Why do "Christians" today care more about protecting the rights of atheists and Muslims than their own religion?

Why do "Christians" today care more about protecting the rights of atheists and Muslims than their own religion?

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> " "
you answered your own question friend

Why do people today care about religion?

Because of proto-Christians.

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

If a man wants to sue you for your coat, let him have it and your overcoat as well. If anybody forces you to go a mile with him, do more - go two miles with him. Give to the man who asks anything from you, and don't turn away from the man who wants to borrow.

These are hard pills to swallow. Everyone is our brother and sister and we should practice self-sacrifice just like Jesus did.

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Christians love Muslims and Jews way more than atheists because they are using the same retarded framework of ideas to adhere to social standards. Atheists are the bane of their existence, I wouldn't be surprised if most respected Satanists more by virtue of them believing in something that cannot be proven or explained.

theyve been told what to care about by their handlers ie the people who make the propaganda that tells them what to care about

these are not right thinking people, but programmed slaves


I love atheists and Levayan Satanists that don't actually believe in Satan/kill babbies and animals. We don't have the same beliefs about God but they're often smart, funny, and more likely to share my hobbies of weeb shit and shitposting.

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This is not self sacrifice but cucking

Keep in mind Jesus also overturned tables at a synagogue and whipped jews for being evil. He also said he brings a sword for defense.

People like you who misunderstand scripture are precisely why Christian civilization is dying.

It's a religion of cucks lead by a bleeding heart martyr. Went from powerful and interesting gods to some weakling magician. Sad.

They hittin that dab instead of the body of Christ

The religion has lost its spine.

Crusaders and knights Templar proved otherwise, but the overwhelmingly heretical nature of the Roman Catholic Church is what lead to their demise.

Kind of like right now, with their current pope who relishes in the rape of innocents and sucks on the toes of murderers.

I don't consider myself LeVayan but I relate to a lot of what is said there. I am just ignostic.

>heretical nature of the Roman Catholic Church

Are you fucking kidding christians are the most passive aggressive people ever not to mention whenever something scientific doesn't fit their world view they throw a massive fit and when Obama became president the thought he was the literal antichrist

You want fries with that echo chamber?

Do you not know the first thing about US history?

The sword of the spirit is the word of the Lord, not a physical sword.

>I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire.

Christianity flourished when it was a persecuted cult, we might be heading back to those days. That's okay by me, things come and go.

hard pills to swallow, but i don't believe that the intention was to commit suicide like that. it's true that if you respond in anger, you start lasting feuds and will be destroyed, moreover descend into the underworld rather than rise above, but if someone is deliberately trying to harvest your energy and wills your destruction rather than their self preservation, i think it's only right to cast them into the fire. respond with defence only insofar as they impose their destructive will on you.
i simply do not think that that is the truth. i believe in god and the message of higher worlds, but does that mean that everything in the bible is automatically right? i don't think so.

liberal cuckery

>Christianity flourished when it was a persecuted cult
>being so brainwashed you'd rather be eaten by lions than use logic to form opinions about the nature of reality

Take your pick:

1. Idol worshipping
2. Pagan holiday integration
3. Betrayal of followers from positions of power
4. Being more greedy than a non denominational feel good Church
5. Actively pretending the pope to be god on earth

Roman Catholic Church is on par with Protestantism as far as heresy is concerned. A bygone established sect from a bygone era. I would only recognize an orthodox Christian establishment that is not connected to the blasphemous churches like Protestants or Roman Catholics.

Also, Roman Catholics support masochism on levels that parallel a sadomasochist. That is why flagellantism existed for a couple centuries in the Church.

If you go Christian, ignore Protestant and Catholic branches.

Because most of them are "lukewarm", and barely open their bible (being lukewarm is a sin). Then when you have Christians who actually try to follow the word of God as closest, they're put down by "lukewarm" Christians because "it's the current year and you're making us look bad". These people think being a literal doormat is the way to get into heaven.

This. This is the reason Hitler hated Christianity.

This. And I also fucking hate that nonwhites think they can be Christian.

Because religions is for brainlets and they are slowly growing out of it. Also this thread is full of Jow Forumstards

Atheism is like nihilism personified. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.

No it really isn't. Just because everyone isn't as emotional as you doesn't make them a nihilist.

Look up the definition of Nihilism and come back when you are ready to apologize for your stupidity.

>The work of Tolstoy has another and more special significance.
>It represents the re-assertion of a certain awful common sense which characterised the most extreme utterances of Christ.
>It is true that we cannot turn the cheek to the smiter; it is true that we cannot give our cloak to the robber; [See Mt. 5:39-40] civilisation is too complicated, too vain-glorious, too emotional.
>The robber would brag, and we should blush; in other words, the robber and we are alike sentimentalists.
>The command of Christ is impossible, but it is not insane; it is rather sanity preached to a planet of lunatics.
>If the whole world was suddenly stricken with a sense of humour it would find itself mechanically fulfilling the Sermon on the Mount.
>It is not the plain facts of the world which stand in the way of that consummation, but its passions of vanity and self-advertisement and morbid sensibility.
>It is true that we cannot turn the cheek to the smiter, and the sole and sufficient reason is that we have not the pluck.
G.K. Chesterson

>literally proves my point about him being too emotional within a single post

>literally does not know the nature or definition of nihilism and just continues to tip his fedora
Not even Christians are as faggoty as you.

Being a doormat that accepts anything isn't part of Christianity, that's a literal sin. I don't get your point.
Where does it state they can't? Why not?

your a christcuck user. you lost at life.
i pitty you and will pray for you later.

If you're not trolling and actually serious read this

But you have to be trolling

>hates nonwhite followers of a religion that originated in the Middle East
You are aware how hilarious this sounds?

>dont want to worship some dead man
>life is boring and rigged
>lol ur just stupid and an idiot
I bet you are so fucking smug for being a religious fanatic m8.

>Atheists are so begrudging of Christianity they believe every theologic belief is Christian
Stupidity is exemplified in atheists. Like a bunch of blind lemmings.

This cheap article you linked simply affirms that nihilism and atheism go hand in hand.

It gives people a reason to live.


Not sure why you're calling it "Christian civilization", considering the fact that Christianity is really just a off-branching of Catholicism.

Wow imagine having to project this hard.

Wow imagine having to resort to a snide and invalid comeback

This is why I will never be a Christian. It's weakness

Is their a point when it's too late to turn to God?
How do I resist the temptation of sin? I'm an agnostic, but there is a Commandment I break fairly often (and other sins that are not in the Commandments, not counting those right now), and I always feel guilty after I break it.

Not even catholic, I'm atheist but you're fucking retarded.
1. I guess you mean veneration of saints? Idk why this is some far out thing when religion has hundreds of dumber things
2. So you don't celebrate Christmas/easter?
3. Well yeah... it's religion
4. Well yeah... it's religion
5. No catholic has ever done this

There's never a point where it's too late to turn to god, because god accepts everybody who repents before they die, so if you go do some reconciliation before that happens, it's not to late.

It's never too late, unless you start blaspheming God, that's unforgivable. And if you're gonna repent you actually have to mean that stuff. Also remember you're still judged when you die, even the best people are.

It's only too late when you're dead, but it's not a bad idea to change your ways long before then. Do you know the story of the good thief who died next to Jesus who went to heaven with him? The thief didn't have his cake and eat it too, his earthly life was miserable and then he died very painfully because of his bad choices.

Jesus Christ just go jack off and stop feeling guilty about it. If there is a god it's not this retarded Jewish god who claims to have your best interest in mind yet sends you to a firey pit for doing things that don't hurt anyone.
Think about it. If you created a human in a Petri dish do you think you'd have the right to kill him and decide his fate just because you created him? Imagine the psychopath it would take to assume he has that authority

>doing things that don't hurt anyone.
God doesn't want you to hurt yourself either.

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Does blaspheming God mean using profanity with His name?
That's the Commandment I've broken before. No more than five times when I was a teenager, but I've also listened to music which blasphemed His name.
I have repented before at Church and felt like I meant it at the time, but I would fall back later on to other sin. I guess it's too late.
I don't want to stop trying though, even if I know I'll be damned because of what I've done.

not everyone is an edgy internet atheist, have fun with your dying meme religion.

>protecting pagans and satanists
Reminder to not allow evil for if you do you take part in it

God is not worth it.

Considering how much humans rebel, even when he gives them chance upon chance upon chance. I don't blame him. All he ask is that people do what he says.

Look it up bro.

If you're at all worried about committing the "unforgivable sin," you're not committing it. That refers to saying no to God's free grace to be with him in heaven, not saying swear words. Not that this means you shouldn't stop trying to swear because it's not a good habit, but just think about how God loves the poor and poor people speak much more vulgarly than people from well-off backgrounds.

Jacking off, smoking weed, casual sex, fucking a dude (seriously why are these old men so obsessed with genitals?) none of this is harmful but is condemned by almost all of Christianity
So he wants slaves? Or you just want everyone to think and act like you?

>Or you just want everyone to think and act like you?
It's that, but also he wants God to have his slaves too

Imagine, having stockholm syndrome for something you can't even prove exists

It's not invalid because that is what you were doing though

Nah he gives you free will, but he also has rules. He's not gonna stop you from breaking those rules, but don't act dumbfounded when he doesn't forgive you.

Also the bible doesn't state jacking off is forbidden, not directly at least. Casual sex is degrading yourself, and only roasties/fuccbois see nothing wrong with that. Dudes aren't meant to take dick, they're supposed to give it. And the you're supposed to be sober minded at all times.

>but don't act dumbfounded when he doesn't forgive you
why when all he had to do was prove he existed and nobody would have a problem
>Dudes aren't meant to take dick, they're supposed to give it
then why do they get prostate orgasms

>why when all he had to do was prove he existed and nobody would have a problem
That's not true. You have plenty satanist who know he's exist, but still continue on their path.
But if we're speaking in the Biblical sense. He did by sending his son down, who displayed that he had powers. Yet people still had problem jews, merchants, and soldiers.
>then why do they get prostate orgasms
Because you're rubbing a sensitive area, while jacking off. You literally get off from tickling yourself. There's a reason gays can't reproduce.

You can literally get off from tickling yourself*
And gays not being able to reproduce only solidifies that*

>You have plenty satanist who know he's exist, but still continue on their path.
Not really, LaVeyan Ssatanism is about the material world not devil worship. There aren't a lot of actual non LaVeyan Satanists because if God does exist, of course it's fucking stupid to worship his mortal enemy instead.
>He did by sending his son down, who displayed that he had powers
One, I wasn't there. Two, there is 0 proof that Jesus was immortal. Nothing in the Bible constitutes as proof of anything. Full stop.

>And gays not being able to reproduce only solidifies that*
Reproduction isn't important in modern society so who cares.


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>Not really, LaVeyan Ssatanism

Too many Satanist uses those "soft" teachings as a front. And there are more than Non LaVeyan Satanist than you actually think. You'd be surprised if you decided to look into it. But even if we're just talking about LaVeyan, it's still a self destructive ideology. It's literally the pursuit of ones happiness while disregarding all else. Something akin to what the serpent promised.

>One, I wasn't there. Two, there is 0 proof that Jesus was immortal. Nothing in the Bible constitutes as proof of anything. Full stop.

This is why I had a Biblical, and if that didn't suit you, a "real" world example. Also of course Jesus wasn't immortal, he died at the cross. But he did do things like walking on water, duplication, etc.

>But he did do things like walking on water, duplication, etc.
Why would I ever be stupid enough to believe this? Do you *mean* to insult everyone's intelligence?

I'm talking about what he did in the bible. The original argument was:
>why when all he had to do was prove he existed and nobody would have a problem
My response to this was, that's not true. You'd still have Satanist who blaspheme the creator, even though they know he exist (see Allister Crowly, and LaVeyan).
Then I gave a Biblical example of the jews, soldiers, and merchants witnessing the Son of God's powers, and by proxy witnessing God. Yet they still had a problem.

Again they do not believe in ghosts and spirits. Satan is merely allegory for them.

>Again they do not believe in ghosts and spirits. Satan is merely allegory for them.
I already know that. But even if he did show himself, they'd still have a problem. As their whole ideology is disregarding everything in the pursuit of one's own happiness.