How do I tell my gf she's letting herself go without ending up like pic related?
How do I tell my gf she's letting herself go without ending up like pic related?
Inject testeroine into yourself to start appeciating brap hogs
>The absolute state of mainstream news
Man up and tell her she let's down the fork or the cock.
Tbh, if she doesn't notice and reign in that sort of thing on her own, she's not a keeper.
How the fuck is this newsworthy?
>I'd rather have a girlfriend that doesn't care for herself than none at all
Lmao cultivate some self respect you pathetic faggot. Tell her that she's letting herself go, and you would like to help her get in shape.
If she recoils at this then drop her immediately. If she agrees then she's a keeper. Honestly a win win
I had a gf with bipolar disorder and I nutted up and old her she was getting fat. Turned out okay. When I dumped her she keyed my car and rubbed dog shit all over the windshield. You just gotta man up OP
Don't use the phrase "beer gut", but at the same time you should be setting expectations that you can speak candidly with her. This is especially important when the subject is whether or not you can continue to be attracted to her. She knows that getting fat makes her less attractive, and she understands that this affects the health of the relationship. So she needs to be able to hear you and take action if you say something in candor.
Likewise, you need to sack up and say it, politely but clearly. Doesn't have to be a whole "we need to talk" production, or something you spring out of nowhere, just say it. You need to hold yourself to the standard of being candid, just as you rightly expect her to be able to handle that sort of thing.
> Used to date a Russian girl
> This is exactly their attitude, they actually get mad if you don't say "you're getting fat" because it means you don't care about their appearance, which means you don't care about the relationship and are probably cheating already
> She was crazy and I'm glad she's gone but all American girl mind games are fucking amateur hour since then
Mate I am going through the exact same thing.
My missus has put on over 20kgs in the last couple years and its pissing me off in so many ways.
>No sex anymore
>Personal hygeine standards have dropped
>Bulk junk food always around the house
>No energy to exercise due to poor diet
>Her mental health is dropping due to all of the aboe, on anti-depressants.
I tried daily to get her to come work out/jog/walk with me but there was always an excuse.
Started asking in a subtle nice way, but now i am to the point were i straight up tell her she needs to get up and do something.
If she happens to put on anymore weight she will have to chose me or her lifestyle.
>Feels bad man.
I called myself fat and ask my girlfriend to help me work off the weight together.
Do that maybe
Gotta get a handle on that shit bro or itll only get worse.
>that last line
Holy shit, if I was the dude and saw that I'd make preparations to pull the rug out from under her.
Tell her she has a beer gut.
If she dumps you over that then YOU'RE WELCOME.
Any fat cunt who does something like that is just looking for an excuse to dump you or looking for an excuse to get fat.
Neither of which are a good thing.
Say she looks rubenesque.
It's already gone too far. Leave. It's done and over with and its a lost cause.
Bro its only going to get worse and you know it. Ive been in that exact situation.
oh fuck that is painful to read
how long that last? a week?
Why do women make their eyebrows like that? They look drawn on with flat-tipped markers.
start watching woman weight lifters. They eventually will get inspired and realize you dont turn into a body builder monster looking freak when you work out. Mattie rogers, kristin pope, that megsquats girl.
I think she'll come around when you threaten to break up with her, considering you're not a beta who she bosses around.
One of the main reasons women get fat is that they are already in a relationship or married, so theres no need to attract people to her. If you threaten her with the prospect of being single, and unable to get into another relationship because of her weight, it might put the fear of god in her and wake her up.
Good luck
>I think she'll come around when you threaten to break up with her
come around for how long? 2 months? Its over man.
Whats worse is that she tore an acl last year and has done barely a minute of her rehab exercises pre-post surgery to this day.
Every time we do something like grocery shopping i have to hear how sore her knee is and always uses that as an excuse to not exercise
>bf get in car accident
>inb4 "show tits", I'm a fag
>nothing too bad
>cracked ribs, a couple broken bones
>worst of it was rhabdo bad enough he was put on dialysis to take load off the kidneys
>3 months later
>making dinner
>Sit down in the living room
>start eating
>"hey, where's my dinner"
>grab his stomach fat "right there"
>"fair enough"
She will use that excuse for the rest of her life to justify her actions and the situation she is putting those around her in.
>on the verge of breaking up because my girlfriend gained 30lbs in less than a year and she won't change
I fucking hope so man, i feel like such a shallow cunt because i absolutely love her to death.
And to be honest, I'd probly have a harder time single than she would
Set a good example, also stop fucking her. Both of these things will activate the massive part of every womans brain which is dedicated to self loathing.
He'll have to see how it goes I guess.
It doesnt seem like he had been too assertive before so you never know until you try
I had a bipolar gf. When she was thinner her bipolar was in check. When she was bigger she was a walking time bomb. I tried so hard to explain to her that it wasn't a physical thing and that i was more worried about her mental state but no matter what I came out looking like the bad guy.
Go shopping with her.
>"oh ow. My knee"
>"there's two ways to fix it. Lose weight and do your physical....."
>purposefully trail off and turn your head to look at another women and let her see you do it.
Start looking at other women all the fucking time.
fastest way to fix that shit is to cheat on her
she will sense you slipping away and start to clean herself up
don't "have a talk" or any of that bullshit
just start dressing like a fucking stud and being less available
when she asks why you're so distant, just reply with something like, "oh...i hadn't noticed" and continue gaming other women
this works so fucking well that feminists would outlaw it if they could
invite her to the gym, implying it's because you want her more by your side (which is not true, but it's enough for a girl to fall into)
Dump her.
Don't say it just do it.
Get your shit and move out or get her shit and moooooooove her ass out.
Don't get me wrong, i think about it all the time,
and when I've been out I've had plenty of chances...
But knowing that when she finds out and it blows up, having her whole family and my own family know i wasn't faithful/disrespectful would kill me.
Call me a bitch or beta or whatever but when you live together and have been together for years and most people probly expect you to get engaged any day you just can go out and do that
Oooo noooo. How will she ever find another man before the night ends
Now he has freedom to give his free love to a cuter girl.
Grow a fucking pair and move on. You clearly don't find her attractive anymore and the bitch has given you every excuse to get fatter.
You need to see the writing on the wall now. The sooner the better.
>Dating bipolar women
Anons why do you hate yourself
They suppress it and you don't find out until you busted some fat nuts deep inside their pussys and by then you are hooked
Frightening, any good red flags to watch out for|?
user, are you by any chance overweight yourself?
Mood swings. My ex was like a balloon that would swell and get happier and happier and then BAM you say one wrong thing that a normal girl would brush off but she would let ruin her night.
>Have physical job (9years working)
>Play football on weekends, train twice a week
>Gym 3 times a week.
We met because we had a similar interest in fitness. She was like 56-58kgs when we first starting dating: fit rig, great legs, great arse, ran 5kms for fun most nights, not an ounce of fat on her. Now she looks like horrid.
God I wish I was a faggot I love men
How old are you two? Do you have kids?
/fag/ master race
don't tell her anything
just start talking to other girls behind her back and dump her when the moment is right #VagToVag
Mid-20's and no
>girlfriend gets fat
>tell her she got fat
>she gets mad dumps you
>no longer have fat girlfriend, as this was part of the original proposition that she was getting too fat
If you aren't going to break up with her if she tries to tell you she isn't losing weight then why even mention it?
Its 2018 sweaty, fat shaming is problematic
If you are out of shape too, just tell her that you want to get fit and it would be nice if she would join to motivate you.
I'm in breakup limbo right now with my partner of 3 years because I've snowballed so much resent over time that the relationship has became toxic. She's probably around 80KG up from around 67KG.
who gives a fuck? I dont want to live with someone whos fat and has the mental capacity of a toddler
just dump her. I would never work out and then settle for a fatty, that's just sad.
Tell her in person, make it DEAD serious. DEAD serious, okay? FUCK being lighthearted. Act like she has cancer and that the only way to fix it is by fixing up the diet. DEAD serious. Don't insult her physique, women are more fragile than even me, just fucking make sure she feels DEAD serious about it like you.
>"Hey, there's something important I want to talk to you about... I feel like you've fallen a bit out of shape. I'm sorry for bringing this up, but I really care about your health. I want to you to be happy. I'm not sure if you notice yourself, but I can see you've put on some weight. Babe please... This is really serious. I want to be with you forever babe, I want us to be happy, and healthy. Please babe.. Let's try and improve our health and fitness, together. I'll help you, I'll do the best I can. Babe, I love you."
Whether she listens to you or dumps you, you will no longer have a fat gf.
by being an adult in an adult fucking relationship, if you can't tell her she has a weight problem without her losing her shit she is a child and you need to move on.
If they have a vagina, odds are good that they're crazy.
This! My girl graduated from uni and moved to a 9-5, so changed her lifestyle without changing the calorie intake, gained like 12lbs. I just kept telling her that I love her, meant it and showed it, but stopped showing sexual interest (which was no act, I can't stand unneccessary fat on a woman). Also I set an example of being fit, and always talked openly about what kind of women I like. Took some tears and time, but worked real nice.
Please, for the love of anything decent at all, don't listen to half these fuckwits that have never even seen a vagina in real life, and please, please, please just talk to her. Communicate with her. Push her to be better. If she won't, then the relationship has to end because she will stagnate as a person and become unbearable to everyone and everything. That's on her. If you lover her, try to get her to push herself. Come from a position of love and caring, explain yourself and if she wants to fight, fight. Don't let it escalate too much. If she starts yelling and shit grab her hand. Look at her eyes and tell her you love her and want what's best for her and you. If she doesn't accept that, she's being immature. Just use reason, and tact, man. You can do it. I believe in you. I hope she reacts well.
What you need to realise is women want what they cant have
If you show that you are willing to walk away if she gets fat, that means she doesn't "have" you, and she will work hard to stay with you. There is no way on god's earth they will trade that for a simp who loves them no matter what size they are. Cos women already "have" those guys without even doing anything, so naturally they don't want them anyway
Dont be one of those dickheads who go
>You're fat and lazy, get fit or I leave
Its more complicated than that.
WHY is she not as energetic as she used to be. Its one thing to get older and frailer, another if there are issues in your life that are making you depressed, less energetic and not how you used to be.
You need to set down an ultimatum though. You sit with her and ask her if something is wrong, if shes not happy, what you can do to improve. Then you go into the fact that you dont like how shes lost her energy, she isnt taking care of herself, you dont like her eating unhealthy when you eat healthy, that you are looking after yourself and she isnt.
Once you've had this uncomfortable shitty conversation leave the topic for a week and see how she reacts. Dont get mad and just react in the moment. If in a week nothing has changed and she has made no efforts to fix anything (or worse done detrimental things) then its time to leave.
Fucking run dude
Honestly, just give certain parts of her body a bit more attention.
>Come up from behind, put my hands on her stomach pudge or love handles
>Jokingly pinch a roll every now and then
>i feel like such a shallow cunt
You feel shallow because you think its just about the fat. But the fat is a consequence of how she lives. Think about all the things causing those issues, rather than the consequences of them. People dont just get fat, they eat unhealthy, they dont work out, they are less energetic and dont do things, ect. Those are all traits that are unattractive regardless of being fat or not.
Ignore her weight for a moment. If she started running, eating healthy and no junk food, went out and did more activities with you/others. You would like her a lot more because she is active and thats attractive. Those are hobbies and things about life you like to see in a partner, regardless of weight. As a side effect she would also start losing weight.
Guys are notoriously shit at articulating interpersonal relationship issues. We always think its about our dicks when really there is a lot our dicks think about that we dont.
.. t.. tee r-roastie..
What you're gonna do is signal it in a way so that she picks it up subliminally and eventually gets it without you having to say it directly to her. Don't ACTUALLY TELL HER the problem, just perform subtle actions in secret that HINT at the problem. Such as asking her if she's hungry/full when eating, and...
I can't do this shit I can't come up with this girl shit.
Talk to her.
>>I'd probly have a harder time single than she would
No, bro, you wouldn’t. One of the biggest relationship myths out there, and it keeps good guys in bad relationships.
This man knows his shit. Trust your cock. Your cock knows best.
Its always funny when you hear
>I was about to have sex with a girl but I couldn't get it up! Is my dick broken?
Then you find out she was overweight, unclean, made zero attempts to be attractive or flirtatious and just lay on the bed waiting for something to happen like a prune.
Like no fucking shit that isnt good enough for your dick, your dick has standards even when you dont.
That's modern society for you. Absolutely zero pressure on a woman to act appealing; it is a guy's sole responsibility to be the aggressor, act appealing, and find the woman attractive no matter what.
Women value a quality relationship and men value sex. It's easier for women on social media and dating than it is for men, but that ease doesn't necessarily end up in something women value, being a quality relationship from a high standard guy. It's easier for women to be used. The dating game is bullshit regardless for young men, so it's easy to be short-sightedly frustrated.
what a moron her bf. id fucking impregnate that belly so quick
looks like you'll have to wait a couple of months
Good advice from thread:
>flirt with other women
>be the best you can be to inspire dread
>move on
Soy advice in this thread:
>communicate with her
Nah, he'll just chase after traps if he does that.
Because bitches and whores need to justify their bitching somehow.
But she's unnecessarily chubby.
Well guys I'm in the club aswell.
6"2 85kg lfiting 3 times a week. Pretty lean and decent lifts.
Married a 50kg 8/10 chinese girl.
2 years into marriage and shes 82kg
Breaks my heart but i love her so much. I have rejected sex from her for nearly 3 months and I don't think she is taking the hint yet.
>desert only 3 times a week
I never thought about it like than man, thanks for the advice.
Same problem.
I am in the same situation
My gf actually competed in a novice bodybuilding comp mid last year, but was so exhausted from it and working at a new job that she completely stopped training after it.
She has blown up I think 45 lbs since then... its honestly crazy how quick she's gained the weight. I fucking hate this because shes the best gf Ive ever had by far personality wise, and when she was fit it was honestly like a perfect dream.
Now its a fucking nightmare and I dont know what to do... If she was even halfway between where she is now and where she was at her comp Id be cool with it
You are all pathetic, dump the hambeast and find some fresh young pussy. There are over a billion women on earth yet you get stuck on fat bitches.
Ease her back into it man. Set a new goal, not a competition goal, but just a new goal. Someone who HAS been fit before will have an easier time getting back into it.
this. dont change a woman level up its not like its hard. 2 weeks of being an emo fag then hit tinder.
>since i started HAES
since i just said fuck it, i'll be a sloth
That's cuz they are fake. My cousin shaves her eyebrows then glues fake ones on. Looks like absolute shit. Some women even fucking tattoo eyebrows on.
Bet she did psych.
throw out all the junk food
when she questions it ask her why she's eating that crap in the first place and refuse to answer where its gone until you get a satisfactory answer
If a woman leaves you because you "made her uncomfortable" then you can straight up cash that up as a solid win, my dude. You just saved yourself from being a whale trainer down the line.
Just straight up tell her, that's what they want you to do anyway
Article I read about this woman pointed out the picture she used on Tinder when she matched with the guy was when she weighed 80 pounds, versus 120 now. In the three months she knew the guy she gained 5 pounds when he finally made the comment.
He was probably scratching his head why she seemed so much chunkier than the initial picture looked. As he stays with her for a few months he notices how she's gotten even heavier and finally suggests they both try to be healthier, to which she then felt the need to go to social media and now there's multiple stories about this.
80 pounds? Is she 4'5? I just calculated and 80 pounds at 20 BMI would mean she's like 4'5.
Yahoo is ran by a woman.
Possibly, but main issue is she increased her size by 50%.
>ridiculous book of rules
>dessert "only" 3 times per week
I hate the average person