This button makes all niggers disappear. Do you press the button?

This button makes all niggers disappear. Do you press the button?

Attached: 61QKhYL+eCL.png (512x512, 101K)

Abso-fucking-lutely holy God damn shit yes.

This is the worst thread on Jow Forums today

I eat the button.

Hell no, white trash needs balance.

Niggers won't solve your loneliness. The women they take will just be taken by Chad.

I'd rather have a button to make me disappear

Go back to le reddlt, I suppose you'd rather have more boipucci and interracial threads

No I dont want to disappear

No, because invisible niggers would wreak havoc.

P e r i s h

Nah, blacks have never been anything but chill to me.

What women do they take? I just hate niggers because they're obnoxious and blame me for shit I didn't do.

Depends on the definition of nigger
If it's just "black person" then no
If it's "degenerate person" then yes

Nah, give me one for whites, chinese, or east indians and I'll break a finger pressing that button so hard

Truly what is a nigger?
Someone with dark skin?
Someone of African decent?
How much African DNA constitutes a nigger?
Will my friend who is quarter French black but had been called a nigger disappear?

The definition is anyone with any percentage of African blood.

Sure, I'll press it. Would rather press one making all the Jews disappear though.

>Will my friend who is quarter French black but had been called a nigger disappear?

>Only women who ever show interest in me are black
>Live in a country with worse black crime rates than the US
Tough choice

If we all came from Africa wouldn't that be everybody?

The DNA that makes you niggerer, retard

If anyone has to think twice about this question, Please GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD

Was this supposed to be a hard question?

>your board
You're outnumbered by "normies", user. The majority rules by orientation of topic. The only control you had was in a group of others who thought like you: now even that acceptance is dead.

Goodbye, bot.

sandniggers count? i would smash that button.

Nah. The only bad thing is black women. Some are cool but almost every one is a racists piece of shit. After i bumped into one the cunt made a big deal about it and said i was going to shoot her. I was on my phone and dident even talk to her.