Is waging really that bad?

Is waging really that bad?
What are some comfy entry level jobs for a long time NEET? I don't care if it pays well I jsut want something that requires little human interaction and not overly demanding

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If you don't care about income, you can just go to the gym. You will have some social interaction and maybe improve your self confidence.

I wouldn't say you'd want to go for entry-level jobs, honestly. Min wage and retail jobs are actually worse than a lot of other choices because of customers. I've always felt that hospitals would be a good place to work, doing basic labor, inventory, filing, transporting patients, all the "little jobs" that still need doing.

The pay is generally better, sometimes it's unionized, health and safety is emphasized, it's more structured so management can't jerk you around, and you get to feel good that you're helping people instead of just making subway sandwiches or whatever.

I still need some income
There is no way I'm going to do retail and hospital work probably require some form of expertise or education

IT helpdesk, in payment industry if you can get it.

>>live in low wage flyover
>>get $18/hr helpdesk
>>literally do 1-2 hours work during 8 hr shift
>>faster internet, dual screen workstation to do whatever and chill managment litteraly gives no fucks what we do as long as it's not porn or threatening someone

yeah dude, helpdesk. BTW, MFW
>>have a ton of savings
>> don't even care about "muh wagecuck" meme since I effectively make $72 /hr in a low tax bracket
>>increased PTO to three weeks this year
>>got passport
>>going to Philippines soon
>>will bang tons of qt asian chicks for dirt cheap, while chad has to settle for western skank roasties and tradcucks suck with their fat angry wives

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>hospital work probably require some form of expertise or education
You'd think so, but some jobs don't. I knew someone who worked as a porter (transporting patients within the facility) and they didn't have any college or anything. Never hurts to try, it's cushy if you can get in.

I am not shitting you here, I have heard that it's quite easy to become an undertaker/funeral director. Consider the following;

- Decent pay.
- People inevitably die, so market demand is constantly there.
- You just have to follow instructions from relatives to the deceased on how they want the funeral to be held

You might have to develop an stomach for being around dead people, but I guarantee that corpses won't start socially interacting with you.

>it's cushy if you can get in.
I don't know what you've been told but most of the time it is not cushy. Being new you'd get the shit hours - late at night when the shit goes down. Car accidents, drug and alcohol abusers, mental cases and even domestic and gang violence victims show up. A lot of this you will see when you're put on EMT response. You have to move these people around while they could be pissing, bleeding, vomiting or even trying to attack you. The doctors and nurses might treat you like dogshit as if you are impeding their work. Also, a Porter is a high level assistant and you do need medical training. You have to know what you're doing when assisting or you could be held liable. You'd also have to help clean the beds which look like something you'd find at a trash dump at end of the chaos. It's not just moving people either. Objects and equipment need someone to move them around a gigantic hospital, such as oxygen and surgery equipment.

t. medical orderly

It's not exactly retail but maybe grocery store stocker? Your not a cashier but you still havr people come up and ask yoy where items are sometimes.

warehousing is alright

>I guarantee that corpses won't start socially interacting with you.


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Wtf all porters do at the hospital I workedat were transport patients to and from their cat scans and mri scans.

I cry every morning when my alarm goes off.
I can't keep doing this.

>IT helpdesk
do you need a degree for that?

for the first weeks yeah, its pretty comfy

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>Is waging really that bad?

Yes, it is fucking terrible. Don't listen to the people who "love their jobs," they're bullshitting. I've done both back-breaking manual labor and relatively comfy non-minimum wage office desk work and they each suck really badly in their own ways. Most people only work because they have to. I would totally be a NEET if my parents let me, but I am not allowed to access their house or food without a job

Tomorrow you will clean yourself entirely, get a haircut (if you have long hair) and shave yourself as well as cleaning your apartment/room/house. You will do this because if you feel like and is surrounded by a mess, it will negatively effect your motivation.
The day after tommorow you will start browsing for entery level jobs in your local area. Start writing a generic template for a job application highlighting personally qualities. Just write down your highest completed level of education, no matter if it is just ground school and then talk write about you being cheerful, helpful and reliable. You will have to try an appear to have those qualities during an potential job-interview. Get a professional photographer at a photo-store to take a decent picture of your face (like in a passport) wearing something appropriate for the jobs you are seeking. This means a button up shirt, a nice sweater or polo shirt.

warehouse and manual labor jobs only become suffering for people that don't work out. if you go to the gym in your off time, you can work manual labor well into retirement. you won't need to though since you're making twice what a retail cuck would and you can put your money away
here is my robot perspective of my accounting job:
>work ~50 hours a week
>only talk to people for ~5 hours of it
>worry that I'm messing up something due to no communication
>spend more time browsing Jow Forums than I do working because there's nothing to do
>worry that I'm going to get fired for low billable hours

Sorry this will come of harshly OP, but honestly, when you have been neeting away for some years and have no expertise or education at all, don't fucking expect to get a comfy and well-paying job from the very start.

Neets like you are competing with people who have expertise/education, so the thing that will make you able to compete is a will to work harder than those people. Yes, it fucking sucks, but I guarantee you, having a job is a thing that adds more than money to your bank-account: A personal, character-defining quality that makes it worth it all. Years down, you might have aquired so much expertise that you will actually have an above average pay.

Right now neeting may sound better to you than getting a job because you are most likely still relatively young and living with your parents who provide for you or you are on a social security program, but without a job, you will live on minimal funds that limit your chances of experiencing anything in your life. Also, good luck getting a gf and have kids as a neet. Ultimately, you will die as an old man with no living relatives to take care of you and no one to remember you if you continue being a neet.

I'm sorry for being this straight forward with you, but as a neet you are on a sinking ship. You may scuff at this, but I know I'm right, and I am trying to make you realize that as well before it's to late.

This really is that bad. That's why I NEET.

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Helpdesk might be good.
Its mostly busy work.
But most regular wagecuck jobs are repetitive torture best left for normalfags.
They don't mind as much cause they got some form of mild ocd or something.
That's also why they're so anal about being clean.

Some college helps but isn't necessary. Usually an Associates is good enough.

A good way to do it is to get entry level 1099 type stuff, some of them will involve stuff that proves you're trustworthy (i installed lines and did mundane calls to retail banks at one 1099). Do it even though it might not be very regular because you can BS about that on your resume and no one checks

>>literally only 2 jobs max at one 1099 contractor for two years
>>resmue: worked 2 years at MiscEmployer

See? Do that a while and then it should be easy to get a regular office type IT helpdesk job. Some places don't age discriminate. The key to alot of places is being able to troubleshoot and being nice and patient (because the customers are borderline retards).

Then you're gold, you can make money for doing almost nothing (i'm not talking about sweatshop call centers like Xerox here), have some savings to do your own projects/business and have money to travel overseas where women are decent. All the while Chad is stuck with roasty aidscunt and tradcuck is stuck with angry fatwife! HAHAHH!

13 dollars an hour. its p good yo

no one knows what the fuck you're talking about oreg

>You might have to develop an stomach for being around dead people, but I guarantee that corpses won't start socially interacting with you.
good post my lad

I studied IT at college and thought about getting a comfy webdev job.
Don't do it.
It's filled with normalfags up the ass so you can say goodbye to your chill robot colleague fantasy and you'll be working long shifts so you can constantly get shit done till the deadline. God save you when you actually have to interact with clients who are total fucking retards. Not to mention that industry is cancer in it self with so much bloated, useless shit that you want to kill yourself everytime when you need to work on some shitty pajeet spaghetti code that's written on some garbage Flavor of the Month framework.

Wagecucking is like living on auto-pilot, having to pretend to be a friendly and social person who doesn't hate everyone they meet.
The only reason wagies pretend they like it or get value from it is because they're literally unable to philosophise or contemplate while they work because their mind is occupied with mundane problems with obvious solutions.

Retails and fast food cucking sounds much better than high paid stressful financial job.

Yet you might put up with shit all day but once it's done it's done. Not worrying about what meme report is due next week and how much you're going to have to do in unpaid overtime to get a project finished. It's shit. At least fast food cucks get paid for what they do and don't have to worry about dumbass meetings and reports

The most dangerous thing about wagecucking is that it gets you into a rhythm and time starts to fly by. I barely remember age 21-24 because I was school and work. When I went NEET at 25 and started living by doing odd jobs, time seemed to slow down. I'm 30 now and feel like I have lived a full lifetime in the last 5 years.

You haven't given a real reason why somebody shouldn't be a webdev

It's not enjoyable

is it worth? you know what im talking about.

Personally I enjoy warehouse work. 10-12 hours a day of pouring concrete and stacking product on pallets for shipments. Pretty comfy desu. And you only need to workout if you're a disgusting slob. Otherwise, a week or two on the job will get your muscles in the right shape and flexibility required

this, basically.
i'd also recommend getting some kind of associates or become the IT helpdesk guy.

I did this for a while and they insisted I man the register early in the morning. They also tried to make interact with 3 customers an. On top of that the only thing my boss would ever say to me was hurry up and move faster! He even threatened to fire me because I was 10 minutes late on stocking a pallete. It was hell. I just wanted to be left alone.

Whatever you do, don't get a job at a soulless megacorp unless it's upper level.

>live in flyover state
>make a little over 30 grand a year wagecucking at a desk job
>already own a nice small home in a low crime area
>only 22 years old
feels good man. i dont have to deal with my parents shit anymore.

>still no gf

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How much money would it take to retire in a fly over state for a good 10 years with internet.

It all depends on what your expenses come out to. Multiply your yearly expenses by about 15-20 and that's how much you'll need