Who else here getting drunk?

Who else here getting drunk?

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>6.9% alcohol
this is a joke right?

you should clean your fridge, user

I'm married and I still drink regularly. I drink cheap box wine because it's all I can afford and I feel uncomfortable if I don't drink regularly.

I have a constant mental compulsion to kill myself. It's not so much that I want to die but more that I just don't want to exist anymore.

I can't talk to my wife about this because she doesn't like the idea and is uncomfortable with it. I can't talk to anyone about it because they all try to talk me out of it, rather than talk it through with me and help me figure out why the fuck I think this way.

I don't like existing. I want to jump in front of a train and stop everything. Some stupid sort of compulsion, a primitive drive, keeps me living. I guess I keep going because I wonder if maybe it will get better, perhaps something is round the corner. 'What if?'

Fuck love, fuck hate. Hope is the most powerful human driving force.

My life isn't bad. It's pretty alright by most standards. I live in a nice house, me and my wife both own decent cars, we can afford to live decently. And yet I feel like something is missing. Materialistically, I'm great. Spiritually, there's a void, and I don't know what it is. Maybe it's quite literally nothing. Just a giant emptiness in my core.

What is this existence but a chore.

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Today I met a man whose legendary story is:

Once he got so drunk a snake bit him and the snake died of alcohol poisoning.

Something that helped me work through that feeling was moving to a different place and starting a new career.

I know, much easier said than done, but it worked wonders for me.
My wife is away at the moment and hasn't found a job since the move - so it's not perfect, but it has made a huge improvement.
Just suggesting it because it sounds like my situation was similar to yours.

That's something I've identified. New things, new situations, all help me feel better. But sooner or later I have to settle in somewhere and the novelty of what I'm doing wears off, and then the boredom and fatigue wears in. It's not healthy or responsible to be jumping around to a new job every 12 months, and it's certainly not going to help my career prospects if I can't stick to one thing. But staying in a single place just bores me to tears; I hit the 6 month mark and a switch flicks in my head that makes me automatically bored with a job.

How do I get over this? How do I just suck it up and carry on?

My wife is a teaching graduate, so moving far away isn't an option for her career. She has to stay where we are while she builds up her credentials doing relief work and gradually works her way towards a contract/fulltime position.

Desu recently I've considered switching from pure vodka to those 10 percent soft drinks. They go down so easily and get me drunk fast

pretty sure sneks don't suck blood, if anything they inject you with venom

Koakuma kunny

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im going to order chinese in an hour or two and drink beer until i pass out. any recommendations besides the mainstream orders? tried beef and string beans for the first time a while ago and i liked it

In a little bit but hopefully I'll go slow and steady instead of getting HAMMERED and then passing out without having much fun
>tfw you can only feel feels while drunk

I mean it's still 11AM here but I've been considering it for hours now.
I gotta go pick up some toilet paper before I run out so maybe I'll pick up some booze too.

Divorce your disgusting wife and live of neetbux, great wonders for your soul

post your haul when you get back sempai

Sure, I'm leaving now. Wish me luck, for the journey into the land of the normies is a precarious one full of pitfalls and strange looks.

I am but I'm trying not to get too drunk since I still have to work this afternoon

Mission success
Normie brews and tp acquired

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>tfw lost bottle opener

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I gotta pry the tops off with a box cutter now

I forgot how much IPAs taste like ass
Why do people drink this shit again?

Or a lighter? I can open a bottle with anything. I'm an "advanced" drinker.

I'll try the lighter method next, I guess the idea is to use the heat to expand the metal cap?

you can just use it for leverage

just pound them off on a piece of furniture and leave horrendous gouges on everything in your home is what i would rather do

No user kek like this

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All that did was scratch the fuck out of my lighter

Wait, I just got it open nevermind lol

Neetbux are too difficult to obtain in my country. Ill have to work until I can convince the social workers that Im fucked up enough to need it

Reminder that drinking is for normies.

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>pint of hard liquor
>3 bottles of some low abv lager i don't even know the name of

I'm still not happy.

Fuck off, it's not like we're drinking in a bar and socializing. We're drinking our way to health problems and our eventual death. Maybe it's normie to have a beer after a day of wageslaving. But is it normie to drink as a NEET before noon?
The ONLY reason you'd think like this is if you're not old enough to legally purchase alcohol, and in that case kindly fuck right off kiddo.

>He drinks alone on a friday/x night
With people yes.
Alone no

>Not old enough to buy alcohol
I'm nineteen. I'm allowed to beer since age sixteen here in Germany.

Watch out his robot drug is weedledeedlee

Well I don't blame you for not drinking you've got bigger problems to deal with like brown people invading your country.

Nothing wrong with a bit of the weedledeedeed if you have access to it

Have you ever been to therapy?
Finding a good therapist is extremely hard, but it certainly is one of the best decisions you can make.

use a table or your teeth

You have wifes who love you, get out you pieces of shits

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Got drunk and ruined my laptop again last night. Getting drunk again tonight. Worst part is I haven't backed up muh memes for a little while now, and I lost the pics of that team mini qt from /b/.
>pic related last nights fuel.

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>Why do people drink this shit again?
because they want to feel superior

I have that self same fridge and put my shitty beer in the same spot

Where're you from OP

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>at college
>feel like everybody fucking hates me
>no friends at all for at least 7 years
>all the unrequited love one could fucking need
>days filled with anger, cofusion, and depression
>only joy comes at night when i can get drunk and stoned and temporary forget about my past and present
>do this everynight for 3 years
Grades are slipping and im thinking about suicide more than ever. Gonna try sobriety i think, i just feel so fucking alone. Why do i legitimately feel like everyone hates me. My heads just wont shut up and i dont have fucking anyone to turn to. If this shit is exacerbated with sobriety i wont make it

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Wasnt going to, but now that i see this, why not. Cheers robots.

>just pound them off on a piece of furniture and leave horrendous gouges on everything in your home
Just tried this method, way more efficient than lighter method

>caring if something goes down easy
wew lad

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>getting drunk with American/light beer
kek, you are so cutely, kinda, retarded

When I drink vodka I always end up being too tired to drink faster, idk. With soft drinks I can just chug them down one by one and get absolutely shitfaced fast

Anyone here taking Mirtazapine? Will I get fucked with the alcohol?

>will i get fucked with alcohol
Isnt that the goal user?

I mean if it will interact and I will fall into a coma or become retarded.

>getting drunk off of beer
Oh this man, this.
>If I'm clean girls will like me
Slam that retard button.

You will get tired faster but it won't kill you

>If I'm clean girls will like me
No one said anything about women. Your fridge looks nasty and I can't tell if that's mold or not.

Ohhh i see. Well in that case i would advise against it. You see, my friend once tried combining antidepressants with alcohol and things didnt turn out quite well. Just get drunk, no need for additional stuff.

Got some Alberta Premium and might get some PBR later as it's on sale.

easier to do with your thumb knuckle desu