>plan out sucide
>start thinking about the possibility of reincarnation or endless loop of reliving my current life
If there's anything else than endless void after death I will be fucking pissed
Plan out sucide
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I`m in exactly same sitiuation, therefore
I know that feel bro
If you reincarnate as anything else than a human you'll barely be self aware enough to realise you are alive.
So it'll be fiiiine.
What if I reincarnate as human?
There's like 90% that I will be born again as sub-saharan nigger, pajeet or chink.
Well, if reincarnation is a thing, then it means we don't keep our current consciousness, it gets reset in a way.
Otherwise people would remember their past lives, which they don't.
And if you lose your current conscioussness, then you'll lose your personality, aka yourself, which means that you won't be the same person, which means this current version of you won't worry about your next life.
But, y'know, whatever.
Also, the chances of you reincarnating as a human is abysmally low, considering there are like a trillion other animal/insect species out there.
There is a hell
And we're already in it
On a serious sidenote, there probably is no form for reincarnation. Don't worry about it.
If you do reincarnate you will also probably be a 10/10 privileged white girl at some point
Is that so bad?
If there was no reincarnation then how are we all here? We all didn't exist before, just like being dead, but now we are here.
But there is tho.
Everyone and everything living is a part of the same "consciousness" (the thing that leaves when you die, call it whatever you want) So basically you were everything that ever is and will be, and everyone and every animal and everything that lives that ever lived and ever will live is you. Oh and you could reincarnate as alexander the great after you kill yourself in modern day, and through "free will" (completely predictable moves you make, predictable because there's no true random) you end up making the exact choises as alexander as alexander made in modern history, thus creating yourself in the process.
I don't have any concrete proof to back this up, but hey, it's nice to think about and so far couldn't disprove it so yknow
I've given this concept some thought and while I find it comforting, it's more or less superstition like any other religion. I might actually kill myself later on tonight, so we'll see then.
I suppose this short story resonates with that idea of yours:
At some point we are all going to die anyway.
Most people believe in some kind of afterlife. It makes you wonder why. Don't give me that self-important atheist answer about superstition because that's half-assed.
Unless you're 30 or over, hella ugly, broke, homeless and without a family i'd strongly advise against sudoku
I consider it... well, a religion for an atheist if you will. Nothing too serious, just an autistic thought in an autistic mind i like to think about now and then.
Reincarnation doesn't exist. It's hippy bullshit. There is literally no proof that any concioussness exists outside of your own mind.
You are nothing more than chemical receptors and electrical signals. Get over it.
Most people I've tried to explain that concept from the short story have scuffed at me or ignored me. They aren't interested it seems. Kind of killed my passion for it. I do occasionally read some Alan Watts, and he sometimes entertains similar ideas, so at least I got that.
Considering there's literally quadrillions of animals on Earth, it's very unlikely
Maybe try applying yourself to something constructive, OP?
The only constructive thing left for me is throwing the hard drives into a river and writing the suicide note.
Whatever helps you justify your suicide. Once your dead none of that shit matters. At least to you.
If you guys are seriously interested in reincarnation, try studying Buddhism or other eastern religions. In almost every case, suicide leads to lower rebirth. This means that it can and does get worse. I've read many parts of the Pali Cannon, even the lesser known parts about the Hungry Ghosts. It's one of the only thinks to keep me from ending it.
>And i'm not even a buddhist
But religion is not real
no one can die and retain memory of what happens afterwards
For all we know the opposite happens
You fell for the afterlife meme user, the concept that one remains conscious after death or the idea of a heaven is pure fucking bullshit, it's something humans made up to feel better and fool themselves into thinking they're lives are worth something or have any significant meaning, you really think apes, dogs, snails, or trees for that matter, since the're all living creatures, have a soul or go to some spiritual realm after death?
Once you're dead, you're dead, no conscious, no memories, no pain, no pleasure, no bliss, just nothing, like an eternal dreamless sleep, a void, so don't worry, you're good user.
>But religion is not real
I'm not really arguing that. Reality in many philosophies can be considered subjective. None of it can be "proven", in as much as the definition of "proof" is under the concepts of western scientific rationalism. I simply choose to believe due to experiences i've had with the paranormal. I've studied the occult as long as I can remember (former /x/file) and do admit that *most* of it is hokum. But there's definitely another world out there that exists outside of our everyday waking consciousness.
I wholeheartedly believe in some from of the afterlife, because i've studied the necromantic traditions of many cultures and witnessed things that can't simply be pigeonholed as "mental illness".
He's talking about being born again as a different human on this earth at a later date. Not the afterlife.
Your conciousness fades away, you have no memories of previous life, different personality lives, your old personality doesn't exist anymore. It's exactly the same as just void with no reincarnation.
Every single traditional society would differ with you on that notion. In fact, in many traditions what you're describing is actually the end-game. In the branch of Gnosticism that I follow, a return to Source is not being reunited with the Abrahamic creator deity, but a return to precosmic essence, or simply the concept of becoming raw potentiality. This I more or less what Nirvana would be as well, as far as I'm concerned.
that implies he would have to retain some kind of consciousness, or actually have a soul, which he certainly doesn't have, our whole being is nothing more than our brain, there is nothing beyond it, once your brain shuts down, that's it, you are dead, because that is where you, your personality, is stored, not some idiotic fairy tail ghost. So no, he won't ever be reincarnated.
I honestly don't understand why humans have this sense of self rightousness, that they can, technically live forever as a soul or continue to live on the planet trough reincarnation, why can't we just be content with nothing, why do we have to live forever?
Consciousness =/= personality
Because many people have had experiences that fall outside of the modern secularized paradigm. If you've had an out of body experience, if you've astral projected, if you've had a near death experience, if you've witnessed the paranormal first hand, or even if you've dabbled in psychedelics, you might tend to stray from dead rationalism.