This is what every proud white male should do. Breed out the other races through sexual conquest. Spread your seed

This is what every proud white male should do. Breed out the other races through sexual conquest. Spread your seed.

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Niggers are disgusting and aren't worth having sex with. Now asian girls...

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white + brown still makes brown, whites can't breed out other races

breeding quadroons is better. If you colonize a fresh black then there's a chance that they just breed your genes back into the black gene pool. It's better to finish the job whiting a bloodline that's almost finished.

Whites can make other races less brown

But her nog genes would just overpower white genes. Why does that happen anyway?

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Its a continuous procedure

Breed all of them so they go further on the gradient towards whiteness

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Mulattoes go full nigger because it combines the worst genetics (hideous lazy white trash woman and violent legally retarded Congo monkey) and places them in a shitty environment.

If a respectable white man and a respectable black woman had a baby and raised it properly there would be far fewer problems.

white genes are inferior

Go to Africa, parts there they still think whites are magic and you have to beat off women with a stick.

This thread was started by a JEW.
Do not fall for their Talmudic arguments.

Why is it that the race of the child is typically associated with the farhers race?

the father has more a characterizing effect on the child usually. The mother is equipped with everything to make the child, the father adds the defining traits.

Imagine it like, the mother has a ball of clay to make the baby with, and the father gives her the fancy extras to add detail with, like paints, beads, etc... except those details are things like skin color, eye color, hair type, and more. It's not entirely one sided, but the effect of the father is like 60-70% rather than just 50-50 with the mother.

I love black women and have had gfs of mutliple races but, idk man i kinda wanna have 4-5 green eyed white kids that look just like me.

That isn't how it works origanu

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this is pure bullshit. its a perfect 50/50 otherwise you get shit like trisomy 21.

"he looks like you", a sentence usually said to the dad, is just a social formula meaning "its yours you didnt get cucked". hence the importance of the father's race: we live in a patrilineal society.

>this is pure bullshit

No it actually isn't.

Its called genetics, not your fucking bro science. You know nothing Jon Homo.

Stop teasing me with this shit

Every reminder of the fact I'll never do anything in life brings me ever closer to the edge of suicide

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Ok stay in the dark, no skin off my nose if you want to remain dumb.

Nice bait OP now Jow Forumshas woken out of it's retarded brains slumber

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Retarded absolutely retarded what did I just read