If "nice guys" are so nice, why don't they kill themselves and spare everyone their cowardice, manipulations, creepiness, and delusions? This shit is just pathetic.
If "nice guys" are so nice, why don't they kill themselves and spare everyone their cowardice, manipulations...
is this most of Jow Forums
Most of Jow Forums are socially awkward and have autism, I doubt they would ever be able to talk to a real woman.
>Please be my waifu
Everyone here knows that waifus are only 2D
Robots aren't "nice guys"
>Most of Jow Forums are socially awkward and have autism, I doubt they would ever be able to talk to a real woman.
The true "nice guys" are the soyboys who can actually talk to women without panicking.
>ewww a man of straw hit on me.
because they're not nice, their behavior is just a camoflage
HEY you are back! Nice. How big is your folder with this pictures?
Dude I want more of these
Swear to god i've seen almost every internet stereotype irl, but i've never saw the "nice guy".
Only see this term being used around twitter, and i think its is very loosely used.
To me this is just a way for women to turn down that tries too hard to get their attention.
Just share your entire folder already > ,
>Robots aren't "nice guys"
This. Non interaction with the opposite sex (besides mom) is that defines a robot.
this. I've never met one of these mythical nice guys either
yes fuck the thots reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i bet you dont meet many guys you wouldnt sleep with but that also wouldnt sleep with YOU
>i bet you dont meet many guys you wouldnt sleep with but that also wouldnt sleep with YOU
Thats because theyre a feminist psyop. They do not fucking exist. They never have. Sage and report all nice guy threads
Your autistic rant is bad and you should feel bad. Screenshotting your own garbage is pitiful.
>Screenshotting your own garbage is pitiful.
This is a commonly reposted screenshot. Not mine.
Never seen it before. It's just you trying to pretend people screenshot that shit.
>Never seen it before.
Then lurk more. If you can prove I'm the original poster please do so. The burden is on you.
I've seen it before. You're just a normie who discovered this website 4 years ago
probably because guys arent trying to fuck you you idiots
>implying romantic comedies are in any way indicative of what is and isnt appropriate in real life
holy shit i didnt know i had wandered into a brainlet thread
is there a psyop going on against nice guys or something?
stop posting obsessively about it, it's retarded.
Really hate how normies have co-opted "waifu"
but a guy is making a thread about it?
>inb4 layers of nonsense upon layers of nonsense
its almost like you can have a conversation with women and understand their experiences as human beings while having a y chromosome who would have thought
This gaslighting you enjoy so much is evil. You're taking advantage of mentally weak, vulnerable men to sate your sadism and frustration. You're legitimately a terrible person at the moment and I hope that something happens to you that teaches you to become a more empathetic person.
I've met plenty of "nice guys" and it's not that they're even nice, it's just part of courting. Even complete jerks put on the nice guy facade if they're interested. It doesn't mean they're desperate either, its just a game they play. Pretending to have her best interest in mind so she'll pick you and be disappointed when she finds out how you really are. This is why "just bee yourself" and "she only likes assholes" gets memed so hard. Women that have dealt with "nice guys" get sick of the fake shit and start looking for honest guys instead.
"nice guys" aka numale soyboys should be culled, fucking gender traitors.
anyone got the comic of the nice guy getting BTFO'd by a wall of text from a roastie. The characters are stickmen, I saw it last night but can't find it again.
>it's almost like
anytime someone begins a sentence like this i know they are full of shit.
The "nice guy" who only uses niceness as a manipulative tool to get sex is pure feminist fiction. The archetype doesn't exist. All it does is justify misandry and the eternal pursuit of the Dark Triad Chad.
Are you new here? Jow Forums is full of bitter virgins who describe themselves as nice, and at the same time rage about women who are stupid whores for not wanting them because they are too nice.
What about the nice guy female ally who ends up being a rapist
I dont fucking need to have guys to fuck me to observe if there is someone trying to force chat with some girl that i always see in classes getting hit by a shit ton of students every where.
>Never seen it before
I've never seen or heard a guy talk to a woman like that outside a few screencaps on Jow Forums
lurk moar nigger faggot I've seen that cap a few times before
>nobody thinks women trying to get men is manipulative
Objectively false. There are so many movies where men stalk women, spy on them, won't take no for answer, crash their wedding, play the song they had sex to outside her window after being told to desist contact, etc. It's always framed as True Love.
Women do the same thing? You get Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
I can only think of one movie where a woman being crazy is framed as cute - and that's the Dear Santa TV special where the lady stalks a soup kitchen manager.
Karen is a fucking retard.
You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much I completely stay away from them!