too pussy to get with her, got asked out a couple times, made out with several girls but my personality always fucked me over one way or another. If only I got another shot at life maybe I could fix it.
Oh fuck off you failed normalfag piece of shit
don't give up buddy. I'm rooting for ya
heres some greentexts
Not so much of a normal fag I'm pretty ugly and socially retarded but i somehow managed throughout life, no matter how many lucky chances i got I never made anything out of them.
some more greentexts from /b/
>at school
>stacey blows kisses at me
>her and her friends peer pressure me to do it back
>do it
>they all laugh
f-fuck off
He also asked me questions about the test. The problem wasn't the question but how he just stormed into the conversation I was having being the socially unaware dude he is.
But then again, I know that feel of being socially weird but also aware of it almost constantly.
ahahaha faggot
>I'm pretty ugly
>Stacy has a crush on you
>got asked out
>has made with girls
no matter how hard you try, you'll never fit in here, so fuck off
You're even more pathetic than the biggest omega robot on Jow Forums
>Be me Irishfag around 16 y/o.
>Now 25 and still kissless virgin.
>I'm like a 3/10. Glasses, big buck teeth etc...
>Get bullied a lot until I freak out the following year and deck the guy called Gary from this story for screaming in my ear.
>in computer class for 4th year of secondary school.
>Kid called Gary sitting beside me being a general dick.
>His 7/10 cousin walks in who definitely qualified as thicc and had a DD rack easily.
>Gary jokes about her kissing me and my virginness gets excited.
>She says "I'd rather kiss a dog."
>i stay silent but it hurt.
>To this day I wish I had to balls to retort and say something sarcastic like "Thanks for trying Gary but honestly I'm just not into fat girls".
I hated school.
Hey user, tell us your story then.
Have you ever even had a chance?
What's the closest you've ever gotten?
I already did
I'm the OP
Oh. So you've never gotten the slightest hint of being liked? How old?
I'm 20 now
Never had any attention from girl that wasn't either from disgust or ridicule
>never was really into any girl in my school
>start new school year
>have geography class
>sit on a table with 2 girls (non-stacies)
>realise after a few weeks that im romantically interested in one of the girls
>she was same height as me, skinny, pale, small breasts and butt, shy, played games, blue eyes, long brown hair, and watched anime.
>in the start of the year no one on the table spoke
>as the months pass we spoke more and more.
>everytime i was able to make her laugh it felt so good
>realise that i havent made a move or anything for this entire time
>friend convinces me the only solution is to tell her i like her
>"if you dont tell her you like her you will regret it when you're older user."
>build up courage for weeks
>finally get to the day where im gonna do it
>go to the bus stop where shes at
>wait for everyone to leave
>she stays as she takes a bus that takes longer to come
>go up to her
>"hi anonette, i need to tell you something... ahhh my chest is burning. you dont have to feel the same way i do but, i like you."
>she looks at me and says
>"uhh this is awkward"
>instant regret
>i quickly leave after that.
>somehow keep it together that day.
>next day i had just finished one of my classes
>her friend comes up to me
>"hey user, i was talking to anonette. you know shes a lesbian right? hahaha"
>my soul was crushed
>go home that day and cry myself to sleep
it never gets better
That sucks, user. I've had many girls hit on me, ugly ones, 9/10s, even a couple of them femme fatale types that I know for a fact made other chads cry and attempt suicide.
I wish you could experience it too and see that it's not all that good.
Dude, you have women literally coming to you and begging for attention and your cock
You're probably trolling but either way your normie feels will not gain you any sympathy here and you should go back to plebbit or /b/
I'm half trolling. telling you the truth, knowing you'd get angry but hoping you won't. Either way I'm entertained.
And I do browse /b/. Never had a reddit account, but there are good posts on there, like the ELI5 things and science related answers.
I'm not in it for the sympathy.
Anyway, I hope you learn to accept the things you can't change and stop coming here (unless you're here for curiosity and entertainment, like me).
Imagine being so pathetic that you're so desperate for (you's) on Jow Forums
I'm not even giving you those anymore, fuck off
"NO U"
Gg user
Hahahaha. I love you, user. I fucking LOVE YOU!
This is better than a (You). This makes my cock rock hard. More.
The best part about this is that I'll keep posting in a friendly manner and most of you won't even know you're dealing with a filthy, half normie.
>9/10 girls would hit on me at summer camp
>they thought they were doing me a favor because I was ugly
that pic fuck that is sad
Damn user, no offense, but you must have been really ugly. Even I a fat manlet Latino robot was able to ask Stacie questions on school work and not get faces
Here's what you do OP. This is all assuming you're in high school.
>Get a license, get a shitty car
>Senior year find a freshman/sophomore girl who's the "injured bird", type
>No support system, recent breakup, general "troubled" girl
>Drive her around and give some emotional support
>She's young and vulnerable, you're older and have resources = get puss
>Slam her for a year
Remember OP this girl is for xp grinding. You're learning how to fuck so you're not helpless for the next steps. Don't get too attached
>Go to a large college
>Awash in thots
>Find girls you think are cute in classes, clubs, and dorms
>Talk to them, contrive ways to do stuff with them (go to dining hall with them, study, any other group/social activity)
>If she doesn't seem like a prospect after two weeks time, MOVE ON
>There are more thots and you're burning college days, MOVE ON
>One will stick by law of large numbers
And there you have it. Just fuckin bathe regularly, and get a paltonic female friend who will tell you if you dress like shit.
I've been browsing Jow Forums since 2012 and I fit in just fine, if the OP story is the worst you have had it then you honestly didn't have it too bad similar things have happened to many people including me.
Eh, too much fucking work just to put my dick in some wet hole for 5 minutes
Fuck man, I'm tearing up over here.
The major thing is that most robots are probably the kids with greasy hair, stick arms and graphic t-shirts. As long as you keep clean and dress like a normal person (jeans and a plain t-shirt would do) you could be pretty ugly but still manage to get a decent girl. If you want to get a relationship you have to put in some amount of effort.
You forget that they have certain degree of autism or at least really bad social skills.
And besides, as you can see from this example, they don't really want to change, they just wanna whine about it.
Here is the last one I saved.
>hurr, just bee yourself
literally worthless normalfag advice, as expected
Cool, I'm shedding tears now.
If you're autistic then get an autistic gf if you have to. But you don't have to. Honestly I was working on this girl in college for much longer than I should have because she had probably the biggest tits I'd ever seen in real life, and she was dating an autistic guy. They're autistic not retarded
Fuck I'm gonna cry
Yeah. Except I can relate to both the normies saying it and you not understanding it.
I actually know what it means and could put it in a format in which you'd probably understand it as well.
But would you really want me to?
You don't really want to change, you want the world to change for you.
>literally put all this effort to get some 6/10 roastie
>she leaves you for Chad anyway after a few weeks
b-but at least I got my pee pee sucked!
Except I gave you step by step instructions none of which involved "being yourself." It involves work. The problem with autists is they think they can pick out a girl and with the right dialogue choices they can win them but that's not how it works. For the most part chemistry is either immediate or not there at all and virgins and autists fall into this trap (as did I) of chasing after a girl in college thinking she's unique and important when she's NOT because there are just so many beckies and stacies packed into a large college. So use some damaged girl from your shit kick town that you'll never care about again as a way to protect yourself from blowing it in bed when you do find some chemistry in college. And wash your ass. Call it normie advice all you want but it's the best you're gonna get
Okay, so? It's up to you whether it was worth it. Me, I've never had to put in any effort.
And I was talking about the "Be yourself" phrase. I love that one.
I also love how you're a bitter degenerate and all you do is spout generic hateful stuff about a thing you can't, and supposedly "don't want anyway".
And yet you go on and on about how you don't want it. And you'll do this tomorrow as well.
Now go ahead and tell me about how you're a "nice guy".
This is the worst shit like ya it some autist tries to hit on you sure tell him to fuck off but IF IM JUST TRYING TO ASK A QUESTION ABOUT THE CLASS WERE IN at least anwser my question
>only way to get a gf is to emotionally abuse some underage slut
wow, great advice senpai, you're even more pathetic than the autists that post here
I never said I'm a nice guy
I hate women and want nothing to do with them
Enjoy being a cuck faggot who can lick Chad's sperm off your gf's meat flaps
Yes you do, You're a lonely human being who came here to vent out and get validated by those who you think you relate to (and vice versa).
You want someone to love you, you want an attractive female.
I'll stop bullying you now as you've given me enough entertainment and leave you with one itty bitty tip: Chad doesn't exist (same goes for Stacy and normies). He's a boogieman this place invented, a simplified version of something your kind perceives in the males that manage to get pussy.
"To generalize is to be an idiot." And that's what most of you here are. These are all over simplifications made by simple, unaware minds.
It's not like you're raping or blackmailing her. You provide her with support, keep her from doing stupid shit, and give her a network, and she gives you confidence and experience. Going to college dooms all high school relationships anyway. It's literally how I did it. This girl was a junior who just left her abusive boyfriend, I picked her up, helped her out when she needed it, took her out when she was sad, helped her through the death of her mom. College came and it fizzled out no hard feelings. She got through her dark place, I learned how to not bust in 3 seconds and that I was not unfuckable. Now we're both happy and engaged to different people. Stop being a faggot.
>I'll stop bullying you now
kek, yeah, I feel so bullied now
Didn't even bother to read the rest of your garbage post
>I picked her up, helped her out when she needed it, took her out when she was sad, helped her through the death of her mom
Lol, what a bunch of faggy shit
I'd rather just get a hooker lol
>Grapes this sour
Whatever user, enjoy your companionless existence since you're so reluctant to change it, I'm sure the love of a woman isn't worth doing anything besides cumming on your figurines for once
>love of a woman
no such thing
>this user obviously knows a lot about life and has had many life experiences and is in no way the basement dwelling, non-showering, non-roomleaving, autistic NEET every other robot on here is
How can I not agree with you?
>you need to be a world class chef to know that shit tastes like shit
Man, I had a person who touched my hair every time I met her.
Sure as hell didn't get attracted by her though
What a fuckwit
wanna have a chat with me, user? mby I can fix you :3
No thanks, the only thing I hate more than women are faggots
wew, you're a hateful little guy!
i'm neither a faggot nor a womyn, just tryin' 2b nice.
>me in like, 8th grade at the time
>8/10 legit liked me for some reason
>okay sure ill ask her out why not
>all my friends say im lucky i dont deserve it
>they were probably right
>like the autist I am I ask her out in front of everybody in science
>all eyes on her
>"ogjakwh.. UH. SURE! YEAH."
>ended up later seeing a movie one weekend
>she texting on her phone the whole time
>buy her ticket, buy her popcorn, coke, everything I ask of she wants
>she keeps texting kn middle of movie
>she really hasnt said much
>"hey uh.. stacy.. maybe we should be more respectful and not text while in the-"
>"you need to chill user. its my friend chad."
>"...oh. ha.. okay."
>3 min pass and i basically have accepted that nothing but dissapointment will come from this
>look at her
>she looks at me
>"everything okay stacy?"
>"im going to get picked up soon by my mom"
>we are in mid movie at this point btw
>"mmk. want me to wait outside with y-"
>"im fine. i had a good time. bye user."
>eat popcorn and soda by myself
>watch the movie with blank stare, im not even absorbing anything im just staring at a screen with colors and loud noises
>finally get home
>feel my heart sink into my stomach
>suppress all emotion just like at the theater
>ive been like this ever since
>im 21 now
true story.
>has some mutual interests with me and one that I
Doesn't exist.
>genuinely nice
Well she'll be good enough to fool you but that doesn't make her genuine. A woman will only ever genuinely love her children.
>legit liked you
Didn't seem like that to me, user. And you should learn to not value yourself through other's opinions.
You type like a faggot, so you're a faggot
fair enuff m8, at least I'm not making threads about girls and then stalking it, replying to every user that posts trying so hard to convince them i don't want them.
No, you're just shitposting
and never trust hearsay of other people. later my friend told me she said yes because she didnt want to make me feel bad.
yet she makes me feel bad anyway. so.
If you're a NEET have no social life and don't own property you have nothing to lose
Why are you telling me that what I myself have experienced does not exist? You must be very sad
>be at work
>team leader forces us to work as a group
>2 grills, both 19 there too
>other are 2 blokes
>1 grill and the 2 blokes go to deal with delivery
>last remaining grill openly says omg please don't leave me alone with that weirdo
>stop putting stuff out as i hear this and reply
>you know what cunt fuck you, i don't wanna be left with your cunting self either
>get chewed out by team leader even though she started it
pussy worshippers are cancer.
Just neck me
>be age 10
>go through small crush
>ask her out
>age 12
>ask another popular girl the golden question
>she said no
>age 13
>girl says she's a lesbian
>age 14
>ask landwhale out
>she said no
>age 15
>ask guy out
>he said no
>age 17
>ask 1st girl out
>fucking laughed in my face
age 19 now
>everyone I knew from school has or had a gf
>even pimple fave
>even fatass
>even gay guy
just about an hour ago I was in a restaurant with my family + family friends and I saw my childhood bully walk in with his gf, went past me without a second thought and had his date. All I hear is laughing and flirting over there while I was in an unwanted convo about fortnite.
Why do people like him succeed and I fail.
>Get out of prison, want to bond with 2-year-old niece I'd never met
>Her mother is nuts, try to keep brother's marriage together so niece isn't raised solely by tumblrina
>She wants to leave him but is scared of life for no reason, so she just whores for attention
>Try to compromise by offering to be roommates to keep the kid away from her and any child-molesting fuck she'll date
>She says she wants to be foreveralone.jpg
>Tell her I'm not interested in dating
>Wont talk to me, anymore
Need story, user. Don't tease my boner, now.
ouch. was he blessed by genetics?
looked like a greek statue.