>raised by a single mom >can't do anything around the house because she never taught me anything, have to learn everything by myself in my twenties >she hated sports for some reason so she never allowed me to play in any team, claiming I would just hurt myslef, which led to me being a fat fuck >raised me as a beta nice guy that wouldn't have any idea how women work if it wasn't for the internet
All you can do is learn from her mistakes and not have any kids yourself
Jose Fisher
That's what I'm doing. Thanks to her also being alcoholic I hate women and don't want to ever have a gf, so it should be okay.
Anthony White
>be me >blame mom for everything instead of accepting that I'm a failure >don't have to face reality
Jackson Cox
>be you >likely abused recently >has the betathought to seek low hanging fruit >attacks posters on Jow Forums
kys you problem child
Ayden Perez
join our side. men have a lot of love to offer you.
Jose Morales
I'm not attacking anyone, user. I was in your place before. You can't move forward unless you recognize that the only person responsible for your failures is yourself. Meme response, but it's true.
Andrew Torres
>projecting this hard
lol fat fuck sort your shit out
Ryan Torres
That was not me tho. This fucking board really needs IDs
Matthew Butler
fix your problems fatcel and stop blaming your mom for them
Jayden Roberts
Single moms are the worst Bitch kept me sheltered like a flower pot in my room and when I'm an adult she now suddenly expects me to have a good paying job, gf and kids Just fuck off
Ayden Murphy
OP, how old are you? As long as you are not past retirement age, you have plenty of time to rectify all of these upbringing failures your mom has imposed on you. Whining about it on Jow Forums isnt going to help you at all.
Cameron Barnes
These are dubs of truth but man child OP will surely ignore them. Here's an alternate version of the story based on my life >be me >father gambles away all of my parents saved money on booze and whores and sells drugs so mom leaves him >starts over and raises us alone and makes a career for herself while doing this >has no time to teach me common household chores so I teach myself because she is too busy spending all her money on me so it's the least I can do >grow up shocked in my 20s to learn many other men my age cannot take care of themselves >disgusted, but so happy my mom was who she was and taught me how to succeed and become a good person >live comfortable life with good job
It's not your "single mom" dumbasses
Anthony Thompson
Oh wow, you live in a middle class family and had everything set up for you Try growing up in a poor class single mom household with your mom being an alcoholic and a slut. She only gives you the barest essentials, not even lunch money for school and you wear the same clothes for years. Just fuck off cunt
Nathan Ross
sounds kind of familiar aren't we all products of dysfunctional families?
Evan Gonzalez
You guys act as if your parent is the only influence in your life. Its been shown time and time again that your peers are a bigger influence during your formative years. Even if you claim to have no friends, at least try to emulate whatever the people around you are doing so you can learn normie skills like talking to the other 50 percent of the population
Jonathan Lewis
No, it's not. You bear partial responsibility but you are also the result of what has occurred to you. Your memes might be accepted by brainlets who just need an excuse to feel good about themselves, but they don't do anything for people with genuine emotional trauma. Dumbass.
>random bitter user getting everything wrong It's like I'm really on r9k!
Jeremiah Watson
>>Can't do anything around the house because she never taught me anything. Most parents never teach their kids how to cook and clean, they learn that shit for themselves. >>She hated sports for some reason so she never allowed me to play in any team, claiming I would just hurt myslef, which led to me being a fat fuck Imagine being so delusional that you blame your mom for your own weight gain. I've never played a sport in my life, I don't do any kind of training, don't go outside much so I barely get any exercise. But guess what, I'm not fat. Don't blame someone else cause you're a disgusting pile of fat, you chose to eat disgusting fatty food, and you got fat that way.
>go hang out with your friends >mom loses her shit because she's a paranoid cunt who treats you like a pet >embarrasses you constantly by calling you every 30 minutes so all the friends just stop hanging out with you Yeah, parents certainly aren't a big influence
Nathaniel Jackson
Yet if your parents' influence pre-empts friendship, your peers won't have any influence because they won't exist. Learn from friends that don't exist? How do you do this when there are no people around? Jesus Christ, the retards on this board...
Carter Cox
i am literally the anti-you >raised by a single mom >got a job at 16 and learned all of the household chore shit she never taught me >never played sports but didn't eat like an asshole I'm not fat. diet is 99% of weight gain/loss >raised me as a beta nice guy but people liked me for some reason so I grew out of that
Zachary Gonzalez
>stop blaming your mom What does it feel like to be a truly, 100% worthless person? Asking for a friend
Luis Gutierrez
>I have absolutely no fucking concept of what I'm talking down to other people about and basically just suck shit: the post
Logan Gomez
i've been on Jow Forums a long time and i think the entire time you've never been allowed to criticize your parents.
that lets you know the age range of this site.
Gavin Stewart
You're more pathetic than op, but you already know that.
Connor Johnson
>the actual state of this post I am sorry that this is the most you have to contribute to the world. Perhaps if you kill yourself, you can come back as at least minimally worthwhile, like OP or something.
>the only way you gain weight is being disgusting >I've never exercised but I'm fine No, beanpole, you're the other end of the spectrum and probably have no physical coordination to boot.
Eli Phillips
>diet is blah blah blah my personal experience and no scientific analysis I'm basically a retard
Your post is some extra-ripe retarded shit. You're clearly unfit as fuck. Being weak is as bad as being fat.
Aiden Sullivan
>Gorging down tons of food isn't gross, My physical cordination is fine, I'm actually more fit than not, simply by the human body adapting and growing healthier when you don't eat garbage all the time.
John Collins
Never said I don't exercise. I do prison workouts in my room and they require literally 0 equipment to do and can be done anywhere. I'm fit as fuck.
Also I wasn't trying to one-up you either, OP. Read my post, I was literally just describing ways I'm different from you.
Figures your life is a failure when you're such fucking brainlet
Ryan Flores
holy shit user I'm from a very similar situation. Nice. Gotta say though idk about the diet being 99%, I think exercise is really important to it, but like you said prison workouts are really all you need if remember to get cardio too. But that doesn't mean anyone needs to play gay ass sports kek.
Anthony Miller
You need to run for like an hour just to burn off 100 calories. Exercise is not practical for losing weight. It will make you healthier in a myriad of different ways, but in terms of just being skinny/fat it doesnt matter. You can get abs without ever doing a workout in your life if you eat correctly.
Jose Perry
get triggered you dadless mamas boys
Ryan Adams
I lived with a single mom too >Dad left due to mom cheating before i was born >grew up dirt poor >pretty much went homeless from age 12-14 >literally no food in apartment >nearly starved to death >Mom was super religious >no girlfriends, no non christian music or friends >always alone my dad had to get back into our lives to prevent me from dying of anemia. I honestly blame her for why i am such a wreck
>grew up on a farm >dad taught me how to use tools >mom taught me how to cook >school taught me some useful stuffs >church taught me how to be a nice boy >be LVL 23 NEET KHV still stuck on farm
WOW nice epic btfo lol
Juan Scott
>tfw church didn't teach you how to sling cock like chad
Levi Peterson
>Exercise is not practical for losing weight no, cardio is not practical for losing weight.
lifting weight is though.
Landon Morgan
>raised by single mom >forced to sleep in her bed till I'm 14 >not allowed to leave house >lose all my friends >she's a fat fuck >acts impressed when I eat 3 slices of pizza >become overweight
>she becomes neet >no food >become normal weight >she stays fat >move out at 16 into dad's house >she crys when I leave >purge bad qualities acquired from mom >use her once a week for car rides and food >she just wants to spend time with her son
Too bad you raised me a sociopath bitch
Elijah Scott
Ask your mom for a pity fuck
Ian Smith
>Too bad you raised me a sociopath bitch So I'm not the only one, shits cash m8
In a similar situation as a recovering shut-in in my 20's. Recently things have been improving thanks to low dose amphetamines for my inattentive type (slow) adhd helping with weight-loss/control over my diet, concentration, thought formation, confidence and unfocused/racing thought anxiety which all led to me dropping out of public education years ago. My father was released from prison 4-5yrs ago and our relationship has been improving my life tremendously over the years, and I'm thankful he was able to find decent work even with his record. But its still very new and of course unnaturally blunted due to the separation during my adolescent years (also me being a failure shut in). Ignoring the niglets on shows like scared straight or whatever who meet their parent's in/out of jail for the first time in years, I never realized how much a proper mother/father bond mattered to the individual until me & my sibling had our first dinner since we were toddlers with our father. One of the few times I felt an unblunted, genuine happiness.
My mother is a mess who's been on paxil for over 3 decades, her own health issues, ect. But primarily it was my father's past decisions that left me with a mother who wasn't capable of parenting very well alone, or at times not at all due to typical wageslave single parent reasons. My brother filled in some of the gaps as I was growing up, but he had to enroll in University during the rougher period of it all.
Adam Brooks
kek op that's fucking sad
>be me >raised by single mom with a temper >abusive dad kicked out when i'm three, end up nonverbal and forever socially delayed >left my mom with two little babies, one of them socially delayed due to trauma, and dirt fucking poor >don't get the help i need for my problems due to high school performance >she gets sick when i'm 6 >she's hospitalized when i'm 8 when her lungs collapse and has open-heart surgery >literally kept in diapers until 4th grade because she couldn't clean the bathroom >deadbeat dad calls cops on my mom cuz the house got messy cuz she was sick and my sister and me didn't know how to do things yet >they believe him even though he shook my sister and left me socially retarded >stay at my uncle's while the case gets sorted out, where i teach myself things >school performance slides due to this >become suicidal and anxious >start fighting with my mom >lose 10% of my body weight >forced to see deadbeat weekly, just use him for wifi >get a therapist >get medicated >repair relationship with mom >finally learn how to identify some emotions >slowly cobble my life back together >mom finally recuperating, but her illness still irreversibly affected everything >still capable of things >still going to university >still not you
never learned things as a kid, wound up developmentally delayed, mom was too sick to do much "raising," both of us had a temper, we were dirt poor, had to see a deadbeat, manipulative alcoholic weekly, and i still turned out better than you. that is literally the saddest fucking shit.