Why do you guys choose to stay virgins? If you hate prostitution, you're not a robot

Why do you guys choose to stay virgins? If you hate prostitution, you're not a robot.

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Not the same thing. She wouldn't be with you without money. It is like renting a friend to hang out with you.

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It's not about sex, it's about being good enough that a woman want to have sex with you for free.


those breasts are so fake.

>pay the bitches who bullied me and socially excluded me my entire life $300 for having a vagina

>I-it doesn't count!
Stop making up bullshit rules and just lose your worthless virginity, you scrubs. Your Disney romance fantasies will never come true.

My family says I have "snake in my pocket" because I don't like to spent money even if I need something. Prostitiutes are expensive and I would be afraid to get naked before one.



>implying a real robot would have to social skills to even talk to the whore

Yes, we know. I dont know why people always say this as if I expect something positive to happen

These girls aren't Stacies, bro. They wouldn't be fucking you when they could being fucking Chads.

You know how there are fags that are "100% bottom?" I'm that, but straight. I'm paranoid that a dominatrix would just start abusing me. Not like I could do anything legal about it.

Losing my virginity to a hooker won't make any difference.

Just do it. Get the monkey off your back. You'll get over whatever shame you feel, it'll be nothing compared to being an unfulfilled virgin for the rest of your life.

No, it doesn't faggot.
The point of why losing your virginity is seen as a great accomplishment is the fact that someone found you desirable and attractive enough (which solidifies your existence as a normal, social member of society) to have sex with you for FREE. It's the feeling that someone actually wants to be intimate with your for who you are.

Paying for it is accepting that no one finds you attractive enough, and that is a crushing reality many don't want to accept. Besides, all the prostitutes where I live are ugly washboard chested gooks anyway.

I have no shame, in fact being such a giant loser is the only pride I have, stop trying to take that away from me

Many robots are too scared (not only law-wise but even communication wise) to approach a hooker.
Moreover, you can't be a robot and care about virginity itself. It's about companionship. We long to find somebody who can understand and love us (it's basic human instinct). Even those who think otherwise have merely resolved themselves, but if someone came along they'd change their stance in an instant.

Because prostitution contributes to the fact women control mean by controlling sex
I'm not emasculate myself by paying actual money for sex

I have erectile dysfunction now anyway

except it's not the same thing, you normoid

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I havent hired a hooker in years but it was well worth the price when i did.

faggots spend more money on steam games and never play them than i did.

>hate normies
>still want to play by normie rules
wew, you faggots are a joke

Not having sex is bad for your mental health.
Spending money on a hooker is better than a therapist.

this. if you aren't fucking hookers and have no intention to you're basically a failed norman. a robots takes what he can get and makes due.
also this

Except only normalfags think viriginity is what matters. Fuck off failed normalfag.

Getting a hooker is now next to impossible in most of the US though.

Normie reasoning is why you refuse to fuck a hooker in the first place. "It's not love or real attraction, it doesn't count dude". You believe what they do, except you're not getting anything out of it. You're a brainwashed normalcuck.

You just need to lurk more.
What sucks is that there are less hookers since there is so much instability.
You could probably get some ho in the strip club to do it, but they're worth too much money.
Basers also make the cheapest hookers.

Normalfag reasoning is why you think losing your virginity has any value whatsoever. Normalfags don't give a shit about love. Only robots do.

I said a robot takes what he CAN get and makes due. only a failed norman wants to play by normalfag rules which make it impossible for him to get anywhere with a girl. a true robot is the embodyment if smug Pepe. collecting welfare and using said welfare to fuck hookers while having no shame while failed normalfag Wojack is slaving away for Bergstein 40h a week and can't get laid because he's too ashamed to fuck hookers.

So it's still very difficult and a socially challenging task to hire a hooker. Out of reach of the majority of robots who are forced to be sexless by their genetics and minds.

It isn't about muh dick faggot.
It's about a girl actually finding you attractive, stupid tyrone
>wasting money on whores
Whos the cuck?

t. turbonormalfag 9001
Fuck off my board.

>never even so much as kissing a girl
you're the cuck

i tried to get a hooker but she said no because even she have standard :(

Normals waste money on women.
Even if they don't they're cucked into being a wagecuck and put up with their shit.
Its only worth it if she's a dumb ho that'll pay your way.

>turbonormalfag 9001
fuck off back to red*it failed normalscum

>says the sad cunt who pays for women to fuck him
How does it feel knowing that a girl won't have sex or kiss you without you paying them like a little cuck? I'd rather be a KHV then waste my NEETbux on a roastie

Chads go to prostitutes, you idiot. And you always pay for sex in one form or another. This is exactly why you will die a khv. You want something for free everyone else has to work/pay for. Fucking entitled special snowflake.

says the guy who whines endlessly about not having any success with women. if you refuse to embrace the robot lifestyle and refuse to stop constantly bitching about how good the normalniggers have it you're a failed normalnigger yourself. get off my board faggot

Only normalfags think that success with women = having sex.

fucking this. you're a whiny, entitled sack of dog shit who thinks a woman's just gonna fall out of the sky onto his dick. how fucking pathetic can you get

a robot doesn't have success with women so he makes due by either becoming a "herbivore" or fucking hookers, not constantly bitching about how great it would be to be a normalshit

Only normalfags want to get their dick wet. Robots want to find someone who can possibly understand them. Fuck off back to normiebook.

You should know better by now to treat women as anything other than the npc animals they are you cuck.

>Chads go to prostitutes, you idiot.
Chad doesn't have to pay. He just exists and hordes of women jump on his dick. You think you are some psuedo chad wasting endless money on disease ridden whores but you are a pathetic faggot. I don't give a fuck if I am a KHV, I am not insecure about it to the point where I would pay a woman for attention (like you are doing)
>says the guy who whines endlessly about not having any success with women
Must have me confused with someone else.
> if you refuse to embrace the robot lifestyle and refuse to stop constantly bitching about how good the normalniggers have it you're a failed normalnigger yourself. get off my board faggot
Robots don't fuck whores, worshipping roasties and caring about muh dick is for beta faggots like you, you aren't robots. You're the failed normalfag because you think putting your dick in some cunt will make you a normie, but it doesn't because normalfags look down upon people who use whores, and you can't be a robot either because robots are virgins. Go back to /soc/, cunt.

So angry at the truth. There are many reasons to go to prostitutes, and that's why Chads go to them. Everyone goes to prostitutes pretty much except betas like you.

Chads are chads because they can perfectly consider women to be objects (or NPCs). Robots are robots because they can't do that. If they could, they wouldn't have trouble in social situations.

>that's why Chads go to them.
Chad doesn't go to prostitutes, why would he when he has a endless supply of girls willing to fuck him for literally nothing?
>Everyone goes to prostitutes pretty much except betas like you.
Betas are people who pay women for attention, which is you, stupid cuck.

>giving a shit what roasties think of him and not just seeing them as objects to stick his dick into

How stupid can you get? There are many advantages of going to a prostitute. Chad doesn't give a fuck. He has money and knows all women are whores. That's why, when the occasion is right, he will pay for a prostitute.

chads fuck hookers because they think it's fun and exciting and aren't ashamed of it like you beta cucks go back to incels.me reddit scum

>Chad doesn't go to prostitutes, why would he when he has a endless supply of girls willing to fuck him for literally nothing?
wrong you are buddy. chads have to hit on lots of bitches before one caves in most of the time. chads occasionally fuck hookers

wtf's it to you

People only fuck prostitutes because they are too ugly and or socially retarded to pick up some dumb cunt in a club (you). Chad can do this easily, why would he go to the added expense of paying for a whore? He wouldn't, that is why you are some desperate faggot coping hard thinking he is comparable to chad because he sees prostitutes all the time and LARPs that he got the girls genuinely - in addition to wasting his money on women.
I'll repeat it again. If you spend money on women you are a beta faggot and not a robot. Robots can't even socially interact with a whore. You are a failed normalfag from /soc/ and not a robot.

>you can't be a robot either because robots are virgins
what happens if a girl decides to have sex with you someday? do you just instantly become a normalfag? a robot is always the same old piss jug NEET no matter where he sticks his dick. deriving your identity from where you've stuck your dick is something normals do you fucking normalfag

Wrong. All wrong. Where do you get such stupid ideas from? The ones who don't go to prostitutes are raging beta virgins like you. Chad will go to a hooker when he feels like it because he will get a good bullshit-free sex session with an attractive girl and not have to promise her to call him after they're done.

I'll say it again: if you're too proud to fuck a hooker you're not a robot. you're a failed normalfag cuck from /soc/. also
>socially interact with a hooker
give me a fucking break she takes care of everything for you you fucking manbaby hipster faggot

>you're a beta faggot for doing something chads do
go back to faceberg failed normalfag

>The ones who don't go to prostitutes are raging beta virgins like you
No, they aren't. Case in point, how many 'beta faggots' that inhabit this forum make countless threads about wanting to lose it to a prostitute? Many, because they care about women like a failed normalfag and 'just have' to have sex with a girl. These are the beta faggots.
How am I a beta for not wanting to interact with women, or wanting to waste my money on them? A trait that betas have is they like spending a lot of money on women, much like you are suggesting.
>wahhhh wahhh manbaby pay for roasties like me!!!
Stop samefagging, normalnigger.

>what happens if a girl decides to have sex with you someday?
That doesn't happen to robots. Robots are socially isolated and will never be desired by anyone, that is what is one of the core tenets.

Sex seems like too much work, I'll stick with fapping.

Samefagging. Chad doesn't pay for roasties like a little cuck like you does. You will never be chad and attract and have sex with women on the merit of your own appearance. You are a ugly coping failed normalfag and not a robot.

Chads have sex with all kinds of women, including hookers. Why do you deny the obvious truth?

I must have jewish blood on me, because I hate expending money. I think about going to Malaysia or Indonesia, aince I hear the whores are cheap.

The robots who are considering going to a prostitute are on their way to normiehood. They are attempting to leave their beta life behind.

>That doesn't happen to robots. Robots are socially isolated and will never be desired by anyone, that is what is one of the core tenets.
the fact of the matter is that you might have to get a job someday (especially if you vote for right wingers) and then you might meet a woman there and she might like you. what I'm saying is that no matter how hopeless you are there are women out there who'd like you anyway. what happens if that happens huh? do you suddenly lose your hipster "le robot XDDDD" lifestyle and become a norman? sex does not determine robotdom you fucking normalshit. mental illnesses and social disorders do

1. Hookers don't WANT to have sex with you. They want money

2. Prostitution is illegal here and I'm too poor to fly to another country just to fuck

>Chads have sex with all kinds of women, including hookers
Yeah, for free. You sound like a early XX feminist.

>"Why aren't men paying for whores, they cannot feed themselves and their kids!"
>"I know, we will tell politicians that children cannot have sex."

When I want to sexually please myself, I use my hand, when I want to cuddle with girls, I cuddle with my sister. If I will spend money, at least I will waste it on someone that loves me back.

>If I will spend money, at least I will waste it on someone that loves me back.
awwwwwwwww ain't that just the sweetest piece of romantic normalfag drivel

>do you suddenly lose your hipster "le robot XDDDD" lifestyle and become a norman?
You cannot simply become a Northern Frenchman just because you get a woman.

Maybe he does, but the fact is he has a choice. All you will ever have is your prostitutes because that is all you will ever be able to get and chad will have free range on any roastie.
Betas care enough about sex they would pay for it. That is a trait of desperation.
Even on the extremely slim chance a woman likes me, it wouldn't lead to anything. Historically I ruin every single chance I had with women and I gave up and stopped caring about them completely. My life and psyche are vastly improved now that I have let go about worrying about women and virginity.
>sex does not determine robotdom you fucking normalshit. mental illnesses and social disorders do
Someone who can have attract a girl and have sex never had any mental disorders serious enough to mean anything. How many "le social outcast XD" girls are out there, but they are just basic whores like the rest?

>"Y-you don't wanna pay for prostitutes, s-so your sister hates you... :("
Literally you. Think for a second, you are whiteknighing whores on the internet for free.

There is no such thing as for free. But I wouldn't expect a dateless virgin to understand.

>caring more about used up cum dumpsters than your family

The difficult thing is no whore in the world wants to fuck an autistic, penniless fag.

But your sister is a used up cum dumpster...

Not the user with the sister but you are missing the point.

>There is no such thing as for free.
Spoken like a true negative(-) beta male.

>Someone who can have attract a girl and have sex never had any mental disorders serious enough to mean anything. How many "le social outcast XD" girls are out there, but they are just basic whores like the rest?
women can have mental disorders too you dumb sack of shit

>white knighting
I just said I fuck them shitforbrains

get welfare faggot

The standards are different for women, bluepill. That shit is fetishized here. eg; >muh tfw no depressed gf

To most people losing your virginity to a prostitute is humiliating and if anyone found out you would be considered even more of a loser than when you were a virgin. To many women, this doesn't count as you bypassed all of things men normally have to do to prove they're worth getting laid and that prostitute would become the last woman you ever sleep with.

that doesn't refute what I said

But that's wrong, you retard. You make it sound like getting sex is a huge difficult task for men.

>You cannot simply become a Northern Frenchman just because you get a woman.
welp there go my plans for the weekend

>You make it sound like getting sex is a huge difficult task for men.
It's only easy if you're a normie or a sociopath.

"Robots" desire a long-term relationship and mutual companionship. They're prone to romantic idealizations of women that their mothers and sisters have trained into them. Thus they're either too timid to interact with women or they treat women as they would expect a kind, soft-hearted, and precious snowflake should be treated. This is an absolute turn-off to women of all breeds and types in the modern age. "Robots" also are not capable of doing two-faced very well so even if they are able to break past this thinking they are unable to act on it without coming off as hostile and mean.

Normies and sociopaths (Arguably synonymous) on the other hand are masters of being two-faced. They know exactly what a particular girl wants and how to achieve their goal of sticking their dick in her. Hook-up culture and two-facedness being even more prevalent makes this easy as hell for them. Any long-term relationship is just happenstance after hooking up a couple of times.

So if you're anywhere on the robot spectrum of personality and inability to become a two-faced liar getting laid as a male is insanely hard.

>insanely hard

>most high end prostitutes want you to wear a condom during sex and blowjobs

I'd rather just jackoff with a latex glove

>It's only easy for 98% of the population

this. even with normal roasties you're a fucking idiot if you don't wear one. sex is completely ruined by stds and pregnancies. imagine being some "chad" and just fucking plastic bags in women's vaginas. just lol

>Why do you guys choose to stay virgins?
You wouldn't understand, normalfag. It's a robot thing. No matter how many times I explain it, your types only end up projecting and saying I'm "sour grapes".

Lel. You know how I know you have never had sex?

I lost my virginity to an escort and don't really regret it. It was great and I'm accepting of the fact I'll never get laid with a real girl before I kill myself.

I wouldn't do it again though as I got addicted and spent a lot of money.

I actually have but it was before I was even able to cum so there was no need for condoms. it felt really good. I've never had condom sex but I have put on a condom a few times and jacked off. it felt really terrible desu. this shit must really reduce pleasure in sex, probably to the point where fucking a pocket pussy feels better