> get called out for being a fatass alcoholic roastie
> get defended by a billion thirsty betas and a headline on national news
get called out for being a fatass alcoholic roastie
Other urls found in this thread:
>every Jow Forums camwhore ever
fuck yourself cuck.
i'm WAY fatter than that.
Why do women get special praise for being fat sluts like that's something honorable or worthy of any kind of attention.
because they have a vagina and titties
Some people are trying to turn negative things that used to be shamed into a point of pride
Others think that that's bullshit but are forced to silently go along with it, although they lose faith in society
I don't see why some tattood whore's semi-nude selfies deserve a fucking mainstream news article, but whatever
>> get called out for being a fatass alcoholic roastie
Did we read the same article? It sounds like her boyfriend was being a superficial fag normie, said in the article she only gained about 5 lbs during the sleight 3 months they were together, and you can see in the last picture that she is not fat even a little.
Also, the article states that she requested that the news not publish his name. She could have gone full petty with it but chose not to. Is this story worthy of a news article? It's on ABC, you tell me how much an article from them is "worth."
5 lb in 3 months could be a lot. Its a sign of negative changes at least. What happens if she gains 5 lbs every 6 months? Or every year? It adds up man. Nip it in the bud.
>be honest
boyfriend fell for the "be honest" meme.
you can also see in the pictures the difference between the first 2 and the last one is actually quite huge
Your colon holds up to 7 lbs of shit in it. 5lb variations are not noticeable.
what the fuck is this shit
>This is literal news, actual newsoutlets are reporting on ordinary non-famous people's relationship probems
Nice to know, like for a FACT, that I live in the end times.
fatass alcoholic roasties twitter
Roastie thottery
Well that relationship is definitely gonna last now.
and now that people are on her side she'll continue to air her dirty laundry on the internet when her boyfriend was just trying to be being honest. which is what she wanted??? women amiright?
> 5lbs
Lmao did you even check her pictures
There's no way this fat roastie only gained 5lbs
>graduate degree in psychology
ok, yet she didnt see any of this coming? Fucking idiots. women as psych majors is the biggest meme ever
>tfw you can't call someone fat anymore even thought that's literally the definition cause of feelings.
>"thicc" has been memed into every slobs vocabulary to describe them-self.
Honestly this roastie thot is the living embodiment of everything robots hate.
The first pictures are her at age 17 when she was anorexic and 80lbs. The third middle picture is her at 120lbs when she met the man and the last one is her at 125lbs when he called her fat.
You didn't even read did you, yet you're trying to contribute to conversation?
5lbs of fat is definitely noticeable, but not a big deal.
see my first response in this post
you stupid fuckers cannot read.
Okay, I agree that if over time she was gaining a lot of weight over a year or something, he could say hey, let's get healthy together. But he was just a stupid normie Chad complaining about 5lbs of weight on an already thin/hot woman. They had been dating 3 months not years... that's like one-off fling territory where you don't even count him as a boyfriend after you break up because it wasn't real. That's middle school relationship territory.
if thats the case then maybe the bitch needs to go back to being anorexic
If you think she only gained 5lbs in between the third and fourth pictures you've got to be blind
That's at least 10lbs concentrated on her gut from alcohol abuse
this fat roastie is clearly lying for attention and i can't believe whiteknight cucks like you still fall for this shit
Vagna n tiddes = perfect. No matter how fat. It is not their fault it's genetics. It not that they eat Mcdonalds 5 times a day nooo....
And you can go back to fucking 12 year old boys!
I'm not a whiteknight cuck, I'm a femanon and I just think you're all being stupid fucks about this.
Yeah, she was retarded for letting this become a news story but I'm sure she had some kind of body image empowerment idea with it, which is dumb but expected these days. She was kind enough not to include his name and save him the trouble of being nationally harassed as a pig. She isn't fat in any of the pictures, by actual definition of the word "fat."
She said it was 5lbs and I have no reason not to believe her. Look up in google images the pure mass of 5 lbs of body fat and imagine shoving that onto the frame of a little 5'4" woman. Even worse if she's shorter.
She's not "lying for attention." She has pictures of her body and of the texts as proof. Yes, she's publicizing it for attention, but everyone pulls that shit these days, and especially with the article being on such an insignificant "news" "source" as abc I don't know why you're all shitting yourselves over it...
Women get praised for any little thing and everything.
you do realise that even when "anorexic" she still had decent sized tits
She was hot in all of the first three pictures.
damn femanon, im that last person who would ever say this but actually respect
haha shut up tubby
>i am a femanon and
why mention this
> she isn't fat
I think you're confusing fat with obese.
You can be skinny and still be fat, and this rancid is exactly that; fat.
Whether you're a sedentary loser and eating only pizza rolls or a perpetually drunken roastie whore, you can have unhealthy and unattractive amounts of fat and still be within "normal" BMI.
Maybe it's possible that she really only "gained" 5lbs but I would bet every penny I have that she's been, pound for pound, transferring muscle to fat at the same time. She went from having a tight firm body to looking like some grotesque blob.
>some grotesque blob
She's still very thin in the picture.
I think your standards for when someone becomes "a grotesque blob" are a little fucking strict, don't you think? Would you describe your mother as a grotesque blob? What about you, are you less than 7% body fat or are you a grotesque blob too?
Because the previous poster accused me of being a whiteknighting cuck, AKA defending her because theoretically I have a dick and her vagine would make me feel a certain way. I just wanted to point out how incorrect that is and that you can defend someone without being sexually interested in them...
Wanna get Jow Forums together?
How fat are you?
I would like to molest your soft body.
> She's still very very thin
Now you're just delusional, and btw no one is buying your "im a grill" schtick, cuck-o. No one but a desperate defeated white knight could see that busted up thot and defend it. Especially not a woman because they are their own harshest critics, that's why you only see twiggy models in girls magazines and fashion.
>I'm a femanon
I'd like to put my fingers in your asshole
Man, you are so, so angry.