Do you still talk to your childhood friends? Do bots know other bots from a very early age?
Do you still talk to your childhood friends? Do bots know other bots from a very early age?
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I ghosted everyone after I graduated 5 years ago, although I never had close friends to begin with, only people I talked to at school
My only real friends haven't texted me in 1 month. I haven't seen the in 2 years. But still I thought we were friends.
I made some college friends but still my old friends won't even talk to me.
My best friend is pretty much my brother at this point. Ive known the guy for 18 years. We were both weird kids and are now weird adults
this warms my heart. guys can be friends forever while women hate each l
other lel
I've always put minimal effort into maintaining relationships so now I don't really have any friends left. The last time I hung out with a friend was two years ago. My childhood friends are all out living their own lives, meeting women, starting families, they don't need me to drag them down.
They won't even bother to say hello to me when they see me.It sometimes hurts me but its ok.
Barely. I have a friend that's very botlike but he just ghosts in and out. Don't know what's up with him nowadays.
I have a friend who's a kind of failed normalfag but he's accepting of my robotism. I catch up with him a few times a year. Before last month I hadn't talked to him in 2 years though.
fpbp. I realized the people I hung out around were legit awful people and never looked back
I had 3 friends when I finished high school 8 years ago
1 of them got a girlfriend that didn't like me and so they kicked me out of the group
Haven't talked to anyone I went to high school with in 7 years
It was fine though, made me realise we werent friends just people that sat together
I have one close friend from my childhood. His mom and mine are still very close friends I see her alot but not him since he lives in another state.
No, I don't talk to anyone.
I never had what I would call "friends", but merely people that hung around so we could all play Smash Bros together(that is like 12 years ago now).
One of them called me on Christmas, but I never returned the call.
I hate all my former acquaintances.
It happens. As you get older people go their separate ways and over time you have less friends irl
Not really. Hurts to think about
my friends would sometimes all go over someone's house and we'd just play games together
guitar hero when we got the full set was amazing, though we used to link a few xboxes together and play left 4 dead a bunch
We only ever had 1 copy so whenever we did we just rented another copy from blockbuster
The girl that served me always flirted with me but I was too much of a pussy to do anything
Those were the days, when everything just seemed like it would go on forever
My new group of friends only seems to hang out when they head out to drink, and I don't know it just never feels like it'll be thing I'll make good memories out of
my best friend ive known since birth and i still talk to/hang out once in a while with 2 friends i met in middle school and stayed friends through high school/college. its fun hanging out with them because we tend to revert to acting like kids again
my only friends are from high school. i'm mostly a loner and wouldn't have it any other way. i'm grateful for them inviting me out to participate in shenanigans. a funny, caring, and general fucking badass that i had no idea existed in me was brought out, and i don't have to fake being interested in what they're doing. somehow i've found the balance between living my life on my terms and sharing our lives together. they're more normie than me but it's all good
I don't talk to anyone from my elementary or middle school days. only really keep in contact with less than 5 people from high school.
cmon op, did you really needed to post that pic?
I never had childhood friends. Moved 7 times before I graduated high school. My whole childhood, adolescence, teen years were just a big empty blank page. I don't know anybody.
>be me at 13
>cut contact with best friend I've had since I was 4 because he had muscular dystrophy and I didn't want to watch him die
>be college senior
>realize "facebook" has a separate box for messages sent by non-friends
>open it up
>full of spam from chinks, etc
>see a handful of messages from childhood best friend
>tried to get back in contact with me several times
>always figured he just moved on and forgot me
>go to his page
>it's a memorial page
Still have 5 - 6 or so that still hangs around, but now that we're adults/students, we dont hang out as often due to work, but it's like we never left when we get together again.
Then I have 2 very close childhood friends that I hang out with regularely and a third one very close best friend, but he's finishing up his masters degree, but we see eachother during the holidays. These friends are pretty much extended family by now, been through thick and thin with these guys. Known them since I was 6 years old.
i feel your feel user, moving is fucking devastating, add on top being dirt poor
I still talk to them but not as much since we all go to different colleges and some started working right out of high school. We try to hang out on weekends or whenever we are out of school.
Nah all my friends all my life were always pretty disposable, don't care enough to maintain any relationships, especially long distance.
i aint got no friends my dude
dont ever care
friends = stupid responsibilities
That pic made me wish I had friends.
Can sort of relate, moved twice and then my best friend ever moved too. We met a couple times after that but I haven't seen him anymore since 2013. I guess we grew apart.
cmon nigga
u know u frontin'
drop that fuccboii shit and come down to earf wit da real niggas
>how did i do boyos
A couple of them, but most of the kids I grew up with I've come to hate. A lot of the kids I've known since preschool were at a grad party with me and I got too drunk and they all fucked with me and left me in a pile of my own vomit after taking pictures of me and kicking me. So most of the people I've ever known I've grown to hate
come on man. how can you do a friend like that?
same oorooin
Never had any, and all of the people I only barely knew as a kid became chads and stacies, while I'm pretty much the sole fuckup to come out of that class.
I sometimes wonder how it would have been like if things were different, I was actually a normal human being and maybe friends with them, they probably all forgot I existed though and will only remember when I finally find the balls to an hero so they can post about it on normiebook
what childhood friends?
I have one friend I've known for like 20 years, we pretty regularly text, but he lives like 45 minutes away in traffic, and refuses to drive to see me. So if I ever want to hang out then I'm the one who has to to get him. It's very annoying so we don't hang out much
I'd just realized he was dying. Before then I thought he just had to live in a wheelchair but would basically be fine. Being a selfish little shithead I couldn't handle his decline.
My childhood friend went down a horrible spiral of lying, thefts and drugs.
Tried everything I could whilst getting flack from everyone else only to get back-stabbed multiple times anyway. Haven't spoken or heard from them ever since they got arrested which was a good 5-6 years now.
Anyone else I knew around those years are abroad, focused on their careers, or married with kids.
Sorta, one is into politics and smoking weed so I don't have much to talk about with him, and the other is ghosting us both so.
I moved too much so I have no actual irl friends.
I've never had any real friends to begin with, definitely never had a best friend at least.
I've always had problems dealing with others, either because I'm wary of those who want to toy with me or because I get easily irritated.
But most of all I always felt like I made people disappointed and unhappy.
I wish i could have done this, but its too small of a town and I dont have the $ to move away
Nope. I'm a bad friend and also cut myself off from them years ago. The top photo is 2007 bottom is 2014. Basically had zero interaction with these people since then, and also between these two photos. I see them once every few years, maybe. It doesn't help that I live on the complete opposite side of the country from all of them.
For the keen eye, two people in the top photo aren't present in the bottom. Two of the guys just weren't out that night and the two that replaced them in the bottom photo just weren't out the night the top one was taken.
I had one neighborhood friend that lived in a house in front of mine across the road. Knew him since I was four but he was one year older than me so we never went to school together. When I was in elementary school I would always befriend the kid that everyone made fun of and shunned because that made me mad. I used to have a big group of friends in middle school even though I got bullied. I then had to move because my dad cheated on my mom and we went out of state for one summer and came back to live with our aunt before getting our own houses and apartments. I never really had a big group of friends like that again. Everyone was a dickhead in my new school but I still befriended all of the kids that were at the bottom of the totem pole. I think I did that just to spite all the other kids because they were all just faggots. Even in my old school. Just faggots, all of them.
Had 2 best friends from the street we lived in, there was no week we didnt meet atleast once.
That was like 22 years ago, one of them got a gf like 5 years ago, never seen him, never talked again. Bros before hoes right?
The other guy moved to a different city, we meet twice a year tho.
I wonder if the one taking the pics is the same guy/mom...
>tfw navy brat
>tfw you constantly move
>tfw friends constantly move
What is this trash? I am supposed to feel sorry for some skinny attractive girl who doesn't get to play video games with her high school friends any more? Trash manga. Trash.