hey kid, your wallet or your life!

> hey kid, your wallet or your life!
w-what do?!??

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Keep walking cause my earbuds are in.
She can't pickpocket me, and we're in a public place and it looks like she is bluffing.

chokeslam her into submission
harvest tomboy delinquent gf

Thank god I've been wanting someone to take my life

Jokes on you. My wallet is empty.

shit in my hand and fling it at her

Koakuma kunny

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do a 360 and walk away from her

"n-no thank you"
walk away

> tomboy delinquent gf
I never knew I wanted this so bad

Those pants look fucking cool. I have no idea what criteria I'd have to search for to find a pair, though.

i would go absolute chimp if i'm honest my lad

why do wemon steal all my clothes

they're dickies work pants.

>ywn have a at Russian model gfto go to tokyo with

do a 180 retard

become overtaken by adrenaline and rush at her with all of my autist rage because I've waited all of my adult life to get in a death match

I'll fucking sue you goy!

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anime isnt real my friend! i would give her my wallet though, in the form of a good SHARINGAN

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leave will you still can newfriend, you don't want to be a robot

You can have my life. I don't want it, and I'd like to see what you would do with it. You'd probably make it better than I could.

I'm 75% sure the 180 posters are just pretending to not get it, like people who say "who is moot?"

>implying she can kill me with all my layers of protective fat

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one more fell for the 360 bait

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*tapes wallet to penis*
Here, take my wallet!

Fucking genius! She touches your dick, and you become Chad!

>> hey kid, your wallet or your life!
my life please

Grope her left tit while subtly rubbing her nipple, then kick the bitch in the cunt with my pointy shoes.

significantly underrated

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Give her my wallet and beg for mercy and right as she's about to pass judgement release my genjutsu and reveal my mangyeko sharingan to her and laugh as she realizes she's actually been trapped in my chain jutsu and our roles are now reversed.

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do the old runescape Upi on her ass

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I have no idea what this means but it sounds sick. Will you teach me so I too can protect myself from thots sensei?!?

Why left tit specifically? I unironically want to know.

She wont have to go through your fat when she suckle you dry of your life force from your peepee.

I dont have a wallet and i browse Jow Forums everyday. Checkmate

My life please.
Make it quick.

just take the fucking life, please

wow, never will i phonepost again

>No weapon
What, is she gonna beat me to death? Also my wallet is empty.

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My wallet has two dollars and an uno "draw four" card in it. She can have it.

Is this reverse bait? A ploy to obtain (you)s?

At some point something will get caught on those flared trousers.

> never fought a russian woman


Don't lie faggots, this is probably the first thing that would come out of all our mouths

I would knock her out for being a pathetic weeb loser, just like I do all you yellow fever weeaboo faggots.

To be able to sock her in the face if I don't have my pointy shoes with me.

This is Japan, theft is ridiculous rare and the police are really diligent about it.

God why did you choose such a shit picture?

She's white she doesn't know that yet dummyhead.

Is that moot thing like some weird Jow Forums variation of groot from Guardians of the Galaxy?

i'd rather die than have to call and cancel all my cards and wait for new ones.

>inb4 you fell for the bait
im encouraging the bait

Not even look wtf
If you want my attention grab me or point a gun at me

can't kill me twice, whore

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Smile. Every girl runs away when I try and smile :)

>*cough cough*
>"user you go on ahead. We'll cover the rear and handle this Stacey. Only we can take on the white thot. You will only get in the way"

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looks like someone didnt pay attention in geometry xD

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>*slams right into her*
>serves you right, squirt
>steals your wallet and does a 180

Curbstomp that bitch

I'll buy you a proper boots for one night together.

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Navy pleated trousers, maybe wide legged?

I pull out my handgun and yell for him to back away or he will be fired upon.

Lol Ive been to that karaoke There a police box behind that vending machine so Id just call the friendly neighborhood keisatsu

I'll give you nothing but cold steel, you scum!

Do you know what a sphere is user?

Who is this semen demon? And is she a weeb?

I don't care
My wallet and my life are both empty

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@yungdari on Instagram as far as I know

>empty wallet
>empty soul
Whatever, I'm past caring if I live or die.

Like clockwork ogiri

my life please