
i hate college. i hate everything about the culture
there are so many THOTs fucking chad all day everyday while i need to masturbate to it.
pic is what i imagined college, instead its a grey suicide campus where you feel like an animal in an
mass animal husbandry.

man fuck my life, killing myself tonight.

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I dont know what you are talking about, everywhere and anywhere you are going to find Chad's and Thots/Stacy's
But there is also a lot of akward nerds that feel the same, you just need to find them

Used to hate it then stopped giving a fuck. Just do your assignments and study for exams, that's what you're here for, who gives a fuck about anything else.

Western women are sluts and promote being trashy, no surprise.

This. People dont go to school with the intent to fuck. They come there to learn and when they are too stressed from learning they fuck each other. Just f9cus on the learning.

i did, they were annoying af

man thats boring af, i want pussy


tell me more about your suicidal thoughs

never had a gf, depersonalized&derealized,social anxiety turned into paranoia. cant go outside or so. hate myself.

im going to get my first B's this semester. ive lost all my will to do anything. im wasting my life here. i hate it so fucking much. every fucking day is the exact same. my whole college experience has been a blur each day blending into the next. having to take out thousands of dollars in loans just to suffer each day is cruel. fuck this kiked country

have 3 exams in 3 days, skipping the first exam and still didnt do shit for the other 2
I have literally 0 motivation to do anything anymore

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I got JUSTED in computer science. Just trying to pass math and biology now. My mom wills kin me alive.

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tfw you stop going to lectures because hate sitting by yourself alone

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> just join the anime club
Nah.They are just as bad. Why do I have to choose between actual autismos or degenerate drab whores

I finally made some other autismal friends like me. I think they're still more normie than I am though since they socialize

Nah they go to college because their parents told them to or they need a piece of paper. I'm positive pretty much anything you can learn in college you can learn yourself given enough time

I'm in community college right now and I'm absolutely done with classes. None of them I'm interested in and I don't fit in with the others. I want to transfer and go for computer science/music. I'm done with this

Lectures see the best part of college. Its so much more comfy than having to work in a group

>study CS at uni in europe
>seperate campus for everything related to CS
>95% of CS students are male 5% female
>students are intelligent nerds with good grades

So I'm basically sitting in the lecture, completely frustrated and bored because I am not motivated or intelligent enough to pass. I guess it's time to change something.

Oh! Please live stream it and send us the link, user!

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I'm a two time college dropout and actually kinda miss college and its "culture" now. Especially since I'm a sad NEET with no job, no girlfriend, no friends, and no money.

> just join the anime club

Alright. What's next?

how do I dropout? there's no withdrawal option on my classes anymore

Legit if you want pussy how many girls have you asked out? Go lift and work in yourself user, you should at least be able to get a 4-5/10 thot to fuck you even if you are a massive sperg

Suicide what you think

>join the anime club
d-do people actually do this? Saw a club in my uni and thought only the absolute bottom of the barrel shit go there.
I'm talking about worse than robots.

>tfw dropped out of school for the third time today
Depression just takes everything from you, even if all you ever wanted to do was study hard.

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Same OP. I just feel so disconnected from it and every semester it becomes more and more tiresome. Only have three weeks left in the semester though. I'm happy its almost over but I'm stressing out because I have several classes that have final papers that I already know I'll put off doing until the last day.

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If you think it's that bad try going back when you're 25. The classes that require group work are hell because I wind up doing everything for three or four 19 year olds that don't give a shit about their assignments.

Stop going to classes, probably the only option after the withdrawal date

I feel you. I am dropping my math class and trying to focus on my comsci class instead. Probably will try math again because I don't know what else to do. I hate being at college, I hate leaving my room. My only lifeline is getting my drug business off the ground.

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>group work that needs to be done before wednesday
>exam thursday
>paper also due thursday
damn it and i just did a 9 page paper earlier too.

ofc you can but it takes a lot more time and pain, not mentioning the money depending when you live, dont forget that you are provided with lots of materials and info from the profs first hand without any effort to look for them

yea been doing that for a month but something pushed me to show up and have a test due tomorrow and haven't studied. mother will be slight disappoint that's all

maybe they just socialize because they need info about the studies like "exam when" or "do you have to go to this lecture"

im like this for example, trying to socialize just for the socializing too but meh, who needs that shit

Dont worry user, you have a great future ahead of you!

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>The dean of faculty writes you an email asking you how you're doing
>Mistake it for sincere concern and write him a couple paragraphs talking about how lonely and alienated I feel, that I worry about my mental health and how I'm screwing up on my classes because of the constant feelings of isolation, but I'm trying to make connections with other people and get out of my shell
>"It sounds like this semester has been hard for you, but you're trying to improve it. Let me know if you'd like to talk."

Fuck this place.

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kys, srsly fagoot

Just got offered a job. It's not in my field but it pays well and has decent benefits. Time to kiss this shitty place goodbye. So long VT.

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don't forget to buy kneepads

>Mistake it for sincere concern
You're either fucking retarded or a narcissist or both. Why on earth would the dean give a shit about your life?

It's killing me. I'm a "social" person in that I really crave social interaction, but I'm too shy to do shit. I just cant bring myself to talk to anyone because I'm afraid they don't want to talk to me and I'm bothering them, then I'd be super embarrassed and awkward when they obviously make an excuse to leave me. I can't even bring myself to sit with the group I'm assigned to during breaks between lectures.
I honestly just wish I was fucking normal. fuck my pathetic brain.

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dont kill yourself friend, i care about you

what are you doing?

Dont you know, we all facebook here

>wanna beat my dick
>roommate hasn't gone to classes in months and never leaves the room

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Yep when youre a loser that cant even succeed at college or make any friends the best option is probably just to end your life to avoid a lifetime of suffering

>went to uni from a shithole village
>dorm and living were quite expensive, but I worked previous holidays and have some family support
>planned on getting some part time job once I settle in
>2 months in
>best time of my life, still khv at that point, but met a lot of new people, more than I knew my entire life
>join actual discussion groups, join uni related and hobby related clubs, it seems like this idealistically-romaticized version of proper University from shit like "Dead Poet Society"
>managed to naturally find good balance in studies, work and social life
>this was just too good
>call from home
>half of your family is kill, car accident
>only your half-disabled grandfather and working grandmother alive
>they need help
>they need you
>because of small village, tightly knitted bond, sense of obligation, whatnot I return
>start working in a local sawmill, good money
>help them get by, work around the house, do repairs and such
>ff a year, I help grandparents to get by, help around the house. All thoughts of Uni gone, all "friendships" gone
>ff to now, I'm 29 y/o. Everyone is dead, and so am I inside. Except to work I haven't gone out in 4 years, barely spoke to anyone in recent year. I'm just earning money that I have nothing to spend them on. I dream of going back to school but I feel like my time is gone already, that the only thing that is left for me to work for couple more years, and then just live out of my savings playing games until I die in front of computer screen.

Guys, I envy you a lot. I missed that chance and I'm not sure if I would be able to start it again. I would have to write High School exams, because they kind of expire after 10 years. The only thing I'm moderately good at is English (I'm Europoor)

>finishing Uni in a few weeks
>only ever had shitty part-time jobs, never a proper full-time job

It's been fun but Uni was never for me, just not sure if I'm about to get JUSTed as a wagie or if things will improve from this point, guess we'll see pretty soon :^)

I'm so sorry to hear that eurofriend. Sorry I have nothing huge to say, I don't even know what to say.

Same desu, I don't even know what to say other than although you didn't say what European country you're from it is likely nicer to live in that my dystopian concrete wasteland

>muh grass is greener

it literally probably is though, there is nothing around here but concrete and dust

I'm writing a paper for extra credit, because my grade in the course is only at like 90% and I want a perfect score. It's an easy class and I need it to boost my GPA where all the hard ass science classes are weighing me down. The professor is a nice old man and he didn't assign any kind of guidelines on how long the paper should be or what it should be about, other than that it should relate to the subject of the class.

So I'm sort of at a loss on what / how to write it. On one hand he would probably be satisfied with a short little 5 paragraph essay, on the other I kind of want to make it a 3-5 page research paper with cover sheet and references etc just to be safe.

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>>The dean of faculty writes you an email asking you how you're doing
Probably got anxious reports from classmates thinking you were going to shoot up the place.

I'm from Poland, currently living in a mountainous village alone in a house too big for myself. I was wondering whether it would be possible to leave everything and join Uni in a different Euro country to somehow turn my life around, maybe somewhere where it is either free, or they offer some sort of delayed payment, or a loan. I'm not entirely useless, but rarely any confidence to go with, those years past broke me good.

If I could choose, I would pursue Computer Science (life of solitude made me kind of a Hackerman.jpg), but since I have some money (enough for local standards, maybe not enough for WesternEU), I would go for something more useless but comfy like history with anthropology, or Slavic languages.

I actually will look into that.

you are probably as spergy as them if you don't have any other friends though. Try to be friendly not so judgemental and you'll probably make friends with the anime nerds, normies and chads alike.

I have two weeks left to do my final year dissertation. I've barely started, and stopped going to the meetings with my advisor out of despair. A lifetime's worth of procrastination is culminating in one last great failure before I'm stuck in the adult world.

>tfw noscript acts weird after firefox update
>home exam, have to turn in paper online
>upload doesn't work, stuck loading at 0% for a good hour
>can't cancel the upload and try again, can't log on on another computer
>6am and tired as fuck, send finished paper to exam office in email and go to bed
>soviet tier bureaucracy tells me to fuck myself, doesn't count
>alright, no big deal, I'll do a delayed exam later, we can fix this
>tfw got A and B on the other two exams, things starting to look up
>two months later get a message
>because I didn't hand in the paper online I can't get an extra exam
>have to repeat entire year and banned from starting next courses
>cv is now ruined, made worse by 3 neet years before uni

>I was wondering whether it would be possible to leave everything and join Uni in a different Euro country to somehow turn my life around, maybe somewhere where it is either free
Your problem isn't tuition costs, but the cost of living in another country. You need a place to live, food, transport, air plane etc etc. Not worth taking loans and going into debt for, just resume studying in Poland. Didn't your family leave you an inheritance?

Finishing up college in a little more than a month. I'm graduating a year early with a degree in computer science; set to work for a big company in Silicon Valley with a starting salary of 115K (pre-tax) plus stocks and stuff.

Still a KHV, though. I have hobbies where the added income does make me happy, but the lack of an SO in my life makes me feel...missing something, somehow. I've heard that your chances at meeting a girl decrease heavily after college, and I'm disappointed that whole "get laid and a gf in college" meme didn't work out for me. My parents, despite being nonreligious, recommend that I try church.

Had a bad run-in with a girl in a small class of 20 or so a while back; it hurts to see her every day. Tried talking to some girls, end up finding out they're already taken or just don't want anything to do with me.

It feels much worse when it's the latter--I can understand the former; just out of basic loyalty.

I'm so glad I changed from CS to engineering.

>my uni offers PhDs in synthetic biology
>pretty much exactly what I'm interest in
>it's like super advanced genetic engineering
PhDs sound like 4 years of isolation, long hours and low pay. Then afterwards it's probably the same for my entire life.

Just ask him to close his eyes

Been years since ive enrolled in a summer class. It'll be the first time in 4 years since HS that i'll enroll into one.

Gotta get that degree fast im behind af

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>I'm so glad I changed from CS to engineering
I feel that feel so fucking much. High five engineeringbro! Fuck coding

My teacher put 9 questions for us to answer turns out the questions were in order in the book
fucking asshole i don't even want to do it since it is just copying the book to a sheet of paper

Just a month and a few days and it's back to the comfy NEET-like days of summer break.
I'll finally get to be happy again.

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I agree. I love sitting in the back not having to deal with other people

After trying community college for 3 years, it turns out that I'm not exactly cut our for it. Which is perfect because my mother has come down with Rheumatoid Arthritis and as the oldest child, I have the duty to take of her. I'm only 22. Is there some kind of way for me to make money from home? Programming, or Web design? What do?

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You cant smoke weed when you are dead bro, its worth it.

Just dont kill yourself ok

Well, 2 hours later I finished the paper. It's only about 800 words. Feels better now that it's done.

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>be me
>spend pretty much all my spare time at school in the library studying
>usually pretty empty
>finals in one week
>normies finally start piling into the library this week
>so many seats taken
>cant focus with so many people around because of the tism

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Amazon Mechanical Turk

This is not original

Is it normal to not remember at all wtf you should have learned in the past 2 years? I don't remember shit, and I can barely remember what happened in lecture today. I feel like these years are a total waste.

Not remembering doesn't mean you don't know. Don't worry about it.

I hate when they go in with their friends and won't shut the fuck up. Like I came here specifically because it's supposed to be quiet. There are signs all over the place telling you to be quiet. Can't you just shut the fuck up for once? Just once, just in this one place?

ever wonder how stupid can be in your classes

like how the fuck are people fucking failing fucking gen chem

this shit is like a review of high school chemistry

Don't , rise above, those other people are there clouds and your the sun

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Taylor series in two variables is mind numbingly time consuming and I'm sick of it.

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>Have a test that is 20% of unit grade
>Very difficult, but doable
>Get good mark because I actually studied for it
>Average mark is 35%
>Loads of people complain
>Everyone has to do the test again

Anyone else think this is kind of bollocks? The test wasn't unreasonably hard, but because loads of people did badly, the lecturer buckled and is making us do it again.

I fucking hate all the stress leading up to a test and don't want to have to deal with it again, especially since I did relatively well the first time.

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College has shitloads of pussy potential and is generally a happy place. The problem? Me.

Yes. Everybody else is having fun, being happy, making lots of friends, getting bf's/gf's, partying and so on.
Not me tho.

If your primary concern in college is getting pussy from thots or theater chicks, you're doing it wrong. You're here to build credentials and earn a degree, along with the side effect of actually learning shit. Adopt a mercenary mindset, and you wont want to die.

You're also deluded if you that colleges are special little orgies where everybody but you partakes. It's like this in normal society too. I worked in food service and everyone fucked each other.

And if human interaction is what you want, join a random club. I joined the Iranian Student Foundation at UMD and im not even Iranian. It's a good social hub, and if you get a number and invite people out to lunch or some shit you'll make "friends." If you cant bare embarrassment, you cant bare interaction in general. As for in class interaction, just exchange numbers "for assignments in case you need help." And springboard into talking about their major and or jobs.

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>just got my grade
>failed differential equations

For fucks sake. I did not expect this

>tfw graduating this autumn
cant wait until December to neet around with you guys again
hopefully i dont fail any classes along the way

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Got my first probation today sucks this happened to me I'm almost finishing all math courses (2 more and no more problem)

Lets play a game you autistic bastards.

>What College do you attend
>Your Major
>What year you're in
>Go to meal
>How badly you want to give up

University of Maryland
Transfer from community college, First semester Junior
Gyros from a nearby greek place
My will to live is still present.

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Heh nothing personnelle kid, but that's the type of thing only people who fail college believe. Good luck learning about mechanical engineering from your internet resources and self-designed curriculum

Are you a fucking retard get of this board normal fag!

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>tfw lost the entirety of my savings in crypto but at least i still have my kneepads
Time to rebuild

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Fucking normies in the goddamn library when the haven't done shit all semester amd need a 1500% just to pass is the most aggrovating part of uni ever

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What the fuck man....low wages and shit HS job await

>I joined the Iranian Student Foundation at UMD and im not even Iranian
why did you do this? do you have iranian friends?

Why can't they seperate men and women for their own classes? Or is the number of women in CS so low that they have to merge them with the men?

>Be me at trade school
>Laugh at you losers
>Get a good paying job
>Goes to Jow Forums
>Gets heavily depressed
>Life has been shitty, lost a girlfriend still have a good paying job.
>Pray for world war 3 everyday
>become so autistic my gore pictures scare off trannies and normies away became the best of the best, life became a shithole.

>Believing the homeless humanities major meme

Regardless of history being a pipeline into law, your first job matters more than your degree. I'm interning at a UN office in DC, and a buddy of mine is at the national archives.

>What College do you attend
Western Carolina University
>Your Major
Mathematics with a concentration in Actuarial Science
>What year you're in
>Go to meal
>How badly you want to give up
Too late to turn back now, at least this stuff is doable.

>Said by all losers who couldn't get into college

I do have a buddy from high school who happened to be in the club, but I approached them at a club fair looking for a social outlet. Most ethnic-based clubs dont give a fuck about your actual background. I will say there are activities where the language barrier is obvious, but they typically enjoy those that are curious. The president funnily enough isnt Iranian. I picked Iran because the food is dope.

But they have an Indian club here, south east Asian club, and many others here. I dont have any previous buddies in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu club, and there are many nice thots in the food journalism club.