Tell me about yourself

I'm boring as heck and there's nothing else to me besides that I play videogames all day, listen to obscure indie music and shitpost here.

So I'm going to steal some ideas in case someone asks me.
So tell me about yourself, r9k.

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Please talk to me somone

i work a boring office job
i browse Jow Forums everyday
i like tripping on psychedelic drugs in my room, all alone, the colors make me feel so alive
when I'm not tripping i feel empty and bored to the point of cutting myself with knives out of boredom (not too deeply, just scratches until i bleed a bit)
i jerk off to sick disgusting porn all the time
not much else to me really

i like shitposting on Jow Forums about milk lolis
im quiet and sleep deprived
my darkest secret is that i was popular on roblox forums for bait
im 18 and asexual femanon

idk bru

The best way to make anything seem interesting is to magnify until you find something cool. Take your hobbies and keep asking whats and whys.

The only things unique about me are my personality and way of thinking. Otherwise I'm just mediocre.
It really sucks because it doesn't matter if I go up to someone and say "I'm brave" or "I'm creative" or "I'll do that x thing that nobody else will do", you need to have papers to prove your skillset.
I just really hope that there is some catastrophic event that occurs so I don't have to deal with this university bullshit that will leave me with a career I barely care for.
I'd join the military but it is useless for me to join Infantry considering we aren't in a war at the moment. Guess I'll need to choose something boring relating to my career.

What counts as disgusting?

i sleep all day and snrok weed when i dont
people think im insane (long hair and weird eyes)
id just love to go innawoods but im too much of a pussy to do it alone (id also kill my self)

I'm 23 and work as a labourer mon-fri and as a carer for old people on the weekend
I've backpacked around Australia and some of Asia
I enjoy reading and have been learning guitar but I struggle to stay motivated to learn for long periods, so I'll probably never be very good
I try to go the gym 4-6 days a week coz I wanna get SWOLE!!!
I think I'm pretty good looking, but am largely disinterested in pursuing a relationship at this stage of my life
I live with my childhood best friend and his fiance, it's usually pretty good
By robot standards I'm probably a normie, but when I first started coming to Jow Forums I was probably as robot as it got

what's the most revolting porn you can think of? i've probably jerked off to it at some point, really have very few lines i havent crossed. i'm very into all sorts of masochistic humiliation fetishes and fantasies

wow a chad that op can actually take interesting traits from

I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict, little over a year sober.

Work as a line cook, which I enjoy. It's crazy hours, everyone in the back of house is degenerate and weird, so we all get along really well. Lots of camaraderie. Kind of like a second family in an odd, dysfunctional way.

I live with two of my best friends, both recovering addicts. They're pretty normie otherwise, but we have a good dynamic. I work nights, they work 9-5, so we don't get in each other's way too much but try to hang out and watch shows or whatever when we can.

Taking a home course to become a CDCA, I'm about halfway done with it, but work has been so demanding that I haven't had the energy to put much into it over the last few weeks.

When I'm not working, studying, or sleeping, I like to cook/bake at home, make cold process soap, crochet, run, or go for long drives while listening to music. Pretty boring I guess, but I like having a quiet life.

I'm just as gross as you are at porn as well. But I would never do drugs. IDK maybe I'm just too much of a pussy. I'm 20 but I still feel like I'm 15.
It's wonderful and comforting seeing you anons are almost like me. Albeit still a bit more interesting than me.
Please explain more. Im desperate for your wisdom.
I love the woods as well. I can't get enough of Bushcraft surivval videos on YouTube . But the irony is I'd probably piss myself if I ever had to sleep in the woods at night. But it seems really peaceful to me.
IDK if that's all true but you're pretty interesting.

You're actually really cool. What is a CDCA?
And how'd you get into stuff as diverse as crochet and making cold process soap?

I go out of my way to do stuff, I try to make decisions based on how good of a story it makes. I joke around a lot and probably am a little eccentric. Some people think I am somewhat strange and some people get the creeps, because I can be a little too positive and happy.

However I think it's much better to be a little different than to be boring.

Fucked up everything I have ever tried to do, as incompetent as it gets
Waiting until a new offer that I will eventually fuck up in pops up because anytime I start to stagnate, my family makes me feel miserable every day and are only satisfied when I make money
No friends
Drink the pain away whenever I have money, drugs are too much of a hassle to get since it requires talking to someone
Jerk off 5-7 times a day
Nearly impossible to sleep more than 4 hours per day
Too weak to change
Wish I had the balls to kill myself

As boring as it gets

17 live with grandmother still n highschool fat but 5.9 so it doest look too bad small dick so I am scared to have gf ,girls like me but low self esteem so don't return feeling even tho I have them mostly stay home and plat vidya and play with my cat and not many friends

your ar an a faggiete

How come am a faggiet and not the others

Thanks, senpai.

CDCA is an abbreviation for chemical dependency counselor assistant. I'd basically be working in a treatment center or detox facility, helping patients get their lives back on track. I have a BA in psychology which is totally useless by itself, but augmented with chemical dependency certification, I can start to navigate that field and develop a career, hopefully.

My mom taught me to crochet when I was young, I got back into it when I got sober as a way to keep my hands busy. I have a lot of anxiety and it's soothing to me.

As for the soap making, it was something I'd been wanting to do for years and had bought a lot of the materials I needed to get started a long time ago, but was always too fucked up to actually get it going. I found that doing handmade soaps was a good way to save money when I was broke and living in a 3/4 house, and it doubled as a cute cheap way to put together gift baskets for friends and family over Christmas.

You are exactly what I would be like if I was happy with my life.
Don't worry user. Work on it and it will change. I'm not one of those feel good fags but I know what I'm talking about. How old are you and how do you earn?

mods do your thing

Real cool. Yeah, I bet a psychology degree would come in handy in a bunch of places. But a career in a line as obscure and unsaturated as a CDCA is something I definitely would recommend to you.
How old are you user and also can you make napalm with that soap making ability?

Oh please don't act u ain't been underage before on a website

You obviously are good looking and have enough of a personality if girls like you. Just get rid of that fat. People lose weight all the time

Yeah, there's a lot of burn out in the field just because it's fucking depressing in all honesty. The rates at which heroin addicts stay clean or even survive is really low. I've seen a lot of my friends go back out, I've known people who have died or permanently fucked themselves up from using though, so I'm kind of used to it.

I'm 26, and no, I cannot make napalm. Not really interested in it either desu. I'm a fairly peaceful person.

I'm french, living with my mom
I have Obsessive compulsive disorder and it's kind of ruining my life at this point
I fall in love very easily and when I do I can't think about anything else
I hate myself more than everything
I still work out (calisthenics) and eat well, I don't drink anything else than water, alcohol makes me wanna puke (my dad was an alcoholic)
Consider myself ok-looking, not tall but not too short either
I write french poetry when my feelings get too deep
Not motivated for anything, not expecting anything from the future

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>Please explain more.
>"I am doing X"
>"but what am I really doing?"
>"Why am I doing it?
>"What am I getting out of it?"
Ask yourself questions like that and keep doing it and you'll find something interesting. You could also find out interesting things about other people if you ask them these types of prodding questions in a less blunt way.

I am Brasil, my name is Lucao, I like the popozao, and listen to my funk music in the busao, Very loud and bothersome, and steal wallet of safado gringo.

What about the small dick saw my dads dick it's huge atleast 8 inches while I have 4 inches while hard its not fair :c

I'm sorry but I had to do this. Also this seems like a camouflaged rate me post.

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Hi Sad Phil


Lol Triple dub nice xD

You're French, young, and good looking! You have it great. I know there must be shit pulling you down and your sadness isn't meaningless at all but try looking at the bright side.

I don't say it in a normie way, I say it so you wake up and make the best of it all! Don't waste it away. I would trade places with you in half a second.
I have no idea what you mean

Bro I know what it feels like when you have a generic disadvantage you can't control. Try fucking them in the dark or whatever. Improvise.

But let me tell you that SEX IS MEANINGLESS.
Yes I say that as a person who's fucked 7 women so far. (5 were hookers). I've only ever had one night flings.

And yeah jerking off feels better. What I really crave and what eventually everyone will crave is love. You will think I'm bullshitting right now, but when you fall in love you will know what I mean.

That's not me in the OP pic tho