Why are you so weak, robots? Why don't you try to improve yourselves?

Why are you so weak, robots? Why don't you try to improve yourselves?

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i tried and failed every time, and now that i'm in my 30s as a friendless shut-in for over a decade it's too late even if i tried again

Then you obviously didn't try hard enough

because i have sugar addiction

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Improvements can only do so much

There's really no point to living, is there? Why couldn't I have been a deer or something. I don't like being conscious.

>implying making my muscles thiccer will somehow make me a better person

I'm content with my mediocrity tbqh.

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Not only your muscles, most robots are extremely feeble mentally, they think themselves higher than others, judge and criticise yet no display of superiority.
Most robots are weak in body and spirit, you can grown by reading a book as much as you can lifting weights

I'm tryin bro. Little at a time I'm trying

I'm too anxious to try and chip away at my anxiety. Want to do things like make stuff in blender, make my own smexual. Also too scared.
Too scared to play vidya sometimes too

>I'm too anxious to try and chip away at my anxiety
Thats because you're scared of letting yourself go into the great unknown. You feel like you have no confidence in yourself that you could truly overcome any obstacle in the way.

how to break that fear though?

Doing baby steps and realizing that no one is going to punish you for that mistake. Maybe you had controlling parents.

no motivation i know its my problem

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do you feel like you have to have motivation?

it's literally impossible to make genuine friends as a 25+ year old ugly friendless male virgin. its pretty much over

not really but whenever I pick something to do i end up leaving it because I got bored

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what exactly happens? do you find another interesting thing or do you face one obstacle and talk yourself into dropping it?

nothing i just go back to my comfortzone

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i cant see the point in suffering to attain anything only to have it snatched away from me by death